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Method and apparatus for providing analyte sensor insertion 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/00
  • A61B-005/1473
  • A61B-005/145
  • A61B-005/1486
출원번호 US-0141819 (2016-04-28)
등록번호 US-9795331 (2017-10-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stafford, Gary Ashley
출원인 / 주소
  • Abbott Diabetes Care Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Jackson & Co., LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 710


Devices and methods for positioning a portion of a sensor at a first predetermined location, displacing the portion of the sensor from the first predetermined location to a second predetermined location, and detecting one or signals associated with an analyte level of a patient at the second predete


1. A method, comprising: positioning a portion of an analyte sensor at a first predetermined location at a first predetermined speed, the analyte sensor positioned in fluid contact with a bodily fluid under a skin surface;displacing the analyte sensor at a second predetermined speed slower than the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (710)

  1. Gavronsky Stas ; Burdenko Igor, Acupuncture method and device.
  2. Kaplan Morton R. (Santa Barbara CA), Adjustable magnetic supercutaneous device and transcutaneous coupling apparatus.
  3. Whisler G. Douglas (17026 33rd Ave. S.W. Seattle WA 98166), Adjustable mountable doppler ultrasound transducer device.
  4. Harding John D. (Ben Lomond CA), Adjustable tip for lancet device.
  5. Fishman Henry (5173 Linnean Ter. NW. Washington DC 20008), Allergy testing method and apparatus.
  6. Starkweather, Timothy J.; Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Weiss, Philip T., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method having telemetry modifiable control software.
  7. Starkweather, Timothy J.; Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Weiss, Philip T.; Marsh, David J., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method having telemetry modifiable control software.
  8. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a robust communication protocol.
  9. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a robust communication protocol.
  10. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a robust communication protocol.
  11. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Armstrong, John T.; Dennard, Robert C.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a robust communication protocol.
  12. Lebel,Ronald J.; Shahmirian,Varaz; Bowman, IV,Sam W.; Dennard,Robert C.; Armstrong,John T.; Richert,John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a robust communication protocol.
  13. Bowman IV, Sam W.; Lebel, Ronald J.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Gord, John C., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a telemetry system with predefined reception listening.
  14. Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a telemetry system with predefined reception listening periods.
  15. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Gord, John C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a telemetry system with predefined reception listening periods.
  16. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a telemetry system with predefined reception listening periods.
  17. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Dennard, Robert C.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using a telemetry system with predefined reception listening periods.
  18. Sam W. Bowman, IV ; Ronald J. Lebel ; Daniel H. Villegas ; John C. Gord, Ambulatory medical apparatus and method using telemetry system with predefined reception listening periods.
  19. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Choy, David Y.; Weiss, Philip T.; Chong, Colin A.; Lord, Peter C.; Morgan, Wayne A.; Meadows, Paul M., Ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  20. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Villegas, Daniel H.; Choy, David Y.; Weiss, Philip T.; Meadows, Paul M., Ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  21. Villegas, Daniel H.; Choy, David Y.; Weiss, Philip T.; Meadows, Paul M., Ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  22. Taub, Marc B.; Bugler, Jolyon R.; Peyser, Thomas A., Analyte monitoring and management device and method to analyze the frequency of user interaction with the device.
  23. Heller, Adam; Drucker, Steven H.; Jin, Robert Y.; Funderburk, Jeffery V., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  24. Heller, Adam; Feldman, Benjamin Jay; Karinka, Shridhara Alva; Wang, Yi; Galasso, John R., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  25. Say James ; Tomasco Michael F. ; Heller Adam ; Gal Yoram,ILX ; Aria Behrad ; Heller Ephraim ; Plante Phillip John ; Vreeke Mark S. ; Friedman Keith A. ; Colman Fredric C., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  26. Say, James; Tomasco, Michael F.; Heller, Adam; Gal, Yoram; Aria, Behrad; Heller, Ephraim; Plante, Phillip John; Vreeke, Mark S.; Friedman, Keith A.; Colman, Fredric C., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  27. Say,James; Tomasco,Michael F.; Heller,Adam; Gal,Yoram; Aria,Behrad; Heller,Ephraim; Plante,Phillip John; Vreeke,Mark S.; Friedman,Keith A.; Colman,Fredric C., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  28. Say,James; Tomasco,Michael F.; Heller,Adam; Gal,Yoram; Aria,Behrad; Heller,Ephraim; Plante,Phillip John; Vreeke,Mark S.; Friedman,Keith A.; Colman,Fredric C., Analyte monitoring device and methods of use.
  29. Say,James; Tomasco,Michael F.; Heller,Adam; Gal,Yoram; Aria,Behrad; Heller,Ephraim; Plante,Phillip John; Vreeke,Mark S.; Friedman,Keith A.; Colman,Fredric C., Analyte monitoring devices and methods of use.
  30. McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Peyser, Thomas A.; Mazza, John C.; Goodnow, Timothy T.; Rebrin, Kerstin, Analyte monitoring system and method.
  31. Fennell, Martin J.; He, Lei; Sloan, Mark K., Analyte monitoring system and methods.
  32. Ouyang, Tianmei; Liu, Zenghe; Cho, Hyun; Feldman, Benjamin J., Analyte monitoring: stabilizer for subcutaneous glucose sensor with incorporated antiglycolytic agent.
  33. Dobbles, J. Michael; Brister, Mark, Analyte sensor.
  34. Shults, Mark; Kamath, Apurv U.; Brister, Mark; Wong, David K., Analyte sensor.
  35. Causey ; III James D. ; Kovelman Paul H. ; Purvis Richard E. ; Mastrototaro John J., Analyte sensor and holter-type monitor system and method of using the same.
  36. James D. Holker ; Guillermo A. Calle ; Kevin D. Branch ; John J. Mastrototaro ; William P. Van Antwerp, Analyte sensor and method of making the same.
  37. Budiman, Erwin Satrya; Doniger, Kenneth J.; Dunn, Timothy Christian; Harper, Wesley Scott, Analyte sensor calibration management.
  38. Harper, Wesley Scott; Dunn, Timothy Christian; Budiman, Erwin S.; Doniger, Kenneth J.; Hayter, Gary, Analyte sensor calibration management.
  39. Stafford, Gary Ashley, Analyte sensor introducer and methods of use.
  40. Holker,James D.; Calle,Guillermo A.; Branch,Kevin D.; Mastrototaro,John J.; Van Antwerp,William P.; Van Antwerp,Nannette, Analyte sensor method of making the same.
  41. Hayter, Gary; Doniger, Kenneth J.; Budiman, Erwin S., Analyte sensor with lag compensation.
  42. Deweese, Marshall D.; Carayannopoulos, Leonidas; Parks, Joel M.; Ames, William H., Analyte test instrument having improved calibration and communication processes.
  43. Marshall D. Deweese ; Leonidas Carayannopoulos ; Joel M. Parks ; William H. Ames, Analyte test instrument having improved calibration and communication processes.
  44. Gross Joseph,IEX ; Kelly John Gerard,IEX, Analyte-controlled liquid delivery device and analyte monitor.
  45. Gross Joseph,IEX ; Kelly John Gerard,IEX, Analyte-controlled liquid delivery device and analyte monitor.
  46. Gross Joseph,IEX ; Kelly John Gerard,IEX, Analyte-controlled liquid delivery device and analyte monitor.
  47. Bcker Dirk (Heidelberg DEX) Haar Hans-Peter (Wiesloch DEX) Blasberg Peter (Weinheim DEX) Kotulla Reinhard (Lambsheim DEX), Analytical system for monitoring a substance to be analyzed in patient-blood.
  48. Gilli Norma L. (Elanora Heights AUX), Apparatus and method employing plural electrode configurations for cardioversion of atrial fibrillation in an arrhythmia.
  49. Lynk ; Jr. Charles N. (Bedford TX) Van Horn Mark (Arlington TX), Apparatus and method for attenuating a multicarrier input signal of a linear device.
  50. Chen, Linlin; Taylor, Thomas, Apparatus and method for electrolytically depositing copper on a semiconductor workpiece.
  51. Mastrototaro John J. (Indianapolis IN), Apparatus and method for implantation of sensors.
  52. Bourland Joe D. (West Lafayette IN) Geddes Leslie A. (West Lafayette IN) Babbs Charles F. (West Lafayette IN) Tacker ; Jr. Willis A. (West Lafayette IN), Apparatus and method for measurement and control of blood pressure.
  53. Freeman Dominique ; Lum Paul ; King David ; Simons Tad ; Greenstein Michael, Apparatus and method for minimally invasive blood sampling.
  54. Robinson,Mark Ries; Fleming,Cliona; Jones,Howland; Rohrscheib,Mark, Apparatus and method for non-invasive spectroscopic measurement of analytes in tissue using a matched reference analyte.
  55. Joao Raymond Anthony, Apparatus and method for processing and/or for providing healthcare information and/or healthcare-related information.
  56. Liu Chung-Chiun (Cleveland Heights OH), Apparatus and method for sensing species, substances and substrates using oxidase.
  57. Miyata Takashi,JPX ; Matsuo Noriyoshi,JPX ; Uchida Hitoshi,JPX ; Sawada Naomi,JPX ; Tomita Yutaka,JPX, Apparatus and system for measuring electrical potential variations in human body.
  58. Liu Chung-Chiun (Cleveland Heights OH) Karagounis Vasilios A. (Cleveland Heights OH), Apparatus for electrochemical measurements.
  59. Connery ; James Gerard ; Muly ; Emil Christopher ; Taylor ; Robert Mor gan, Apparatus for electrolytically determining a species in a fluid and method of use.
  60. Blair, Bruce, Apparatus for facilitating analysis of dream activity.
  61. Fenzlein Paul-Gerhard (Elsa-Brandstrmstrasse 33 D-8500 Nrnberg 80 DEX) Anderer Wolfgang (Aurachtal DEX), Apparatus for the determination of medical, electro-chemical measured values relevant to organic or metabolic functions.
  62. Albisser Anthony M. (Toronto CAX) Leibel Bernard S. (Newmarket CAX), Artificial beta cell.
  63. Smith Roger E. (Bountiful UT) Astill Mark E. (Centerville UT), Assay for determining analyte using mercury release followed by detection via interaction with aluminum.
  64. Davis Graham (Bedforshire GBX) Hill Hugh A. O. (Oxford GBX), Assay systems using more than one enzyme.
  65. Bugler, Jolyon R., Assessing measures of glycemic variability.
  66. Bugler, Jolyon Robert, Assessing measures of glycemic variability.
  67. Sabra, Mads C., Atraumatic insertion of a subcutaneous device.
  68. Mansouri,Sohrab; Fallon,Kevin; Eames,Patti, Automated system for continuously and automatically calibrating electrochemical sensors.
  69. Blanco Ernesto E. (Belmont MA) Samadani Rosina (Cambridge MA), Automatic blood monitoring for medication delivery method and apparatus.
  70. Souma Takahiro (Kanagawa JPX), Automatic sphygmomanometer.
  71. Gutta, Srinivas; Cohen-Solal, Eric; Trajkovic, Miroslav, Automatic system for monitoring person requiring care and his/her caretaker.
  72. Schramm John B. (Skokie IL) Mittermeier Anton (Skokie IL), Automatic tissue sampling apparatus.
  73. Sarbach Pierre (Echallens CHX), Autonomous system for measuring, processing and transmitting essentially physiological parameters.
  74. Kvitash Vadim I. (1775 Seventeenth Ave. San Francisco CA 94122), Balascopy method for detecting and rapidly evaluating multiple imbalances within multi-parametric systems.
  75. Silvian Sergiu (La Crescenta CA), Bidirectional telemetry apparatus and method for implantable device.
  76. Samuels George J. (Syracuse NY) Schmitkons Thomas A. (Camillus NY) Streeter Terry L. (Liverpool NY) Murray Royce W. (Chapel Hill NC), Bifunctional air electrode.
  77. Carter Nigel F. (Oxon GB3) Hammond Christopher J. (Cambs GB3) Green Monika J. (Bucks GB3) Hilditch Paul I. (Oxon GB3) Williams Stephen C. (Oxon GB3), Bioelectrochemical electrodes.
  78. Carr Brendel,Victoria; Simpson,Peter C.; Brauker,James H., Biointerface membrane with macro-and micro-architecture.
  79. Shults Mark C. (Madison WI) Capelli Christopher C. (Kenosha WI) Updike Stuart J. (Madison WI), Biological fluid measuring device.
  80. Shults Mark G. (Madison WI) Capelli Christopher C. (Kenosha WI) Updike Stuart J. (Madison WI), Biological fluid measuring device.
  81. Leong, Koon-wah; Shartle, Robert, Biological fluid sampling and analyte measurement devices and methods.
  82. Abel Petra,DEX ; Allendorfer Wolfgang,DEX, Biosensor.
  83. Gotoh, Masao; Mure, Hiroki; Shirakawa, Hiroshi, Biosensor.
  84. Gotoh, Masao; Mure, Hiroki; Shirakawa, Hiroshi, Biosensor.
  85. Nagata Yasuhiro (Kusatsu JPX), Biosensor.
  86. Nagata Yasuhiro (Kusatsu JPX) Fujimura Hidetaka (Kyoto JPX), Biosensor.
  87. Yoshioka Toshihiko (Osaka JPX) Ikeda Shin (Katano JPX) Nankai Shiro (Hirakata JPX), Biosensor.
  88. Yukawa Keiko,JPX ; Yoshioka Toshihiko,JPX ; Nankai Shiro,JPX, Biosensor.
  89. Yoshioka Toshihiko (Osaka Hirakata both of JPX) Nankai Shiro (Hirakata both of JPX), Biosensor and a method for measuring a concentration of a substrate in a sample.
