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[미국특허] Animal feed tub cover 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 30-03
출원번호 US-0534880 (2015-07-31)
등록번호 US-D821658 (2018-06-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Danenberg, Benjamin R.
  • Gabriel, Michael J.
  • Burr, Michael S.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Dorsey & Whitney LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 250


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a feed tub cover, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (250) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Goode, Stephanie; Melling, Hugh; Bull, Jeffrey, 6 tier center support cake stand.
  2. Yang Tsung-Pin (No. 12 ; Alley 2 ; Lane 131 ; Chang-Chin Rd. Hsi-Jyy ; Taipei Hsien TWX), Aerial amusement system with vacuum mounts.
  3. Asner Jerome L. (501 SW. 9th Oklahoma City OK 73109), Aerial toy.
  4. Kim, Chang-Ho, Airtight container for storing foods.
  5. Ulman Edward A. ; Hopewell Barrie ; Price Nathan B. ; Sarica Dominic ; Jackson Frederick E. ; Shapiro Daniel E., Animal feeder, feeder mount, feeder monitor, and feeder monitoring network.
  6. Krueger, Bryan, Ant moat for a bird feeder.
  7. Krueger, Bryan, Ant moat for a bird feeder.
  8. Krueger, Bryan, Ant moat for a bird feeder.
  9. Andrews Sydney A. (Stapleford GB2), Aperture plugs.
  10. Haugen, Sigrid, Baking apparatus.
  11. Person, Georgette A., Baking die.
  12. Lagsdin, Andris, Baking sheet.
  13. Laib Douglas M., Batter bowl.
  14. Diaz Eusebio M. (6450 Balboa Blvd. Van Nuys CA 91406), Beverage can cover and carrier.
  15. Adami Arthur E. (Andover MA) Amberg Christopher P. (Owings Mills MD) Pendergrass William B. (Hanover PA), Beverage can-carrying device.
  16. Spagnolo Pino,ITX, Blender.
  17. Cochrane Benjamin A. (181 Sonora Ave. Danville CA 94526), Bottle closure.
  18. Spencer,Mark E.; Chatterton,Chadd R.; Hayes,Thom; Phan,Wee Liong; Hellenbrand,Ronald G., Bowl and lid.
  19. Loew Christopher ; Stoddard John, Bowl lid.
  20. Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Hodge, Donald E., Bowl with cover.
  21. Subotic, Predrag, Cake carousel.
  22. Since,Guillaume Jean, Cake cutting tray.
  23. Walton, Charles F.; Bakula, Roxanne E., Cake plate.
  24. Goodchild, Paul B., Cake stand.
  25. Stodd, Ralph P., Can end.
  26. Tricinella Bruce E. (6242 Warner Huntington Beach CA 92647), Can lid.
  27. Yeffet, Dan, Candle jar.
  28. Skrocki, Mark; Smith, Angelia M.; Dochterman, Rick; Neumaster, Terry, Canister lid.
  29. Trombetta, Liberatore A., Capsule.
  30. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  31. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  32. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  33. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  34. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  35. Torrison, Miriam; Cunningham, John; DeJong, Scott, Carbonated beverage cap liner.
  36. Skjelby Finn (Spikkestad NO) Slungaard Svein (Slemmestad NO), Carton.
  37. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem BEX) DeCoster Pieter K. J. (Aalst RI BEX) Wolff Martin J. (North Providence RI), Casserole dish cover or the like.
  38. Hayes Thomas J. ; Taber Thomas T. ; Sagan Michael J. A., Catering container assembly.
  39. Edwards, David Nicholas; Vicik, Stephen James, Cheese package, film, bag and process for packaging a CO2 respiring foodstuff.
