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[미국특허] Beverage delivery pod and methods of use and manufacture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-085/804
  • A47J-031/06
  • B65D-065/46
출원번호 US-0003766 (2012-03-08)
등록번호 US-9932168 (2018-04-03)
우선권정보 GB-1103953.4 (2011-03-08)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2012/028185 (2012-03-08)
§371/§102 date 20131024 (20131024)
국제공개번호 WO2012/122329 (2012-09-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hansen, Nicholas Andrew
출원인 / 주소
  • Kraft Foods R & D, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Kraft Foods R & D, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 222


A pod containing one or more beverage ingredients is provided, where the pod comprises a generally rigid outer member (12) with an open top and an outlet opening in the bottom, with an internal filter (16) adjacent a bottom portion of the outer member, one or more beverage ingredients disposed above


1. A pod containing one or more beverage ingredients, the pod comprising: a generally rigid outer member having an outer peripheral sidewall defining an open top and extending downwardly from the open top toward a bottom portion and inwardly converging toward an outlet opening, the bottom portion of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (222) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Beaulicu Roderick H., Apparatus for consecutively dispensing an equal volume of liquid.
  2. Fond Olivier,CHX ; Lavanchy Gerard,CHX ; Pleisch Jean-Pierre,CHX ; Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Apparatus for extracting a substance contained in a sachet.
  3. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX), Apparatus for extracting cartridges containing coffee.
  4. Fond Olivier (Kobe JPX) Masek Petr (Granges CHX), Apparatus for extracting substances contained in sealed pliant bags.
  5. Zimmermann Jrgen (Mulle 5 3321 Salzgitter DEX), Apparatus for making a coffee beverage.
  6. Binacchi Fabio (Via G. Mercalli ; 16/A 43100 Parma ITX), Apparatus for making, starting from a continuous film, coffee round or not round coffee wafers, for espresso-coffee maki.
  7. Kraan Diederik,NLX, Apparatus for preparing coffee.
  8. Cirigliano, Michael Charles; Mordini, Mauro Dominick, Apparatus for preventing passing off of a brewed beverage.
  9. Favre Eric (Saint Barthelemy CHX), Apparatus for the preparation of an edible liquid.
  10. Schmed Arthur,CHX ; Zullig Heinz,CHX, Assembly for feeding prepackaged coffee portions to a brewing unit of a coffee machine.
  11. Dijs Daniel Albertus Jozef,NLX, Assembly for use in a coffee machine for preparing coffee.
  12. Beaulieu Roderick H. ; Wuertele James W. ; Sweeney Richard P. ; Sylvan John E. ; Focht Kenneth A. ; Kwo Jennie, Automated beverage brewing system.
  13. Vicker Wayne (2480 SW. 57th Ter. Hollywood FL 33023), Automatic coffee or like beverage making machine.
  14. Helbling Edward (1 Janet La. Commack NY 11725), Automatic infusion-beverage apparatus.
  15. Malmquist Neil A. (14 Kinsman La. Topsfield MA 01983), Automatic low volume beverage brewing system.
  16. Taylor, Jon; Lipman, Jason F., Baffle operated liquid heating and dispensing system for a single serve beverage brewer.
  17. Sargent, Jeffrey Alan; Villagran, Francisco Valentino, Beverage brewing devices for preparing creamy beverages.
  18. Cometto, Michele, Beverage cartridge.
  19. Cometto, Michele, Beverage cartridge.
  20. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  21. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  22. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  23. Hansen, Nick Andrew; Norton, Mark Richard Thomas, Beverage cartridge.
