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[미국특허] Valve and valve with seat insertion tool and extraction tool 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-043/00
  • F16K-007/16
  • F16K-001/42
출원번호 US-0706198 (2015-05-07)
등록번호 US-9810328 (2017-11-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glime, III, William H.
  • Clason, Mark A.
  • Overton, Jeffrey Nathan
출원인 / 주소
  • Swagelok Company
대리인 / 주소
    Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 19


A valve and tool assembly includes a valve seat, a valve seat recess, a seat carrier and a valve seat displacement tool. A valve seat installation tool is also described, as well as a valve seat replacement kit and a method for replacing a valve seat. The valve may be a diaphragm valve, for example.


1. A valve and tool assembly, comprising: a valve comprising a longitudinal axis and a valve seat recess,a valve seat, anda valve seat extraction tool that is attachable to said valve by an eccentric alignment member;wherein the eccentric alignment member is adapted to be assembled with the valve to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Charles Herndon ; Roger A. Brown, Ball valve extractor.
  2. Wilkins Larry C., Ball valve seal replacement apparatus and method.
  3. Elliott Robert E. (2045 S. Holiday Hills Rd. Midland TX 79703), High pressure valve for positive pressure pumps including means for installing and removing the valve.
  4. Gorges, Ditmar L.; Higgins, Michael, Horizontal-flow trap and housing assembly with odor preventing closure mechanism.
  5. Gorges, Ditmar L.; Higgins, Michael, Horizontal-flow trap and housing assembly with odor preventing closure mechanism.
  6. Domingue Gregory A., Method for pulling a valve seat.
  7. Capoferi, Fred Louis, Method of installing valve seals and a two-piece tool therefor.
  8. Harmand Brice, Pulling tool for extracting ring inserts.
  9. Stanton Eddie (2025 Magill Odessa TX 79764), Releasable valve seat removal tool.
  10. Lowery, Patrick A., Removable valve seat member for diaphragm valve.
  11. McKay Albert A.,CAX, Replaceable valve seat.
  12. Hall, Randy J.; Burr, Ronald C.; Miller, Carl D., Replaceable valve seat ring with enhanced flow design.
  13. Hall, Randy J.; Burr, Ronald C.; Stiehl, Mark D.; Miller, Carl D., Replaceable valve seat ring with enhanced flow design.
  14. Mark Alan Leimer, Service tool for removal of valve seal assembly.
  15. Berry Stephen M. (Idaho Falls ID) Porter Matthew L. (North Potomac MD), System for remotely servicing a top loading captive ball valve.
  16. Rucker, Jason W., Threaded device for removing a fractured cartridge from a valve body.
  17. Pacht Amos (Houston TX), Valve assembly for reciprocating plunger pump.
  18. Roush Walter T. (Houston TX), Valve seat tool for removing and inserting value seats.
  19. Samuels Martin L. (2634 Yorktown #390 Houston TX 77056) Koleilat Bashir M. (17826 Mahogany Forest Spring TX 77379) Cain David E. (1502 Anvil Houston TX 77099) Herold John R. (7314 Kite Hill Dr. Houst, Wellhead retrieval tool assembly.

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