  90. Nankai Shiro (Hirakata JPX) Kawaguri Mariko (Moriguchi JPX) Ohtani Mayumi (Moriguchi JPX) Iijima Takashi (Hirakata JPX), Biosensor and a process for preparation thereof.
  91. Nankai Shiro (Osaka JPX) Kawaguri Mariko (Osaka JPX) Iijima Tashi (Osaka JPX), Biosensor and method for making the same.
  92. Uenoyama Harumi (Osaka JPX) Okuda Hisashi (Uji JPX), Biosensor and method of quantitative analysis using the same.
  93. Forrow, Nigel J.; Sanghera, Gurdial S.; Watkin, Jared L.; Walters, Stephen, Biosensor electrode mediators for regeneration of cofactors and process for using.
  94. Heller Adam (5317 Valburn Cir. Austin TX 78731) Katakis Ioanis (1200 Mearns Meadow #208 Austin TX 78758) Ye Ling (3904 Coventry La. ; #2B Mishawaka IN 46543), Biosensor including chemically modified enzymes.
  95. Mao, Fei; Cho, Hyun, Biosensor membranes composed of polymers containing heterocyclic nitrogens.
  96. Mao, Fei; Cho, Hyun, Biosensor membranes composed of polymers containing heterocyclic nitrogens.
  97. Ikeda Shin (Katano JPX) Yoshioka Toshihiko (Osaka JPX) Nankai Shiro (Hirakata JPX) Tsutsumi Haruhiro (Ehime-ken JPX) Baba Hideyuki (Matsuyama JPX) Tokuno Yoshinobu (Matsuyama JPX) Miyazaki Syoji (Mat, Biosensor, and a method and a device for quantifying a substrate in a sample liquid using the same.
  98. Lee,Jin Po, Biosensors having improved sample application and uses thereof.
  99. Bonnecaze, Roger T.; Freeland, Angela C., Blood analyte monitoring through subcutaneous measurement.
  100. Clemens Anton H. (Elkhart IN), Blood glucose control apparatus.
  101. Clemens Anton Hubert (Elkhart IN) Myers Robert Weston (Mishawaka IN), Blood glucose control apparatus.
  102. Clemens A. H. (Elkhart IN) Hough David L. (Edwardsburg MI), Blood glucose control apparatus and method.
  103. DeMarzo Arthur P. (2S558 White Birch La. Wheaton IL 60187), Blood glucose monitoring system.
  104. Lepper ; Jr. James M. ; Diab Mohamed Kheir, Blood glucose monitoring system.
  105. Drucker,Steven; Liamos,Charles T.; Colman,Fredric; Lortz,Mark; Lipman,Kelley; Jiang,Feng; Bacho,Henrik, Blood glucose tracking apparatus and methods.
  106. Hans-Jurgen Kuhr DE; Herbert Argauer DE, Blood lancet system for withdrawing blood for diagnostic purposes.
  107. Rogoff, Robert, Blood sugar level sensing and monitoring transducer.
  108. Uchigaki, Takatoshi; Hamamoto, Katsumi; Kusaka, Yasuhide, Body fluid measuring apparatus with lancet and lancet holder used for the measuring apparatus.
  109. Uchigaki, Takatoshi; Ishida, Kohei; Matsuoka, Shiro, Body fluid measuring instrument and body fluid sampler thereof.
  110. O\Hara Gary J. (Escondido CA) Korff John J. (Oceanside CA) Crill Peter A. (Leucadia CA), Body temperature thermometer and method fo measuring human body temperature utilizing calibration mapping.
  111. Kamath, Apurv Ullas; Simpson, Peter C.; Brauker, James H.; Goode, Jr., Paul V., Calibration techniques for a continuous analyte sensor.
  112. Arndt G. Dickey (Friendswood TX) Nguyen Thanh X. (Houston TX) Carl James R. (Houston TX), Capacitance probe for fluid flow and volume measurements.
  113. Ash Stephen R. (Lafayette IN) Janle-Swain Elsa M. (West Lafayette IN), Capillary filtration and collection device for long-term monitoring of blood constituents.
  114. Ash Stephen R. (Lafayette IN) Janle-Swain Elsa M. (West Lafayette IN), Capillary filtration and collection method for long-term monitoring of blood constituents.
  115. Kaneko Hiroko (Tsukuba JPX) Yamada Masahiro (Inashiki JPX) Negishi Akira (Matsudo JPX) Kawakubo Takamasa (Fujioka JPX) Suda Yoshihisa (Fujioka JPX), Carbon micro-sensor electrode and method for preparing it.
  116. Tsals Izrail ; Gross Joseph,IEX ; Lavi Gilad,ILX, Cartridge-based drug delivery device.
  117. Simons, Tad Decatur; Greenstein, Michael; Freeman, Dominique M.; Leonard, Leslie Anne; King, David A.; Lum, Paul, Cassette of lancet cartridges for sampling blood.
  118. Marggi Rolf,CHX, Catheter head for subcutaneous administration of an substance.
  119. Petisce, James R.; Woo, Kum Ming; Ha, Victor; Nicholas, Melissa; Boock, Robert, Cellulosic-based interference domain for an analyte sensor.
  120. Brockmann Hans-Jurgen,FIX, Charging device for batteries in a mobile electrical device.
  121. Acord William A. (Claremont CA), Chemical analyzer with automatic calibration.
  122. Janata Jiri (2231 Logan Ave. Salt Lake City UT 84108) Huber Robert J. (1145 E. Millbrook Way Bountiful UT 84010) Thompson Michael (3642 S. 2500 E. Salt Lake City UT 84109), Chemical selective sensors utilizing admittance modulated membranes.
  123. Niki Katsumi (Yokohama JPX) Kobayashi Katsuyoshi (Yokohama JPX) Inoguchi Hiroo (Okazaki JPX) Yagi Tatsuhiko (Shizuoka JPX), Chemically modified electrodes and their uses.
  124. Lord Peter C. (Santa Clarita CA) Coleman Fredric C. (Granada Hills CA), Closed loop infusion pump system with removable glucose sensor.
  125. Steil,Garry M.; Rebrin,Kerstin, Closed loop system for controlling insulin infusion.
  126. Steil,Garry M.; Rebrin,Kerstin, Closed-loop method for controlling insulin infusion.
  127. Oowada, Tohru, Collision detector.
  128. Andrew Bridson GB, Communications module mounting for domestic appliance.
  129. Gough David A. (Cardiff CA) Lucisano Joseph Y. (La Jolla CA) Armour Jon C. (La Jolla CA) McKean Brian D. (San Diego CA), Complete glucose monitoring system with an implantable, telemetered sensor module.
  130. Saint, Sean; Brister, Mark, Composite material for implantable device.
  131. Iliff Edwin C., Computerized medical advice system and method including meta function.
  132. Musho Matthew K. (Elkhart) Noell J. Oakey (Mishawaka) Tse Pius H. (Mishawaka IN), Conductive sensors and their use in diagnostic assays.
  133. Jin, Robert Y; Sloan, Mark K., Continuous glucose monitoring system and methods of use.
  134. Pompei Francesco (Boston MA) Ternullo Janus (Boston MA) Malecki William W. (Newton Corner MA), Continuous temperature monitor.
  135. McGarraugh, Geoffrey V., Correlation of alternative site blood and interstitial fluid glucose concentrations to venous glucose concentration.
  136. Tseng Chao-Man,TWX, Cost-effective electronic thermometer.
  137. Murase Hiroshi (Kyoto JPX) Ishizuka Keizi (Omiya JPX) Kobayashi Masakazu (Omiya JPX) Narita Masanori (Omiya JPX), Crossed coil meter driving device having a plurality of input parameters.
  138. Clark ; Jr. Leland C. (Cincinnati OH), Cutaneous methods of measuring body substances.
  139. Clark ; Jr. Leland C. (Cincinnati OH), Cutaneous methods of measuring body substances.
  140. Lilja Jan E. (Kristianstad SEX) Nilsson Sven E. L. (Helsingborg SEX), Cuvette for sampling and analysis.
  141. Faupel Mark L. (Conyers GA) Hahn ; deceased Steven (late of East Hampton NY by Natalie A. Hahn ; executrix ), D.C. epidermal biopotential sensing electrode assembly and apparatus for use therewith.
  142. Alex Rainer,DEX ; Hadvary Paul,CHX ; Tschirky Hansjorg,CHX, Dermally affixed injection device.
  143. Kleingeld, Adriaan; Kooijmans, Kees R.; Kragtwijk, Wilhelmus F., Detection strip for detecting and identifying chemical air contaminants, and portable detection kit comprising said strips.
  144. Lakowicz Joseph R. (Columbia MD) Maliwal Badri P. (Baltimore MD) Koen Peter A. (Hillsborough NJ), Determination and quantification of saccharides by luminescence lifetimes and energy transfer.
  145. Pfeiffer Margret,DEX ; Hoss Udo,DEX, Determination of glucose concentration in tissue.
  146. Shults Mark C. ; Updike Stuart J. ; Rhodes Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  147. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  148. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  149. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  150. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  151. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  152. Shults, Mark C.; Updike, Stuart J.; Rhodes, Rathbun K.; Gilligan, Barbara J.; Tapsak, Mark A., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  153. Shults,Mark C.; Updike,Stuart J.; Rhodes,Rathbun K., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  154. Shults,Mark C.; Updike,Stuart J.; Rhodes,Rathbun K.; Gilligan,Barbara J.; Tapsak,Mark A., Device and method for determining analyte levels.
  155. Cormier Michel J. N. ; Theeuwes Felix T., Device and method for enchancing transdermal sampling.
  156. Mund Konrad (Uttenreuth DEX) Rao Raghavendra (Erlangen DEX) Richter Gerhard (Erlangen DEX), Device and method for the physiological frequency control of a heart pacemaker equipped with a stimulating electrode.
  157. Gross Joseph,ILX ; Reingewirtz Meir,ILX ; Katz Moshe George,ILX, Device and method of calibrating and testing a sensor for in vivo measurement of an analyte.
  158. Rule, Peter; Braig, James R.; Goldberger, Daniel S.; Cortella, Julian M.; Smith, Heidi M.; Herrera, Roger O.; Witte, Kenneth G.; Hartstein, Philip C.; Agostino, Mark D., Device for capturing thermal spectra from tissue.
  159. Slama Grard J. (17 ; Av. du Chateau 94210 La Varenne Saint Hilaire FRX), Device for causing a pinprick to obtain and to test a drop of blood.
  160. Matsumura Kenneth N. (2107 Dwight Way Berkeley CA 94704), Device for computer-assisted monitoring of the body.
  161. Schaupp, Lukas; Pieber, Thomas, Device for conducting in vivo measurements of quantities in living organisms.
  162. Williams R. Bruce (One Stonehaven Dr. Signal Mountain TN 37377), Device for continuous in vivo measurement of blood glucose concentrations.
  163. Ward W. Kenneth ; Wilgus Eric S., Device for monitoring changes in analyte concentration.
  164. Ward W. Kenneth ; Wilgus Eric S., Device for monitoring changes in analyte concentration.
  165. Berner, Bret; Dunn, Timothy C.; Farinas, Kathleen C.; Garrison, Michael D.; Kurnik, Ronald T.; Lesho, Matthew J.; Potts, Russell O.; Tamada, Janet A.; Tierney, Michael J., Device for signal processing for measurement of physiological analytes.
  166. Patrick Roques FR, Device for temperature determination and process for manufacturing such a device.
  167. Bombardieri Guiseppe (Via della Mendola ; 47 Roma ITX), Device for the automatic insulin or glucose infusion in diabetic subjects, based on the continuous monitoring of the pat.
  168. Shanks Ian A. (Bedford GB2) Smith Alan M. (Bedford GB2) Nylander Claes I. (Bedford GB2), Device for use in chemical test procedures.
  169. Conn, Thomas E.; Ford, Russell; Potts, Russell O.; Soni, Pravin L.; Tamada, Janet A.; Tierney, Michael J., Devices and methods for frequent measurement of an analyte present in a biological system.
  170. Kahn Michael G. (St. Louis MO) Huang Dijia (Granger IN) Bussmann Stephen A. (Granger IN) Cousins Steve B. (St. Louis MO) Abrams Charlene A. (St. Louis MO) Beard James C. (University City MO), Diabetes data analysis and interpretation method.
  171. Beckers Andreas G. F. (Maastricht NLX), Diabetes management system and apparatus.
  172. David R. L. Worthington ; Stephen J. Brown, Diabetes management system and method for controlling blood glucose.
  173. Worthington David R. L. ; Brown Stephen J., Diabetes management system and method for controlling blood glucose.
  174. McNamara Elger W. (5520 W. Camino Cielo Santa Barbara CA 93105), Diabetic insulin alarm system.
  175. Khatchatrian Robert G. ; Khatchatrian Ashot P. ; Aruntyunyan Asmik, Diagnostic complex for measurement of the condition of biological tissues and liquids.
