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[미국특허] Apparatuses for holding and retaining glass articles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C03C-021/00
  • B08B-009/42
  • C03C-023/00
  • B65D-021/02
  • B65D-071/52
  • B65D-071/54
  • B65D-071/06
출원번호 US-0808734 (2015-07-24)
등록번호 US-9845263 (2017-12-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Morgan, Kenneth Spencer
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 68


According to one or more embodiments described herein, an apparatus may hold and retain glass articles during processing. The apparatus may comprise a base frame comprising a bottom support plate and a plurality of ware keepers positioned on the bottom support plate. Each ware keeper of the pluralit


1. An apparatus for holding and retaining glass articles during processing, the apparatus comprising: a base frame comprising a bottom support plate;a plurality of ware keepers positioned on the bottom support plate, wherein each ware keeper of the plurality of ware keepers comprises a plurality of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (68)

  1. Lee Jon-Mau (Chang Hua TWX), Adjustable wrench-rack.
  2. Ross Glenn D. (Smyrna GA), Anti-scuff carton divider.
  3. Mohan Raju ; Buckman Brad O. ; Morrissey Michael M. ; Chitty Andrew I. ; Martin John T., Apparatus and process for multiple chemical reactions.
  4. Abrahamson Steve ; Thompson ; Sr. Curtis C., Apparatus for holding printed circuit board assemblies in manufacturing processes.
  5. Rubin David H. (23 Lake Ave. New Rochelle NY 10801) Gronsman Steven M. (1038 N. Hampton NW. Grand Rapids MI 49505), Blood tube safety box.
  6. Rubin David H. (New Rochelle NY), Blood tube safety box.
  7. Rusteberg Robert K. (Barrington Hills IL), Bottle storage rack.
  8. McWilliams, Glenn P.; Hall, Richard A., Bottle support for packaging and shipping.
  9. Ross ; Jr. George S. (12 Mirra Ave. Derry NH 03038), Bottled gas tank holder.
  10. Rothermel William F. (Hollywood FL) Matthews John P. (Pembroke Pines FL) Walker James W. (Miami Springs FL) Coulter Wallace H. (Miami Springs FL), Cassette for supporting test tubes of different diameters and/or lengths.
  11. Chang, Hungming, Composite rotary tool kit.
  12. Zurawin Adam (New York NY), Container rack.
  13. Kelly Daniel E., Display tray.
  14. Cooper Sandy (New York NY), Drink holder.
  15. Yue-Ling Mao TW, Dripping rack structure.
  16. Lee Kuo-Hsing (10139 Duchamp Houston TX 77036), Electric light string holder.
  17. Spilotro, Patrick, Firearm magazine storage rack.
  18. Cabrera Luis H., Golf club cleaning rack.
  19. Fink, Cheryl S., Golf club display rack.
  20. Bryson Ronald D. (19 Hillcrest Rd. Enola PA 17025) Bryson Linda L. (19 Hillcrest Rd. Enola PA 17025), Hair appliance organizer.
  21. Babjak,James, Hanger apparatus.
  22. Ilk Emil (Ahornweg 4 8372 Zwiesel DEX), Holding device for cup-shaped glassware articles in a glass processing machine.
  23. Frieze Marcia A ; Frieze Allan S., Instrument bracket with resilient locking means for use with a sterilizable tray.
  24. Frieze Marcia A. ; Amster Ron, Instrument count stand.
  25. Miller Curtis H. (Burnsville MN), Instrument tray.
  26. Betts ; Sr. Paul J. (15487 Linn Ct. Spring Lake MI 49456), Laboratory drying rack system.
  27. Zinnanti William J. (3815 Northland Newbury Park CA 91320), Laparoscopic instrument tray system.
  28. Horn Billy L. (1313 Greenbrier Rapid City SD 57701), Magnetic holders for cylindrical objects.