  24. Menard, David R; Zorabedian, Katherine A, Beverage cartridge.
  25. Winkler, Karl T., Beverage cartridge.
  26. Winkler, Karl T., Beverage cartridge.
  27. Winkler, Karl T., Beverage cartridge.
  28. Winkler, Karl T.; Lai, Shih-Hao; Pasquini, Richard, Beverage cartridge.
  29. Hale, Robert, Beverage cartridge and filter assembly.
  30. Dogliotti Amilcare (Alba ITX), Beverage container.
  31. Oakley Peter H. (Marlow GB2) Bellinger Barry J. P. (Thatcham GB2), Beverage dispensing apparatus.
  32. Powell David Hillary,GBX ; Streltsov Sergei Alexandrovich,GBX ; Shindate Akio,GBX ; Mackinnon Ian Alec,GBX, Beverage dispensing machine.
  33. Sweeney, Richard; Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Beaulieu, Roderick H.; Bucuzzo, William P., Beverage filter cartridge.
  34. Sylvan John E. (Brookline MA) Dragone Peter B. (Concord MA), Beverage filter cartridge.
  35. Sylvan John E. ; Dragone Peter B., Beverage filter cartridge.
  36. Beaulieu Roderick H. ; Wuertele James W. ; Sweeney Richard P. ; Sylvan John E. ; Woram Michael G. ; Focht Kenneth A. ; Kwo Jennie, Beverage filter cartridge holder.
  37. Beaulieu Roderick H. ; Wuertele James W. ; Sweeney Richard P. ; Sylvan John E. ; Woram Michael G. ; Focht Kenneth A. ; Kwo Jennie, Beverage filter cartridge holder.
  38. Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Beaulieu, Roderick H., Beverage filter cartridge holder.
  39. Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Beaulieu, Roderick H., Beverage filter cartridge holder.
  40. Jacobs, William T.; Shepard, James E.; Sullivan, Kevin P.; Tinkler, Ian, Beverage forming apparatus with centrifugal pump.
  41. Sullivan, Kevin P.; Tinkler, Ian; Smith, Geoffrey Y.; Dilmaghani, Darius; Brudevold, Finn, Beverage forming device with opening/closing mechanism for a beverage cartridge receiver.
  42. Erickson Laurence R. (Midland MI) Babinec Michael A. (Midland MI) Gunderson Judy J. (Midland MI) Grossman M. Gary (Riverside CT) Meisner Edward H. (Short Hills NJ), Beverage maker.
  43. McGee Frank C. (1930 Port Dunleigh Newport Beach CA 92660), Beverage maker for use in automotive vehicles.
  44. Miller Paul E. ; Lowrie Stephen D., Beverage making apparatus with can piercer.
  45. Cai, Edward Zhihua, Beverage making cartridge.
  46. Seward Barry (Hampshire GB2) Pope Kevin C. (Hampshire GB2), Beverage making cartridge.
  47. Bentley Andrew C. (Oxon GBX) King Christine A. (Banbury GBX) MacMahon Alistair J. (Brackley GBX) Tansley Robert W. (Stratford-upon-Avon GBX) Newman Alec T. (Banbury GBX), Beverage packages.
  48. Seward Barry (Lymington Bottom GB2), Beverage packages.
  49. Fond Olivier,CHX ; Pleisch Jean-Pierre,CHX ; Rossier Roland,CHX ; Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Beverage preparation from a substance compacted into a cake.
  50. Fond Olivier,FRX ; Pleisch Jean-Pierre,CHX ; Rossier Roland,CHX ; Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Beverage preparation from a substance compacted into a cake and contained in a sachet.
  51. Newman Alec T. (Banbury GBX) Bentley Andrew C. (Banbury GBX) King Christine A. (Banbury GBX) MacMahon Alistair J. (Northants GBX) Tansley Robert W. (Warwickshire GBX) Gibbs Andrew R. (Warwickshire GB, Beverage preparing machines.
  52. Lin Hsiang-Cheng (No. 42 ; Yung-Chih St. Ying-Ko Chen Taipei Hsien TWX), Beverage vessel with magnetic lid.
  53. Kevin Paul Chandler GB; Umberto Richichi IT, Beverage-producing packages.
  54. Grykiewicz Shirdan J. (Johnstown OH) McKanna Douglas E. (Castro Valley CA) Rushmore Dean F. (Marysville OH), Brew basket.
