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Active ankle foot orthosis 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61F-005/00
  • A61F-002/68
  • A61B-005/103
  • A61F-005/01
  • A61B-005/107
  • A61B-005/00
  • A61F-002/70
출원번호 US-0322300 (2014-07-02)
등록번호 US-9668888 (2017-06-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Herr, Hugh
  • Blaya, Joaquin
  • Pratt, Gill A.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Goodwin Procter LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 283


An Active Ankle Foot Orthosis (AAFO) is provided where the impedance of an orthotic joint is modulated throughout the walking cycle to treat ankle foot gait pathology, such as drop foot gait. During controlled plantar flexion, a biomimetic torsional spring control is applied where orthotic joint sti


1. An autonomous motorized assistance device comprising: a motor mechanically coupled with a spring to a portion of the device, the motor powered by a power supply and applying torque about a joint to power the joint and assist a user;at least one sensor mounted to the device; anda controller receiv

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (283)

  1. Janusson, Hilmar; Gudnason, Palmar, Absorbent structure in an absorbent article.
  2. Janusson, Hilmar; Gudnason, Palmar I., Absorbent structure in an absorbent article.
  3. Dariush, Behzad, Active control of an ankle-foot orthosis.
  4. Horst, Robert W., Active muscle assistance device and method.
  5. Phillips, Van L.; Pouchak, Hilary D., Active shock module prosthesis.
  6. Phillips, Van L.; Pouchak, Hilary D., Active shock module prosthesis.
  7. Phillips,Van L.; Pouchak,Hilary D., Active shock module prosthesis.
  8. Bedard, Stephane; Roy, Pierre Olivier, Actuated prosthesis for amputees.
  9. Jónsson, Helgi; Clausen, Arinbjörn Viggo; Ingimarsson, Gudni; Lecomte, Christophe; Sigfusson, Larus; Ragnarsdóttir, Heiôrún Gígja, Actuator assembly for prosthetic or orthotic joint.
  10. Tetsuaki Kato (Oshino JPX), Adaptive sliding mode control method for object of control including spring system.
  11. Sugar, Thomas; Nahar, Dhiraj R., Adjustable compliant mechanism.
  12. Cormier, David; Grim, Tracy E.; Iglesias, Joseph M.; Cobar, Hugo A.; Batman, Janelle R.; Hu, Irving; Lee, Wendee; Jones, Jacqueline, Adjustable ergonomic brace.
  13. Cormier, David; Grim, Tracy; Iglesias, Joseph M.; Cobar, Hugo A.; Batman, Janelle R.; Hu, Irving; Lee, Wendee; Jones, Jacqueline, Adjustable ergonomic brace.
  14. Sreeramagiri, Murali Krishna; Robertson, Brice, Adjustable orthotic device.
  15. Sugar, Thomas; Hollander, Kevin, Adjustable stiffness jack spring actuator.
  16. Sugar, Thomas; Hollander, Kevin, Adjustable stiffness leaf spring actuators.
  17. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Olafsson, Orn, Ankle-foot orthosis.
  18. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Olafsson, Orn; Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo; De Roy, Kim Peter Viviane, Ankle-foot orthosis.
  19. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Olafsson,Orn; Clausen,Arinbjorn Viggo; De Roy,Kim Peter Viviane, Ankle-foot orthosis.
  20. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; de Roy, Kim, Ankle-foot orthosis having an orthotic footplate.
  21. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor, Ankle-foot orthosis having an orthotic footplate.
  22. Hilmar Janusson IS; Freygarour Thorsteinsson IS; Sigurour A. Asgeirsson IS; Palmi Einarsson IS, Apparatus and process for making prosthetic suction sleeve.
  23. Tasch Uri (Pikesville MD) Kalkstein Arie (Baltimore MD), Apparatus for controlling angular positioning and stiffness modulations of joint of robotic manipulator.
  24. Swain, Ian Douglas; Taylor, Paul Nicholas, Apparatus for electrical stimulation of the body.
  25. Kristinsson Ossur,ISX ; Sveinbjornsson Tryggvi,ISX ; Janusson Hilmar Br.,ISX ; Ingimarsson Gudni,ISX, Apparatus for making a prosthesis socket.