  29. Rohde ; Vernon Carl, Method and apparatus for stopper removal.
  30. Ishiguro Fumio (Toyohashi JPX), Method and apparatus for transferring glasses from rack to rack.
  31. Gjerde, Douglas T.; Jones, Ronald; Burge, Allen, Method and device for extracting an analyte.
  32. Stockdale Douglas P. (Anaheim CA) Mencarini Richard (Hungtington Beach CA) Deaton Carlton D. (Garden Grove CA) Owen Ralph M. (Laguna Hills CA), Method and device for racking and sealing containers.
  33. Landsberger David (52 Washburn Pl. Caldwell NJ 07006), Modular test tube rack arrangement.
  34. Campos Pilar A. (3435 Cabildo St. Buenos Aires ARX), Module for housing containers and for forming a storing arrangement.
  35. Finneran James G., Multi-tier vial plate.
  36. Elder Ivan R. (116 Greengate Dr. Columbia SC 29204), Nipple, ring and cap dishwasher accessory.
  37. Padden, Bruce J.; Giorgi, Jules J., Package for shipping hazardous material bottles and method of forming same.
  38. Yucknut Stephen M. (Danbury CT) Winters Nicholas H. (Suffern NY), Packaging system with product collar support.
  39. Roth Howard (206 Devoe Ave. Yonkers NY 10705), Pegboard mounted tool holder.
  40. Germano Charles A., Portable, wall-mountable tool box-supply cabinet and work bench combination.
  41. Lin Su-Chen,TWX, Positive attachment wrench case.
  42. Forsberg Mikael,SEX ; Hjertman Birger,SEX, Prefilled ampoules and manufacture thereof.
  43. Schinzing Walter W. (1932 Gervais Maplewood MN 55109), Rack for hanging bats or other objects.
  44. Ewing Timothy L., Rack for holding cylindrical articles.
  45. Broeski Thomas Joseph, Rack for small containers.
  46. Campbell ; II Gordon H. ; Morrow John Mark, Reduced material carton divider and method of producing same.
  47. Marino Kenneth J., Sample tube holder.
  48. Ritchie Fred Philip ; Trower David Allen, Screwdriver holder.
  49. Leonard G. Hammond CA, Sliding catch with a partition release assembly.
  50. Ted W. Britton ; Valentin Quesada ; Craig Veiner, Specimen carrier for automated transport system and method and apparatus for identifying same.
  51. Tanner ; Jr. Walter Keisler, Spring clip for neon bulbs.
  52. Jamie M. Paske, Stackable transmission line hanger.
  53. Krafft Petrus (Warsaw IN), Sterilization case and method of sterilization.
  54. Arroyo Patrice A. ; Del Boccio Joseph, Sterilization rack for medical instruments.
  55. Fischhaber,Herbert; Riefenstein,Lutz; Manicardi,Dario; Allesina,Giovanni, Suspension or rack frame for apparatus for the heat treatment of substances, especially foodstuffs.
  56. Hassinen, Matti; Korhonen, Juha; Kaarakainen, Keijo; Mallenius, Atte, Test tube carrier.
  57. Korom Gordon K. (Grayslake IL), Test tube decanter rack.
  58. Itoh Teruaki,JPX, Test tube holder.
  59. Liu, Jun-Tai, Test tube rack with inserting structure.
  60. Lafond, Andre; Bertin, Yanick, Test tube support assembly.
  61. Carilli, Brian D., Test tube support system.
  62. Earnshaw Nigel William,GBX ; Hartley Michael,GBX, Tiered pack.
  63. Wei Yong Lung,TWX, Tool box.
  64. Lin, Chia-Szu, Tool box with a positioning device.
  65. Chow Jessie (No. 18 ; Houchuang Rd. Pei Twen Dist. ; Taichung TWX), Tool holder.
  66. Charles D. Black ; Wesley F. Black, Tool holder system.
  67. Kao Jui-Chien,TWX, Tool rack having slidable connectors.
  68. Vance G. Blake ; Stuart P. Whitcomb, Upright and inverted bottle and container holder for contents availability.
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