  55. Bragg,Tim A.; Lai,C. Anthony, Brew chamber for a single serve beverage brewer.
  56. Bragg,Tim A.; Lai,C. Anthony; Streeter,Richard B., Brew chamber for a single serve beverage brewer.
  57. Fischer Daniel,CHX, Brewing head for coffee portion capsules of an espresso machine.
  58. Abel,Pierre, Capsule.
  59. Zeng,Jenny Zheng; Hennebelle,Frederique; Ricci,Patrizio; Cordier,Muriel Leila Gisele; Mayeur,Peter Robert Jozef; Perry,Timothy Frederik; Burke,Dominic, Capsule.
  60. Favre Eric (Le Mont-Pelerin CHX), Capsule for beverage preparation.
  61. Inderbitzin, Melina, Capsule for coffee.
  62. Cahen, Antoine, Capsule for the retention and dispensing of coffee, tea, cocoa, soup, and bouillon.
  63. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Masek Petr (Yverdon CHX), Capsule package containing roast and ground coffee.
  64. Mastropasqua, Luca; Dellapietra, Bruno; Van Eeden, Frans; Liverani, Furio Suggi; Bolzicco, Claudio; Vozza, Luigi, Capsules containing a substance in powder form from which a beverage, preferably espresso coffee, is to be extracted.
  65. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  66. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  67. Halliday,Andrew; Ballard,Colin; Panesar,Satwinder; Gomez,Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  68. Schmed, Arthur, Cartridge containing one serving of coffee powder for preparing a coffee beverage.
  69. Hale,Robert, Cartridge ejector for a beverage dispensing machine.
  70. So Peter K. L. (6122 Beatrice Street Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V5A 3R2), Cartridge for beverage making.
  71. Macchi,Edoardo; Sagliaschi,Marco, Cartridge for coffee and soluble products and relative method of producing a beverage and apparatus for extracting a beverage.
  72. Halliday, Andrew Michael; MacMahon, Alistair John, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  73. Halliday, Andrew; Lloyd, Adam; Panesar, Satwinder; Martin, Henry; Sutton, Paul, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  74. Halliday,Andrew; Carter,Steve, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  75. Halliday,Andrew; Carter,Steve, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  76. Halliday,Andrew; Carter,Steve; Hagermarck,Jan Anders, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  77. Halliday,Andrew; Lloyd,Adam; Panesar,Satwinder; Smith,David, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  78. Halliday,Andrew; Lloyd,Adam; Panesar,Satwinder; Sutton,Paul, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  79. Halliday,Andrew; MacMahon,Alistair John; Carter,Steve, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  80. Halliday,Andrew, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages and method of manufacturing a cartridge.
  81. Halliday, Andrew M.; Whitney, Howard S., Cartridge for the preparation of whipped beverages.
  82. Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Cartridge having sheared thinned areas for promoting opening for beverage extraction.
  83. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder, Cartridge system for the preparation of beverages and method of manufacturing said system.
  84. Hansen, Nick, Cartridge, a machine, a system and a method for the preparation of beverages.
  85. Laigneau,Gilles; Jouatel,Christian, Cartridge-operated coffee-machine.
  86. Fond Olivier,JPX, Cartridges containing substances for beverage preparation.
  87. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX), Cartridges having interiorly positioned zones of reduced thickness.
