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[미국특허] Multilayer tube having a tubular inner film, device and method for producing same, and use thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-009/14
  • F16L-011/08
  • B29C-053/48
  • B29K-027/18
  • B29C-053/38
  • B29C-053/58
출원번호 US-0502492 (2010-10-19)
등록번호 US-10113672 (2018-10-30)
우선권정보 DE-10 2009 050 084 (2009-10-20)
국제출원번호 PCT/EP2010/006362 (2010-10-19)
§371/§102 date 20120920 (20120920)
국제공개번호 WO2011/047824 (2011-04-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fasel, Albert
  • Quitter, Rene
출원인 / 주소
  • Hartenstein, Jurgen
대리인 / 주소
    Mendelsohn Dunleavy, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 18


The invention relates to a multilayer tube, comprising a tubular inner film made of modified polytetrafluoroethylene, and one or more layers of a planar textile fibrous material, which is saturated with a curable resin, and optionally an outer film. The outer film is preferably made of UV impermeabl


1. A method of using a multilayer tube for repairing a pipeline, said multilayer tube comprising a first layer of a tubular innermost film of synthetic polymer, and at least a further sheet layer, characterized in that the tubular innermost film forms a layer that is continuous in a lengthwise direc

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bhargav Jani ; Fredrick R. Chipps, Abrasion-resistant material handling hose.
  2. Troschitz, Ralf; Schmidt, Willibald; Weisenfeld, Heribert, Composite pipe having a PTFE inner layer and a covering layer of a fiber-reinforced plastics material.
  3. Bailey John R. W. (East Caulfield AUX) Carter Michael R. L. (Templestowe AUX) Fox Richard (Rosanna AUX), Explosive fuze cord.
  4. Jung Harald,DEX ; Bunschi Hans,CHX ; Scheib Heinz,DEX, Flexible tubular lining material.
  5. Kodama Tsutomu,JPX ; Kato Kazuhiro,JPX, Fuel transporting hose having inner layer made of fluorine-contained resin.
  6. Hahn, Rich; Kowalczyk, Scott; Martucci, Norman S., Hose assembly and method of forming the same.
  7. Braun Michael,DEX ; Rump Bent Jorgen,DEX, Liner hose for reconstruction of conduits and pipelines and a method for manufacture thereof.
  8. Nie, Tao; Sausner, Andreas, Low cost, low permeation multi-layer tubing.
  9. Smith, Paul; Visjager, Jeroen; Bastiaansen, Cees; Tervoort, Theodorus, Melt-processible poly (tetrafluoroethylene).
  10. Smith, Paul; Visjager, Jeroen F.; Bastiaansen, Cees; Tervoort, Theodorus, Melt-processible poly(tetrafluoroethylene).
  11. Jonasson Vollmar (Lycksele SEX), Method and a device for lining pipelines by means of a flexible hose containing a curable plastic.
  12. Brandenburger Joachim,DEX, Method and apparatus for producing a tubular lining hose.
  13. Green Edward A. (Mantua OH), Method for forming a conduit by pre-coating the conduit prior to braiding.
  14. Fears Clois D. (4871 Cole Rd. Murrysville PA 15668), Method of and lining for water intake pipes.
  15. Wood Eric (Ossett EN), Method of lining a pipe.
  16. Kinumoto Namio (Osaka JPX) Kikuchi Toshihiko (Nagaokakyo JPX) Kegasa Akeshi (Kobe JPX), Method of lining pipes.
  17. Powell, Steven M.; Swails, Michael R.; Fisher, William C.; Blasko, Daniel S., Thermoplastic reinforced hose construction.
  18. Jonasson Vollmar (Lycksele SEX), Thermosetting resin pipe.

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