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[미국특허] Zoom related methods and apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04N-005/235
  • H04N-005/262
  • H04N-005/232
  • H04N-005/225
  • G02B-015/04
  • G02B-013/00
출원번호 US-0523908 (2014-10-26)
등록번호 US-9736365 (2017-08-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Laroia, Rajiv
출원인 / 주소
  • Light Labs Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Straub, Michael P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 40


Methods and apparatus for supporting zoom operations using a plurality of optical chain modules, e.g., camera modules, are described. Switching between use of groups of optical chains with different focal lengths is used to support zoom operations. Digital zoom is used in some cases to support zoom


1. A method, the method comprising: operating a camera device during at least a first period of time and a second period of time, the camera device including a plurality of optical chains, said plurality of optical chains including at least a first group of optical chains and a second group of optic

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (40)

  1. Katayama Tatsushi,JPX ; Takiguchi Hideo,JPX ; Yano Kotaro,JPX ; Hatori Kenji,JPX, Apparatus and method for combining a plurality of images.
  2. Tardif, John A., Array of scanning sensors.
  3. Ogawa Ryota (Kawagoe JPX) Toji Shigeo (Tokyo JPX) Yoshida Kazushi (Tokyo JPX) Okura Zenichi (Ichikawa JPX), Autofocus camera.
  4. Yamamoto Masaru (Machida JPX), Autofocus single-lens reflex camera.
  5. Lee, Sang Hyuck; Jeong, Ho Seop; Lee, Seok Cheon; You, Ho Sik; Kim, Sung Hyun, Camera module having an array lens.
  6. Mehta, Nirav; Kolb, Michael; Robertson, Christian, Camera zoom indicator in mobile devices.
  7. Watanabe, Makoto; Magaki, Yosuke; Nakazawa, Sachiko; Onumata, Yuichi, Camera, storage medium having stored therein camera control program, and camera control method.
  8. Jung, Edward K. Y.; Levien, Royce A.; Lord, Robert W.; Malamud, Mark A.; Rinaldo, Jr., John D., Capturing selected image objects.
  9. Thibault,Andre Sean, Combined optical fiber wheel, beamsplitter, switch, and logic gate.
  10. Tamaki, Satoshi; Imada, Katsumi; Suenaga, Tatsutoshi, Compound eye camera module and method of producing the same.
  11. Tanida, Jun; Horisaki, Ryoichi; Toyoda, Takashi; Nakao, Yoshizumi; Masaki, Yasuo, Compound-eye imaging device.
  12. Madsen Ricky J. ; Holmes Jon A. ; Peterson Trygve D., Depth-of-field indicator for a camera.
  13. Scarff, Lawrence, Dual lens digital zoom.
  14. Wierzoch, Markus; Ronning, Olen; Girling, Robert “Rob”; Engelen, Fernd Van, Handheld modular digital photography system.
  15. Fujinaga, Seiya, Image display method, image display apparatus, image recording apparatus, and image pickup apparatus.
  16. Tanida,Jun; Yamada,Kenji; Miyazaki,Daisuke; Ichioka,Yoshiki; Miyatake,Shigehiro; Ishida,Kouichi, Image input apparatus.
  17. Kino Yoshiki,JPX ; Kaneda Naoya,JPX, Image pickup apparatus capable of high resolution imaging.
  18. Ohara, Naoto; Sugita, Tomoya, Imaging device and imaging method having zoom optical system including a light wavefront modulation element.
  19. McCutchen David, Immersive imaging method and apparatus.
  20. Fagrenius, Nils Gustav; Palmqvist, Sven Rune Fredrik; Wedel, Johan Martin; Waldt, Carl Magnus; Rålin, Eva Tina; Håkansson, Sten Ola, Lens cleaner.
  21. Vuilleumier Raymond (Fontainemelon CHX), Light modulation device with matrix addressing.
  22. Drimbarean, Alexandru; Zamfir, Adrian; Albu, Felix; Poenaru, Vlad; Florea, Corneliu; Bigioi, Petronel; Steinberg, Eran; Corcoran, Peter, Low-light video frame enhancement.
  23. Cohen, Gabriel; Cleron, Michael A., Method and system for improving screen readability in daylight with runtime color adjustment.
  24. Hong, Soon hac, Method for operating a digital photographing apparatus using a touch screen and a digital photographing apparatus using the method.