  88. Denisart, Jean Luc; Cahen, Antoine; Yoakim, Alfred, Closed capsule with opening means.
  89. Masek, Petr; Riesterer, Alain, Closed cartridge for preparing a beverage for extraction under pressure.
  90. Alfred Yoakim CH; Alain Mariller CH, Closed flexible sachet.
  91. Green, Charles Bradley, Coffee and tea dispenser.
  92. Kirschner, Jonathan; Green, Charles Bradley; Masters, Michael Alan, Coffee and tea pod.
  93. David G. Honan ; Kevin M. Krauss ; Chris Hillman, Coffee brewer.
  94. Honan, David; Krauss, Kevin; McGee, James, Coffee brewer.
  95. Potts Amy T. ; Britt ; II Edmund J. ; Lazaris Nicholas G., Coffee brewer.
  96. Schaffeld,John; Koury,Steffen; Metaxatos,Paul, Coffee brewer.
  97. Schaffeld,John; Koury,Steffen; Metaxatos,Paul, Coffee brewer.
  98. Aardenburg, Cornelis J. M., Coffee capsule.
  99. Love Graham (Bremen DEX) Schellhaass Karl (Bremen DEX) Rathjen Brbel (Bremen DEX) Schwarz Jrgen (Bremerhaven DEX), Coffee cassette.
  100. Gruenbacher Dana P. (Fairfield OH), Coffee filter pack.
  101. Weinberger Royal (Clifton NJ), Coffee filter package arrangement.
  102. Holopainen Vaino J. (Cross Rd. ; P.O. Box 49 East Sullivan NH 03445), Coffee filter system.
  103. Molenaar Albert Meijlom (Terkaple NL) Veenstra Melle (Appelhoflaan ; Joure NL), Coffee filtering.
  104. Arthur Schmed CH, Coffee machine for brewing coffee power pre-packed in a cartridge.
  105. Dziekonski Robert (Fort Lee NJ), Coffee maker.
  106. Stahli Hans-Peter,CHX ; Zenger Samuel,CHX, Coffee maker.
  107. Halliday, Andrew; Lloyd, Adam, Coffee pod.
  108. Aylward Thomas J. (Sandusky OH), Container.
  109. Carlson Arthur R. (East Hauthorn AUX), Container.
  110. Guillemin, Patrice; Messier, Patrick, Container.
  111. Lindsay Dean ; Park Tiffany ; Olivares Jose Tirso, Container.
  112. Marijnissen Koert,NLX, Container.
  113. Miles Todd A. ; DaSilva Paul ; Borland Maureen, Container.
  114. Patrick Lee O'Brien, Container.
  115. Pritchett Kimberlee, Container.
  116. Vang, Teng, Container.
  117. Timm Eberhard (Rahheideweg 15 D-2114 Appel DEX), Container for the preparation of hot drinks.
  118. Tholstrup Lars M. H. (Vedbaek DKX), Container with closure.
  119. Stephens, David John, Cup.
  120. Thomas ; Tommy, Cup.
  121. Lazaris Nicholas G., Cup shaped container.
  122. Lazaris, Nicholas G., Cup shaped container.
  123. Santoiemmo, Carl, Cup shaped container.
  124. Sweeney Richard P., Cup shaped container.
  125. Sweeney, Richard P., Cup shaped container.
  126. Favre Eric (Saint-Barthelemy CHX) Masek Petr (Yverdon CHX), Device for the extraction of cartridges.
  127. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Yoakim Alfred (La Tour-de-Peilz CHX), Device for use in beverage extraction machines.
  128. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Pasquali Mario (Vallorbe CHX) Pierre Bernard (Yverdon CHX), Device to assist extraction of beverage material in cartridges.
  129. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Yoakim Alfred (La Tour-De-Peilz CHX), Devices for extracting beverage materials in cartridges.
  130. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX), Devices for use with espresso machines.
  131. Kinna Robert N. (Bramley Green GBX), Dispensing machine.
  132. Baecchi Alfredo (Via Confalonieri 10 Firenze ITX) Bozzolini Aldo (Via Lazzerini 29 Sesto Fiorentino ITX) Santoni Tancredo (Via Donizzetti 74 Scandicci (Firenze) ITX) Mori Carlo (Via Grandi 30 Campi B, Dispensing unit for manually-operated hot drink dispensing machine with pre-manufactured throwaway capsules of two sizes.
  133. Daswick Alexander C. (647 Orange Grove No. 209 South Pasadena CA 91030), Disposable beverage brewer.
  134. Nordskog Robert A. (18135 Karen Dr. Tarzana CA 91356), Disposable beverage brewing chamber.
  135. Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Sweeney, Richard P.; Beaulieu, Roderick H., Disposable beverage filter cartridge.
