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[미국특허] Piezo based force sensing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-003/041
  • G06F-003/044
  • H01L-041/113
  • H03K-017/96
  • G01L-001/14
  • G01L-001/16
출원번호 US-0032038 (2014-10-28)
등록번호 US-10120478 (2018-11-06)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2014/062739 (2014-10-28)
국제공개번호 WO2015/066086 (2015-05-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Filiz, Sinan
  • Huppi, Brian Q.
  • Butler, Christopher J.
  • Grunthaner, Martin P.
  • Shahparnia, Shahrooz
  • Kang, Sunggu
  • Wang, Kai
출원인 / 주소
  • Apple Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 86


Systems for detecting an amount and/or location of a force applied to a device using a piezoelectric film are provided. One example system can include a transparent piezoelectric film for generating an electric charge in response to a deformation of the film. Electrodes positioned on opposite surfac


1. A system comprising: a cover;a piezoelectric layer disposed below the cover;a first electrode layer disposed in a grid and coupled to a lower surface of the piezoelectric layer;a second electrode layer disposed in a first pattern coupled to an upper surface of the piezoelectric layer;a third elec

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (86)

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  6. Bloom,Terry R., Compression strain sensor.
  7. Roberts,Jerry B., Correction of memory effect errors in force-based touch panel systems.
  8. Shkel, Yuri Michael; Lee, Ho Young; Peng, Yiyan, Dielectrostrictive sensor for measuring deformation.
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  41. Yoshida Shigeru (Kawasaki JPX) Okada Yoshiyuki (Kawasaki JPX) Nakano Yasuhiko (Kawasaki JPX) Yahagi Hironori (Kawasaki JPX), Method of and an apparatus for compressing/decompressing data.
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  46. Lee, Kang Won; Lee, Seung Seob; Lee, Jung A.; Lee, Kwang Cheol, Piezoresistive type touch panel; manufacturing method thereof; and display device, touch pad, pressure sensor, touch sensor, game console and keyboard having the panel.
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  62. Oliver, Manuel; Ortiz Hernandez, Luis M, Tactile user interface for an electronic device.
  63. Barnett, John D., Temperature compensated strain sensing apparatus.
  64. Filiz, Sinan; Pedder, James E.; Ogata, Charley T.; Smith, John Stephen; Patel, Dhaval Chandrakant; Choi, Shin John; Huppi, Brian Q.; Butler, Christopher J.; Grunthaner, Martin P., Temperature compensating transparent force sensor.
  65. Filiz, Sinan; Pedder, James E.; Ogata, Charley T.; Smith, John Stephen; Patel, Dhaval Chandrakant; Choi, Shin John; Huppi, Brian Q.; Butler, Christopher J.; Grunthaner, Martin P., Temperature compensating transparent force sensor having a compliant layer.
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  80. Pratt Bud E. (Pinckney MI), Transducer circuit having negative integral feedback.
  81. Sommer Thomas R., Transparent strain sensitive devices and method.
  82. Vosgueritchian, Michael; Smith, John Stephen; Filiz, Sinan; Pedder, James E.; Xu, Tingjun; Wen, Xiaonan, Transparent strain sensors in an electronic device.
  83. Chen Chee G. (Brown Deer WI), Transparent touch switching system.
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  85. Nordal,Per Erik; Gudesen,Hans Gude; Leidstad,Geirr Ivarsson; Gustafsson,G?ran; Carlsson,Johan, Vertical electrical interconnections in a stack.
  86. Lynn, Lapoe E.; Sheng, Samuel W.; Shih, Shih-Ming; Hsieh, Yenyu, Virtual keyboard interaction using touch input force.

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