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[미국특허] Wind turbine blade 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F03D-001/06
  • F01D-005/28
  • F01D-005/30
  • F03D-013/10
출원번호 US-0667479 (2015-03-24)
등록번호 US-9970412 (2018-05-15)
우선권정보 GB-1217212.8 (2012-09-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hayden, Paul
  • Gutierrez, Joaquin
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Dority & Manning, PA
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 56


A wind turbine blade comprising a fairing with a rigid structural component (12) which forms the majority of the aerodynamic profile and a non-actively controllable elastically deformable trailing edge component (14) mounted on the structural component to complete the aerodynamic profile. The traili


1. A wind turbine blade comprising a fairing having an aerodynamic profile, the fairing comprising: a rigid structural component which forms the majority of the aerodynamic profile, the structural component comprising a trailing edge; anda non-actively controllable elastically deformable trailing ed

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Piening Matthias,DEX ; Pabsch Arno,DEX ; Sigle Christof,DEX, Aircraft wing.
  2. Christman,David B.; Roeseler,William G., Apparatuses and methods for joining structural members, such as composite structural members.
  3. Gill, Adrian, Assembly and method of preparing an assembly.
  4. Wobben, Aloys, Bearing structure.
  5. Hayden, Paul Trevor; Whiley, David Anthony; Ness, Derek, Blade for a turbine operating in water.
  6. Keir, John; Srigrarom, Sutthiphong, Blade for a water turbine.
  7. Hanson Brad A. (Huntington Beach CA), Closed composite sections with bonded scarf joints.
  8. Ballard Derryl R. (Rte. 1 ; 69B Trenton TX 75490), Composite filled interior structural box beams.
  9. Whitener Philip C. (Seattle WA), Composite for aircraft wing and method of making.
  10. Canfield Fred C., Composite frame member and method of making the same.
  11. Gallet,R챕gis; Wilhelm,Marie France, Composite products and molded articles obtained from said products.
  12. Olez ; Nejat A., Composite structure.
  13. Johnston J. Ford (Sunland CA) Farone William A. (Irvine CA) Mikhail Amir (Northridge CA), Composite wind turbine rotor blade and method for making same.
  14. Willey, Lawrence Donald; Quek, Shu Ching; Zheng, Danian, Composite wind turbine tower and a method for fabricating same.
  15. Bak, Dan Christian; Buhl, Thomas; Fuglsang, Peter; Madsen, Helge Aagaard; Rasmussen, Flemming, Control of power, loads and/or stability of a horizontal axis wind turbine by use of variable blade geometry control.
  16. Baker, Myles L.; Arendt, Cory P., Efficient wind turbine blades, wind turbine blade structures, and associated systems and methods of manufacture, assembly and use.
  17. Fraenkel,Peter L., Fatigue resistant large hollow rotor blade for underwater energy converter.
  18. Jex Edward R. (475 Hickory Lane Berwyn PA 19312), Fiber reinforced resin composites, method of manufacture and improved composite products.
  19. Dagher, Habib J.; Viselli, Anthony M.; Goupee, Andrew J., Floating hybrid composite wind turbine platform and tower system.
  20. Vary Philip (C/O George Spector ; 3615 Woolworth Bldg. ; 233 Broadway New York NY 10007) Spector George (3615 Woolworth Bldg. ; 233 Broadway New York NY 10007), Flow tubes for producing electric energy.
  21. McEntee, Jarlath; Sauer, Christopher; McGinnis, Patrick; Firebaugh, Millard, High efficiency turbine and method of generating power.
