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[미국특허] Multi-layered gas-filled bladder for accommodating changes in fluid characteristics within a fluid delivery system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-055/04
  • F16L-055/053
출원번호 US-0477437 (2017-04-03)
등록번호 US-9933100 (2018-04-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cogliati, Michael
  • Van Haaren, Christopher A.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Tucker Ellis LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 19


An absorber for use in a fluid delivery system is disclosed which includes a housing defining an interior chamber, a connective fitting extending from the housing in fluid communication with the interior chamber for connecting the housing to the fluid delivery system, and at least one gas-filled bla


1. An absorber for use in a fluid delivery system, comprising: a) a generally spherical housing having a generally semi-spherical upper housing portion and a generally semi-spherical lower housing portion defining an interior chamber;b) a connector extending radially outwardly from the lower housing

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hattori Kenji (Saitama JPX) Miyakawa Yoshitaka (Saitama JPX) Akema Teruo (Saitama JPX) Ida Makoto (Saitama JPX), Accumulator.
  2. Sugimura Nobuyuki (308 Mabase Shimizu ; Shizuoka JA) Sugimura Kazuo (308 Mabase Shimizu ; Shizuoka JA), Accumulator.
  3. Larsen Alan R., Accumulator with low permeability flexible diaphragm.
  4. Miyakawa Yoshitaka (Tochigi JPX) Hattori Kenji (Tochigi JPX), Bladder edge seal and holder for hydraulic fluid pressure accumulator.
  5. Kawano Hiroshige (Amagasaki JPX), Bladder type fluid accumulator for hydraulic system.
  6. Martin Kurt (Sissach CHX), Device for damping pressure surges in pipelines, especially sanitary installations.
  7. Kandelman Allen (Granada Hills CA), Distributed accumulator.
  8. Takamatsu Shigeaki (Hekinan JPX) Murakami Koyo (Nagoya JPX), Flexible partition member for hydraulic accumulator, including ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer gas-barrier layer and po.
  9. Loukonen Ernest W. (6920 E. 10th St. Long Beach CA 90815), Fluid pressure responsive accessory equipment.
  10. Bartholomew Donald D. (Marine MI), Fluid pressure surge damper for a fluid system.
  11. Le Rossignol Benoit (Rennes FRX), Impermeable elastic membrane.
  12. Goloff C. Nickolas, Internal accumulator for hydraulic systems.
  13. Shepard, Erwin C.; Hartlerood, DeWayne R.; Mitchell, Paul H., Laminated resilient flexible barrier membranes.
  14. Yoshida Minoru (Fujisawa JPX) Nakamizo Masatoshi (Ogasa JPX), Laminated sheet.
  15. Yoshida Minoru (Fujisawa JPX) Nakamizo Masatoshi (Ogasa-machi JPX), Laminated sheet.
  16. Shah Gautam P. (Simpsonville SC), Oxygen barrier biaxially oriented film.
  17. Kulikov, Vadim Gennadyevich; Primenko, Vladimir Nikolaevich; Zamataev, Valery Anatolievich, Pipeline pressure stabilizer.
  18. Kobayashi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Eiji, Serially connected fluid hammer preventer.
  19. Lamorlette Bruno,FRX ; Tranzer Alain,FRX, Sphere, in particular a pneumatic sphere, for example for automotive hydropneumatic suspensions.

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