  176. Albery John W. (Oxford GB2) Galley Peter T. (Crowthorne GB2), Dialysis electrode device.
  177. Brown,Stephen J., Disease simulation system and method.
  178. Thombre Avinash G. (Gales Ferry CT), Dispensing device containing a hydrophobic medium.
  179. McAleer Jerome F.,GBX ; Scott David,GBX ; Hall Geoff,GBX ; Alvarez-Icaza Manuel,GBX ; Plotkin Elliot V.,GBX, Disposable glucose test strips, and methods and compositions for making same.
  180. Leigh, Harold G.; O'Dell, David L.; Bourassa, Hugh A., Disposable soft tissue biopsy apparatus.
  181. Marshall, Jeremy; Jansen, Paul E, Dose setting device for medical injectors.
  182. Brister,Mark; Petisce,James R.; Simpson,Peter, Dual electrode system for a continuous analyte sensor.
  183. Brister,Mark; Petisce,James R.; Simpson,Peter, Dual electrode system for a continuous analyte sensor.
  184. Brister,Mark; Petisce,James R.; Simpson,Peter; Brauker,James H., Dual electrode system for a continuous analyte sensor.
  185. Brister,Mark; Saint,Sean; Petisce,James R.; Hanson,Curtis; Simpson,Peter; Pryor,Jack, Dual electrode system for a continuous analyte sensor.
  186. Ueyama Satoshi (Hyogo JPX) Isoda Satoru (Hyogo JPX) Tomisawa Osamu (Hyogo JPX) Ogura Akemi (Hyogo JPX) Kawakubo Hiroaki (Hyogo JPX), Electric element circuit using oxidation-reduction substances.
  187. Willis John, Electroactive pore.
  188. Say James ; Tomasco Michael F. ; Heller Adam ; Gal Yoram,ILX ; Aria Behrad ; Heller Ephraim ; Plante Phillip John ; Vreeke Mark S., Electrochemical analyte.
  189. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Electrochemical analyte measurement system.
  190. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Electrochemical analyte measurement system.
  191. James Say ; Michael F. Tomasco ; Adam Heller ; Yoram Gal IL; Behrad Aria ; Ephraim Heller ; Phillip John Plante ; Mark S. Vreeke, Electrochemical analyte sensor.
  192. Say,James; Tomasco,Michael F.; Heller,Adam; Gal,Yoram; Aria,Behrad; Heller,Ephraim; Plante,Phillip John; Vreeke,Mark S., Electrochemical analyte sensor.
  193. Heller Adam ; Vreeke Mark S., Electrochemical analyte sensors using thermostable peroxidase.
  194. Hill Hugh A. O. (Oxford GB2) Libor Susan I. (Oxford GB2), Electrochemical assay for nucleic acids and nucleic acid probes.
  195. Skotheim Terje A. (Shoreham NY) Okamoto Yoshiyuki (Fort Lee NJ) Hale Paul D. (Northport NY), Electrochemical biosensor based on immobilized enzymes and redox polymers.
  196. Gough David A. (Cardiff by the Sea CA), Electrochemical cell sensor for continuous short-term use in tissues and blood.
  197. Ross Pepi (745 Contra Costa Ave. Berkely ; Alameda CA) Madou Marc J. (3680 Bryant St. Palo Alto ; Santa Clara CA) Reyes Zoila (317 Yale Rd. Menlo Park ; San Mateo CA) Jensen Joel F. (641 Towle Way Pa, Electrochemical cncentration detector method.
  198. Fleet Bernard (London EN), Electrochemical detector system.
  199. McNeil Calum J. (Glasgow GB6) Bannister Joseph V. (Oxford GB3), Electrochemical enzymic assay procedures.
  200. Smith Matthew L. (Kettering OH) Fondriest Steven J. (Beavercreek OH), Electrochemical gas sensor.
  201. Steckhan Eberhard (Meckenheim DEX) Wienkamp Rainer (Muenster DEX), Electrochemical hydrogenation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
  202. Saurer Eric (Bevaix CHX) Frenkel Erik J. (Neuchatel CHX) Randin Jean-Paul (Cortaillod CHX) Hoffmann Eric (Ipsach CHX), Electrochemical measuring system with multizone sensors.
  203. Venkatasetty Hanumanthaiya V. (Burnsville MN), Electrochemical sensing of carbon monoxide.
  204. Carter Nigel F. (Oxon GB2) Chambers Geoffrey R. (Northwood Middlesex GB2) Hughes Graham J. (Oxford GB2) Scott Steven (Oxon GB2) Sanghera Gurdial S. (Oxford GB2) Watkin Jared L. (Oxon GB2), Electrochemical sensor.
  205. Diebold Eric R. (Fishers IN) Kordal Richard J. (Zionsville IN) Surridge Nigel A. (Indianapolis IN) Wilsey Christopher D. (Carmel IN), Electrochemical sensor.
  206. Hintsche Rainer (Berlin DEX) Paeschke Manfred (Basdorf DEX) Schnakenberg Uwe (Berlin DEX) Wollenberger Ulla (Berlin DEX), Electrochemical sensor.
  207. Schulman Joseph H. ; Shah Rajiv, Electrochemical sensor and integrity tests therefor.
  208. Stewart, Alan A.; Scott, Steven, Electrochemical sensor for analysis of liquid samples.
  209. Niiyama Yasusi (Katsuta JPX) Sugahara Kenshi (Katsuta JPX), Electrochemical sensor having three layer membrane containing immobilized enzymes.
  210. Tierney Michael J., Electrochemical sensor with dual purpose electrode.
  211. Maley Thomas C. (Medway MA) D\Orazio Paul A. (Mendon MA) Dalzell Bonnie C. (Sherborn MA) Edelman Peter G. (Franklin MA) Flaherty James E. (Attleboro MA) Mason Richard W. (Millis MA) McCaffrey Robert , Electrochemical sensors.
  212. Simpson,Peter C.; Goode,Paul; Tapsak,Mark A.; Carr Brendel,Victoria, Electrochemical sensors including electrode systems with increased oxygen generation.
  213. Song Herking (Fremont CA) Hafeman Dean G. (Hillsborough CA), Electrochemical system for rapid detection of biochemical agents that catalyze a redox potential change.
  214. Gregg, Brian A.; Heller, Adam, Electrode and method for the detection of hydrogen peroxide.
  215. Byers Charles L. (Canyon Country CA) Schulman Joseph H. (Granada Hills CA) Whitmoyer David I. (Los Angeles CA), Electrode array for use in connection with a living body and method of manufacture.
  216. Bishay, Jon M.; Leonard, Paul, Electrode assembly for a percutaneous electrical therapy system.
  217. Wogoman Frank W. (South Bend IN), Electrode for electrochemical sensors.
  218. Simpson,Peter C.; Petisce,James R.; Carr Brendel,Victoria; Brauker,James H., Electrode systems for electrochemical sensors.
  219. Forrow, Nigel J.; Bayliff, Simon W., Electrode with thin working layer.
  220. Heller, Adam; Chen, Ting; Friedman, Keith A., Electrodes with multilayer membranes and methods of making the electrodes.
  221. Lu, Hsueh-Yu, Electronic clinical thermometer.
  222. Takagi Toshiaki (Fujinomiya JPX), Electronic clinical thermometer.
  223. Zaragoza Robert (New York NY) McLinden Thomas V. (Oxford CT) O\Connell James A. (Short Hills NJ), Electronic clinical thermometer.
  224. McAleer Jerome F. (Wantage GB3) Law John T. (Abingdon GB3) Morris Richard A. (Abingdon GB3) Scott Lesley (Witney GB3) Mellor John M. (Southampton GB3) Dennison Manus (Abingdon GB3), Enhanced amperometric sensor.
  225. Rishpon Judith (Los Alamos NM) Zawodzinski Thomas A. (Los Alamos NM) Gottesfeld Shimshon (Los Alamos NM), Enzyme electrochemical sensor electrode and method of making it.
  226. Nakamura Kenichi (Hirakata JPX) Nankai Shiro (Neyagawa JPX) Iijima Takashi (Hirakata JPX) Fukuda Masataro (Toyonaka JPX), Enzyme electrode.
  227. Takizawa Koichi (Kyoto JPX) Nakajima Satoshi (Kyoto JPX) Arai Masato (Muko JPX), Enzyme electrode.
  228. Vadgama Pankaj M. (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne GB2) Mullen William H. (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne GB2) Scott Graham W. (Northwich GB2), Enzyme electrode and membrane.
  229. Riffer, Richard, Enzyme electrode and method for dextran analysis.
  230. Gotoh Masao,JPX ; Mure Hiroki,JPX ; Shirakawa Hiroshi,JPX, Enzyme electrode structure.
  231. Pollmann Klaus H. (Neulussheim IN DEX) Gerber Martin T. (Carmel IN), Enzyme electrode system.
  232. Katayama Hideo (Kusatsu JPX) Yoshida Yoshiaki (Ikoma JPX) Osaka Tatsuhiko (Kurita JPX), Enzyme electrode unit.
  233. Gregg Brian A. (13940 Braun Dr. Golden CO 80401) Heller Adam (5317 Valburn Cir. Austin TX 78731) Kerner Wolfgang (Universitat Zu Lubeck ; Klinik Fur Innerere Medizin ; Razeburger Allee 160 D-2400 Lub, Enzyme electrodes.
  234. Gregg Brian A. (13940 Braun Dr. Golden CO 80401) Heller Adam (5317 Valburn Cir. Austin TX 78731) Kerner Wolfgang (Universitat zu Lubeck ; Klinik fur Innerere Medizin ; Razeburger Allee 160 D-2400 Lub, Enzyme electrodes.
  235. Gregg Brian A. (Austin TX) Heller Adam (Austin TX), Enzyme electrodes.
  236. Senda Mitsugi (Kyoto JPX) Ikeda Tokuji (Kyoto JPX) Katasho Isao (Kyoto JPX), Enzyme electrodes.
  237. Yamaguchi Shuichiro (Fuji JPX) Uchida Naoto (Fujinomiya JPX) Shimomura Takeshi (Fujinomiya JPX) Oyama Noboru (Fuchu JPX), Enzyme sensor.
  238. Oyama Noboru (5-24 ; Shinmachi 3-chome Fuchu-shi ; Tokyo JPX) Shimomura Takeshi (c/o Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha : 1500 ; Inokuchi ; Nakai-cho Ashigarakami-gun ; Kanagawa-ken JPX) Yamaguchi Shuichiro (c/, Enzyme sensor and method of manufacturing the same.
  239. Mann, Alfred E.; James, Causey D.; Haubach, Alan; Malave, Luis J.; Livingston, John H.; Hague, Clifford W.; Srisathapat, Chalirmkiert; Yonemoto, Jay; Ruppert, Deborah; Bishop, Dennis P., External infusion device with remote programming, bolus estimator and/or vibration alarm capabilities.
  240. Mann,Alfred E.; Causey, III,James D.; Haubach,Alan; Malave,Luis J.; Livingston,John; Hague,Cliff; Srisathapat,Chad; Yonemoto,Jay; Ruppert,Deborah; Bishop,Dennis P.; Gut,Adrian; Murtfeldt,Bob, External infusion device with remote programming, bolus estimator and/or vibration alarm capabilities.
  241. Peter J. Massey GB; Frances Helene Geesin GB; Clive R. Van Heerden GB; Nancy Alice Tilbury GB; Philippa Clare Wagner GB, Fabric antenna.
  242. McGuire Thomas V. (5834 Jeffrey Dr. Mt. Olive AL 35117), Fastener for catheter.
  243. Curry Kenneth M. (Mission Veijo CA), Fiber optical probe connector for physiologic measurement devices.
  244. Iyer Lokanathan M. (Seattle WA) Yim Jeffrey B. (Woodinville WA) Lyon Kenneth S. (Seattle WA), Fiber-optic physiological probes.
  245. Singh Raghuvir (The Woodlands TX) Schlain Leslie A. (The Woodlands TX), Fiber-optic probe for the measurement of fluid parameters.
  246. Mason,Gene; Al Ali,Ammar; Gerhardt,Thomas J., Flex circuit shielded optical sensor.
  247. Centa John A. (Euclid OH) Halasz Laszlo (Brecksville OH), Flexible printed circuit sensor assembly for detecting optical pulses.
  248. Semersky Frank E. (Toledo OH) Watson Barry (Toledo OH), Flow-through electrochemical system analytical method.
  249. Botich Michael J. ; Halseth Thor R., Fluid collection device with retractable needle.
  250. Braig, James R.; Keenan, Richard; Rule, Peter; Rivas, Gil; Seetharaman, Mahesh, Fluid component analysis system and method for glucose monitoring and control.
  251. Alden, Don; Marsot, Travis, Fluid sampling device with improved analyte detecting member configuration.
  252. Lindsay Stuart M. ; Jing Tianwei, Force sensing probe for scanning probe microscopy.
  253. Ford, Russell; Lesho, Matthew J.; Potts, Russell O.; Tierney, Michael J.; Wei, Charles W., Formulation and manipulation of databases of analyte and associated values.
  254. Corsberg Daniel R. (Idaho Falls ID), Functional relationship-based alarm processing.
  255. Lonsdale Harold K. (Bend OR) Wamser Carl C. (West Linn OR), Functional, photochemically active, and chemically asymmetric membranes by interfacial polymerization of derivatized mul.
  256. Lonsdale Harold K. (Bend OR) Wamser Carl C. (West Linn OR), Functional, photochemically active, and chemically asymmetric membranes by interfacial polymerization of derivatized mul.