  136. Lesser Brian J., Disposable beverage insufer and method of making a beverage using the infuser.
  137. Rasmussen, Ulrik Skovgaard; Schulz, Werner, Disposable brewing device.
  138. Piana Giuseppe S. (Milan ITX), Disposable cartridge for use in beverage extracting and dispensing machines.
  139. McCann Raymond P., Disposable food container.
  140. McCann Raymond P., Disposable food container.
  141. Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Beaulieu, Roderick H., Disposable single serve beverage filter cartridge.
  142. Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Bucuzzo, William P., Disposable single serve beverage filter cartridge.
  143. Shing, Kwok Sui, Double walled bowl.
  144. Woodnorth, Douglas; Jacobs, William T.; Pelovitz, Robert M., Drain for beverage forming machine.
  145. Jentzsch K. Reed (Arvada CO) Reingardt Terre R. (Arvada CO), Drawn and ironed container and apparatus and method for forming same.
  146. Schaefer Robert J. (Baltimore MD) Forbes Alan H. (Finksburg MD), Drinking cup.
  147. Klein Peter (19763-44th Ave. Langley ; British Columbia CAX V3A 3C9), Electrical apparatus useful to prepare a hot beverage.
  148. King Alan M.,CAX, Electronic coded coffee packets sealed in a gas flushed envelope, a beverage brewing machine using same as well as a met.
  149. Illy Andrea,ITX ; Mastropasqua Luca,ITX, Espresso coffee machine.
  150. van Overbruggen Garardus J. J. (Vianen NLX) van Beaumont Richard A. (Harmelen NLX) Thijssen Henricus A. C. (Son NLX), Exchangeable concentrate container for beverage dispensing machines.
  151. Nello Dal Tio,ITX, Express-coffee-machine loadable with wafers.
  152. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX), Extraction device for preparation of a beverage.
  153. Denisart, Jean-Luc; Colantonio, Jean-Luc; Scorrano, Lucio, Extraction device with built-in capsule loading system.
  154. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Lavanchy Gerard (Prilly CHX) Pleisch Jean-Pierre (Chardonne CHX) Schaeffer Jacques (Chardonne CHX) Yoakim Alfred (La Tour-de-Peilz CHX), Extraction of a substance contained sachet.
  155. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX), Extraction of coffee contained in sealed cartridges.
  156. Woltermann Erich H. (Ameisenweg 3 4950 Minden DEX), Filter for making portions of coffee or tea.
  157. Schiettecatte Patrice J. C. (Alencon FRX), Filter holder for a coffee machine of the “espresso”type.
  158. Olney ; Wallace E. ; Wright ; Robert G., Filter paper cup for a percolator and process for making the same.
  159. Olney ; Wallace E. ; Wright ; Robert G., Filter paper cup for a percolator and process for making the same.
  160. Bielfeldt Uwe,DEX ; Kleemann Christof,DEX ; Stucher Reinhard,DEX ; Trebitz Bernd,DEX ; Emmerich Horst,DEX ; Friedrich Dieter,DEX ; Ziesch Christian,DEX ; Gliemroth Frank,DEX, Filtering device, filter element and method of manufacturing the filter element used for the preparation of brewed beverages.
  161. Auclair Claude (Soulanges CAX), Filtering unit for biological fluids.
  162. van Dort Gerardus J. (Utrecht NLX) van Hal Cornelis (Odijk NLX) Rusche Emil H. (Nieuwegein NLX) Vroonland Christoffel A. J. (Soesterberg NLX), Filterpan ring for brewing prepackaged dry beverages.
