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[미국특허] On-board inert gas generating system prognostic health monitoring 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-053/22
  • B01D-053/30
  • B01D-037/04
  • G05D-011/13
출원번호 US-0486742 (2017-04-13)
등록번호 US-10179308 (2019-01-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schaeffer, Jeremy
  • Peterson, Jesse
  • Vestal, William
  • Al-Yafawi, Abdullah
출원인 / 주소
  • Carleton Life Support Systems Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 16


A system for calculating maintenance predictions and making improvements to performance deficiencies to one or more components in an on-board inert gas generating system (OBIGGS) is described. The OBIGGS components include an ozone converter, heat exchanger, inlet filter, and Air Separation Module (


1. A system for calculating a maintenance prediction for one or more components in an on-board inert gas generating system (OBIGGS), the OBIGGS components including an ozone converter, heat exchanger, inlet filter, and Air Separation Module (ASM) each fluidly coupled via a flow path, the ozone conve

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Austerlitz, Howard; Hirshman, Lenard; Bueter, Ronald; Wood, Stan, ASM output ultrasonic oxygen sensor.
  2. Victor P. Crome ; Alan J. Yoder, Air separation module using a fast start valve for fast warm up of a permeable membrane air separation module.
  3. Boldt ; Jr. Norton K. (El Toro CA) Johnson Kaj A. (Livermore CA), Electronic monitoring unit for monitoring number of uses of cartridge.
  4. Gupta, Alankar, Fuel tank flammability reduction and inerting system and methods thereof.
  5. Mori Yoichi (Fujisawa JPX) Fukunaga Akira (Fujisawa JPX), Gas adsorber for exhaust gas.
  6. Leigh,James E.; Fellague,Kader A.; Isella,Giorgio C.; Roach,Paul J., Gas generating system and method for inerting aircraft fuel tanks.
  7. Leigh,James E.; Fellague,Kader A.; Isella,Giorgio C.; Roach,Paul J., Gas generating system and method for inerting aircraft fuel tanks.
  8. Siegler ; Manfred ; Wong ; Ted Lee, Gas separation system.
  9. Cutler, Theron Lee, Inert gas generating system.
  10. Lorimer D\Arcy H. (Pismo Beach CA), Method and apparatus for predicting end-of-life of a consumable in a fluid purification system.
  11. Susko, Kenneth, On-board fuel inerting system.
  12. Susko, Kenneth, On-board fuel inerting system.
  13. Chen,Shin Juh; Silver,Joel A., Oxygen sensor for aircraft fuel inerting systems.
  14. McCaul, Bruce W.; Winsemius, Thomas Mac, Oxygen sensor for tank safety.
  15. Jones,Philip E.; O'Hara,Michael J.; Greenawalt,Brian P., System and method for monitoring the performance of an inert gas distribution system.
  16. Jones,Philip E.; O'Hara,Michael J.; Greenawalt,Brian P., System and method for monitoring the performance of an inert gas distribution system.

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