  26. Andeen Gerry B. (Menlo Park CA) Auslander David M. (Berkeley CA), Articulatable structure with adjustable end-point compliance.
  27. Mimura Nobuharu (Aichi JPX), Articulated hand.
  28. Karason, Gudjon G., Artificial limb socket containing volume control pad.
  29. Karason, Gudjon G., Artificial limb socket containing volume control pad.
  30. Gramnäs, Finn, Artificial multi-axis knee joint.
  31. Erickson Joel R., Artificial muscle actuator assembly.
  32. Erickson Joel R., Artificial muscle actuator assembly.
  33. Stein Richard B. (Edmonton CAX), Assembly for functional electrical stimulation during movement.
  34. Usry Joe D. (Salt Lake City UT), Automatic control system and valve actuator.
  35. Robertson, Brice, Back brace.
  36. Beard John (Baton Rouge LA) Banner Verdell M. (Vacherie LA) Khan Mushahid (Houston TX) Leonard Norman J. (Baker LA), Biofeedback activated orthosis for foot-drop rehabilitation.
  37. Jacobs, Ronny, Biologically-inspired multi-segmented robot.
  38. Herr,Hugh M.; Hofmann,Andreas G.; Popovic,Marko B., Biomimetic motion and balance controllers for use in prosthetics, orthotics and robotics.
  39. Krivosha Ronald S. ; Brown Ivan E., Biplanar foot dorsiflexion collapsible posterior splint.
  40. Grim,Tracy E.; Iglesias,Joseph M.; Henderson,Wendy; Long,Kelly M.; Campos,Michael; Doubleday,Walter, Cast assembly with breathable double knit type padding.
  41. Karason,Gudjon G.; Ingimundarson,Arni P., Casting product and method for forming the same.
  42. Tweardy, Lisa A. G., Cervical brace.
  43. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Cervical collar.
  44. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Cervical collar having height and circumferential adjustment.
  45. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Cervical collar having height and circumferential adjustment.
  46. Hu, Irving; Lee, Jane, Circumferential walker.
  47. Bloch Joseph T. (Seattle WA), Compliant robot arm adapter assembly.
  48. Janusson, Hilmar; Thorsteinsson, Freygarour; Asgeirsson, Sigurour A.; Einarsson, Palmi, Composite elastic material.
  49. Petrofsky Steven H. ; Reinke Christian H., Computer controlled hydraulic resistance device for a prosthesis and other apparatus.
  50. Petrofsky,Steven H.; Gruesbeck,William G., Computer controlled hydraulic resistance device for a prosthesis and other apparatus.
  51. Robertson, Brice, Container.
  52. Bédard, Stéphane, Control device and system for controlling an actuated prosthesis.
  53. Oaki Junji (Komae JPX), Control unit for a multi-degree-of freedom manipulator.
  54. Sandrin Gianni,ITX ; Carlson J. David, Controllable device having a matrix medium retaining structure.
  55. Durfee William (Medford MA) Goldfarb Michael (Belmont MA), Controlled-brake orthosis.
  56. Williamson Matthew M. ; Pratt Gill A., Cross-shaped torsional spring.
  57. Herr Hugh M. (20 Daniels St. ; Apt. 222 Malden MA 02148), Crutch with elbow and shank springs.
  58. Phillips Warren F. (Logan UT), Device and method for control of flexible link robot manipulators.
  59. Kristinsson Ossur,ISX ; Sveinbjornsson Tryggvi,ISX ; Janusson Hilmar Br.,ISX ; Ingimarsson Gudni,ISX, Device for making prosthetic residual limb socket.
  60. Doubleday,Walter; Henderson,Wendy; Iglesias,Joseph M.; Helenbolt,Kenneth; Campos,Michael; Lee,Wendee; Grim,Tracy E., Dispenser box.