  163. Rapparini, Gino, Flat-rimmed container for beverage-making products.
  164. Loizzi Carl J. (13456 Pala Ave. Sylmar CA 91342), Flavored inserts for coffee filters.
  165. Loizzi Carl J. (13456 Pala Ave. Sylmar CA 91342), Flavored inserts for coffee filters or the like.
  166. Edward Z. Cai, Fluid delivery system for generating pressure pulses to make beverages.
  167. Friebe, Joachim; Michalsky, Andreas; Habram, Maurice; Surdziel, Agata; Ganz, Peter, Foil package.
  168. Toussant John William ; Plummer Wendy L. ; Hall Bruce N. ; Reinhart ; Jr. Richard N. ; Alexander Garold W. ; Reasinger Jeffrey Colin, Food container.
  169. Paul Claire Cecilia,GBX, Food preparation.
  170. Cisaria Salvatore (1015 Vista Del Pueblo ; #2 Santa Barbara CA 93101), Group module for coffee machine.
  171. Moskowitz Paul M. (Brooklyn NY) Rushansky Yuliy (Bronx NY), Infuser primarily intended for use in making coffee.
  172. Johnson, Matthew J.; Johnson, Andrew, Insulated beverage container.
  173. Morgan ; Jr. Howard W. (Michigan City IN), Liquid filter having self-retaining filter bag.
  174. Chen, Yee Mau; Poon, Sum Fat, Locking device sustaining high pressure for coffee maker lid.
  175. Aliesch Robert (Gibswil CHX) Germann Karl (Blonay CHX), Machine for the automatic preparation of a beverage.
  176. Halliday,Andrew; Carter,Steve, Machine for the preparation of beverages.
  177. Mahlich,Gotthard, Machine-readable identifier on a portion package, which contains ground coffee, for espresso machines.
  178. Gutwein Roger William ; Dawson Amy Suzanne ; Howell Charles Thomas, Method and apparatus for brewing a fluid extract using an inclined filter pouch containing flavor extractable particles.
  179. Lazaris,Nicholas G., Method and apparatus for liquid level sensing.
  180. Kateman, Paul; Brunner, Charles S., Method and apparatus for producing and dispensing an aerated and/or blended food product.
  181. Pelovitz,Robert, Method and apparatus for sensing liquid level using baseline characteristic.
  182. Mercier, Pierre; Pham, Viet; Archambault, Marc-Antoine, Method and apparatus for the preparation of hot beverages.
  183. Hu, Ruguo; Arrick, Corey; Scoville, Eugene; Bernardi, John; Sheehan, Brita Frangsmyr; Overbaugh, William F.; Bardin, Ennio; Chrisman, Randall C., Method and device for preparing a hot beverage.
  184. King Alan M.,CAXITX H3C 2A3, Method for brewing using electronic coded coffee packets sealed in a gas flushed envelope and a beverage brewing machine.
  185. Newman Alec T. (Banbury GBX) Bentley Andrew C. (Banbury GBX) King Christine A. (Banbury GBX) MacMahon Alistair J. (Northants GBX) Tansley Robert W. (Warwickshire GBX) Gibbs Andrew R. (Warwickshire GB, Method for preparing beverages.
  186. Newman Alex T. (Banbury GBX) Bentley Andrew C. (Banbury GBX) King Christine A. (Banbury GBX) MacMahon Alistair J. (Northants GBX) Tansley Robert W. (Warwickshire GBX) Gibbs Andrew R. (Warwickshire GB, Method for preparing beverages and beverage preparing machines.
  187. Steven J. Gordon ; Richard P. Sweeney ; Anthony J. Christopher ; Brett Anderson ; A. David Boccuti ; Kevin Walsh ; Hani Sallum ; David Ramler ; Jim Wolf ; Mike Helmbrecht, Method of forming and inserting filter elements in cup-shaped containers.
  188. Goldmann ; II Russell A., Method of protecting insulated hand tools.
  189. Hayes,Michael A.; Hester,David A.; Shaw,Jon W.; Colston,Martin E.; Furneaux,Geoffrey; Charman,Elizabeth C.; Harrison,Glenn; Cooke,John C.; Hay,David; Wright,Michael, Methods, capsule and apparatuses for the production of foamed drinks.
