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[미국특허] Modular user-assembled adjustable, and high-low adjustable beds 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47C-019/02
  • A47C-019/00
  • A47C-020/04
  • A47C-019/04
출원번호 US-0810854 (2017-11-13)
등록번호 US-10021989 (2018-07-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Goldsmith, Aaron
출원인 / 주소
  • Goldsmith, Aaron
대리인 / 주소
    Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 42


In an adjustable bed having juxtaposed between a mattress and a floor an articulated frame, and one or more wired motors operating on the articulated frame so that the mattress resting atop the frame is adjusted in contour, the articulated frame is modular, and ships in two or more modular frame sec


1. An adjustable bed juxtaposed between a mattress and a floor, the adjustable bed comprising: an articulated frame, andone or more wired motors operating on the articulated frame so that the mattress resting atop the frame is adjusted in contour, wherein the articulated frame ships in a head sectio

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Elliott Franklin E., Adjustable articulated bed.
  2. Thompson Ralph N.,CAX ; Muir Donald A.,CAX, Adjustable bed.
  3. Antinori Santino, Adjustable bed and adjustable frame therefor.
  4. Alexander James H. (Acton CAX), Adjustable bed and interchangeable drive unit therefor.
  5. Sagel Heinrich (Brakel-Erkeln DEX), Adjustable hospital and nursing home bed.
  6. Owen Charles C. (Chicago IL) Owen Charles B. (Long Grove IL) Lin Hsi-Tao (Steve) (Taipei TWX), Air support bed.
  7. Jason C. Brooke ; Kendall O. Shows ; William S. Larisey, Jr. ; Robert E. Anderson ; Daniel C. Hillenbrand ; Joe D. McGuinness, Ambulatory assist arm for a bed.
  8. Elliott, Franklin E.; Estrada, Jaime Z., Articulated adjustable bed having a single motor drive.
  9. Wernqvist, Björn; Wernqvist, Göran; Svensson, Peter; Wedbjer, Susanne, Articulated bed.
  10. Bathrick Leeland M. (Crystal Lake IL) Brittain Glenn (McHenry IL), Articulated bed with collapsible frame.
  11. Bathrick Leeland M. (Crystal Lake IL) Chizek Michael W. (Racine WI) Brittain Glenn (McHenry IL), Articulated bed with frame mounted power module.
  12. Palmer ; Jr. John M. (P.O. Box 115 Lutz FL 33549) Palmer ; III John M. (P.O. Box 823291 Dallas TX 75382), Articulating device for a flat bed.
  13. Heikkila, Unto Alarik, Bed frame having an integrated roller system.
  14. Darling, Ronald J.; Bartels, Patrick J., Bed lift.
  15. Stroud David W., Bed rail center support system.
  16. Borders Richard L. (Cincinnati OH) Stafford Daniel G. (Batesville IN) Richards Sandy M. (Centerville IN) Walke Allen L. (Batesville IN), Birthing bed adjustable to Trendelenburg position.
  17. Kahwaji Michael A., Chair having detachably interfitting parts.
  18. Swilley Dennis N. (#12 W. Oak Bluff Aubrey TX 76227), Chair with interlocking multiple components.
  19. Carroll Timothy (London CAX), Collapsible bed and panel hinge.
  20. Thompson, Ralph; Rutherford, Geoff; Freeborn, Brian, Directional lock.
  21. Adams James S. (Batesville IN) Peck William H. (Batesville IN) Tekulve Daniel R. (Batesville IN), Elevating and Trendelenburg mechanism for an adjustable bed.
  22. Adams James S. (Batesville IN) Peck William H. (Batesville IN) Tekulve Daniel R. (Batesville IN), Elevating and Trendelenburg mechanism for an adjustable bed.
  23. Fredman Irving (St. Louis MO) Fredman Carmi (St. Louis MO), Extensible folding leg for bed cross bar.
  24. Jones A. David, Furniture having interlocking parts of basic shapes.
  25. Carr, Rex Arthur, High/low bed.
  26. Brooke Jason C. ; Mutka Michael J. ; Larisey ; Jr. William S. ; Hakamiun Reza ; Thomas James F. ; Shows Kendall O., Long term care bed controls.
  27. Yang Alex (Yuan-Ho TWX) Liao Ben-Shin (Taipei TWX), Modular frame for a water bed.
  28. Goldsmith, Aaron, Modular user-assembled adjustable, and high-low adjustable beds.
  29. Goldsmith, Aaron, Modular user-assembled adjustable, and high-low adjustable beds.
  30. Goldsmith, Aaron, Modular user-assembled adjustable, and high-low adjustable beds.
  31. Goldsmith, Aaron, Modular user-assembled adjustable, and high-low adjustable beds.
  32. Rizzardo Dennis P. (Phoenixville PA), Portable bed assembly.
  33. Bathrick Leeland M. (6820 New Hampshire Trail Crystal Lake IL 60014) Chizck Michael W. (1521 Walter Ave. Racine WI 53403) Brittain Glenn (2613 Drucker La. McHenry IL 60060), Power module for an ariculated bed.
  34. Basgall Dale G. (3124 B Iolani St. Pukalani HI 96768), Rehabilitation bed transformable to multiple positions for accommodating an obese person.
  35. Bourgraf, Jr., Elroy Edwin, Tactical stretcher.
  36. Oyediran Badejo A. (1705 Mansion St. Bronx NY 10460), Take-apart chair.
  37. Sandlin ; Joseph P., Tilting attachment for a bed.
  38. Edgerton ; Jr. John L. (Stevens Point WI), Two position floor lock and caster assembly.
  39. Awerbuch, Jonathan; Baum, Ryan A.; Hampson, Timothy A.; Kline, Kevin N.; Klopp, Benjamin A.; Zinsky, Kate C., Two-piece lightweight litter system.
  40. Awerbuch, Jonathan; Baum, Ryan A.; Hampson, Timothy; Kline, Kevin N.; Klopp, Benjamin A.; Zinsky, Kate C., Two-piece lightweight litter system.
  41. Wall, Sr.,Daniel P., UPS shippable adjustable articulating bed.
  42. Craig D. Adams, Variable width bariatric modularbed.

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