  22. Hahn Michael (Ottobrunn DEX) Sperber Franz (Kolbermoor DEX), Large airfoil structure and method for its manufacture.
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  24. Schibsbye, Karsten, Levelling of root bushings on blades for wind turbines.
  25. Saaski, Elric W.; Fox, Duane M., Liquid particulate extraction device.
  26. Blake William K. (Bethesda MD) Macander Aleksander B. (Rockville MD) Gershfeld Jonathan (Kensington MD), Mass loaded composite rotor for vibro-acoustic application.
  27. Goldzak Jacob,ILX, Metal beam structure and building construction including same.
  28. Arelt,Rainer, Method for producing a rotor blade, a corresponding rotor blade and a wind power plant.
  29. Hofmann, Mathias, Method for the production of a longitudinal connection for wooden components and corresponding wooden component.
  30. Hayden, Paul; Behmer, Harald, Method of forming a structural connection between a spar cap and a fairing for a wind turbine blade.
  31. Hayden, Paul Trevor; Behmer, Harald, Modular structural composite beam.
  32. Kirkwood, Brad L; Gregg, Paul S.; Miller, Gerald D.; Will, Jeff D.; Evans, David W., Mounting device for an aircraft.
  33. Immell William F. (Mission KS) Burdick Larry F. (Olathe KS) Mayes Scott E. (Lenexa KS) Bendick Harry J. (Granville OH), Plastic fan blade for industrial cooling towers and method of making same.
  34. Mowbray Donald Fredrick ; Fitzgerald John James ; Bachrach William Elliot ; Lin Wendy Wen-Ling ; Finn Scott Roger, Poly-component blade for a steam turbine.
  35. Wycech Joseph S., Reinforced structural members.
  36. Rau Robert B. (Aurora OH) Reese Walter J. (North Huntington PA), Reinforcements for pultruding resin reinforced products and novel pultruded products.
  37. Vronsky, Tomas; Hancock, Mark, Rotor blade extension portion having a skin located over a framework.
  38. Hancock, Mark; Hedges, Andrew; Verhoef, Rens Christiaan; Bech, Anton; Vronsky, Tomas, Rotor blade for a wind turbine and a method for making the same.
  39. Hibbard, Paul; Hancock, Mark, Sectional wind turbine blade.
  40. Livingston, Jamie T., Structure and method for self-aligning rotor blade joints.
  41. Madsen, Helge Aagaard; Rasmussen, Flemming; Buhl, Thomas; Hansen, Morten Hartvig; Bak, Dan Christian; Gaunaa, Mac; Andersen, Peter Bjørn, Variable trailing edge section geometry for wind turbine blade.
  42. DeRees Delbert D. (Romeo MI), Vehicle assembly method.
  43. de Roest,Anton Herrius, Wind turbine.
  44. Hancock, Mark, Wind turbine blade.
  45. Hancock, Mark; Loh, Wuh Ken; Chang, Yun Chong Gabriel, Wind turbine blade.
  46. Hayden, Paul Trevor; Behmer, Harald, Wind turbine blade.
  47. Hayden, Paul Trevor; Broome, Peter Anthony, Wind turbine blade.
  48. Rudling, Paul, Wind turbine blade.
  49. Hirano, Toshiyuki; Esaki, Kouji; Kuroiwa, Takao, Wind turbine blade and wind turbine generator using the same.
  50. Bech, Anton, Wind turbine blades made of two separate sections, and method of assembly.
  51. Baskin, Joseph M.; Miller, Gary E.; Wiesner, Wayne, Wind turbine rotor.
  52. Loh, Wuh Ken; Ning, Ying, Wind turbine rotor blade.
  53. Miebach, Thomas; Quek, Shu Ching; Faidi, Waseem Ibrahim; Yerramalli, Chandra Sekher; Baehmann, Peggy Lynn; Fritz, Peter James, Wind turbine rotor blade assembly having an access window and related methods.
  54. Wilson, Megan M., Wind turbine rotor blade with passively modified trailing edge component.
  55. Hayden, Paul; Gutierrez, Joaquin, Wind turbine tower.
  56. Lyders,David R.; Klinetob,C. Brian; Roach,James T., Winged structural joint and articles employing the joint.

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