  61. Kruijsen, Lambertus Joseph Martinus; Gneiting, Günter, Drop foot device.
  62. Kruijsen, Lambertus Joseph Martinus; Gneiting, Günter, Drop foot device.
  63. Kristinsson Ossur,ISX ; Janusson Hilmar Br.,ISX, Dual durometer silicone liner for prosthesis.
  64. Bisbee, III,Charles R.; Hsu,Henry H., Dynamic seals for a prosthetic knee.
  65. Einarsson,P찼lmi, Educational prosthesis device and method for using the same.
  66. Pratt Gill A. (Lexington MA) Williamson Matthew M. (Boston MA), Elastic actuator for precise force control.
  67. Washbourn Jack (Chippenham GB2) Cogan Howard F. (Leire GB2), Electric actuators.
  68. Washbourn, Jack; Cogan, Howard F., Electric actuators.
  69. Washbourn, Jack; Cogan, Howard F., Electric actuators.
  70. Wickham, David J.; Washbourn, Jack; Cogan, Howard F., Electric actuators.
  71. Wickham, David J.; Washbourn, Jack; Cogan, Howard F., Electric actuators.
  72. Calley, David Gregory, Electrical devices using disk and non-disk shaped rotors.
  73. Calley, David G., Electrical devices using electromagnetic rotors.
  74. Irby, Steven E.; Kaufman, Kenton R., Electromechanical joint control device with wrap spring clutch.
  75. Steven E. Irby ; Kenton R. Kaufman, Electromechanical joint control device with wrap spring clutch.
  76. Singer Robert D. (Clive IA) Trickey Ernest A. (Des Moines IA), Electronic range of motion apparatus, for orthosis, prosthesis, and CPM machine.
  77. Deffenbaugh, Bruce W.; Herr, Hugh M.; Pratt, Gill A.; Wittig, Michael B., Electronically controlled prosthetic knee.
  78. Martin,James Jay, Electronically controlled prosthetic system.
  79. Martin,James Jay, Electronically controlled prosthetic system.
  80. Oddsson, Magnus; Jonsson, Vilhjalmur Freyr; Lecomte, Christophe Guy, Energy returning prosthetic joint.
  81. Einarsson, Palmi, Expansion part for orthopedic device.
  82. Labun Nicholas M. ; McClaughry Thomas J. ; Wang Shay-Ping T., FES method and system for controlling the movement of a limb.
  83. Petrofsky Jerrold S. (Beavercreek OH) Phillips Chandler A. (Tipp City OH) Heaton ; III Harry H. (Beavercreek OH), Feedback control system for walking.
  84. Davis Kenneth W. (HHB 2/42 FA BN APO New York NY 09751), Feedback system for a linear actuator.
  85. Takagi Hiroaki (Kanagawa JPX) Nishi Yozo (Kanagawa JPX), Flexible robot arm.
  86. Phillips, Van L., Foot prosthesis having cushioned ankle.
  87. Phillips,Van L.; Pouchak,Hillary, Foot prosthesis having cushioned ankle.
  88. Clausen,Arinbjorn Viggo; Ragnarsdottir,Heidrun Gigja; Lecomte,Christophe; Thorhallsdottir,Hjordis, Foot prosthesis with resilient multi-axial ankle.
  89. Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Thorhallsdottir, Hjordis; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun Gigja; Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo, Foot prosthesis with resilient multi-axial ankle.
  90. Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Thorhallsdottir, Hjordis; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun Gigja; Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo, Foot prosthesis with resilient multi-axial ankle.
  91. Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Thorhallsdottir, Hjordis; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun Gigja; Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo, Foot prosthesis with resilient multi-axial ankle.
  92. Grim,Tracy E.; O'Donnell,Kevin; Montag,Eric G., Footgear with pressure relief zones.
  93. Asakawa Kazuo (Kawasaki JPX), Force controlling system.
  94. Asakawa Kazuo (Kawasaki JPX), Force controlling system.
  95. Grim Tracy E. (Broken Arrow OK), Gel and air cushion ankle brace.
  96. Grim Tracy E. (Broken Arrow OK), Gel and air cushion ankle brace.
  97. Coules Russell G. (St. Joseph MI), Gripper force sensor/controller for robotic arm.
  98. Robertson, Brice, Handle.
  99. Robertson, Brice, Handle.
  100. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Height adjustment mechanism for cervical collar.
  101. Kruijsen, Lambertus Joseph Martinus; Nijenbanning, Gert, Hip orthosis, method for preventing the dislocation of a hip and use of a hip orthosis.
