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[미국특허] Systems for controlling odor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-031/00
  • A61L-009/014
  • B01D-053/04
  • B01J-020/20
출원번호 US-0440813 (2017-02-23)
등록번호 US-10034505 (2018-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sesselmann, Gregory J.
출원인 / 주소
  • ScentLok Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 81


A garment for reducing odor includes material arranged to form at least one of a shirt, a jacket, pants, socks, gloves, a hunting mask, and a hat. The garment has a layer including at least a portion of the at least one of the shirt, the jacket, pants, socks, gloves, the hunting mask, and the hat an


1. A garment for reducing odor and including material arranged to form at least one of a shirt, a jacket, pants, socks, gloves, a hunting mask, and a hat, the garment comprising: a layer comprising at least a portion of the at least one of the shirt, the jacket, pants, socks, gloves, the hunting mas

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (81) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ducharme Cyril L. (Long Lake MN) Eickhof Ralph C. (Erskine MN) Heider David A. (St. Paul MN) Neiberger Denny W. (Minnetonka MN) Maass Fred (Oak Park IL), Absorbent composition.
  2. Okubo Takemi (Fukuoka JPX), Absorbent sheet like mat.
  3. Brooker Ronald W. (Atlanta GA) Cohen Bernard (Duluth GA) Jackson David M. (Roswell GA), Active particle-containing nonwoven material, method of formation thereof, and uses thereof.
  4. Gould Russell P. (P.O. Box 262 Youngstown PA 15696), All weather garment system.
  5. Matrullo C. James (242 B Jefferson Ct. Lakewood NJ 08701), Anal filter.
  6. Morrison Willard L. (1896 Meadowbrook Drive Winston-Salem NC 27104), Antimicrobial blended yarns and fabrics comprised of naturally occurring fibers.
  7. Morrison Willard L. (1896 Meadowbrook Dr. Winston-Salem NC 27104), Antimicrobially treated fabric construction.
  8. Langston Richard D. (Wokingham GB2), CBW protective clothing.
  9. Ross Daniel L. (3370 Highway A Festus MO 63028), Camouflage headwear.
  10. Slagle Timothy P. (Rte. 1 ; Box 249 A Lexington VA 24450) Slale Keith J. (Rte. 4 ; Box 325A Lexington VA 24450), Camouflage material.
  11. Knickerbocker Harry W. (15199 S. Maplelane Rd. Oregon City OR 97045), Camouflage system and material.
  12. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX), Carbon-containing protective fabrics.
  13. Massok ; Jr. Anthony J. (Richmond VA) Nolan James P. (Chester VA), Construction for absorbing odors caused by perspiration and method of making same.
  14. Munteanu Marina A. (New York NY), Container with microporous membrane for dispensing vapor from volatile liquid.
  15. Cullen John S. (Buffalo NY) Incorvia Samuel A. (Tonawanda NY) Nigon Christopher S. (Orchard Park NY) Vaylen Nicholas E. (Grand Island NY), Controlled rate adsorbent unit and method of fabrication thereof.
  16. Steverson Buddy (P.O. Box 269 Main St. New Hebron MS 39140), Convertible garment.
  17. Uesaka Kazuo (Amagasaki JPX) Okita Kazumasa (Ueno JPX) Arai Tsutomu (Saitama JPX), Deodorant and product in which the deodorant is used.
  18. Rispoli John L. (1304 Huron Ave. New Castle PA 16101), Deodorizer footwear.
  19. Elrod, Scott A., Descenting methods.
  20. Elrod, Scott, Descenting systems and methods.
  21. Sakschek Helmut W. (618 Fairview Ave. Neenah WI 54956), Dispenser and method for dispensing hunting odors.
  22. Sherrod Earle H. (Appleton WI) Weigert Brigitte K. (Oshkosh WI) Van Groll Lea A. (Little Chute WI) Kuepper Theresa R. (Neenah WI), Disposable clothing shield and method of manufacture.
  23. Mucci Eileen (335 Old Orchard Grove Toronto ; Ontario CAX M5M 2E7) Gupta Ramesh K. (Oakville CAX) Leidner Jacob (North York CAX), Drapeable soft odor absorbing sheet material.
  24. Kirby Richard C. (6426 W. Quaker Rd. Orchard Park NY 14127), Face mask.
  25. Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material.
  26. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernst (Hohnstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material and method of making same.
  27. Singh ; Tej Kuldip, Footwear.
  28. Maples D. Ray (3603 Chester La. Memphis TN 38119), Footwear device for hunters.
  29. Okano Takayoshi (Higashiosaka JPX), Garment bag.
  30. Suda James R. (Fairfax VA), Garment for protecting against environmental contamination.
  31. Hart John A. H. (South March CA), Gas resistant foam materials.
  32. Hart John A. H. (South March CA), Gas resistant foam materials.
  33. DeHart George (3025 S.W. 21st Oklahoma City OK 73108), Hunters and trappers scent pad.
  34. White George M. (584 Tooting La. Birmingham MI 48009), Hunting mask with breath odor control system.
  35. Arons Gilbert N. (Newton Highlands MA) Macnair Richard N. (Cambridge MA), Laminated, highly sorbent, active carbon fabric.
  36. Shah Pravinchandra K. (Sheffield Lake OH) Antlfinger George J. (Avon Lake OH), Latex containing odor inhibitor.