  257. Francis Moussy ; Robert W. Conlan ; Markham C. Godwin ; Richard D. Beach, Generic integrated implantable potentiostat telemetry unit for electrochemical sensors.
  258. Dappen ; Glen Marshall, Glucose detection system free from fluoride-ion interference.
  259. Young Chung C. (Weston MA) Gary Kenneth (Belmont MA) Winarta Handani (Waltham MA) Chen Chin-Chun (Wayland MA), Glucose electrode and method of determining glucose.
  260. Michel Peter (Burgdorf CHX) Michel Willy (Burgdorf CHX), Glucose measuring device.
  261. Garcia Fernando S. (Eden Prairie MN) Ginnow-Merkert Hartmut (Eden Prairie MN) Anderson Paul J. (Eden Prairie MN) Hudson Bertram J. (Eden Prairie MN), Glucose medical monitoring system.
  262. Garcia Fernando S. (Eden Prairie MN) Ginnow-Merkert Hartmut (Eden Prairie MN) Anderson Paul J. (Eden Prairie MN) Linde David E. (Eden Prairie MN) Hudson Bertram J. (Eden Prairie MN), Glucose medical monitoring system.
  263. John J. Mastrototaro ; Todd M. Gross ; John J. Shin, Glucose monitor calibration methods.
  264. Schulman Joseph H. (Santa Clarita CA) Rule ; III Orville R. (Los Angeles CA) Whitmoyer David I. (Los Angeles CA) Lebel Ronald J. (Sherman Oaks CA) Lucisano Joseph Y. (Saugus CA) Mann Alfred E. (Bever, Glucose monitoring system.
  265. Blubaugh ; Jr. Elmo A. ; Brunsman Alan R., Glucose sensor.
  266. Ishikawa, Akira; Takeda, Nabuo; Ahn, Suzanne I.; Hays, Steven R.; Nelson, Kevin, Glucose sensor.
  267. Lerner Harry (Lexington MA) Giner Jose D. (Brookline MA) Soeldner John S. (Newton MA), Glucose sensor.
  268. Luksha Eugene (Golden Valley MN), Glucose sensor.
  269. Schulman Joseph H. (Santa Clarita CA) Rule ; III Orville Rey (Los Angeles CA) Whitmoyer David I. (Los Angeles CA) Lebel Ronald J. (Sherman Oaks CA) Lucisano Joseph Y. (Saugus CA) Mann Alfred E. (Beve, Glucose sensor assembly.
  270. K. Collin McIvor ; James L. Cabernoch ; Kevin D. Branch ; Nannette M. Van Antwerp ; Edgardo C. Halili ; John J. Mastrototaro, Glucose sensor package system.
  271. McIvor, K. Collin; Cabernoch, James L.; Branch, Kevin D.; Van Antwerp, Nannette M.; Halili, Edgardo C.; Mastrototaro, John J., Glucose sensor package system.
  272. McIvor, K. Collin; Cabernoch, James L.; Branch, Kevin D.; Van Antwerp, Nannette M.; Halili, Edgardo C.; Mastrototaro, John J., Glucose sensor package system.
  273. Nakamoto Shinya (Tokyo JPX), Glucose sensor with gel-immobilized glucose oxidase and gluconolactonase.
  274. Platt, Harry Louis, Hand held physiological signal acquisition device.
  275. Grant,Wayne Clinton; Johnson,David Kent; Raffaelli,Paulo; Rosales,Rhonda Laureen, Hand-held computer device and method for interactive data acquisition, analysis, annotation, and calibration.
  276. Causey, III, James D.; Purvis, Richard E.; Henke, James, Handheld personal data assistant (PDA) with a medical device and method of using the same.
  277. Causey, III, James D.; Purvis, Richard E.; Henke, James L., Handheld personal data assistant (PDA) with a medical device and method of using the same.
  278. Lewis Richard T. (Harlow GBX) Merchant Kevin J. (Bishops Stortford GBX) MacLeod Angus M. (Bishops Stortford GBX), Heterocyclic compounds, processes for their preparation and pharmaceutical compositions containing them.
  279. Chen Shuenn-tzong (Elkhart IN) Sherwood Mark J. (Elkhart IN) Warchal Mary E. (Elkhart IN), High glucose-determining analytical element.
  280. Silvian Sergiu (La Crescenta CA), High speed digital telemetry system for implantable device.
  281. Aizawa Masuo (2-19-4 Amanuma Suginami-ku ; Tokyo 167 JPX) Manning Brenda D. (158 Canton St. North Easton MA 02356) Hidaka Miki (2040 Pelham Ave. Los Angeles CA 90025) Uretsky Laura S. (9-1 Shadowbroo, Homogeneous amperometric immunoassay.
  282. Giuliani David (Mercer Island WA) Vurek Gerald G. (Mt. View CA), Hydrodynamic clot flushing.
  283. Allen Douglas J. (Indianapolis IN) Johnson Kirk W. (Indianapolis IN) Nevin Robert S. (Indianapolis IN), Hydrophilic polyurethane membranes for electrochemical glucose sensors.
  284. Olin, John George, Immersible thermal mass flow meter.
  285. Bennetto Hugh P. (London GB3) Delaney Gerard M. (London GB3) Mason Jeremy R. (London GB3) Thurston Christopher F. (London GB3) Stirling John L. (London GB3) DeKeyzer David R. (Old Woking GB3), Immobilized enzyme electrodes.
  286. Simpson, Peter C.; Shults, Mark; Rhodes, Rathbun K.; Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Holmquist, Arnold L., Implantable analyte sensor.
  287. Hogen Esch Johannes H. L. (Aalten NLX), Implantable biomedical sensor device, suitable in particular for measuring the concentration of glucose.
  288. Kovacs Gregory T. A. ; Knapp Terry R.,CHX, Implantable biosensing transponder.
  289. Ward,W. Kenneth; Wood,Michael D., Implantable biosensor.
  290. Cohen Donald M. (Encino CA) Barcel James E. (Simi Valley CA) Hooven Michael D. (Valencia CA), Implantable blood oxygen sensor and method of use.
  291. Halperin Louis E. (St. Paul MN) Miesel Keith A. (St. Paul MN) Ufford Keith A. (Chisago City MN) Svensk James R. (Coon Rapids MN) Patrick Timothy (South St. Paul MN) Hassler Beth A. (White Bear Lake M, Implantable capacitive absolute pressure and temperature sensor.
  292. DeRocco, Paul; Gord, John C.; Regev, Einan; Karr, Lawrence J.; Imani, Farid David, Implantable device and communication integrated circuit implementable therein.
  293. Neftel Frdric (1 ; Rue des Escouffes Paris FRX 75004), Implantable device for estimating glucose levels.
  294. Altman Peter A. (370 Altair Way Suite 302 Sunnyvale CA 94086), Implantable device for the effective elimination of cardiac arrhythmogenic sites.
  295. Jeffery I Joseph ; Marc C. Torjman, Implantable drug delivery catheter system with capillary interface.
  296. Lawton Richard W. (Schenectady NY), Implantable electrochemical sensor.
  297. Zier Horst D. (Amstetten DEX) Kerner Wolfgang (Dornstadt-Bollingen DEX) Pfeiffer Ernst F. (Ulm DEX), Implantable electrochemical sensor.
  298. LeBlanc ; Jr. ; Oliver H. ; Niedrach ; Leonard W. ; Stoddard ; Jr. ; Wil liam H., Implantable electrochemical sensor having an external reference electrode.
  299. Schulman Joseph H. ; Byers Charles L. ; Adomian Gerald E. ; Colvin Michael S., Implantable enzyme-based monitoring systems having improved longevity due to improved exterior surfaces.
  300. Clark ; Jr. Leland (Cincinnati OH), Implantable gas-containing biosensor and method for measuring an analyte such as glucose.
  301. Clark ; Jr. Leland C. (Cincinnati OH), Implantable gas-containing biosensor and method for measuring an analyte such as glucose.
  302. Bessman Samuel P. (2025 Zonal Ave. Los Angeles CA 90033) Layne Ennis C. (9128 Huntington Dr. San Gabriel CA 91775) Thomas Lyell J. (1900 Pelican Ave. San Pedro CA 90732), Implantable glucose sensor.
  303. Wilson George S. (Lawrence KS) Bindra Dilbir S. (Lawrence KS) Hill Brian S. (Lawrence KS) Thevenot Daniel R. (Paris Cedex FRX) Sternberg Robert (Thiais FRX) Reach Gerard (Paris Cedex KS FRX) Zhang Ya, Implantable glucose sensor.
  304. Feingold Vladimir (49 Gumnut Road ; Cherrybrook New South Wales 2120 AUX), Implantable medication infusion system.
  305. Guilbeau Eric J. (Tempe AZ) Towe Bruce C. (Mesa AZ), Implantable microelectronic biochemical sensor incorporating thin film thermopile.
  306. Kilcoyne, John T.; Tsukashima, Ross; Johnson, George M.; Klecher, Christopher, Implantable monitoring probe.
  307. Adams John M. (Issaquah WA) Alferness Clifton A. (Redmond WA), Implantable myocardial ischemia monitor and related method.
  308. Khan Shahed U. M. (Pittsburgh PA), Implantable non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensor.
  309. Khan Shahed U. M. (Pittsburgh PA), Implantable non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensor.
  310. Strother, Robert B.; Mrva, Joseph J.; Thrope, Geoffrey B., Implantable pulse generator for providing functional and/or therapeutic stimulation of muscles and/or nerves and/or central nervous system tissue.
  311. Silver, James H., Implantable sensor.
  312. Joseph H. Schulman ; Rajiv Shah, Implantable sensor and integrity tests therefor.
  313. Crothall Katherine D., Implantable sensor and system for in vivo measurement and control of fluid constituent levels.
  314. Sun Xiaoguang ; Joseph Jeffrey I., Implantable sensor and system for measurement and control of blood constituent levels.
  315. Blubaugh ; Jr. Elmo A. ; Brunsman Alan R. ; Houser Kevin L., Implantable sensor employing an auxiliary electrode.
  316. Franetzki Manfred (Uttenreuth DEX), Implantable, calibrateable measuring instrument for a body substance and a calibrating method.
  317. Fischell Robert E. (Silver Spring MD), Implantable, programmable medication infusion system.
  318. Cooper Patrick J. ; Barker Todd Q., Individual calibration of blood glucose for supporting noninvasive self-monitoring blood glucose.
  319. Moberg, Sheldon B.; Hanson, Ian B.; Bente, IV, Paul F.; Tieck, Ruth Marie; Kavazov, Julian D.; Mounce, R. Paul, Infusion medium delivery device and method with drive device for driving plunger in reservoir.
  320. Bikovsky,Rafael, Infusion medium delivery system, device and method with needle inserter and needle inserter device and method.
  321. Griffin, Christopher G., Infusion medium delivery system, device and method with needle inserter and needle inserter device and method.
  322. Larson Stella D. (Columbus Township ; Anoka County MN) Mickelson Anne F. (Woodbury MN) Eisenberg Peter M. (Minneapolis MN), Infusion pump and method with dose-rate calculation.
  323. Estes, Mark C., Infusion pump system.
  324. Marano April A. ; Field Jeffrey F. ; Funderburk Jeffery V., Injector for a subcutaneous infusion set.
  325. Funderburk Jeffery V. ; Marano April A. ; Field Jeffrey F., Injector for a subcutaneous insertion set.
  326. Bobroff, Randa M.; Kiliszewski, Lawrence; Lickliter, Hans; Houghton, Frederick C.; Safabash, Jason H.; McConnell, Susan M.; Marano, April A., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  327. Bobroff,Randa M.; Kiliszewski,Lawrence; Lickliter,Hans; Houghton,Frederick C.; Safabash,Jason H.; McConnell,Susan M.; Marano,April A., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  328. Douglas,Joel S., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  329. Safabash Jason H. ; McConnell Susan M. ; Adair Randy W. ; Funderburk Jeffery V. ; Marano April A. ; Field Jeffrey F., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  330. Safabash,Jason H.; McConnell,Susan M.; Adair,Randy W.; Funderbunk,Jeffery V.; Marano,April A.; Field,Jeffrey F., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  331. Safabash,Jason H.; McConnell,Susan M.; Adair,Randy W.; Funderburk,Jeffery V.; Marano,April A.; Field,Jeffrey F., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  332. Safabash,Jason H.; McConnell,Susan M.; Adair,Randy W.; Funderburk,Jeffery V.; Marano,April A.; Field,Jeffrey F., Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same.
  333. VanAntwerp Nannette M. ; Halili Edgardo C., Insertion set for a transcutaneous sensor.
  334. Nannette M. VanAntwerp ; Edgardo C. Halili, Insertion set for a transcutenous sensor with cable connector lock mechanism.
  335. Newhouse Stanley (206 Juniper Cir. North Lawrence NY 11559) Lerner Robert (315 E. 65th St. New York NY 10021) Martin Roy (3312 182nd Pl. ; NE. Redmond WA 98452), Insulin delivery method and apparatus.
  336. Joseph Jose P. (Menlo Park CA), Integral interstitial fluid sensor.
  337. Beaubiah Michael K. (Kingston CAX), Integral medical electrode including a fusible conductive substrate.
  338. James R. Mault, Integrated calorie management system.
  339. Brauker, James H.; Tapsak, Mark A.; Saint, Sean T.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Neale, Paul V.; Simpson, Peter C.; Mensinger, Michael Robert; Markovic, Dubravka, Integrated delivery device for continuous glucose sensor.
