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Use of sulfonamide inhibitors of Bcl-2 to treat senescence-associated lung conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-031/537
  • A61K-031/496
  • A61K-031/495
  • A61K-031/5377
  • A61K-031/404
  • A61K-031/4375
  • A61K-031/428
  • A61K-045/06
  • A61K-009/00
출원번호 US-0647688 (2017-07-12)
등록번호 US-9980962 (2018-05-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Laberge, Remi-Martin
  • Campisi, Judith
  • Demaria, Marco
  • David, Nathaniel
  • Baker, Darren J.
  • Kirkland, James L.
  • Tchkonia, Tamar
  • van Deursen, Jan M. A.
  • Zhu, Yi
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Schiff, Michael
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 20


Methods are provided herein for selectively killing senescent cells and for treating senescence-associated diseases and disorders by administering a senolytic agent. Senescence-associated diseases and disorders treatable by the methods using the senolytic agents described herein include cardiovascul


1. A method of selectively eliminating senescent cells to relieve symptoms of a pulmonary disease or disorder that is not a cancer in a subject, the method comprising: administering in or around a lung of a subject in need thereof a therapeutically effective course of therapy of a pharmaceutical com

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

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  2. Bruncko, Milan; Ding, Hong; Elmore, Steven; Kunzer, Aaron; Lynch, Christopher L.; McClellan, William; Park, Cheol-Min; Petros, Andrew; Song, Xiaohong; Wang, Xilu; Tu, Noah; Wendt, Michael, Apoptosis promoters.
  3. Ding, Hong; Elmore, Steven W.; Hexamer, Laura A.; Kunzer, Aaron R.; Park, Cheol-Min; Souers, Andrew J.; Sullivan, Gerard M.; Wendt, Michael D., Apoptosis-inducing agents for the treatment of cancer and immune and autoimmune diseases.
  4. Hexamer, Laura A.; Ding, Hong; Elmore, Steven W.; Kunzer, Aaron R.; Song, Xiaohong; Souers, Andrew J.; Sullivan, Gerard M.; Tao, Zhi-Fu; Wendt, Michael D., Apoptosis-inducing agents for the treatment of cancer and immune and autoimmune diseases.
  5. Guy, R. Kiplin; Zhang, Yiqun; Young, Brandon; Dyer, Michael; Finch, Kristin; Bashford, Donald; Bharatham, Nagakumar; Kriwacki, Richard; Roy-Appa, Grace; Min, Lie; Min, Jaeki; Ferreira, Antonio, Aryl-substituted imidazoles.
  6. Baell, Jonathan Bayldon; Lessene, Guillaume Laurent; Sleebs, Brad Edmund; Fairbrother, Wayne J.; Flygare, John A.; Koehler, Michael F. T., Arylsulfonamide compounds.
  7. Bruncko, Milan; Ding, Hong; Doherty, George A.; Elmore, Steven W.; Hasvold, Lisa; Hexamer, Laura; Kunzer, Aaron R.; Mantei, Robert A.; McClellan, William J.; Park, Chang H.; Park, Cheol-Min; Petros, Andrew M.; Song, Xiaohong; Souers, Andrew J.; Sullivan, Gerard M.; Tao, Zhi-Fu; Wang, Gary T.; Wang, Le; Wang, Xilu; Wendt, Michael D.; Hansen, Todd M., BCL-2-selective apoptosis-inducing agents for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases.
  8. Bruncko, Milan; Ding, Hong; Doherty, George A.; Elmore, Steven W.; Hasvold, Lisa; Hexamer, Laura; Kunzer, Aaron; Mantei, Robert A.; McClellan, William J.; Park, Chang H.; Park, Cheol-Min; Petros, Andrew M.; Song, Xiaohong; Souers, Andrew J.; Sullivan, Gerard M.; Tao, Zhi-Fu; Wang, Gary T.; Wang, Le; Wang, Xilu; Wendt, Michael D., Bcl-2-selective apoptosis-inducing agents for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases.
  9. Wang, Shaomeng; Zhou, Haibin; Chen, Jianfang; Aguilar, Angelo; Meagher, Jennifer L.; Sun, Duxin; Yang, Chao-Yie; Liu, Liu; Bai, Longchuan; McEachem, Donna; Stuckey, Jeanne; Li, Xiaoqin, Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitors and therapeutic methods using the same.
  10. Haley, Gregory Jay; Kong, Norman; Liu, Emily Aijun; Vu, Binh Thanh, CIS-imidazolines.
  11. Diebold, Robert Bruce; Gero, Thomas Woodrow; Grover, Paul; Huang, Shan; Ioannidis, Stephanos; Ogoe, Claude Afona; Saeh, Jamal Carlos, Chemical compounds.
  12. Diebold, Robert Bruce; Gero, Thomas; Grover, Paul; Huang, Shan; Ioannidis, Stephanos; Ogoe, Claude Afona; Saeh, Jamal Carlos, Chemical compounds.
  13. Fotouhi, Nader; Haley, Gregory Jay; Simonsen, Klaus B.; Vu, Binh Thanh; Webber, Stephen Evan, Cis-imidazolines.
  14. Kong, Norman; Liu, Emily Aijun; Vu, Binh Thanh, Cis-imidazolines.
  15. Kong, Norman; Liu, Emily Aijun; Vu, Binh Thanh, Cis-imidazolines.
  16. Baell, Jonathan Bayldon; Bui, Chinh Thien; Colman, Peter; Dudley, Danette A.; Fairbrother, Wayne J.; Flygare, John A.; Lessene, Guillaume Laurent; Ndubaku, Chudi; Nikolakopoulos, George; Rye, Carl Steven; Sleebs, Brad Edmund; Smith, Brian John; Watson, Keith Geoffrey; Elmore, Steven W.; Petros, Andrew M.; Souers, Andrew J.; Czabotar, Peter, Compounds and methods of use.
  17. Shetty, Sreerama; Idell, Steven, Inhibition of pulmonary fibrosis with nutlin-3A and peptides.
  18. Franczyk, II, Thaddeus Stephan; Hill, David R.; Haight, Anthony Ralph; McLaughlin, Maureen Ann; Shekhar, Shashank; Yu, Su; Mei, Jianzhang; Wang, Lei, Processes to make apoptosis promoters.
  19. Jang,Ik Soon; Yeo,Eui Ju; Park,Sang Chul, Signals and molecular species involved in senescence.
  20. Elmore, Steven W.; Rosenberg, Saul; Gordon, Gary, Treatment of myeoproliferative diseases.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Laberge, Remi-Martin; Campisi, Judith; Demaria, Marco; David, Nathaniel; Baker, Darren J.; Kirkland, James L.; Tchkonia, Tamar; Zhu, Yi; van Deursen, Jan M. A., Treating pulmonary conditions by selectively removing senescent cells from the lung using an intermittent dosing regimen.
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