  40. Houk, George B.; Pace, Gregory A., Chewing tobacco can with raised bottom section.
  41. Chen, Ya-Chien, Circular food container.
  42. Hicks,Marge M.; Blomdahl,Cori M., Closure.
  43. Dunwoody, Paul Robert, Closure cap.
  44. Robinson Ron ; McMichael Terrance J. ; Flynn Brian ; Hoffman John ; Partlow Richard B. ; Rosten David, Closure for a box for straws.
  45. Robinson Ron ; McMichael Terrance J. ; Flynn Brian ; Hoffman John ; Partlow Richard B. ; Rosten David, Closure for a box for straws.
  46. Asher Lance A. (Camden Point MO), Closure for top inside roll container.
  47. Sarnoff Norton (Northbrook IL) Giese Laura A. (Oak Park IL) Chmela John F. (Mt. Prospect IL), Combined beverage can opener and cover.
  48. Nilsson, Eva, Combined bowl and cover for household purposes.
  49. Shaffer David G. (307 First St. Woodland CA 95695) Kephart Andrew A. (21 Buckeye St. Woodland CA 95965), Combined bucket with nested containers and lid therefor.
  50. Cousins Morison S. (Winter Park FL) Laib Douglas M. (Kissimmee FL), Combined canister and lid.
  51. Di Nuccio David (New York NY), Combined cosmetic bottle and cap.
  52. Muspratt-Williams, Alex, Combined cover and saucer.
  53. Jorgensen Helge D. (Copenhagen DKX), Combined covered pail and detachable rim.
  54. Chiang,Chia C.; McEldowney,Blake; Burton,Max; Sokol,Brent D., Combined platter and base.
  55. Shields,Frank, Combined pouch and tub mix.
  56. DiFede John (24878 Tiogo Rd. Hayward CA 94544), Combined pour spout air bleeder and lid for a fluid container.
  57. Tsengas, Steven, Composite covered pet feeder.
  58. Benyavskiy, Yelizar, Condiment cup cap.
  59. O'Hara,John; Peterson,Christopher L.; Maraia,Micah L., Contact lens container.
  60. Chagnon Nichole M. ; Perushek Joseph ; Angell Charles Austen, Container.
  61. Gosen, Craig R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  62. Rosenberg, Susan R., Container.
  63. Smay,Cathy O.; Wiggins,Robin, Container.
  64. Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Steichen Richard T., Container.
  65. Cousins Morison S. (Winter Park FL) Laib Douglas M. (Kissimmee FL), Container and seal.
  66. DeBiasse, Paul; Thompson, Douglas W., Container cap.
  67. DeBiasse, Paul; Thompson, Douglas W., Container cap.
  68. DeBiasse, Paul; Thompson, Douglas Wayne, Container cap.
  69. Reed, David F.; Comadena, Louis S., Container cap.
  70. Lown John M. (Huntington Beach CA) Quinn Gregory F. (Fullerton CA) Mayercheck Robert P. (Irvine CA), Container closure cap.
  71. Picozza Augusto A. (Orlando FL), Container cover.
  72. Bried, David Karl; Strickland, James Arthur; Nielsen, Mark T.; Atchley, Frank Scott; Walters, II, Lamar Eugene; Pace, Gregory A., Container device for tobacco articles.
  73. Bried, David Karl; Strickland, James Arthur; Nielsen, Mark T.; Atchley, Frank Scott; Walters, II, Lamar Eugene; Pace, Gregory A., Container device for tobacco articles.
  74. Maxwell Jason ; Sutthiwan Greg ; Warner Jim ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  75. Maxwell Jason ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  76. Tucker,Edward; Racana,Lawrence John, Container for food.
  77. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Wilson Daniel C. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a snap fit selectively detachable lid.
  78. Gilbertson Mark A., Container lid.
  79. Gross,Robert Michael; Osentoski,Jason Matthew; Maciag,Daniel Aaron; White,Glenn Josef; Thomas,Susan Elizabeth, Container lid.