  102. Adams Thomas C. (Centerville OH) Wiggins Lanny K. (Centerville OH), Hydraulic control unit for prosthetic leg.
  103. Knoth Donald E. (3035 Dryden Rd. Dayton OH 45439), Hydraulic control unit for prosthetic leg.
  104. Knoth Donald E. (Dayton OH) Phillips William L. (Dayton OH), Hydraulic control unit for prosthetic leg.
  105. Gosthnian Barry M. (5211 E. Trindle Rd. ; Apt. 3 Mechanicsburg PA 17055) Herr Hugh (R.D. 1 ; Box 272 Holtwood PA 17532), Inflatable limb prosthesis with preformed inner surface.
  106. Bedard, Stephane; Roy, Pierre-Olivier, Instrumented prosthetic foot.
  107. Thorsteinsson, Freygardur; Jonsson, Helgi; Pons, Jose L.; Moreno Sastoque, Juan C.; Brunetti Fernandez, Fernando J.; Cullel Mirada, Antonio M.; Baydal Bertomeu, Jose Maria; Guillem, Ricard Barbera; Clavijo, Mario Comin; Freriks, Lambertus Wilhelmus; Ijzerman, Maarten Johannes; Nene, Anand V., Intelligent orthosis.
  108. Thorsteinsson, Freygardur; Jónsson, Helgi; Pons, Jose L.; Sastoque, Juan C. Moreno; Fernández, Fernando J. Brunetti; Mirada, Antonio M. Cullel; Bertomeu, José María Baydal; Guillem, Ricard Barberà ; Clavijo, Mario Comín; Freriks, Lambertus Wilhelmus; Ijzerman, M.; Nene, Anand V., Intelligent orthosis.
  109. Yasui, Yuji, Joint device for artificial leg, method of controlling the joint device, and control unit.
  110. Seraji Homayoun (La Crescenta CA), Kinematic functions for redundancy resolution using configuration control.
  111. Einarsson, Palmi; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Knee brace.
  112. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Knee brace.
  113. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Knee brace.
  114. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Knee brace.
  115. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Knee brace.
  116. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  117. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  118. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  119. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  120. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  121. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Knee brace and method for securing the same.
  122. Sreeramagiri,Murali Krishna, Knee brace having lateral/medial width adjustment.
  123. Grim, Tracy E.; Wyatt, Stacy; Iglesias, Joseph M.; Lee, Wendee; Cobar, Hugo A., Knee immobilizer.
  124. Grim, Tracy E.; Wyatt, Stacy; Iglesias, Joseph M.; Lee, Wendee; Cobar, Hugo A., Knee immobilizer.
  125. Kato,Keisuke; Koike,Goushi; Tosaka,Susumu; Morikawa,Hiroaki; Yamaguchi,Jinichi; Nagasaka,Kenichiro; Nagano,Masakuni, Leg device for leg type movable robot, and method of controlling leg type movable robot.
  126. Morishima Satoshi,JPX ; Tsuruzono Takaki,JPX, Linear actuator with anti-reverse-rotation mechanism.
  127. Asgeirsson, Sigurdur, Liner donning and doffing device.
  128. Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun Gigja, Low profile active shock module prosthesis.
  129. Lecomte,Christophe Guy; Ragnarsdottir,Heidrun Gigja, Low profile active shock module prosthesis.
  130. Jonsson, Orn Ingvi; Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun Gigja, Low profile prosthetic foot.
  131. Hsu,Henry; Bisbee, III,Charles R.; Palmer,Michael Lars; Lukasiewicz,Ronald J.; Lindsay,Michael W.; Prince,Stephen W., Magnetorheological fluid compositions and prosthetic knees utilizing same.
  132. Hsu,Henry; Bisbee, III,Charles R.; Palmer,Michael Lars; Lukasiewicz,Ronald J.; Lindsay,Michael W.; Prince,Stephen W., Magnetorheological fluid compositions and prosthetic knees utilizing same.
  133. Leaver Scott O. (850 Menlo Oaks Dr. Menlo Park CA 94025) McCarthy John M. (14 Thompson Ct. Irvine CA 92715), Mechanical fingers for dexterity and grasping.
