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[미국특허] Parasitic drag induced boundary layer reduction system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-021/06
출원번호 US-0218819 (2014-03-18)
등록번호 US-9701399 (2017-07-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Booher, Sr., Benjamin V.
출원인 / 주소
  • TechDyne LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Booth Udall Fuller, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 31


A parasitic drag induced boundary layer reduction system and methods for reducing the boundary layer on aircraft, vehicles, and structure. The system may include a suction generator configured to utilize parasitic drag in reducing boundary layer effect and enhancing laminate flow. The suction genera


1. A parasitic drag induced boundary layer reduction system for an aircraft comprising at least two wings, comprising: a suction generator configured to induce parasitic drag so as to produce suction used to lessen boundary layer effect and improve laminar airflow about the aircraft, the suction gen

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Parikh Pradip G. ; Neumann Frank D., Aircraft boundary layer control system with discharge transpiration panel.
  2. Coffinberry George A. (West Chester OH), Aircraft gas turbine engine bleed air energy recovery apparatus.
  3. Pender David R. (1018 Marion St. Columbia SC 29201), Aircraft suction system for laminar flow control.
  4. Collett Edward,GBX, Aircraft wing leading edge high lift device with suction.
  5. Clites James L. (23301 Bocana Malibu CA 90265), Airfoil self energizing boundary layer control system.
  6. Graham ; Blair M. ; Hamrick ; Harry C., Airplane configuration designed for the simultaneous reduction of drag and sonic boom.
  7. Grosche Fritz-Reinhard,DEX ; Bader Viktor,DEX, Apparatus for influencing the flow separation from a body immersed in the flow.
  8. Bagnall,Adam M; Freeman,Christopher, Arrangement for bleeding the boundary layer from an aircraft engine.
  9. McCaughan John A. I.,GB5, Boundary layer control in aerodynamic low drag structures.
  10. Nelson Philip A. (Southampton GB2) Fisher Michael J. (Southampton GB2) Rioual Jean-Luc (Southampton GB2), Control of boundary layer flow.
  11. Anxionnaz Rene (8 ; RUE Nicolas Chuquet 75-Paris FR), Device for regulating and recovering the boundary layer over the surface of a body such as an aircraft in flight.
  12. Coffinberry George A. (West Chester OH), Gas turbine engine powered aircraft environmental control system and boundary layer bleed with energy recovery system.
  13. Lahti Daniel J. (Cincinnati OH) Yates David E. (Cincinnati OH) Mungur Parmanand (West Chester OH) Stockman Norbert O. (Batavia OH), Hybrid laminar flow nacelle.
  14. Blackner Anthony M., Jet engine and method for reducing jet engine noise by reducing nacelle boundary layer thickness.
  15. DeCoux Steven P. (Long Beach CA), Laminar flow control apparatus for aerodynamic surfaces.
  16. Williams, Stewart W; Turner, Brian J, Laminar flow control system and suction panel for use therewith.
  17. Seyfang George R.,GB3, Laminar flow skin.
  18. Loth Eric, Mesoflap passive transpiration system and method for shock/boundary layer interaction control.
  19. Kenneth J. Moore ; Thomas D. Ryan ; Vladimir A. Gorban UA; Victor V. Babenko UA, Method and apparatus for increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of multiple boundary layer control techniques.
  20. Savitsky Anatoly I. (Moscow RUX) Schukin Lev N. (Kaliningrad RUX) Karelin Viktor G. (Moscow RUX) Mass Aleksandr M. (Petropavlosk-Kamchatsk RUX) Pushkin Rostislav M. (Krasnoarmeisk RUX) Shibanov Anato, Method for control of the boundary layer on the aerodynamic surface of an aircraft, and the aircraft provided with the b.
  21. Lurz Werner (Hamburg DEX), Method for stabilizing laminar separated boundary layers.
  22. Shatz Solomon (P.O. Box 523 Cupertino CA 94015), Movable sheet for laminar flow and deicing.
  23. Barnwell Richard (Newport News VA) Bushnell Dennis (Wicomico VA) Nagamatsu Henry T. (Schenectady NY) Bahi Lakhdar (Troy NY) Ross Janet (Burbank CA), Passive drag control of airfoils at transonic speeds.
  24. Parikh, Pradip G., Passive removal of suction air for laminar flow control, and associated systems and methods.
  25. Stallings Jr. Robert L. (Yorktown VA) Wilcox ; Jr. Floyd J. (Hampton VA), Passive venting technique for shallow cavities.
  26. Thomas G. Tillman ; Brian E. Wake, Streamlined bodies with counter-flow fluid injection.
  27. Wong Wilford F. (Lakewood CA) Hall Gordon R. (Manhattan Beach CA) Tsukahira Tatsuo W. (Los Angeles CA) Sutton Robert D. (Cypress CA), Strong shock boundary layer interaction control system.
  28. Pfennig Juergen,DEX ; Meister Juergen,DEX, Suction device for boundary layer control in an aircraft.
  29. Rose Philip M. (Chula Vista CA) Mikolajczak Alojzy A. (Coronado CA), Turbofan duct with noise suppression and boundary layer control.
  30. Gazdzinski Robert F., Vehicular boundary layer control system and method.
  31. Driftmyer Richard T. (Bowie MD), Window cooling for high speed flight.

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