  80. Guerette Richard (Senneville CAX), Container lid.
  81. Rayner Adrien P. (Wiltshire GB2), Container lid.
  82. Smith Ernest L. (Kansas City MO), Container lid.
  83. Stamper, Leonard; Sykes, Brian, Container lid.
  84. Williams ; Robert G., Container lid.
  85. Antal, Sr., Keith E.; Lagace, Chad E.; Smith, Terry, Container overcap.
  86. Cousins Morison S. (Winter Park FL) Laib Douglas M. (Kissimmee FL), Container seal.
  87. Krupa Calvin S. (Plymouth MN), Container with cover.
  88. Jones Wayne (305 Lariat La. Idaho Falls ID 83404), Container with flying toy lid.
  89. Pace, Gregory A., Container with lid.
  90. Pace,Gregory A., Container with lid.
  91. Dais, Brian C.; Perushek, Joseph; Gerulski, Kristopher W.; McCumber, Donald E.; Johnson, Angela M.; Lee, Lewis D.; Schroepfer, Peter, Container with pressure relief and lid and method of manufacture therefor.
  92. Anderson Harry S. (Wilmington DE), Controlled atmosphere package.
  93. de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Cautereels, Victor J. J., Cover for a bowl.
  94. Ablo, Famia E., Cover for a container.
  95. Heiberg, Jakob; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Cover for a mixing bowl.
  96. Rothfield, Marcia M.; Colpitts, Dean A., Cover for the top of a drinking glass.
  97. Carstensen, Christian Wilhelm; Ring, Michael; Surel, Mads, Cup.
  98. Durdon, Terrance N.; Johnston, Mark D.; Geenen, Robert M., Curved wall souffle dish.
  99. Frankel S. Arthur (Billings MT) McGuire George E. (De Pere WI) Wuthrich Robert O. (Indianapolis IN), Device for mixing bone cement.
  100. Anderson,Dennis C., Dimensionally stable flying disc toy construction.
  101. Kahl Earl, Dispensing jar cover.
  102. Pham, Steven; Stein, Bruce, Display container.
  103. Liao, Joe; Rodgers, Danielle N; Foley, Patrick, Display for baked goods.
  104. Demko Albert J. (520 S. Collier Blvd. Marco Island FL 33937), Disposable pet feeding dish.
  105. Sin, Victor Lee Long, Dog bowl.
  106. Sin, Victor Lee Long, Dog bowl.
  107. Radow, Marc, Drinkware rimming apparatus and method.
  108. Auer, Robert Thomas; Stull, Jason Wesley; Stull, Jameson P., Easily removable multi-paneled locking cover with mess-preventing ring.
  109. Schreder Felix (Oberderdingen DEX), Electric cooking plate.
  110. Fekete Nicholas M. G. (Richardson TX) Gattenby Elaine J. (Allen TX) Bolan Michael L. (Dallas TX), Electronic token.
  111. Mock, Kaitlin, Fitted plate lid.
  112. Barroso Miana, Bianca; Pavan Imparato, Giuliano Glauco; Dantas Peixoto, Elaine Cristina; Luizari Artoni, Fabio; Vieira Santos, Juliana; Saboia Salles, Fernanda, Flask and cap assembly.
  113. Shimobeppu, Yuzo; Teshirogi, Kazou; Yoshimoto, Kazuhiro; Watanabe, Mitsuhisa; Shinjo, Yoshiaki; Mori, Takashi; Yajima, Koichi; Kimura, Yusuke, Flat-object holder and method of using the same.
  114. Bailey Samuel (5550 Williamsburg Way Fairfield OH 45014), Flexible heat transfer pad.
  115. Honaker William L. (5730 W. Milan Pl. Denver CO 80235), Flexible toss device.
  116. Nielsen, Corey, Flying disc for pets.
  117. Malafronte Victor (2910 Newbury St. Berkeley CA 94703), Flying disc handling apparatus.
  118. Carlos Valencia, Flying disk.
  119. Andersson Gnter (Mannesmannufer 8 4000 Dusseldorf 1 DEX) Holz Uwe D. (Mannesmannufer 8 4000 Dusseldorf 1 DEX) Margieciok Frank J. (Mannesmannufer 8 4000 Dusseldorf 1 DEX), Food container pot assembly.