  134. Garnjost Kenneth D. (Buffalo NY) Rauch Christopher A. (Holland NY) Rey Gonzalo J. (Batavia NY), Method and apparatus for actively adjusting and controlling a resonant mass-spring system.
  135. Asgeirsson,Sigurdur, Method and kit for making prosthetic socket.
  136. Karason,Gudjon G., Method and system for determining an activity level in an individual.
  137. Nakamura,Yoshihiko; Yamane,Katsu; Tange,Manabu, Method for generating a motion of a human type link system.
  138. 0ssur Kristinsson IS; Tryggvi Sveinbjornsson IS; Hilmar Br. Janusson IS; Gudni Ingimarsson IS, Method for making prosthetic residual limb socket.
  139. Powell ; III Jack H. (Newman GA) Seaman Joseph J. (Newman GA) Foley Russell A. (Fayetteville GA) Leahy JoAnn (Atlanta GA), Method for preventing postsurgical deep vein thrombosis by electrical stimulation.
  140. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Method for producing a wound dressing.
  141. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Method for producing a wound dressing.
  142. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Method for producing a wound dressing.
  143. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Method for producing a wound dressing.
  144. Clausen, Arinbjorn Viggo; De Roy, Kim, Method of measuring the performance of a prosthetic foot.
  145. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; De Roy, Kim, Method of measuring the performance of a prosthetic foot.
  146. Effenberger Franz,DEX ; Wajant Harald,DEX ; Forster Siegfried,DEX ; Roos Jurgen,DEX, Method of producing (S)-cyanohydrins.
  147. Joutras Frank Edward ; Hruska ; Jr. Ronald J., Methods of therapy or controlled exercise using a jointed brace.
  148. Johnson David C. (Gilford NH) Repperger Daniel W. (Dayton OH), Mobility assist for the paralyzed, amputeed and spastic person.
  149. Iglesias, Joseph M.; Grim, Tracy E.; Wyatt, Stacy; Wyatt, Stacy; Teran, Luis F., Molded orthopaedic devices.
  150. Iglesias,Joseph M.; Grim,Tracy E.; Wyatt,Stacy; Pelote,Steve; Teran,Luis F., Molded orthopaedic devices.
  151. Ruoff Carl F. (La Crescenta CA) Salisbury ; Jr. J. Kenneth (Palo Alto CA), Multi-fingered robotic hand.
  152. Grim Tracy E., Multi-functional orthosis for the foot, heel, ankle and lower leg.
  153. Wyatt, Stacy; Grim, Tracy; Lee, Wendee, Orthopedic brace.
  154. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic brace and component for use therewith.
  155. Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic brace including a protector assembly.
  156. Albrecht-Laatsch, Erik; Carstens, Ralf, Orthopedic device.
  157. Campos, Michael; Leeder, Chad, Orthopedic device.
  158. Chang, Julia; Arnold, William, Orthopedic device.
  159. Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic device.
  160. Hu, Irving, Orthopedic device.
  161. Lee, Jane; Einarsson, Palmi; Robertson, Brice, Orthopedic device.
  162. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic device.
  163. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic device.
  164. Thorgilsdottir, Thora; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic device.
  165. Campos, Michael; Leeder, Chad; Arnold, William, Orthopedic device having a patient compliance system.
  166. Grim Tracy E. (Broken Arrow OK) Haines Jeffrey R. (Encino CA), Orthopedic device having gel pad with phase change material.
  167. Arnold, William; Campos, Michael; Leeder, Chad; Armstrong, David, Orthopedic device providing access to wound site.
  168. Einarsson, Palmi, Orthopedic or prosthetic support device.
  169. Hu, Irving, Orthopedic walker.
  170. Robertson, Brice; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Orthosis component.
  171. Robertson, Brice; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Orthosis component.
  172. Naft, Jonathan M.; Newman, Wyatt S., Orthosis knee joint.
  173. Chang, Julia; Wyatt, Stacy; Arnold, Willam K., Orthotic device.
  174. Chang, Julia; Wyatt, Stacy; Arnold, William K., Orthotic device.
  175. Chang,Julia; Wyatt,Stacy; Arnold,Bill, Orthotic device.
  176. Chang,Julia; Wyatt,Stacy; Arnold,Willam K., Orthotic device.
  177. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor, Orthotic footplate.
