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Flame sensing system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G08B-017/12
  • F23N-005/12
출원번호 US-0316489 (2014-06-26)
등록번호 US-9784449 (2017-10-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Margolin, Jed
출원인 / 주소
  • Margolin, Jed
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 10


This invention relates to the field of sensing flames in equipment using a combustion burner such as gas furnaces by using the electrical properties of flames. In a first group of embodiments flame rectification is used to cause distortion of a signal having a selected waveform. A harmonic of the di


1. A system for detecting the presence of a flame comprising: a. a combustion burner;b. a flame rod;c. a signal source having a selected waveform connected to said flame rod;d. a high impedance buffer having an input connected to said flame rod and whose return current path is provided by said combu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Sohma Kenichi (Ibaraki-ken JPX) Itoh Kazuyuki (Katsuta JPX) Kuroda Michio (Hitachi JPX) Murakami Tadayoshi (Hitachi JPX), Camera, spectrum analysis system, and combustion evaluation apparatus employing them.
  2. Hradcovsky Rudolf J. (Long Beach NY) Bayles ; Jr. S. Heagan (Sands Point NY), Coated valve metal article formed by spark anodizing.
  3. Kern Mark T. (Goleta CA) Shamordola Kenneth A. (Santa Barbara CA) Tangonan Gregory L. (Oxnard CA) Wetzork John M. (Goleta CA), Fiber optic flame detection and temperature measurement system having one or more in-line temperature dependent optical.
  4. Norman G. Planer ; Paul E. Sigafus, Flame detector using filtering of ultraviolet radiation flicker.
  5. Karl-Friedrich Haupenthal DE, Flame monitoring system.
  6. Cha Soo Y. (Seoul KRX), Flame rod structure, and a compensating circuit and control method thereof.
  7. McDonald, Jonathan; Chian, Brent, Flame sensing voltage dependent on application.
  8. Dahlgren ; Vincent M. F., Gas burner control system.
  9. Karl-Friedrich Haupenthal DE, Method and device for monitoring a flame.
  10. Merkl George G. (Haworth NJ), Method of recovering oil and other hydrocarbon values from subterranean formations.
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