  120. Brattoli, Pietro; Baez, Jorge; Jarvis, Charles W., Food heating pellet.
  121. Danenberg, Benjamin R., Food product container.
  122. Ahern ; Jr. Richard B. (Akron OH), Food storage container and lid.
  123. Rausch Kevin (Cross Junction VA), Food storage container lid.
  124. Terauds Oskar R. (Willoughby OH), Frozen food package and cover lid.
  125. Oh Chang H. (Kyung Ki Do KRX), Fry pan or similar article.
  126. Fields, Brian, Full aperture open beverage can.
  127. Miller, Mike D., Full lid for bucket style cooler.
  128. Schroeder Jack J. (No. 4 Quail Ridge Rd. North Rolling Hills CA 90274) Findley John E. (8828 Jaylee Dr. San Gabriel CA 91775), Hard solid animal feed supplement.
  129. Caner, Ali R.; Spencer, Kenneth B., Hot filled container.
  130. Spears, William; Fuentes, Luis E., Hydrotherapy jet escutcheon.
  131. Iyengar Mike (Chicago IL), Internally-seating container closure.
  132. Richardson, Steven G., Jar venting disc.
  133. Brattoli, Pietro; Baez, Jorge; Jarvis, Charles W., Large food heating pellet.
  134. Carsrud, Ronald D.; Nylander, Noreen R., Leak-proof lid for a disposable cup.
  135. Nordland, Kate E., Leak-resistant polymeric foam container.
  136. Golota, George A.; Drozek, Michael A.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco J., Lid.
  137. Sharma, Neeraj; Baker, Rebecca; Redrick, Steven M.; Stokke, Nathan, Lid.
  138. McCumber, Donald E.; Baillies, Jeffrey S., Lid and upper regions of a container combination.
  139. Reidinger Deborah ; Garza Tari ; Kahre Donna ; Heller Lauren ; Bedini Cathy M., Lid containing game piece.
  140. Conti Rino, Lid for a container.
  141. Conti Rino, Lid for a container.
  142. Downing Gene L. (15630 Cecil Ave. Riverside CA 92504) Fields Ronald A. (15432 Golden Star Riverside CA 92506), Lid for a container.
  143. Harries Alun (London GB2), Lid for a container.
  144. Hayes Thomas J. ; Tranfaglia Christina M., Lid for a container.
  145. Lipinski, Jeffrey M.; Feldmeier, Dan R.; Diehl, Paul F.; Cowling, Matthew W.; Driskill, Philip A.; French, Jordan R.; Fisher, Scott L., Lid for a container.