  178. Einarsson, Palmi; Asgeirsson, Sigurdur A.; Janusson, Hilmar Br., Orthotic or prosthetic sleeve formed of elasticized fabric sections having different elastic stiffness.
  179. John P. Kenney, Orthotic/electrotherapy for treating contractures due to immobility.
  180. Yasui,Yuji; Kiyomoto,Hiroshi; Usukura,Isao; Nakahara,Youichi; Iwasaki,Haruyuki; Umeda,Shungo; Yamamoto,Kazunori; Shiono,Masamitsu; Okada,Kazuo; Nakayama,Manabu; Kubo,Atsushi, Parallel linkage and artificial joint device using the same.
  181. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Patella protector assembly.
  182. Janusson, Hilmar; Thorsteinsson, Freygarour; Asgeirsson, Sigurour A.; Einarsson, Palmi, Preform for making prosthetic suspension sleeve.
  183. Kristinsson Ossur,ISX ; Sveinbjornsson Tryggvi,ISX ; Janusson Hilmar Br.,ISX ; Ingimarsson Gudni,ISX, Process and apparatus for making prosthesis socket and prosthesis socket made thereby.
  184. Janusson,Hilmar; Thorsteinsson,Freygarour; Asgeirsson,Sigurour A.; Einarsson,Palmi, Process for making prosthetic suspension sleeve.
  185. Bjarnason, Asmundur Bergmann, Prosthesis liner.
  186. Carstens,Felix, Prosthesis liner or socket with a seal at the distal end.
  187. Ingimarsson,Gudni, Prosthesis locking assembly.
  188. Karason,Gudjon G., Prosthesis socket direct casting device having multiple compression chambers.
  189. Roy, Kim De, Prosthetic and orthotic systems usable for rehabilitation.
  190. Moser, David; Abimosleh, Fadi; Zahedi, Mir Saeed; Harris, Graham; Lang, Stephen Terry; Sykes, Andrew John, Prosthetic ankle and foot combination.
  191. Asgeirsson, Sigurdur; Olafsson, Gudlaugur; Ingimarsson, Gudni, Prosthetic foot.
  192. Asgeirsson,Sigurdur; Olafsson,Gudlaugur; Ingimarsson,Gudni, Prosthetic foot.
  193. Bjarnason,Asmundur Bergmann, Prosthetic or orthotic sleeve.
  194. Bjarnason,Asmundur Bergmann; Oddsson,Magnus, Prosthetic or orthotic sleeve having external surface peripheral profiles.
  195. Ingimarsson, Gudni, Prosthetic socket and socket component assembly.
  196. Patterson,William Stan; Patterson,William E., Prosthetic socket with self-contained vacuum reservoir.
  197. Lee, Jane, Pump for an orthopedic device.
  198. Levin Michael (Franklin Park NJ) Salisbury ; Jr. J. Kenneth (Cambridge MA), Reaction sensing torque actuator.
  199. Tweardy, Lisa; Nemeth, Jeff, Rehabilitative vest component.
  200. Tweardy, Lisa; Nemeth, Jeff, Rehabilitative vest component.
  201. Tweardy, Lisa; Nemeth, Jeff, Rehabilitative vest component.
  202. Karason,Gudjon G.; Johannesson,Anton, Rigid dressing.
  203. Clarke William F. (Sykesville MD) Handlesman Mark W. (Upper Darby PA), Robotic end effector.
  204. Carstens,Felix, Seal arrangement for residual limb prosthetic socket.
  205. Carstens,Felix, Sealing sleeve for sealing residual limb in a prosthetic socket.
  206. Wayne Koniuk, Self-adjusting prosthetic ankle apparatus.
  207. Grim,Tracy; Arnold,William K.; Iglesias,Joseph M., Self-equalizing resilient orthopaedic support.
  208. Clausen, Arinbjörn Viggo; Lecomte, Christophe Guy; Sigfusson, Larus, Sensing system and method for motion-controlled foot unit.
  209. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; Oddsson, Magnús, Sensing systems and methods for monitoring gait dynamics.