  340. Heller,Adam; Feldman,Benjamin; Say,James, Integrated lancing and measurement device and analyte measuring methods.
  341. Rasdal, Andrew; Brauker, James H.; Neale, Paul V.; Simpson, Peter C., Integrated receiver for continuous analyte sensor.
  342. Stephens L. Keith (Charlottesville VA), Interactive display for trend or bar graph.
  343. Heller Adam (Austin TX) Maidan Ruben (Austin TX), Interferant eliminating biosensor.
  344. Heller Adam (Austin TX) Maidan Ruben (Austin TX), Interferant eliminating biosensors.
  345. Ash Stephen R. (Lafayette IN) Janle Elsa M. (West Lafayette IN), Interstitial filtration and collection device and method for long-term monitoring of physiological constituents of the b.
  346. Erickson Brian J. (Woodbury MN) Hilgers Michael E. (Roseville MN) Hendrickson Tracy A. (Minnetonka MN) Shapland J. Edward (Shoreview MN) Solomon Frank A. (Plymouth MN) Knudson Mark B. (Shoreview MN), Interstitial fluid collection and constituent measurement.
  347. Brinda Paul D. (Robbinsdale MN), Interstitial fluid sampler.
  348. Yuzhakov,Vadim Vladimirovich; Sherman,Faiz Feisal; Owens,Grover David; Gartstein,Vladimir, Intracutaneous microneedle array apparatus.
  349. Py, Daniel; Chan, Julian V., Intradermal delivery device and method.
  350. Gross Joseph,IEX ; Kelly John Gerard,IEX, Intradermal drug delivery device.
  351. Maxwell Thomas P. (Santa Ana CA), Intravascular blood parameter measurement system.
  352. Yamaguchi Shuichiro (Fuji JPX) Ushizawa Norihiko (Fujinomiya JPX) Shimomura Takeshi (Fujinomiya JPX) Oyama Noboru (Higashikurume JPX), Ion sensor.
  353. Peck Robert L. (Lebanon CT), Ionic semiconductor materials and applications thereof.
  354. Thorne David L. ; Thorne Gale H. ; Owen Charles V. ; Thorne Michael L., Lancet apparatus and methods.
  355. Iio, Toshiaki; Amano, Yoshinori; Kurokawa, Koya; Shinohara, Noriyuki, Lancet for blood collection and puncture needle unit.
  356. Bodicky Raymond O. (Oakville MO) Ausherman Ronald W. (Bethalto IL), Lancet injector.
  357. Levaughn Richard W. ; Flynn Stephen J. ; Kennedy Gwenn E. ; Lipoma Michael V., Lancing device and method of sample collection.
  358. Wilkins Ebtisam S. (Rockville MD), Long-life membrane electrode for non-ionic species.
  359. Shults, Mark C.; Rhodes, Rathburn K.; Updike, Stuart J.; Brauker, James H., Low oxygen in vivo analyte sensor.
  360. Shults, Mark C.; Rhodes, Rathburn K.; Updike, Stuart J.; Brauker, James H., Low oxygen in vivo analyte sensor.
  361. Yao Shang J. (Pittsburgh PA) Wolfson ; Jr. Sidney K. (Pittsburgh PA), Low-potential electrochemical redox sensors.
  362. Fendrock, Charles, Luminous glucose monitoring device.
  363. Dormer Kenneth J. (Edmond OK) Richard Gordon L. (Minco OK), Magnetic transcutaneous mount for external device of an associated implant.
  364. Dormer Kenneth J. (Edmond OK) Richard Gordon L. (Minco OK), Magnetic transcutaneous mount for external device of an associated implant.
  365. Say, James L.; Sakslund, Henning; Tomasco, Michael F.; Audett, Jay D.; Cho, Hyun; Yamasaki, Duane O.; Heller, Adam, Mass transport limited in vivo analyte sensor.
  366. Heinonen Pekka,FIX ; Okkonen Harri,FIX ; Berg Jukka,FIX, Measurement apparatus.
  367. Terashima, Noriyoshi; Nadaoka, Masataka, Measurement device, insulin infusion device, measurement method, method for controlling insulin infusion device, and program.
  368. Bernard Claude (Le Plessis-Robinson FRX), Measuring head enabling the production of physiological measurement signals designed to be positioned on or in corporeal.
  369. Rau Gnter (Mauerkircherstrasse 45 8000 Mnchen DEX 80), Measuring sensor for the non-invasive detection of electro-physiological quantities.
  370. Michael Wayne Brown ; Kelvin Roderick Lawrence ; Michael A. Paolini, Measuring user health as measured by multiple diverse health measurement devices utilizing a personal storage device.
  371. Parce John W. (Winston-Salem NC) Zuk Robert F. (Burlingame CA), Measuring with zero volume cell.
  372. Swedlow David B. ; Bernstein Michael J. ; Porges Charles E. ; Luecke James E. ; Nootbaar Michael W., Medical diagnostic apparatus with sleep mode.
  373. Swedlow David B. ; Bernstein Michael J. ; Porges Charles E. ; Luecke James E. ; Nootbaar Michael W., Medical diagnostic apparatus with sleep mode.
  374. Anderson Paul J. (Bloomington MN) Jessen Ross A. (Chaska MN) Linde David R. (Maple Grove MN) Jones Richard E. (Bloomington MN) Walter Bert (Mendota Heights MN) Christenson Paul E. (Apple Valley MN), Medical diagnostic system.
  375. Smith Roger E. (Bountiful UT) Astill Mark E. (Centerville UT) Smith Jay L. (Ogden UT) Thorne Gale H. (Bountiful UT), Medical droplet whole blood and like monitoring.
  376. Smith Roger E. (Bountiful UT) Astill Mark E. (Centerville UT) Smith Jay L. (Ogden UT) Thorne Gale H. (Bountiful UT), Medical droplet whole blood and like monitoring.
  377. Finch Gary J. (Santa Ana CA), Medical electrode assembly.
  378. Roth,Steven W., Medical infusion pump capable of learning bolus time patterns and providing bolus alerts.
  379. Gross Joseph,IEX, Medicament delivery device.
  380. Castellano Thomas P. ; Schumacher Robert, Medication delivery device with a microprocessor and characteristic monitor.
  381. Funderburk Jeffery V. ; Bowman Leif N., Medication infusion set.
  382. Wilkins Ebtisam (Albuquerque NM), Membrane electrode for non-ionic species.
  383. Newman David P. (Yellow Springs OH), Membrane for enzyme electrodes.
  384. Brauker, James H.; Shults, Mark C.; Tapsak, Mark A., Membrane for use with implantable devices.
  385. Brauker, James H.; Shults, Mark C.; Tapsak, Mark A., Membrane for use with implantable devices.
  386. Boecker,Dirk; Freeman,Dominique M., Method and apparatus for a multi-use body fluid sampling device with analyte sensing.
  387. Freeman, Dominique M.; Boecker, Dirk; Alden, Don; Mauze, Ganapati, Method and apparatus for a point of care device.
  388. Bane Ronald L. ; Barlow James M., Method and apparatus for activating and accessing remote meter interface devices.
  389. Derby Howard V. (Boulder CO) Bose Tamal (Denver CO) Rajan Seeraman (Bombay INX), Method and apparatus for adaptive line enhancement in Coriolis mass flow meter measurement.
  390. Szuminsky Neil J. (Pittsburgh PA) Jordan Joseph (State College PA) Pottgen Paul A. (Allison Park PA) Talbott Jonathan L. (Freedom PA), Method and apparatus for amperometric diagnostic analysis.
  391. Ward, W. Kenneth, Method and apparatus for background current arrangements for a biosensor.
  392. Ward, W. Kenneth, Method and apparatus for background current arrangements for a biosensor.
  393. Wang Joseph (Las Cruces) Taha Ziad H. (Las Cruces NM), Method and apparatus for batch injection analysis.
  394. Boecker,Dirk; Freeman,Dominique M., Method and apparatus for body fluid sampling with improved sensing.
  395. Starkweather, Timothy J.; Lebel, Ronald J.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Weiss, Philip T.; Armstrong, John T.; Richert, John D., Method and apparatus for communicating between an ambulatory medical device and a control device via telemetry using randomized data.
  396. Starkweather,Timothy J.; Lebel,Ronald J.; Villegas,Daniel H.; Weiss,Philip T.; Armstrong,John T.; Richert,John D., Method and apparatus for communicating between an ambulatory medical device and a control device via telemetry using randomized data.
  397. Miazga,Jay; Genau,Chris; Leonard,Paul C.; Gliner,Bradford Evan, Method and apparatus for controlling the depth of percutaneous applications.
  398. Doyle, III, Francis J.; Jovanovic, Lois, Method and apparatus for glucose control and insulin dosing for diabetics.
  399. Chaiken Craig L. ; Nott William, Method and apparatus for identifying display monitor functionality and compatibility.
  400. Hansen Henrik-Egesborg (Hellerup DKX) Ege Henrik (Frederiksberg DKX) Plum Thomas Munk (Skodsborg DKX), Method and apparatus for in vivo determination of the concentration in a body fluid of metabolically significant substan.
  401. Quy Roger J. (Belvedere CA), Method and apparatus for interactively monitoring a physiological condition and for interactively providing health relat.
  402. Quy Roger J., Method and apparatus for interactively monitoring a physiological condition and for interactively providing health-related information.
  403. DeVito Drew, Method and apparatus for measuring and analyzing physiological signals for active or passive control of physical and virtual spaces and the contents therein.
  404. Griffith John S. ; Cooper Patrick J. ; Barker Todd Q., Method and apparatus for non-invasive blood glucose sensing.
  405. Cunningham David D. ; Henning Timothy P. ; Shain Eric B. ; Young Douglas F. ; Muetterties Andrew J. ; Schapira Thomas G. ; Chambers Geoffrey R.,GBX ; Hughes Graham J.,GBX ; Watkin Jared L.,GBX ; Prok, Method and apparatus for obtaining blood for diagnostic tests.
  406. Cunningham, David D.; Henning, Timothy P.; Shain, Eric B.; Young, Douglas F.; Muetterties, Andrew J.; Schapira, Thomas G.; Chambers, Geoffrey R.; Hughes, Graham J.; Watkin, Jared L.; Prokop, Gary F.;, Method and apparatus for obtaining blood for diagnostic tests.
  407. Shain Eric B. ; Lowery Michael G. ; Cunningham David D. ; Henning Timothy P. ; Young Douglas F., Method and apparatus for obtaining blood for diagnostic tests.
  408. Christiansen, Torben F., Method and apparatus for pH recording.
  409. Kovatchev, Boris P.; Moorman, J. Randall; Clarke, William L.; Straume, Martin, Method and apparatus for predicting the risk of hypoglycemia.
  410. Hayter, Gary Alan; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Naegeli, Andrew H.; Mazza, John Charles; Feldman, Benjamin Jay; Harper, Wesley Scott, Method and apparatus for providing analyte sensor calibration.
  411. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Naegeli, Andrew H.; Mazza, John C.; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Harper, Scott, Method and apparatus for providing analyte sensor calibration.
  412. Stafford, Gary Ashley, Method and apparatus for providing analyte sensor insertion.
  413. Hayter, Gary, Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  414. Hayter, Gary, Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  415. Hayter, Gary Alan; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  416. Hayter, Gary Alan; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Doniger, Kenneth J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  417. Hayter, Gary; Doniger, Kenneth J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  418. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  419. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Doniger, Kenneth J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  420. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Doniger, Kenneth J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  421. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Naegeli, Andrew H.; Mazza, John C.; Feldman, Benjamin J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  422. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Naegeli, Andrew H.; Mazza, John C.; Feldman, Benjamin J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  423. Hayter, Gary; McGarraugh, Geoffrey V.; Naegeli, Andrew H.; Mazza, John C.; Feldman, Benjamin J., Method and apparatus for providing data processing and control in a medical communication system.
  424. Fennell, Martin J., Method and apparatus for providing dynamic multi-stage signal amplification in a medical device.
  425. Klein Jean-Claude (Avon FRX), Method and apparatus for the control and regulation of glycemia.
  426. Rao Govind (Baltimore MD) Szmacinski Henryk (Baltimore MD) Lakowicz Joseph R. (10037 Fox Den Rd. Ellicott City MD 21042), Method and apparatus to perform trans-cutaneous analyte monitoring.
  427. Monfre,Stephen L.; Hazen,Kevin H.; Ruchti,Timothy L.; Blank,Thomas B.; Henderson,James R., Method and apparatus using alternative site glucose determinations to calibrate and maintain noninvasive and implantable analyzers.
  428. Bussan Christopher F. ; Marry Patrick J. ; Rabe Duane C. ; Binzel Charles P. ; Arora Arvind S., Method and circuit for acquisition by a radio receiver.
  429. Horst Wich, Method and device for controlling the introduction depth of an injection needle.
  430. Chick William L. (Wellesley MA) Wolf David E. (Hudson MA) Cardullo Richard A. (Milford MA), Method and device for detecting and quantifying glucose in body fluids.
  431. Bauer Robert (Bristol IN), Method and device for detecting glucose concentration.
  432. Albert David E. ; Smith Landgrave T. ; Rieger Carl J. ; Cumming Colin J. ; Hoy Leslie D., Method and hand-held apparatus for demodulating and viewing frequency modulated biomedical signals.