  146. Messenger John D. (Swindon GBX), Lid for a container.
  147. Rayner Adrien P. (Iver GB2), Lid for a container.
  148. Chou, Bob, Lid for a drink cup.
  149. Kouri, Dany, Lid for a drinking can.
  150. Kouri, Dany, Lid for a drinking can.
  151. Thurlow,Heida L.; Henderson,Scott A., Lid for an article of cookware.
  152. Sina, Christopher L., Lid for container.
  153. Martin Patrick Brady ; Michael Scott Garman, Lid for use with insert for slow cooker.
  154. Anthony, Patricia M., Lid for variously-sized containers.
  155. Gage Jeffrey C. (Beaverton OR), Lid with orientation device.
  156. Evans David S. (2572 Riva Rd. ; Apt. #15B Annapolis MD 21401), Lined pet food dish.
  157. Belue, Garth E; Chapman, Thomas D, Manhole cover.
  158. Lowery, Robert, Marble game.
  159. Mataya, Marc J., Medication vial cap with adjustable indicators.
  160. Ivancic, Denis, Medicine bottle lid display.
  161. Thornberg, Robert, Method for preparing a livestock feed supplement block.
  162. Fisher John R. (Hockessin DE), Microwave cooking package.
  163. Hopkins, Gary L., Microwave cooking tray.
  164. Meyers Kenneth A. (Reedsburg WI), Microwave dish cover.
  165. Schwarz, Stefan H., Molded plastic container.
  166. Davis, Christopher L., Molded plastic container, snap ring and lid combination.
  167. Bartholomew Mark, Multi-layered flying disk.
  168. Swisher, Joseph T.; Pettigrew, Joseph T., Multifunction workstation.
  169. Fakahany, Ahmass; White, Michael; Rosignolo, Franco, Multitier tray.
  170. Wilson James M. (3330 Templeton Gap Rd. #32 Colorado Springs CO 80907) Wilson Dean M. (1071 Warren Rd. ; No. 10 Ithaca NY 14850), Nested automatically separable flying disk assembly.
  171. Holden ; Jr. Morell J. (Canandaigua NY) LeBoutillier Frank (Canandaigua NY), Nesting insulated hot-or-cold food tray.
  172. Lowe,Patrice, Ornamental package grouping.
  173. Melhede, Niels, Oval container and lid.
  174. Terauds Oskar R. (Willoughby OH), Packaging container for food.
  175. Bock Erik (Kirke Hyllinge DKX), Packing drum.
  176. Welsh Matthew J. (33 Mt. Vernon Rd. Columbia NJ 07832), Paint can strainer cover.
  177. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Paint container lid.
  178. Lacey Ronald E. (Wichita KS), Pan separator.
  179. Fried,Adam M., Pet bowl assembly with lid storage chamber.
  180. Babal, Prashant, Pet food dish.
  181. Sharkan Arnold L. (9120-D Niles Center Rd. Skokie IL 60187) Martinez Antonio (2217 Warrenville Rd. Wheaton IL 60187), Pet travel bowl.
  182. Hobson, Charles O.; Patkus, Steve, Photocontrol receptacle for lighting fixture.
  183. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  184. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  185. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  186. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  187. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  188. Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Francisco; Cana Martinez, Francisco Javier, Pivoting lid for a beverage can.
  189. Thuma, Michael; Russell, Brian J.; Vogler, Michael R., Planter.
  190. Thuma, Michael; Russell, Brian J.; Vogler, Michael R., Planter.
  191. Krueger, Kevin; Pohlman, Mike, Plastic side dish container comprising a bowl with a twelve-sided lid.
  192. Kimmel, Michael D., Plate.
  193. Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Hodge, Donald E., Plate with cover.
  194. Grepper, Ryan, Plates for integration with cooler.
  195. Thun, Matteo; Rodriguez, Antonio, Pot.
  196. Findley John E. (Claremont CA), Preservative coating for hard solid animal feed supplement.
  197. Pontes, Jacques, Protective seal for use in cans or the like for packaging beverages or the like.
  198. Pontes, Jacques, Protective seal for use in cans or the like for packaging beverages or the like.
  199. Kirsh, Yitzchok; Kirsh, Miriam, Receptacle.
  200. Forsyth Michael J. ; Dudas Matthew A. ; Ferguson Larry J., Reclosable top for can.
  201. Roth, Hank; Roth, Donna, Refreezable lid.
  202. Kline Melbert A. (Wichita KS), Removable lid for drink container.
  203. Wertz Keith J. (2533 S. Deegan Dr. Santa Ana CA 92704) Graham Emmett (9101 N. 60th St. Paradise Valley AZ 85253), Resilient plug closure.
  204. Wu, Chen-Kuei, Retaining piece for drinking bottle.
  205. Wu, Chen-Kuei, Retaining piece for drinking bottle.
  206. Lopes, Susan; Saake, Jeffrey, Reusable pizza pan set.
  207. Ferrer, Pere Valenti, Roast/grill plate.
  208. Chen Pi-Chi (No. 1-1 ; Lai-Tsuo E. Lane ; North Area Taichung TWX), Rotary tool carrier assembly.
  209. Colacitti, Gregory, Round container.
  210. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Round container with lid.