  210. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; Oddsson, Magnús, Sensing systems and methods for monitoring gait dynamics.
  211. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; Oddsson, Magnús, Sensing systems and methods for monitoring gait dynamics.
  212. Van L. Phillips ; Hilary D. Pouchak, Shock module prosthesis.
  213. Gamow Rustem I. (9 Canon Park Boulder CO 80302) Herr Hugh M. (93 Magnolia Dr. Holtwood PA 17532), Shoe and foot prosthesis with a coupled spring system.
  214. Herr Hugh M. (20 Daniels St. ; Apt. 222 Malden MA 02148) Gamow Rustem Igor (9 Canyon Park Boulder CO 80302), Shoe and foot prosthesis with bending beam spring structures.
  215. Herr Hugh M. ; Gamow Rustem Igor, Shoe and foot prosthesis with bending beam spring structures.
  216. Klasson Bo (Skrholmen SEX) Kristinsson Ossur (Reykjavik ISX), Sleeve-shaped article, particularly for amputation stumps.
  217. Janusson, Hilmar Br.; Thorsteinsson, Freygardur; Karason, Gudjon G., Socket liner incorporating sensors to monitor amputee progress.
  218. Janusson,Hilmar Br.; Thorsteinsson,Freygardur; Karason,Gudjon G., Socket liner incorporating sensors to monitor amputee progress.
  219. Hu, Irving, Sole for orthopedic device.
  220. Einarsson, Palmi; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor; Cormier, David, Spacer element for prosthetic and orthotic devices.
  221. Herr, Hugh M.; Wilkenfeld, Ari; Bleck, Olaf, Speed-adaptive and patient-adaptive prosthetic knee.
  222. Herr,Hugh M.; Wilkenfeld,Ari; Bleck,Olaf, Speed-adaptive and patient-adaptive prosthetic knee.
  223. Herr,Hugh; Seyfarth,Andre; Geyer,Hartmut, Speed-adaptive control scheme for legged running robots.
  224. Phillips Van L., Split foot prosthesis.
  225. Phillips Van L., Split foot prosthesis.
  226. Phillips Van L. (5499 Avenida Maravillas Rancho Santa Fe CA 92067), Split foot prosthesis.
  227. Phillips Van L. (5499 Avenida Maravillas Rancho Santa Fe CA 92067), Split foot prosthesis.
  228. Girard Michael, Step-driven character animation derived from animation data without footstep information.
  229. Ingimundarson,Arni Thor; Einarsson,Palmi, Strap retainer.
  230. Lee, Jane; Kompa, Joshua J., Strap retainer.
  231. Kelly Graham M. ; Fredericksen Ray, Support/sport sock.
  232. Bjarnason,Asmundur Bergmann, Suspension liner having external surface peripheral profiles.
  233. Egilsson, Egill Sevinbjorn; Asgeirsson, Sigurdur, Suspension liner system with seal.
  234. Egilsson, Egill Sevinbjorn; Asgeirsson, Sigurdur, Suspension liner system with seal.
  235. Egilsson, Egill Sveinbjorn; Asgeirsson, Sigurdur; Hrafnsdottir, Jenny Ruth; Jonsson, Grimur, Suspension liner system with seal.
  236. Egilsson, Egill Sveinbjorn, Suspension liner with seal.
  237. Egilsson,Egill Sveinbjorn, Suspension liner with seal.
  238. Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun G.; Clausen, Arinbjorn V.; Thorhallsdottir, Hjordis; Jonsson, Helgi, System and method for motion-controlled foot unit.
  239. Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun G.; Clausen, Arinbjorn V.; Thorhallsdottir, Hjordis; Jonsson, Helgi, System and method for motion-controlled foot unit.
  240. Ragnarsdottir,Heidrun G.; Clausen,Arinbjorn V.; Thorhallsdottir,Hjordis; Jonsson,Helgi, System and method for motion-controlled foot unit.
  241. James Kelvin B. (7955 98th Avenue Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6A 0B5 ), System for controlling artificial knee joint action in an above knee prosthesis.
  242. James Kelvin B. (7955 98th Avenue Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6A0B5), System for controlling artificial knee joint action in an above knee prosthesis.