  433. Mann Alfred E. ; Mastrototaro John J. ; Hague Clifford W., Method and kit for supplying a fluid to a subcutaneous placement site.
  434. Gough David A. (Cardiff By The Sea CA), Method and membrane applicable to implantable sensor.
  435. Gough David A. (Cardiff by the Sea CA), Method and membrane applicable to implantable sensor.
  436. Hoenes Joachim (Zwingenberg DEX) Schaeffler Jurgen (Weinheim DEX), Method and sensor electrode system for the electrochemical determination of an analyte or an oxidoreductase as well as t.
  437. Schlueter ; Jr. Edward L. ; DeSarra Paul A., Method and system aiding medical diagnosis and treatment.
  438. Hayter, Gary Alan; Budiman, Erwin Satrya, Method and system for determining analyte levels.
  439. Hayter, Gary; Budiman, Erwin S, Method and system for determining analyte levels.
  440. Osorio, Ivan; Frei, Mark G., Method and system for implantable glucose monitoring and control of a glycemic state of a subject.
  441. Estes, Mark C.; Wenger, Mitchell; Mernoe, Morten; Causey, James, Method and system for manual and autonomous control of an infusion pump.
  442. Sloan, Mark K.; Hayter, Gary, Method and system for providing basal profile modification in analyte monitoring and management systems.
  443. Hayter, Gary; Doniger, Kenneth J.; Budiman, Erwin S.; Zhang, Songbiao; Mazza, John C., Method and system for providing calibration of an analyte sensor in an analyte monitoring system.
  444. Mastrototaro, John J.; Yoon, Richard K.; Keenan, Desmond Barry, Method and system for providing sensor redundancy.
  445. Richter Gerhard (Erlangen DEX) Luft Gnter (Lauf DEX) Gebhardt Ulrich (Langensendelbach DEX), Method for determining sugar concentration.
  446. Richter Gerhard (Erlangen DEX) Luft Gnter (Lauf DEX) Gebhardt Ulrich (Langensendelbach DEX), Method for determining the concentration of sugar using an electrocatalytic sugar sensor.
  447. Bok Song-Hae,KRX ; Jeong Tae-Sook,KRX ; Bae Ki-Hwan,KRX ; Park Yong-Bok,KRX ; Choi Myung-Sook,KRX ; Moon Surk-Sik,KRX ; Kwon Yong-Kook,KRX ; Lee Eun-Sook,KRX ; Hyun Byung-Hwa,KRX ; Choi Yang-Kyu,KRX , Method for lowering blood glucose level by the administration of bioflavonoid.
  448. Burnham Warren R., Method for making a tubular product, especially a catheter, and article made thereby.
  449. Wang, Yi; Feldman, Benjamin J., Method for making calibration-adjusted sensors.
  450. Wong David K. (Del Mar CA), Method for measuring glucose.
  451. Updike Stuart J. (Madison WI) Shults Mark C. (Madison WI), Method for monitoring blood glucose levels and elements.
  452. Heinonen Pekka,FIX ; Okkonen Harri,FIX, Method for monitoring the health of a patient.
  453. Joseph Chaiken ; Charles M. Peterson, Method for non-invasive measurement of an analyte.
  454. Mann Alfred E. (Beverly Hills CA) Schulman Joseph H. (Santa Clarita CA), Method for optimally positioning and securing the external unit of a transcutaneous transducer of the skin of a living b.
  455. Ikeda Shin (Katano JPX) Yoshioka Toshihiko (Osaka JPX) Nankai Shiro (Hirakata JPX) Tsutsumi Haruhiro (Onsen-gun JPX) Baba Hideyuki (Matsuyama JPX) Tokuno Yoshinobu (Matsuyama JPX), Method for quantifying specific compound.
  456. Johnson Jay M. (Dayton OH), Method for quantitatively determining a particular substrate catalyzed by a multisubstrate enzyme.
  457. Danninger Josef (Grafelfing DEX) Deneke Ulfert (Peissenberg DEX) Lang Gunter (Tutzing DEX) Michal Gerhard (Tutzing DEX) Roeschlau Peter (Seeshaupt DEX), Method for the determination of substrates or enzyme activities.
  458. Wolfbeis Otto S. (Graz ATX) Trettnak Wolfgang (Mooskirchen ATX), Method for the determination of the concentration of an enzyme substrate and a sensor for carrying out the method.
  459. Brown Stephen J., Method for treating medical conditions using a microprocessor-based video game.
  460. Kaminer Jon J. (Richmond VA), Method for validation of calibration standards in an automatic chemical analyzer.
  461. Feldman,Benjamin J.; McGarraugh,Geoffrey V., Method of calibrating an analyte-measurement device, and associated methods, devices and systems.
  462. Cheney ; II Paul S. (Beverly Hills CA) Van Antwerp William P. (Los Angeles CA), Method of fabricating thin film sensors.
  463. Gross Jeffrey M., Method of fixing a physiologic mitral valve bioprosthesis.
  464. Emmer Ivan (Prague CSX) Hajek Zdenek (Prague CSX) Repa Petr (Prague CSX), Method of manufacture of an electric humidity detecting sensing element.
  465. Feldman,Benjamin J.; Heller,Adam; Heller,Ephraim; Mao,Fei; Vivolo,Joseph A.; Funderburk,Jeffery V.; Colman,Fredric C.; Krishnan,Rajesh, Method of manufacturing electrochemical sensors.
  466. Feldman, Benjamin J.; Heller, Adam; Heller, Ephraim; Mao, Fei; Vivolo, Joseph A.; Funderburk, Jeffery V.; Colman, Fredric C.; Krishnan, Rajesh, Method of manufacturing small volume in vitro analyte sensor.
  467. Freger, David; Gal, Avner; Raykhman, Alexander M., Method of monitoring glucose level.
  468. Lee Ping I. (Valley Cottage NY), Method of producing annealed polyvinyl alcohol contact lens.
  469. Heller Adam ; Feldman Benjamin J. ; Say James ; Vreeke Mark S., Method of using a small volume in vitro analyte sensor.
  470. Feldman, Benjamin J.; Heller, Adam; Heller, Ephraim; Mao, Fei; Vivolo, Joseph A.; Funderburk, Jeffery V.; Colman, Fredric C.; Krishnan, Rajesh, Method of using a small volume in vitro analyte sensor with diffusible or non-leachable redox mediator.
  471. Young Chung Chang (Weston MA) Winarta Handani (Waltham MA), Method of using enzyme electrode.
  472. Huntsman Lee L. (Bainbridge Island WA) Leard Richard S. (Issaquah WA) Tarbox Gary L. (Bainbridge Island WA) Barnes Stephen R. (Seattle WA) McLaren Barry D. (Auburn WA), Methods and apparatus for monitoring cardiac output.
  473. Douglas Joel S. ; Roe Jeffrey N. ; Radwanski Ryszard ; Duchon Brent G., Methods and apparatus for sampling and analyzing body fluid.
  474. Douglas Joel S. ; Roe Jeffrey N. ; Radwanski Ryszard ; Duchon Brent G., Methods and apparatus for sampling and analyzing body fluid.
  475. Brister,Mark; Neale,Paul V.; Saint,Sean; Petisce,James R.; McGee,Thomas F.; Codd,Daniel Shawn; Petersen,David Michael; Kline,Daniel S., Methods and systems for inserting a transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  476. John, Michael Sasha, Methods and systems for semi-automatic adjustment of medical monitoring and treatment.
  477. Desai, Shashi P.; Dunn, Timothy C.; Lesho, Matthew J.; Potts, Russell O.; Tamada, Janet A.; Wei, Charles W., Methods for estimating analyte-related signals, microprocessors comprising programming to control performance of the methods, and analyte monitoring devices employing the methods.
  478. Churchouse Stephen J. (Banbury GB2), Methods of operating enzyme electrode sensors.
  479. Sheppard, Jr.,Norman F.; Santini, Jr.,John T.; Herman,Stephen J.; Cima,Michael J.; Langer,Robert S.; Ausiello,Dennis, Microchip reservoir devices using wireless transmission of power and data.
  480. Hernandez Luis (Toulouse FRX), Microdialysis probe.
  481. Wrighton Mark S. (Winchester MA) White ; Jr. Henry S. (Minneapolis MN) Thackeray James W. (Cambridge MA), Microelectrochemical devices.
  482. Madou Marc J. (Palo Alto CA) Otagawa Takaaki (Fremont CA), Microelectrochemical sensor and sensor array.
  483. Eppstein Jonathan A. ; Hatch Michael R. ; Yang Difei, Microporation of human skin for monitoring the concentration of an analyte.
  484. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  485. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  486. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Morgan, Wayne A., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  487. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Morgan, Wayne A., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  488. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Bowman, IV, Sam W.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Choy, David Y.; Weiss, Philip T., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  489. Lebel, Ronald J.; Shahmirian, Varaz; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Villegas, Daniel H.; Weiss, Philip T., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  490. Lebel, Ronald J.; Starkweather, Timothy J.; Weiss, Philip T., Microprocessor controlled ambulatory medical apparatus with hand held communication device.
  491. Moles, Donald R.; Leland, Quinn; Madaras, Marcel, Microstructured bilateral sensor.
  492. Wilkins Ebtisam S. (Albuquerque NM), Miniature implantable refillable glucose sensor and material therefor.
  493. Daddona Peter E. ; Fieldson Gregory T. ; Nat Avtar S. ; Lin Wei-Qi, Minimally invasive detecting device.
  494. Hayter, Gary Alan; Taub, Marc Barry, Mitigating single point failure of devices in an analyte monitoring system and methods thereof.
  495. Hayter, Gary Alan; Taub, Marc Barry, Mitigating single point failure of devices in an analyte monitoring system and methods thereof.
  496. Ishikura Akira,JPX ; Marui Kuniyoshi,JPX, Mobile communication terminal apparatus with data communication function.
  497. Brown Stephen James, Modular microprocessor-based health monitoring system.
  498. Simons Robert A. (Austin TX), Modular temperature sensing apparatus.
  499. Havas Jeno (Budapest HUX) Nagy Geza (Budapest HUX) Porjesz Emma (Budapest HUX) Pungor Erno (Budapest HUX), Molecule selective sensor for industrial use and procedure for its preparation.
  500. Wrighton Mark S. (Winchester MA) White ; Jr. Henry S. (Somerville MA) Kittlesen Gregg P. (Cambridge MA), Molecule-based microelectronic devices.
  501. Cerami Anthony (New York NY), Monitor for continuous in vivo measurement of glucose concentration.
  502. Berner,Bret; Chiang,Chia Ming; Garrison,Michael D.; Jona,Janan; Potts,Russell O.; Tamada,Janet A.; Tierney,Michael J., Monitoring a physiological analytes.
  503. Heinonen Pekka,FIX ; Okkonen Harri,FIX, Monitoring method and a monitoring equipment.
  504. Berner, Bret; Chiang, Chia-Ming; Garrison, Michael D.; Jona, Janan; Potts, Russell O.; Tamada, Janet A.; Tierney, Michael J., Monitoring of physiological analytes.
  505. Field Jeffrey F. (North Hills CA) Savage Heather M. (Ventura CA), Mounting clip for a medication infusion pump.
  506. Seligman Peter M. (Essendon AUX) Dowell Richard C. (North Eltham AUX) Blamey Peter J. (Mt. Waverley AUX), Multi-peak speech procession.
  507. Jog,Mandar; Nikumb,Suwas, Multichannel electrode and methods of using same.
  508. Lewis, Mark E.; Chambers, Geoffrey R.; Deweese, Marshall D.; Ames, William H., Multichemistry measuring device and test strips.
  509. Oberhardt Bruce J. (Mishawaka IN), Multilayer enzyme electrode membrane.
  510. Chiu Job (No. 19 ; Kun-Ming St. Chungli TWX) Chung Kai-Tang (3F. ; No. 104 ; Kuang-Hui St. Chungli TWX), Multiusage thermometer.
  511. Novacek Laurel A. (Vancouver CAX) Sharp Fraser R. (Vancouver CAX) McLean Donald A. (Vancouver CAX), Needle guard and needle assembly for syringe.
  512. Brown Stephen J., Networked system for interactive communications and remote monitoring of drug delivery.
  513. Gardner,Craig M.; Ridder,Trent D.; Gruner,William, Non-invasive determination of direction and rate of change of an analyte.
  514. Trepagnier, Pierre; Freeman, Jenny; Mansfield, James; Brand, Derek; Hopmeier, Michael J.; Kollias, Nikiforos, Non-invasive tissue glucose level monitoring.
  515. Reber William L. ; Toler Jeffrey G. ; Perttunen Cary D., Noninvasive apparatus having a retaining member to retain a removable biosensor.
  516. Schroeder Jon M. (14301 Bagdad Rd. Leander TX 78641) Long Joseph F. (1335 Lost Creek Rd. Austin TX 78746), Noninvasive blood glucose measuring device.
  517. Mannheimer,Paul D., Nuisance alarm reductions in a physiological monitor.
  518. Luppino Richard, On guard vehicle safety warning system.
  519. Taub, Marc B., On-body medical device securement.
  520. Schultz Jerome S. (Ann Arbor MI), Optical sensor of plasma constituents.
  521. Davidson, Howard L., Optical transdermal link.
  522. Brauker,James H.; Carr Brendel,Victoria; Neale,Paul V.; Martinson,Laura A.; Tapsak,Mark A., Optimized sensor geometry for an implantable glucose sensor.