  190. Haag Donna ; Ragula Richard ; Pilchik Ronald, Nested package.
  191. Davis, Warren Brent, Nesting container.
  192. Smith ; Floyd S., Novel filter and method of making same.
  193. Fond Olivier (Yverdon CHX) Lavanchy Gerard (Prilly CHX) Yoakim Alfred (La Tour-de-Peilz CHX), Obtaining fluid comestibles from substances contained in cartridges.
  194. Takashi Yamada JP; Hirotoshi Tawara JP, Package.
  195. Blanc Jean Pierre,FRX, Package of ground coffee of the prefilled tablet type and espresso coffee machine using such a package.
  196. Honda, Jo; Saito, Go; Hosokawa, Manabu; Yamaguchi, Yuuji, Packaging container.
  197. Spencer Kenneth B. (Barrington IL) Caner Ali R. (Woodstock IL), Packaging container for food or the like.
  198. Scott George W. (5701 San Vincente Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90019), Packet with internal filter for coffee machines.
  199. Cimmerer, Timothy Lee; Riales, Brent, Plastic side dish container comprising a faceted bowl with a lid.
  200. Gardosi Giancarlo (Zolas Predosa ITX), Platen assembly for coffee maker using pre-dosaged coffee filter packets.
  201. Kirschner, Jonathan; Phillips, Paul A., Pod for dispersible materials.
  202. English Philip H. (P.O. Box 1605 Avon CO 81620), Portable beverage brewing device.
  203. Alvarez, Donald E., Portable coffee maker.
  204. Klosinski Boguslaw ; Leone Anthony, Portable espresso maker.
  205. Doglioni Majer, Luca, Process and capsule for preparing beverages.
  206. Fond Olivier,CHX ; Lavanchy Gerard,CHX ; Pleisch Jean-Pierre,CHX ; Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Process for extracting a substance contained in a sachet.
  207. Cooper Barry Patrick Wesley, Product and process for preparing a tea extract.
  208. Winkler, Karl T.; Lipman, Jason F.; Taylor, Jon; Walker, Philip C., Puncturing and venting of single serve beverage filter cartridge.
  209. Sweeney, Richard P.; Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Beaulieu, Roderick H., Re-usable beverage filter cartridge.
  210. Jeannin Bernard,CHX ; Masek Petr,CHX ; Bardin Ennio,CHX, Refill cartridge for a drink dispensing device and device designed for such a cartridge.
  211. Yamamoto Noboru (Yokohama JPX), Regular coffee set.
  212. Rapparini, Gino, Reinforced-ring container for beverage-making products.
  213. Masek, Petr; Yoakim, Alfred, Sealed cartridge for making a beverage.
  214. Lozito Michael C. (708 Mallard Way Peekskill NY 10566), Self contained disposable coffee brewing device.
  215. Smith, Stephan Alan; Smith, Kevin Ray, Sidewall for disposable cup.
  216. Aarts Mathias Leonardus Cornelis,NLX, System and apparatus for preparing a beverage suitable for consumption.
  217. Ternité, Rüdiger; Mund, Klaus-Dieter; Mauss, Sebastian; Schweminski, Hartmut, System comprising a coffee machine and a portion capsule.
  218. Streeter, Richard B.; Jacobs, William T.; Lazaris, Nicholas G.; Squires, Charles F., System for dispensing metered volumes of heated water to the brew chamber of a single serve beverage brewer.
  219. Streeter,Richard B.; Jacobs,William T.; Lazaris,Nicholas G.; Squires,Charles F., System for dispensing metered volumes of heated water to the brew chamber of a single serve beverage brewer.
  220. Duffy, Brendan J.; Winkler, Karl T.; Honan, David G.; Taylor, Jon; Stokes, Peter L., System for monitoring and controlling the operation of a single serve beverage brewer.
  221. Hanna Robert M. (Philadelphia PA), Trash receptacle.
  222. Taylor, Jon, Two step puncturing and venting of single serve filter cartridge in a beverage brewer.

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