  243. Takenaka,Toru; Matsumoto,Takashi, System for estimating attitude of leg type moving robot itself.
  244. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun G.; Jonsson, Helgi, Systems and methods for actuating a prosthetic ankle based on a relaxed position.
  245. Clausen, Arinbjörn V.; Ragnarsdottir, Heidrun G.; Jonsson, Helgi; MacDonald, Paul, Systems and methods for adjusting the angle of a prosthetic ankle based on a measured surface angle.
  246. Jónsson, Helgi; Clausen, Arinbjörn Viggo; Ragnarsdóttir, Heidrun G., Systems and methods for processing limb motion.
  247. Asgeirsson, Sigurdur Asgeir; Bisbee, III, Charles R.; Hsu, Henry H., Systems and methods of controlling pressure within a prosthetic knee.
  248. Bisbee, III,Charles R.; Hsu,Henry H., Systems and methods of loading fluid in a prosthetic knee.
  249. Townsend, Jeffrey; Knecht, Steve, Tension assisted ankle joint and orthotic limb braces incorporating same.
  250. DeGrate Frenchell, Topical analgesic formulation containing fruits, oils and aspirin.
  251. Pickering,Will; Tweardy,Lisa A. G.; Gorsen,Robert M.; Burns,Clay A., Traction collar and method of use.
  252. Clausen, Arinbjörn Viggo; Oddsson, Magnús, Transfemoral prosthetic systems and methods for operating the same.
  253. Kremer Stephen R. (3283 Yelton La. Amelia OH 45102), Twisted cord actuator.
  254. Phillips, Van L., Universal prosthesis with cushioned ankle.
  255. Egilsson, Egill Sveinbjorn, Vacuum chamber socket system.
  256. Clark Daniel C. (692 Olean Rd. East Aurora NY 14052) Garnjost Kenneth D. (252 Rivermist Dr. Buffalo NY 14202), Vehicle suspension system, and method of operating same.
  257. Einarsson, Palmi, Ventilated prosthesis system.
  258. Einarsson,Palmi, Ventilated prosthesis system.
  259. Grim,Tracy E.; Henderson,Wendy J.; Long,Kelly M.; Iglesias,Joseph M.; Campos,Michael, Versatile hardenable cast or support.
  260. Hu, Irving; Leeder, Chad; Grim, Tracy, Versatile orthopaedic leg mounted walker.
  261. Hu, Irving; Leeder, Chad; Grim, Tracy, Versatile orthopaedic leg mounted walker.
  262. Grim,Tracy E.; Skahan,Michael Stephen; Cobar,Hugo Antonio; Iglesias,Joseph M., Versatile orthopaedic leg mounted walkers.
  263. Shimada,Kei; Noda,Tatsuya, Walking assistance system.
  264. MacCready, Jr., Paul B., Walking assisting apparatus.
  265. Einarsson, Palmi; Ingimundarson, Arni Thor, Wearable device.
  266. Einarsson, Palmi, Wearable device having feedback characteristics.
  267. Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen, Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  268. Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen, Thordur M.; Gudnason, Palmar I., Wound dressing.
  269. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram, Wound dressing.
  270. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram, Wound dressing.
  271. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  272. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  273. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  274. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  275. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M., Wound dressing.
  276. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M.; Gudnason,Palmar I., Wound dressing.
  277. Gudnason,Palmar I.; Elefsen,Thordur, Wound dressing and method for manufacturing the same.
  278. Gudnason,Palmar I.; Elefsen,Thordur; Ingimarsson,Gudni; Asgeirsson,Sigurdur, Wound dressing and method for manufacturing the same.
  279. Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen, Thordur M.; Gudnason, Palmar I., Wound dressing and method for manufacturing the same.
  280. Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen, Thordur; Gudnason, Palmar, Wound dressing and method for manufacturing the same.
  281. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M.; Gudnason,Palmar I., Wound dressing and method for manufacturing the same.
  282. Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Fertram; Elefsen,Thordur M.; Gudnason,Palmar I., Wound dressing having a facing surface with variable tackiness.
  283. Wyatt,Stacy; Grim,Tracy; Helenbolt,Ken; Lee,Wendee, Wrist brace.
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