  211. Epstein, Paul, Round shaped container assembly with stylized base.
  212. Ferris Ian (Finchampstead GB2), Salad bowl.
  213. Osgood Lisa M. (P.O. Box 383 Bingham ME 04920) Miller Dale L. (P.O. Box 383 Bingham ME 04920), Salad cooler.
  214. Krueger, Bryan, Screw-on ant moat for a bird feeder.
  215. Krueger, Bryan, Screw-on ant moat for a bird feeder.
  216. Chou, Hsin-Hung, Seal container.
  217. Jalet, Vincent; Cautereels, Victor J. J., Seal for a bowl.
  218. Yun, James K., Seal indicator for lid and container.
  219. Klein Gerald B. (13451 Stuart Court Broomfield CO 80020), Sealant for pushdown gate in a can lid.
  220. Antal, Sr., Keith E., Sealing overcap for a container.
  221. Stern James J. (115 Old Short Hills Rd. ; Apt. 343 ; Bldg. 32 West Orange NJ 07052), Self-mating pizza pie container.
  222. Lillelund Stig (Gentofte DKX) Daenen Robert H.C.M. (Essene BEX), Serving set.
  223. Weernink Johannes H. (Goor NLX), Serving set.
  224. Yanagisawa, Ippei; Hebiguchi, Shuzo; Hara, Kei, Shower plate.
  225. Helfrich, Michael T., Smoking pipe bowl having magnetically attached lid.
  226. Gallagher Abigail H. (Chicago IL) Warren Gary E. (Lake Barrington IL), Snap-on lid for a food dish or the like.
  227. Henriksson, Nina, Snuff box.
  228. Henriksson, Nina, Snuff container.
  229. Henriksson, Nina, Snuff container.
  230. Henriksson, Nina, Snuff container.
  231. Nickleberry,Stacey, Soda can lid.
  232. Mithal, Ashish K, Splash and spill resistant lid.
  233. Mitchell James M. (Huntington Beach CA), Stackable container.
  234. Molayem, Daryoosh, Stacking set of bakeware.
  235. Wallberg John L., Storage container with attachable lid.
  236. DeMars Robert A. (23221 Ladrillo Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91367), Storage container with reversible lid.
  237. Izen,Mark S.; Small,Craig, String case.
  238. Letica Anton I., Tamper evident pail and closure.
  239. Nelson James L. (Temple City CA), Tamper resistant container lid.
  240. Golota, George A.; Drozek, Michael A.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Forowycz, Roman; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco J., Tamper resistant packaging lid.
  241. Humm, Stuart; Keefe, Warren; Gibson, Paul, Tobacco box.
  242. Humm, Stuart; Keefe, Warren; Gibson, Paul, Tobacco box.
  243. Sims, Bart; Pfohl, Jason; German, Galen G., Tobacco container with plastic insert.
  244. Bagwell Connice W. (Rte. 2 ; Box 346 Somerville AL 35670), Top for a drink cup.
  245. Bagwell Connice W. (Rte. 2 ; Box 346 Somerville AL 35670), Top for a drink cup.
  246. Ota,Kinya; Tian,Cai Zhong; Kitagawa,Junichi, Top panel for microwave introduction window of a plasma processing apparatus.
  247. Tabet Michael A. (1302 Pamela Pl. Norfolk VA 23518), Twin flying saucer toy.
  248. Castriota, Susan, Vented lid for covering a vessel containing food and/or fluids during storage and/or cooking.
  249. Mischel, Jr., James Vernon; Erickson, Patrick Daniel; Mischel, Sr., James Vernon, Wall sconce, backlit mirror.
  250. Keener James H., Wood repair kit.

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