  25. Georgiev, Todor G.; Chunev, Georgi N., Methods and apparatus for rendering output images with simulated artistic effects from focused plenoptic camera data.
  26. Ahn, Soogil; Bang, Hyungjin, Mobile device and an image display method thereof.
  27. Lee, Jinsool, Mobile terminal and method for generating an out-of-focus image.
  28. Winn, John; Rother, Carsten, Object-level image editing.
  29. Weng Leo,TWX, Optical holder for an optical apparatus.
  30. Luster Spencer D., Optical image field splitting system.
  31. Carr William N. ; Sun Xi-qing, Optical microshutter array.
  32. Rosin Robert ; Sonoda Yumie ; Niijima Makoto,JPX ; Nakano Hiroaki, Rotary menu wheel interface.
  33. Nagaishi, Michihiro; Sakamoto, Kazuhiro, Shot image display system, image receiving device, control method for image receiving device, and server.
  34. Mauchly, J. William; Marathe, Madhav V.; Fuchs, Henry; Frahm, Jan-Michael, System and method for providing depth adaptive video conferencing.
  35. Ciurea, Florian; Venkataraman, Kartik; Molina, Gabriel; Lelescu, Dan, Systems and methods for measuring depth using an array of independently controllable cameras.
  36. Ciurea, Florian; Venkataraman, Kartik; Molina, Gabriel; Lelescu, Dan, Systems and methods for parallax detection and correction in images captured using array cameras that contain occlusions using subsets of images to perform depth estimation.
  37. Moriwake Katsuakira (Kanagawa JPX), Video signal combining apparatus and method.
  38. Kawamura Akira (Kanagawa JPX) Togawa Kazuo (Kanagawa JPX), Visual image display apparatus having a video display for one eye and a controllable shutter for the other eye.
  39. Sato,Kenichi, Zoom lens including four lens groups.
  40. Matsumura, Yoshio; Iwashita, Tsutomu; Kurioka, Yoshiaki; Yamaguchi, Shinji, Zoom lens system, imaging device and camera.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Cohen, Noy; Gigushinski, Oded; Geva, Nadav; Shabtay, Gal; Ashkenazi, Ester; Katz, Ruthy; Goldenberg, Ephraim, Dual aperture zoom camera with video support and switching / non-switching dynamic control.
  2. Shabtay, Gal; Goldenberg, Ephraim; Gigushinski, Oded; Cohen, Noy, Dual aperture zoom digital camera.
  3. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for capturing images using optical chains and/or for using captured images.
  4. Pulli, Kari; Shroff, Nitesh; Shroff, Sapna A., Methods and apparatus for compensating for motion and/or changing light conditions during image capture.
  5. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for controlling sensors to capture images in a synchronized manner.
  6. Lautenbach, Bradley; Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for detecting and/or indicating a blocked sensor or camera module.
  7. Laroia, Rajiv; Shroff, Sapna A, Methods and apparatus for implementing and using camera devices.
  8. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for implementing and/or using a camera device.
  9. Shroff, Sapna A, Methods and apparatus for implementing zoom using one or more moveable camera modules.
  10. Lautenbach, Bradley, Methods and apparatus for providing a camera lens or viewing point indicator.
  11. Laroia, Rajiv; Shroff, Nitesh; Shroff, Sapna A, Methods and apparatus for reducing noise in images.
  12. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for supporting zoom operations.
  13. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus for synchronized image capture using camera modules with different focal lengths.
  14. Laroia, Rajiv; Shroff, Nitesh, Methods and apparatus for synchronizing readout of multiple image sensors.
  15. Laroia, Rajiv, Methods and apparatus relating to a camera including multiple optical chains.
  16. Shabtay, Gal; Cohen, Noy; Geva, Nadav; Gigushinski, Oded; Goldenberg, Ephraim, Thin multi-aperture imaging system with auto-focus and methods for using same.
  17. Shabtay, Gal; Goldenberg, Ephraim Robert; Avivi, Gal; Bachar, Gil, Zoom dual-aperture camera with folded lens.

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