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[미국특허] Circumferential stiffeners for composite fancases 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D03D-003/00
  • D03D-011/00
  • B32B-005/16
  • B29B-011/16
  • F01D-021/04
  • F01D-025/24
출원번호 US-0799982 (2017-10-31)
등록번호 US-10016913 (2018-07-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Goering, Jonathan
출원인 / 주소
  • Albany Engineered Composites, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    McCarter & English, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 10


Woven preforms, for example those used for jet aircraft engine fancases, may need additional stiffeners to improve the strength and/or dynamic performance of the preform assembly, as well as to serve as attachment points. The present invention describes several improved woven preforms that include c


1. A woven preform assembly comprising: a first sub-preform comprising one or more wraps of a continuous woven fabric about a centerline or an appropriately designed mandrel to form at least one substantially barrel-shaped circumference around the centerline, wherein said wraps have a first integral

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Porte,Alain, Aircraft engine in which there is a small clearance separating the fan cowls and the thrust inverter cowls.
  2. Antuna Eugene J. (Springdale OH) Keck Donald F. (Fairfield OH) Roth Robert H. (Cincinnati OH) Brantley James W. (Fairfield OH) Wakeman Thomas G. (Lawrenceburg IN) Fravel Jeffrey B. (Cincinnati OH) Co, Apparatus for removably attaching a core frame to a vane frame with a stable mid ring.
  3. Burgess Keith E., Fiber-reinforced composite materials structures and methods of making same.
  4. Eleftheriou, Andreas; Denis, David; Leclair, Denis; Roussel, Yves, Gas turbine engine case and method of making.
  5. Evans, Charles R.; Ward, Douglas D., Jet aircraft fan case containment design.
  6. Jonathan Goering, Minimum distortion 3D woven preforms.
  7. Zahedi Ahmad P. ; Mitchell Stephen C., Stiffened composite structures and method of making thereof.
  8. Eleftheriou, Andreas; Lobo, Kevin Walter; Weinberg, Maurice; Liu, Quantai, Turbofan case and method of making.
  9. Eleftheriou,Andreas; Lobo,Kevin Walter; Weinberg,Maurice; Liu,Quantai, Turbofan case and method of making.
  10. Eleftheriou,Andreas; Lobo,Kevin Walter; Weinberg,Maurice; Liu,Quantai, Turbofan case and method of making.

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