  523. Frank Arthur J. (Lakewood CO), Organic conductive films for semiconductor electrodes.
  524. Deng Zhi D. (Carmel IN) Sigler Gerald F. (Carmel IN) Surridge Nigel A. (Indianapolis IN) Wilsey Christopher D. (Carmel IN) McEnroe Robert J. (Noblesville IN) Jernigan Walter W. (Indianapolis IN) Mudd, Osmium-containing redox mediator.
  525. Cortese Richard (San Jose CA) Theeuwes Felix (Los Altos CA), Osmotic device with hydrogel driving member.
  526. Tadros Maher E. (Ellicott City MD) Mason James A. (Abingdon MD) Kadoch Christopher A. (San Diego CA), Oxide coated metal grid electrode structure in display devices.
  527. Petisce,James; Tapsak,Mark A.; Simpson,Peter C.; Carr Brendel,Victoria; Brauker,James H., Oxygen enhancing membrane systems for implantable devices.
  528. Inpyn Carl A. (Kinnelon NJ), Package for electronic components.
  529. Falcone Ronald (Hudson NH), Patient alarm detection using trend vector analysis.
  530. Al-Ali, Ammar, Patient monitor capable of monitoring the quality of attached probes and accessories.
  531. Kalman Gabor Ujhelyi (P.O. Box 95 Farmington CT 06032), Patient monitoring system.
  532. Schulman Joseph H. ; Lebel Ronald J. ; Lucisano Joseph Y. ; Mann Alfred E. ; Rule ; III Orville Rey ; Whitmoyer David I., Patient monitoring system.
  533. Allen ; III Lyle M. (Durham NC), Patient-operated glucose monitor and diabetes management system.
  534. Walsh Kevin K. ; Thompson David L., Peripheral memory patch and access method for use with an implantable medical device.
  535. Cobb Marlon J., Personal alarm system.
  536. Lichter Patrick A. ; Lien Spencer J., Personal computer card for collection of real-time biological data.
  537. Ward John W. (Charlottesville VA), Personal physiological monitor.
  538. Copley,Shuan Michael; Miller,Jay D.; Bellehumeur,Mark, Personal tracking device.
  539. Johnson Wilton C. (Hopkins MN), Perspiration indicating alarm for diabetics.
  540. Mault, James R.; Johnson, Noel; Sanderson, John, Physiological monitor and associated computation, display and communication unit.
  541. Ireland,Jeffrey R.; Talbot,Cary D.; Estes,Mark C., Physiological monitoring device for controlling a medication infusion device.
  542. Fuller Charles H. (Carson CA), Physiological sensor and transmitter.
  543. Fischell Robert E. (Silver Spring MD), Plural module medication delivery system.
  544. Holmes, Elizabeth A.; Roy, Shaunak; Howard, John; Wang, Chengwang; Gibbons, Ian; Kemp, Timothy M.; Qi, Shize Daniel, Point-of-care fluidic systems and uses thereof.
  545. Pompei ; Jean ; Pierrot ; Francis, Polarographic cell.
  546. Kuypers Martinus H. (Riethoven NLX) Steeghs Gerardus F. J. (Geldrop NLX), Polarographic-amperometric three-electrode sensor.
  547. Kung, Wei-jen; Vogelhut, Paul O., Polymer catalyst transducers.
  548. Boock, Robert; Rixman, Monica A.; Zhang, Huashi; Estes, Michael J.; Lawrence, Kristina, Polymer membranes for continuous analyte sensors.
  549. Mao, Fei; Heller, Adam, Polymeric transition metal complexes and uses thereof.
  550. Brauker,James H.; Carr Brendel,Victoria; Tapsak,Mark A., Porous membranes for use with implantable devices.
  551. Choi Soo Bong,KRX, Portable automatic syringe device and injection needle unit thereof.
  552. Sakoda Yusaku,JPX ; Endo Hideki,JPX ; Nakajima Satoshi,JPX, Portable biochemical measurement device using an enzyme sensor.
  553. Anderson Carter R. ; Giddings David T. ; Kurkowski James D. ; Thompson Robbi T. ; Sin Kee Van, Portable immediate response medical analyzer having multiple testing modules.
  554. Nestor James R. (Northborough MA) Hauenstein Bennett L. (Nashua NH), Precalibrated fiber optic sensing method.
  555. Yoshioka Toshihiko (Osaka JPX) Kawaguri Mariko (Moriguchi JPX) Nankai Shiro (Hirataka JPX), Preparation of biosensor having a layer containing an enzyme, electron acceptor and hydrophilic polymer on an electrode.
  556. Prohaska Otto (Ann Arbor MI), Probe for medical application.
  557. Say James ; Tomasco Michael F. ; Heller Adam ; Gal Yoram,ILX ; Aria Behrad ; Heller Ephraim ; Plante Phillip John ; Vreeke Mark S., Process for producing an electrochemical biosensor.
  558. Miller Stephen J. (San Francisco CA), Process for stabilizing lube base stocks derived from bright stock.
  559. Graetzel Michael (Lausanne CHX) Serpone Nick (Lausanne CHX) Duonghong Dung (Lausanne CHX), Process for the sensitization of an oxidation/reduction photocatalyst, and photocatalyst thus obtained.
  560. Schoonen Adelbert J. M. (Groningen NLX) Schmidt Franciscus J. (Groningen NLX), Process for using a measuring cell assembly for glucose determination.
  561. Carr Daniel J. (Harleysville PA) Scally Charles R. (Warminister PA) Carney Michael D. (Havertown PA) Kern Scott L. (Perkasie PA) Satko Thomas A. (Ivyland PA) Zecca James W. (Telford PA), Programmable electronic display for a chart recorder.
  562. Goldstein Steven W. (8901 Burdette Rd. Bethesda MD 20817), Programmable remote control device for interacting with a plurality of remotely controlled devices.
  563. Lewandowski Jan (South Euclid OH) Malchesky Paul S. (Painesville OH) Nose′ Yukihiko (Cleveland OH), Pulse voltammetry.
  564. Kondo Yutaka,JPX ; Honda Katsuyuki,JPX ; Odagiri Hiroshi,JPX ; Ono Takeshi,JPX, Pulse-wave measuring apparatus.
  565. Anderson Donald R. (3062 Blume Drive Los Alamitos CA 90720), Purification of saline water.
  566. Chen, Ming-Yun, Rapid response electronic clinical thermometer.
  567. Jonathan D. Albert ; Barrett Comiskey, Rear electrode structures for displays.
  568. Kastle, Siegfried, Recognition of a useful signal in a measurement signal.
  569. Fischell Robert E. (Silver Spring MD) Lord Peter C. (Valencina CA), Refillable medication infusion apparatus.
  570. Wyrick Ronald E. (Spokane WA), Reloadable automatic or manual emergency injection system.
  571. Craig A. Grimes, Remote resonant-circuit analyte sensing apparatus with sensing structure and associated method of sensing.
  572. Doi, Yasuhiro, Resin composition for production of optical element, the optical element, and projection screen.
  573. Blasko,Gabor; Naravanaswami,Chandrasekhar, Retractable string interface for stationary and portable devices.
  574. William P. Van Antwerp ; John J. Mastrototaro, Reusable analyte sensor site and method of using the same.
  575. Weaver Paul F. (Golden CO) Frank Arthur J. (Lakewood CO), Reversibly immobilized biological materials in monolayer films on electrodes.
  576. Bachynsky Nicholas, Rotary cam syringe.
  577. Freeman,Dominique M.; Boecker,Dirk; Alden,Don; Hartmann,Han Joachim; Weber,Lutz, Sampling module device and method.
  578. Von Arx,Jeffrey A.; Koshiol,Allan T.; Bange,Joseph E., Secure long-range telemetry for implantable medical device.
  579. McFarlane ; Richard H., Securing device for catheter placement assembly.
  580. Netherly Samuel G. ; Burton Scott A., Self-packaging bioelectrodes.
  581. Vadgama Pankaj M. (Salford GB2) Tang Lian X. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne GB2), Sensor and method for analyte determination.
  582. Rich David (E. Hartford CT) Thomas Simon (Whitland GB7), Sensor appliance for non-invasive monitoring.
  583. Vadgama Pankaj M. (Manchester GBX) Higson Samus P. J. (Sheffield GBX), Sensor devices.
  584. Higgins Irving J. (Bedford GBX) Hill Hugh A. O. (Oxford GBX) Plotkin Elliot V. (Bedford GBX), Sensor for components of a liquid mixture.
  585. Higgins, Irving J.; Hill, Hugh A. O.; Plotkin, Elliot V., Sensor for components of a liquid mixture.
  586. Grtzel Michael (St-Sulpice CHX) Fraser David (Vevey CHX) Zakeeruddin Shaik M. (Renens CHX) Randin Jean-Paul (Cortaillod CHX) Frenkel Erik J. (Neuchtel CHX), Sensor for measuring the amount of a component in solution.
  587. Rhodes,Rathbun; Tapsak,Mark A.; Brauker,James H.; Shults,Mark C., Sensor head for use with implantable devices.
  588. William P. Van Antwerp ; John J. Mastrototaro, Sensor including UV-absorbing polymer and method of manufacture.
  589. Funderburk,Jeffery V.; Yamasaki,Duane O.; VanHiel,Brian; Flynn,Stephen J.; Kelemen,Bradley D., Sensor inserter assembly.
  590. Flaherty James E. (Attleboro MA) Green Robert B. (Hopkinton MA) Lepke Steven C. (Danvers MA) Mason Richard W. (Millis MA), Sensor package.
  591. Debe Mark K. (Stillwater MN), Sensors based on nanosstructured composite films.
  592. Lewis Nathan S. ; Severin Erik, Sensors for detecting analytes in fluids.
  593. Berg, Lloyd, Separation of 1-pentanol from cyclopentanol by extractive distillation.
  594. Diab Mohamed K. ; Kiani Massi E. ; Elfadel Ibrahim M. ; McCarthy Rex J. ; Weber Walter M. ; Smith Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  595. Brauker, James H.; Carr-Brendel, Victoria; Goode, Paul V.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Thrower, James P.; Xavier, Ben, Signal processing for continuous analyte sensor.
  596. Brauker, James H.; Carr-Brendel, Victoria; Goode, Paul V.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Thrower, James P.; Xavier, Ben, Signal processing for continuous analyte sensor.
  597. Stark Edward W. (160 W. End Ave. ; Suite 3M New York NY 10023), Signal processing method and apparatus.
  598. Boock, Robert; Rixman, Monica, Silicone based membranes for use in implantable glucose sensors.
  599. Levin Paul D. ; Harding John D. ; Decker Lance G., Single-use lancet device.
  600. Wozniak John J. (Columbia MD) Leong Kam (Perry Hall MD), Single-use, self-annulling injection syringe.
  601. Heller Adam ; Feldman Benjamin J. ; Say James ; Vreeke Mark S., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor.
  602. Heller, Adam; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Say, James; Vreeke, Mark S., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor.
  603. Heller, Adam; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Say, James; Vreeke, Mark S., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor.
  604. Liamos, Charles T.; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Funderburk, Jeffery V.; Krishnan, Rajesh; Plante, Phillip John; Vivolo, Joseph A.; Jin, Robert Y.; Cloud, Michael S., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor and methods.
  605. Liamos, Charles T.; Feldman, Benjamin J.; Funderburk, Jeffery V.; Krishnan, Rajesh; Plante, Phillip John; Vivolo, Joseph A.; Jin, Robert Y.; Cloud, Michael S., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor and methods.
  606. Liamos, Charles T.; Vivolo, Joseph A.; Colman, Fredric C., Small volume in vitro analyte sensor and methods.
  607. Benjamin J. Feldman ; Adam Heller ; Ephraim Heller ; Fei Mao ; Joseph A. Vivolo ; Jeffery V. Funderburk ; Fredric C. Colman ; Rajesh Krishnan, Small volume in vitro analyte sensor with diffusible or non-leachable redox mediator.
  608. Benjamin J. Feldman ; Adam Heller ; Ephraim Heller ; Fei Mao ; Joseph A. Vivolo ; Jeffrey V. Funderburk ; Fredric C. Colman ; Rajesh Krishnan, Small volume in vitro analyte sensor with diffusible or non-leachable redox mediator.
  609. Buse, John Bernard; Moses, Alan Charles, Small volume in vitro analyte sensor with diffusible or non-leachable redox mediator.
  610. Feldman Benjamin J. ; Heller Adam ; Heller Ephraim ; Mao Fei ; Vivolo Joseph A. ; Funderburk Jeffery V. ; Colman Fredric C. ; Krishnan Rajesh, Small volume in vitro analyte sensor with diffusible or non-leachable redox mediator.
  611. James Lee Nowicki, Jr. ; Arthur P. Wicklein ; Donald Lee Gramlich, Jr. ; Michael Paul Josef Wache DE, Snap-fit sensing apparatus.
  612. Konopka April A. (Northridge CA) Lord Peter C. (Valencia CA), Soft cannula subcutaneous injection set.
  613. Zick, Gregory L.; Saulson, Stanley H., Solid state reference electrode.
  614. Papadakis Nicholas (Mentor OH), Solid state transcutaneous blood gas sensors.
  615. Heller Adam (Austin TX) Vreeke Mark S. (Boulder CO), Soybean peroxidase electrochemical sensor.
  616. Columbus Richard L. (Rochester NY) Kissel Thomas R. (Rochester NY), Sterilizing dressing device and method for skin puncture.
