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[미국특허] Filter element for separating particles from a particle-laden crude gas stream 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-045/08
  • B01D-045/06
  • B01D-046/00
출원번호 US-0827468 (2015-08-17)
등록번호 US-9884280 (2018-02-06)
우선권정보 DE-20 2014 006 595 U (2014-08-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kuennen, Sven
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Price Heneveld LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 32


The invention relates to a filter element. A base carrier is configured as a folded plate, wherein first passage openings are arranged proximate first folding edges and first connection elements are arranged proximate second folding edges. Attachments are configured as strips foldable in a longitudi


1. A filter element for separating particles from a particle-laden crude gas stream, comprising: at least one base carrier, configured as a folded plate with several first folding edges and several second folding edges, wherein several first passage openings are arranged proximate the first folding

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (32) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ishida Hiroshi (Kodaira) Yamada Yutaka (Sakai) Izumi Kiyoshi (Takatsuki) Moro Masashi (Kobe JPX), Apparatus for treating activated sludge and method of cleaning it.
  2. Casey ; Sr. William Stephen (Gardendale AL), Cooling apparatus for an animal confinement house.
  3. Bohanon ; Sr. Hoy R. (Muskogee OK), Cooling pad support assembly.
  4. Bohanon Hoy R. (Muskogee OK), Cooling pad system.
  5. Van Huis Robert L. (Zeeland MI), Cooling system for poultry houses.
  6. Culkin Bradley (1552 Beach St. ; Ste. P Oakland CA 94608), Device and method for filtering a colloidal suspension.
  7. Demmel Joerg,DEX ; Levermann Andreas,DEX ; Rapp Siegfried,DEX, Device for folding a web of material.
  8. Crider Grant W. (Bremen AL) Ellard Anthony L. (Cullman AL), Differential pressure control apparatus for livestock houses.
  9. Wesselmann, Reinhold; Schwarz, Amin, Drive device for a membrane filtration arrangement.
  10. Culkin Joseph B. (Emeryville CA), Eccentric drive mechanism.
  11. Sullivan, Marcus Ray; Hogue, Gary Alan, Evaporative cooling apparatus.
  12. Medlin Tony D. ; Wilkins Hugh, Evaporative cooling system and method of cooling a poultry house.
  13. Medlin Tony D. ; Wilkins Hugh, Evaporative cooling system for cooling a poultry house.
  14. Meerpohl,Bernhard J., Evaporative cooling system for poultry houses and the like.
  15. Sexton Robert W. (Louisville KY) Smith Richard L. (Louisville KY), Evaporative gas treating system.
  16. Richerson Shaun ; Lautens Francois,CHX, Filter apparatus.
  17. Richerson, C. Shaun; Andreae, Robert, Filter apparatus and methods.
  18. Schmidt ; Jr. Henry (Hinsdale IL) Cederholm Allen E. (Western Springs IL) Zievers James F. (LaGrange IL), Filter cake removal method and apparatus.
  19. Meerpohl, Bernd, Filter element.
  20. van Rossen Leonard M. (Bunnik NLX), Filter element for the filtration of fluids.
  21. Galabinski Martin J., Integrated water distribution/cooling pad system.
  22. Grant Ace A. (1119 Circulo Del Sur Green Valley AZ 85614) Grant Vivian M. (1119 Circulo Del Sur Green Valley AZ 85614), Integrated water misting heating and cooling system for poultry buildings or the like.
  23. Calvert, Phillip D., Light attenuating evaporative cooling pad.
  24. Krevinghaus Robert E. (Pierceton IN) Smith ; Jr. William M. (Corunna IN) Strohschein George (Akron IN) Swartzendruber Ray E. (Syracuse IN), Method and apparatus for controlling temperature within poultry houses and the like.
  25. Andreae Robert (Le Vieux Motty 1141 Yens CHX), Method of filtration.
  26. Steele,Robert A.; Szykowny,David J., Methods for removing metals from water.
  27. Weddell ; III Robert W., Re-usable frame support rack for replaceable pleated-media filter core.
  28. Howeth D. Franklin (233 Chuck Wagon Trail Fort Worth TX 76108), Self-cleaning air filter system.
  29. Rios Luis ; Alex Tony ; Gsell Thomas C. ; Gildersleeve Michael R., Vibratory separation systems and membrane separation units.
  30. Murr James ; Ellison Jack Edwin, Water distribution and return control system for evaporative cooling pad installation.
  31. Collins Harold O. (7551 E. North La. Scottsdale AZ 85258) Hennessy James J. (3632 W. Pecan Rd. Phoenix AZ 85041), Water distribution apparatus for an evaporative cooler.
  32. Salazar Abraham J. ; Saito Kozo ; Alloo Richard P. ; Tanaka Naoji,JPX, Wet scrubber and paint spray booth including the wet scrubber.

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