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[미국특허] Enhance motor cooling system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04F-005/14
  • B64D-013/06
  • F04F-005/18
  • F04F-007/00
출원번호 US-0930549 (2013-06-28)
등록번호 US-10184494 (2019-01-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Army, Donald E.
  • McCord, Patrick
  • Sautron, Dominique P.
  • Zywiak, Thomas M.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Cantor Colburn LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 17


An Environmental Control System (ECS) for an aircraft includes a ram air system having a ram inlet and a ram outlet. The ECS includes a cabin air compressor motor, a diverter valve, and a dedicated outlet. The cabin air compressor motor has a motor inlet passage and a motor outlet passage with the m


1. An Environmental Control System (ECS) for an aircraft, comprising: a ram air system including a ram inlet and a ram outlet and a ram fan that draws air from the ram inlet to the ram outlet;a cabin air compressor motor including a motor cooling inlet passage and a motor cooling outlet passage, sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jonqueres Michel, Air cycle environmental control system with vapor cycle system assisted condensation.
  2. Warner John L. (Simsbury CT), Air cycle refrigeration system.
  3. Sauterleute Alfred,DEX, Air-conditioning system for airplane cabin.
  4. Zhou, Rui; Winter, Stephen Francis; Kyriazopoulos, Athanasios; Muller, Jones Ricardo; Parilla, Javier Armando, Aircraft energy management system including engine fan discharge air boosted environmental control system.
  5. Johnson, Andrew T., Aircraft environmental control system and method.
  6. Johnson, Andrew T., Aircraft environmental control system and method.
  7. Rosenbush Fred M. (Newington CT) Telakowski Robert (Fair Lawn NJ), Dual combined cycle air-conditioning system.
  8. Cronin Michael J. (Sherman Oaks CA), Energy efficient ECS powered by a variable voltage/variable frequency power system.
  9. Cronin, Michael J., Energy efficient ECS powered by a variable voltage/variable frequency power system.
  10. Williams Samuel B. ; Jones John F. ; Thompson ; Jr. Robert S., Environment control unit for turbine engine.
  11. Hipsky Harold, Environmental control system utilizing two air cycle machines.
  12. Farrington Franklin D., High efficiency environmental control systems and methods.
  13. Christians Douglas L. ; Drew Diane G. ; Harris Mark L. ; Kline Erin G. ; Zager Michael, Integrated environmental control system.
  14. Zywiak Thomas M. (Suffield CT), Regenerative condensing cycle.
  15. Engel ; Hans O., Rotary valve.
  16. Nakamura Hajime,JPX ; Saito Hidetoshi,JPX ; Itsuaki Satoru,JPX ; Sakaguchi Kunihide,JPX ; Nakajima Shiro,JPX, Three-way valve and exhaust gas purifier using the same.
  17. Murry Roger P. ; Clarke Kathrine J. ; Matulich Dan S., Two spool environmental control system.

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