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[미국특허] Architecture and execution for efficient mixed precision computations in single instruction multiple data/thread (SIMD/T) devices 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/76
  • G06F-009/38
  • G06F-009/30
  • G06F-009/46
  • G06F-008/41
출원번호 US-0672694 (2015-03-30)
등록번호 US-10061592 (2018-08-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lukyanov, Maxim
  • Grosul, Alexander
  • Alsup, Mitchell
  • Beylin, Boris
출원인 / 주소
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Innovation Counsel LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 15


A method for improving power, performance, area (PPA) for mixed precision computations in a processing environment. The method includes determining a braiding factor as a number of units of work encoded into a physical thread. A value of the braiding factor is determined based on a mix of precision


1. A method for improving power, performance, area (PPA) for mixed precision computations in a processing environment, the method comprising: determining a braiding factor as a number of units of work encoded into a physical thread prior to processing, a unit of work being a set of input data or ins

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Crow,Franklin C.; Montrym,John S.; Craighead,Matthew J., Apparatus, system, and method for gamma correction of smoothed primitives.
  2. May, Michael David, Compact instruction set encoding.
  3. Fahs, Brian; Nickolls, John R.; Moreton, Henry Packard; Coon, Brett W., Efficient implementation of arrays of structures on SIMT and SIMD architectures.
  4. Jones, Stephen; Gerfin, Geoffrey, Emitting coherent output from multiple threads for printf.
  5. Gschwind, Michael K., Generating and executing programs for a floating point single instruction multiple data instruction set architecture.
  6. Reid, Alastair David; Grimley-Evans, Edmund; Ford, Simon Andrew, Mapping a computer program to an asymmetric multiprocessing apparatus.
  7. Edwards,Stephen A., Method and apparatus for converting a concurrent control flow graph into a sequential control flow graph.
  8. Lu, Yan-Hong; Chang, Jia-Yang; Kuo, Pao-Hung; Chang, Chia-Chi; Tsung, Pei-Kuei, Methods and systems for managing an instruction sequence with a divergent control flow in a SIMT architecture.
  9. Hoyle, David, Microprocessor with instruction for saturating and packing data.
  10. Oberman, Stuart F.; Siu, Ming Y., Multipurpose arithmetic functional unit.
  11. Abdallah, Mohammad A., Parallel processing of a sequential program using hardware generated threads and their instruction groups executing on plural execution units and accessing register file segments using dependency inheritance vectors across multiple engines.
  12. Wilkinson Paul Amba ; Dieffenderfer James Warren ; Kogge Peter Michael ; Schoonover Nicholas Jerome, SIMD/MIMD array processor with vector processing.
  13. Underwood, Matthew John; Ridley, Nicholas Damon; Lapstun, Paul; Henderson, Peter Charles Boyd; Yourlo, Zhenya Alexander; Moini, Alireza; Rusman, Jan; Silverbrook, Kia, Sensing device for subsampling imaged coded data.
  14. Schwinn, Stephen Joseph; Tubbs, Matthew Ray; Wait, Charles David, Structural power reduction in multithreaded processor.
  15. Nyland, Lars; Nickolls, John R.; Hirota, Gentaro; Mandal, Tanmoy, Systems and methods for coalescing memory accesses of parallel threads.

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