  37. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  38. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  39. DiSapio Alfred J. (Greenwich CT) Pfister William R. (Bay City MI) Sheeran Mary A. (Midland MI), Multi-laminate fragrance release device.
  40. Pflaumer Phillip F. (Cincinnati OH), Nether garment for and method of controlling crotch odors.
  41. Giglia Robert D. (Rye NY) Battistelli Edward A. (Stratford CT), Non-woven activated carbon fabric.
  42. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  43. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  44. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  45. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), Odor absorbing clothing.
  46. Bailly, Richard L., Odor absorbing wrap.
  47. Pontius Harold T. (Dublin OH), Odor filter media.
  48. Newman Anthony E., Odor preventing hunting apparel.
  49. Nager Frank B. (22411 Twyckingham Southfield MI 48034) Heyman Louis F. (33000 Covington Club Dr. ; Apt. #42 Farmington Hills MI 48018), Odor suppressing disposable garment shield.
  50. Vickers Thomas Wayne (Circleville OH), Odor-absorbing clothing article.
  51. Weber Mary G. (Alpharetta GA) Fitting Steven W. (Acworth GA) Weber Robert E. (Marietta GA) Yeo Richard S. (Dunwoody GA), Odor-absorbing web material and medical material packages containing the web material.
  52. Rawlings Stephen A. (37 First Avenue Amersham ; Buckinghamshire GB2) Rawlings Amanda J. (37 First Avenue Amersham ; Buckinghamshire GB2), Pad for absorption of body odor.
  53. Hagiwara Zenji (Kusatsu JPX) Ohki Hideo (Koshigaya JPX) Hoshino Shigetaka (Sohka JPX) Nohara Saburo (Nishinomiya JPX) Ida Shunya (Nara JPX) Tagawa Kenichi (Osaka JPX), Particle-packed fiber article having antibacterial property.
  54. Sholes Bessie M. (1439 76th Ave. Oakland CA 94621), Perspiration shield.
  55. Imai Takashi (Okayama JPX), Process for applying deodorant particles to a membrane.
  56. Stuetz Dagobert E. (Watchung NJ), Production of activated carbon fibers from acid contacted polybenzimidazole fibrous material.
  57. Simpson ; Robert Emmerson, Protective clothing.
  58. Haruvy Yair (Rehovot ILX) Katz Moshe (Rishon Le-Zion ILX) Horowitz Abraham A. (Rehovot ILX), Protective composite materials, their production and articles of protective clothing made therefrom.
  59. Markwell Edgar R. (Wereham GB2), Protective garment.
  60. Plotzker Irene G. (Wilmington DE), Protective garment or cover, composite semipermeable barrier fabric, and use in detoxification.
  61. Eian Gilbert L. (White Bear Lake MN), Reduced-stress vapor-sorptive garments.
  62. Vickers Thomas W. (Circleville OH), Removing human scent from articles of clothing.
  63. Mizusawa Eugene A. (Castro Valley CA) Paone Donald J. (Hayward CA) Casella Tracey L. (Martinez CA) Flores Dorothy L. (Livermore CA) Choy Clement K. (Walnut Creek CA) Gerritsen Jan (Walnut Creek CA), Rinse release laundry additive and dispenser.
  64. Moyer Randall S. (RD #1 ; Box 328 Bellefonte PA 16823), Safety hunter\s garment.
  65. Foster Lloyd B. (Sturgeon Bay WI), Scent dispersing boot.
  66. Floyd John F. (402 Hillcrest Offices Spartanburg SC 29302), Scented hunting strap.
  67. Farnworth Brian (Kinburn CAX) Dix James K. (Ottawa CAX), Skin tight chemical/biological protective suit.
  68. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), System and method for odor absorption.
  69. Elrod, Scott, System and method for reducing odors in a blind.
  70. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems and methods for controlling odor.
  71. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems and methods for controlling odor.
  72. Elrod, Scott A.; Rooney, Peter C., Systems and methods for detecting descented material.
  73. Pontius Jeffrey S. (10690 Royalton Rd. Amanda OH 43102), Temporary diaper storage container.
  74. Perdelwitz ; Jr. Lee E. (Tacoma WA) Pfeiffer Gustav O. (Auburn WA) Neogi Amar N. (Seattle WA) Iff Ronald H. (Puyallup WA) Mehta Haresh R. (Federal Way WA), Thermoplastic material containing towel.
  75. Grilliot William L. (1986 Home Ave. Dayton OH 45417) Grilliot Mary I. (1986 Home Ave. Dayton OH 45417), Transport container for victim contaminated by hazardous material.
  76. Neal Robert A. (R.F.D. 1 ; East Rd. Wales ME 04280) Ray Robert B. (Lake Shore Dr. Auburn ME 04210), Trash compactor bag.
  77. Norton Don S. (Clinton MS), Universal sport bag.
  78. Arons ; Gilbert N. ; Coffin ; Laurance G. ; Macnair ; Richard N., Warp knit fabric containing weft of protective yarn-covered activated-carbon yarn.
  79. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Waterproof and moisture-conducting fabric coated with hydrophilic polymer.
  80. Juhasz Laszlo (London GB2) McLeod Angus I. (Bucks GB2), Wound dressings.
  81. Juhasz Laszlo (18 Clovelly Avenue London GB3 NW9 6DT), Wound dressings with electrically conductive layers.

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