  617. Hill Hugh A. O. (Oxford GB3) Higgins Irving J. (Bedford GB3) McCann James M. (Oxford NJ GB3) Davis Graham (Plainsborough NJ), Strip electrode including screen printing of a single layer.
  618. Hill Hugh Allen Oliver,GB3 ; Higgins Irving John,GB3 ; McCann James Michael,GB3 ; Davis Graham, Strip electrode with screen printing.
  619. Gross Joseph,IEX ; Nitzan Zvi,ILX ; Tsals Izrail ; Razonowich Mario,ILX ; Cabiri Oz,ILX ; Danon Haim,ILX ; Lavi Gilad,ILX, Subcutaneous drug delivery device with improved filling system.
  620. Heller Adam (5317 Valburn Cir. Austin TX 78731) Pishko Michael V. (4304C Duval Rd. Austin TX 78759), Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  621. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  622. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  623. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  624. Heller Adam ; Pishko Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  625. Heller, Adam; Pishko, Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  626. Heller, Adam; Pishko, Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  627. Heller,Adam; Pishko,Michael V., Subcutaneous glucose electrode.
  628. Mastrototaro John J. ; Hague Clifford W., Subcutaneous implantable sensor set having the capability to remove deliver fluids to an insertion site.
  629. Livingston John H. (Marina Del Rey CA) Konopka April A. (San Dimas CA), Subcutaneous injection set.
  630. Johnson Jay M. (Dayton OH), Substrate specific galactose oxidase enzyme electrodes.
  631. Yacynych Alexander M. (East Brunswick NJ) Piznik Sylvia S. (Jackson NJ) Reynolds Eugene R. (Highland Park NJ) Geise Robert J. (Piscataway NJ), Surface-modified electochemical biosensor.
  632. Hill Hugh A. O. (Cumnor Hill GB2) Page David J. (Margate GB2) Walton Nicholas J. (New Hinksey GB2) Whitford David (Kidlington GB2), Surface-modified electrode and its use in a bioelectrochemical process.
  633. Malloy Thomas P. (Lake Zurich IL) DeFilippi Louis J. (Mount Prospect IL), Surface-modified electrodes.
  634. Koblish, Josef V.; Hegde, Anat V.; Swanson, David K., Surgical probe for supporting inflatable therapeutic devices in contact with tissue in or around body orifices and within tumors.
  635. Renirie Alexis C. M.,NLX ; Houben Richard,NLX ; van Leeuwen Frank,NLX, System and method for continuous monitoring of diabetes-related blood constituents.
  636. Weinert, Stefhan; Galley, Paul; Thukral, Ajay; Chittajallu, Siva; Buck, Harvey; Wagner, Robin; Marco, Kym; Long, James R.; Bousamra, Steven, System and method for determining drug administration information.
  637. Crothall,Katherine D.; Butoi Teodorescu,Bogdan; Laakmann,Peter, System and method for managing diabetes.
  638. Say James L. ; Long Nathan R. ; Peper Eric A. ; Sakslund Henning, System and method for measuring a bioanalyte such as lactate.
  639. Arita Seizaburou,JPX ITX 651-2274 ; Yoneda Masaya,JPX ITX 701-1151 ; Iokibe Tadashi,JPX ITX 141-0032, System and method for predicting blood glucose level.
  640. Mault, James R., System and method for remote pregnancy monitoring.
  641. Kraft,Ulrich; Christol,James; Ebner,Manfred, System and method of processing a current sample for calculating a glucose concentration.
  642. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U., System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  643. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U., System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  644. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Carr Brendel, Victoria, System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  645. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Carr Brendel, Victoria, System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  646. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Carr-Brendel, Victoria, System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  647. Goode, Jr.,Paul V.; Brauker,James H.; Kamath,Apurv U., System and methods for processing analyte sensor data.
  648. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U., System and methods for processing analyte sensor data for sensor calibration.
  649. Schreiber Joerg (Heddesheim DEX) Schmid Wilfried (Mannheim DEX) Kuhr Hans-Juergen (Mannheim DEX) Eikmeier Heino (Lorsch DEX) Sacherer Klaus-Dieter (Kirchheim DEX), System for analyzing compounds contained in liquid samples.
  650. Kowarski Allen A. (Baltimore MD), System for continuous withdrawal and analysis of blood.
  651. Schroeppel, Edward A., System for controlling body implantable action device.
  652. Effenhauser, Carlo, System for determining analyte concentrations in body fluids.
  653. Palti Yoram (Haifa ILX), System for monitoring and controlling blood and tissue constituent levels.
  654. Palti Yoram (51 Ruth Street Haifa 34404 ILX), System for monitoring and controlling blood glucose.
  655. Palti Yoram (P.O. Box 260 Livingston NJ 07039), System for monitoring and controlling blood glucose.
  656. Abbink, Russell E.; Johnson, Robert D.; Maynard, John D., System for non-invasive measurement of glucose in humans.
  657. Sjoquist Steven E. (Lynnwood WA) Daynes John C. (Redmond WA), System for producing prioritized alarm messages in a medical instrument.
  658. Simpson,Peter; Brauker,James; Carr Brendel,Victoria; Goode,Paul; Tapsak,Mark, Systems and methods for improving electrochemical analyte sensors.
  659. Burd, John F.; Jacobs, Peter G.; Sell, William J.; Shults, Mark C., Systems and methods for remote monitoring and modulation of medical devices.
  660. Goode, Jr., Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv U.; Thrower, James Patrick; Carr-Brendel, Victoria, Systems and methods for replacing signal artifacts in a glucose sensor data stream.
  661. Surwit Richard S. ; Allen ; III Lyle M. ; Cummings Sandra E., Systems, methods and computer program products for monitoring, diagnosing and treating medical conditions of remotely located patients.
  662. Nir Navot IL; Ronnie Botton IL, Tampon detection system.
  663. Phillips Robert B. (Hants GB2) Bowyer William H. (Farnham GB2) Moxley Bruce (Reading GB2), Target apparatus.
  664. Tapsak,Mark A.; Rhodes,Rathbun K.; Shults,Mark C.; McClure,Jason D., Techniques to improve polyurethane membranes for implantable glucose sensors.
  665. Johnson Kirk W. (Indianapolis IN) Mastrototaro John J. (Indianapolis IN), Techniques to improve the performance of electrochemical sensors.
  666. Mann, Alfred E.; Purvis, Richard E.; Mastrototaro, John J.; Causey, James D.; Henke, James; Hong, Peter; Livingston, John H.; Hague, Clifford W.; Hite, Brad T., Telemetered characteristic monitor system and method of using the same.
  667. Mann,Alfred E.; Purvis,Richard E.; Mastrototaro,John J.; Causey,James D.; Henke,James; Hong,Peter; Livingston,John H.; Hague,Clifford W.; Hite,Brad T., Telemetered characteristic monitor system and method of using the same.
  668. Mann,Alfred E.; Purvis,Richard E.; Mastrototaro,John J.; Causey,James D.; Henke,James; Hong,Peter; Livingston,John H.; Hague,Clifford W.; Hite,Brad T., Telemetered characteristic monitor system and method of using the same.
  669. Suni Jouko (Kausala FIX) Tammi Tapio (Oulu FIX), Telemetric transmitter unit.
  670. Padovani Francois A. (Westwood MA) McMains Tim H. (Lexington KY) Rowlette Mitchell R. (Berea KY), Temperature sensor.
  671. Rose Anita,DEX ; Kuenzl Bernd,DEX, Temperature sensor.
  672. Berti Giovanni (Coma IN ITX) White William I. (Elkhart IN) White-Stevens Rodric H. (Howe IN), Test means and method for interference resistant determination of oxidizing substances.
  673. John J. Mastrototaro ; Richard E. Purvis ; Edgardo C. Halili ; Eric Johnson, Test plug and cable for a glucose monitor.
  674. Stewart, Alan Andrew; Scott, Steven, Test strip.
  675. Boehm Michael James ; Straub Peter John ; Kirkwood Richard Darrell, Thermal probe assembly with mold-over crimp sensor packaging.
  676. Sun,Ying; Oakeson,Ralph W.; Wisniewski,Stephen J.; Wang,Jonas C. T., Tissue electroperforation for enhanced drug delivery.
  677. Oja,Raymond G.; Moore,Roger A.; Hamilton,Milton E.; Hreha,Michael, Tracking device.
  678. Brauker, James H.; Kamath, Apurv Ullas; Goode, Paul; Brister, Mark, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  679. Brister, Mark; Masterson, Steve; Dobbles, J. Michael; Mensinger, Michael Robert; Saint, Sean; Kamath, Apurv Ullas; Brauker, James; Thrower, James Patrick, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  680. Brister, Mark; Neale, Paul V.; Saint, Sean; Thrower, James Patrick; McGee, Thomas F.; Codd, Daniel Shawn; Petersen, David Michael; Kline, Daniel S., Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  681. Brister, Mark; Petisce, James R.; Saint, Sean; Woo, Kum Ming; Ha, Victor; Nolting, John; Simpson, Peter C.; Brauker, James, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  682. Brister,Mark; Kline,Daniel; Masterson,Steve; Saint,Sean, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  683. Brister,Mark; Neale,Paul V.; Thrower,James Patrick; Kline,Daniel S.; Codd,Daniel Shawn; Saint,Sean; Masterson,Steve, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  684. Wojcik,Steven, Transcutaneous inserter for low-profile infusion sets.
  685. Brister, Mark; Brauker, James, Transcutaneous medical device with variable stiffness.
  686. Willis Barry G. (Palo Alto CA) Schade ; Jr. Henry A. (Mount View CA) Farrell Michael J. (Woodside CA), Transcutaneous pH measuring instrument.
  687. Hochmair Ingeborg J. (A-1130 Wien Jaunerstrasse 27 Vienna ATX) Hochmair Erwin S. (A-1130 Wien Jaunerstrasse 27 Vienna ATX), Transcutaneous power and signal transmission system and methods for increased signal transmission efficiency.
  688. Ward, W. Kenneth; Jansen, Lawrence B., Transcutaneous sensor insertion device.
  689. Cheney ; II Paul S. (Beverly Hills CA) Mastrototaro John J. (Los Angeles CA) Schnabel Nannette M. (Valencia CA) Lord Peter C. (Valencia CA) Van Antwerp William P. (Los Angeles CA) Clark Raymond D. (V, Transcutaneous sensor insertion set.
  690. Halili Edgardo C. (Reseda CA) Mastrototaro John J. (Los Angeles CA), Transcutaneous sensor insertion set.
  691. Lord Peter C. (Santa Clarita CA) Van Antwerp William P. (Brentwood CA) Mastrototaro John J. (Los Angeles CA) Cheney ; II Paul S. (Beverly Hills CA) Schnabel Nannette M. (Valencia CA), Transcutaneous sensor insertion set.
  692. Mann Carla M., Transcutaneous transmission patch.
  693. Phillips Michael (1740 Hinman Ave. ; Apt. 3B Evanston IL 60201), Transdermal dosimeter and method of use.
  694. Mastrototaro John J. ; Lemos Richard ; Van Antwerp Nannette M. ; Halili Edgardo C., Transdermal introducer assembly.
  695. Mao, Fei; Heller, Adam, Transition metal complexes with bidentate ligand having an imidazole ring and sensor constructed therewith.
  696. Gough David A. (Cardiff by the Sea CA), Transparent multi-oxygen sensor array and method of using same.
  697. Wernicke Joachim F. (League City TX) Terry ; Jr. Reese S. (Houston TX), Treatment of endocrine disorders by nerve stimulation.
  698. Brown Stephen J., Treatment regimen compliance and efficacy with feedback.
  699. Metcalf Gerald L. (Burnsville MN) Poff Bradley C. (White Bear Lake MN) Barker John M. (Ventura CA), Trocar.
  700. Gough David A. (Cardiff by the Sea CA), Two-dimensional diffusion glucose substrate sensing electrode.
  701. Flach Terry E. ; Stoop Michael D., Two-way TDMA telemetry system with power conservation features.
  702. Lipkovker Lev M. (Bellevue WA), Ultrasonic transdermal system for withdrawing fluid from an organism and determining the concentration of a substance in.
  703. Musho Matthew K. (Elkhart IN) Noell J. Oakey (Mishawaka IN) Tse Pius H-S. (Mishawaka IN), Use of conductive sensors in diagnostic assays.
  704. Money Eugene W. ; Caldwell Roger ; Sciarra Michael, Vital sign remote monitoring device.
  705. Wilkins Ebtisam S. (Albuquerque NM), Vivo refillable glucose sensor.
  706. Goertz Hans-Helmut (Ludwigshafen DEX) Marcinowski Stefan (Ludwigshafen DEX) Sanner Axel (Frankenthal DEX), Water-insoluble protein material, its preparation and its use.
  707. Connelly, Robert I.; Shermer, Charles D.; Powell, Kenneth G., Wearable, self-contained drug infusion device.
  708. Besson Marcus,DEX ; von Czettriz Gotthart,DEX ; Bax Ralph,DEX, Wireless medical diagnosis and monitoring equipment.
  709. Baldus, Heribert; Elixmann, Martin J., Wireless network having body coupled communication for mobile patient monitoring.
  710. Fifolt, Douglas A.; Rosenberg, Miki, Wireless patient monitoring system.
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