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다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
NTIS 바로가기국가/구분 | United States(US) Patent 등록 |
국제특허분류(IPC7판) |
출원번호 | US-0291115 (2016-10-12) |
등록번호 | US-10046453 (2018-08-14) |
발명자 / 주소 |
출원인 / 주소 |
대리인 / 주소 |
인용정보 | 피인용 횟수 : 0 인용 특허 : 3 |
Armrest heat shield and handheld device systems and methods are shown and described. In one embodiment, the armrest heat shield includes a guard and a clamp. In another embodiment, a handheld device includes an elongated shaft, a gas powered motor, a cutting assembly, and an armrest heat shield alig
1. A device adapted to mate with an elongated shaft adjacent an engine, said device comprising: a. a clamp comprising a first substantially planar flange and an opposing second substantially planar flange, a central receiving cavity aligned between said first planar flange and said second planar fla
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