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[미국특허] Container assemblies for storing, shipping, and/or dispensing fluids, and related methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-077/06
  • B31B-001/26
  • B65D-021/02
  • B31B-001/74
  • B65B-043/10
  • B65D-005/72
  • B31B-001/90
  • B65D-005/42
  • B65D-005/468
  • B65D-025/28
  • B65D-077/04
출원번호 US-0580610 (2011-02-25)
등록번호 US-10189623 (2019-01-29)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2011/026317 (2011-02-25)
§371/§102 date 20120822 (20120822)
국제공개번호 WO2011/106698 (2011-09-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Voelker, Scott C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Monsanto Technology LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Robert, Erin C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 114


A container assembly includes a container and a receptacle configured to be positioned within the container. The receptacle has an opening for dispensing fluid, and the container has an opening that aligns with the receptacle opening when the receptacle is positioned within the container. The contai


1. A container assembly for storing, shipping, and/or dispensing fluid, the container assembly comprising: a container; anda receptacle configured to be disposed within the container, the receptacle having a spout protruding from a top surface of the receptacle and defining an opening for receiving

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (114) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Buscema Craig W., Article cradle.
  2. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  3. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  4. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  5. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  6. Andrews, Sr.,Jared P., Beverage container.
  7. Hill, Webb LeRon, Beverage container.
  8. Smith, Kenneth C., Beverage dispensing container.
  9. Heath,Jennifer, Beverage dispensing system.
  10. Murphy,Michael, Bottle with handle.
  11. Graham Harry Boonzaier ZA, Box.
  12. Thomason, Scott R., Box.
  13. Thomason, Scott R., Box.
  14. Thomason, Scott R., Box.
  15. Coalier Guy (Noce FRX) Bacques Jean-Yves (Paris FRX), Box formed from a sheet material, blank.
  16. Evans, John; Moss, William F.; Mynes, Steve; Byrski, Stephen R., Bulk box with a quick lock bottom and smooth interior bottom surface.
  17. Bamburg Robert A. (West Monroe LA) Duncan Farris N. (West Monroe LA) Floyd Roger M. (Monroe LA), Bulk material container with pouring spout.
  18. Wagner, Todd A., Carton with handle.
  19. Buscema Craig W., Carton with integral core.
  20. Gould, Paul, Coffee box cover.
  21. Chrisco Larry L. (Fairland OK), Combination fuel container and tool tray.
  22. Ring Carl D., Composite container.
  23. Johnson Ralph W. ; Williams Gerald D., Composite package.
  24. Wuerfel Scott P. (Memphis TN), Composite package.
  25. Dygert Douglas M. (Olive Branch MS) Radcliffe Clifford B. (Yorktown Heights NY), Composite package for hazardous materials.
  26. Blank,Phil, Container.
  27. Boutin Raymond,CAX, Container.
  28. Considine,Guy; Jost,Scott; Hawry,Liam, Container.
  29. Forecast Christopher James,GBX ; Thomson David Kevin,GBX ; Moore Stephen Christopher,GBX, Container.
  30. Jennings,Robert Michael; Jennings,David Allen, Container.
  31. Logan, James Stacy, Container.
  32. Miller Wallace A. (Cincinnati OH), Container.
  33. Ouillette, Paul G., Container.
  34. Rogler William C. (St. Louis MO) Voelker Scott C. (St. Louis MO), Container.
  35. Voelker, Scott C., Container.
  36. Voelker, Scott C., Container.
  37. Voelker, Scott C., Container.
  38. Bartz Richard O. (Edina MN), Container for fluids.
  39. Jagenburg Eugene (491 Hung La. Manhasset NY 11030) Jagenburg Robert (14 Valley Rd. Plandome NY 11030) Jagenburg Bruce (19 Horseshoe Dr. Northport NY 11768), Container for free-flowing material.
  40. Voelker, Scott C., Container pack.
  41. Voelker, Scott C., Container pack.
  42. Gilbertson, Mark A.; Manke, Scott G.; Walsh, Michael J., Container sealing system.
  43. Celaya Augustine, Container with handle.
  44. Grabowski Joseph W. ; Berelsman Timothy N. ; Wiegand Wesley D., Container with improved hand hole.
  45. Meisner Edward H. ; Charriez Roland ; Van Dyk Thomas ; Kristiansen Keith, Container with integral ergonomic handle.
  46. Thompson Mortimer S. (P.O. Box 454 Arlington MA 02174), Container with integral handle and method of forming same.
  47. Ring Carl D. (Memphis TN), Container with integral handle structure.
  48. Correll John D., Convertible box.
  49. Miller Wallace A. (Cincinnati OH), Corner pour container.
  50. Shamoon Robert J., Corrugated box.
  51. Smorch Patrick M., Dispenser bottle.
  52. Ring Robert G. (Memphis TN), Dispensing bottle container assembly including separable composite packages.
  53. Blue Maurice R. (South Bend IN) Younker Glen (Dyer IN), Dispensing-type box.
  54. Tibbels, Brian; Jolley, Carl Jeffrey, Display ready container.
  55. Allanson, Gary R., Disposable beverage container.
  56. Christian, Allen B.; Harr, Robert K., Dual air vent bypass (DAVB) container.
  57. Dygert, Douglas M.; Gamber, Daniel W.; Kuhar, Eugene E.; Price, Gary W., Ergonomic plastic container and package system.
  58. Mulry Patrick E. (Grand Rapids MI), Flip-top container with integral handles.
  59. Peters, Gerald E., Floral shipper.
  60. Perkins David W. (Hiawatha IA) Chase William L. (Des Moines IA), Fluent container.
  61. Cheresko, Dan, Fluid carrying container exhibiting a rearwardly disposed handle.
  62. Konkel Siegfried (Duesseldorf DEX) vom Hofe Dieter (Juelich DEX) Endler Volker (Delbrueck DEX), Folding box for a bag-in-box pack.
  63. Castner,John B., Food and beverage container.
  64. Adams,Sharon S., Food and drink container.
  65. Canino,Paul A., Handled container.
  66. Shanklin Donald J. (Fullerton CA) Segal William J. (Torrance CA) Spiegel Martin A. (Diamond Bar CA) Kovensky William (Columbia MD), Holder for a beverage carton.
  67. Gordon, Lawrence A., Insulated shipping container and method of making the same.
  68. Anderson ; Victor F., Jug.
  69. Turnbull Guy A. (Midland MI), Jug.
  70. Blake Alan David,BEX ; Jacobs Andre Marie Gustav,BEX ; Van Put Annick Antoine Sonia,BEX, Lightweight, composite container.
  71. Dobbs Fred R. (Dallas TX) Squibb Robert G. (Cordova TN), Liquid container.
  72. Pawlick, Adam, Liquid-in-box container.
  73. Bacques Jean-Yves (Paris FRX) Coalier Guy (Noce FRX), Machine for producing polygonal cases.
  74. Ivey Kenneth R. (P.O. Box 10577 Palm Desert CA 92255-0577), Medical waste container.
  75. Coalier Guy (Noce FRX) Serre Jean-Claude (Beaune FRX), Method and machine for forming cases with polygonal section made from a sheet material and cases thus obtained.
  76. Craig W. Buscema, Method for stacking boxes and removal of individual boxes from the stack.
  77. Mu,Der Liang; Kim,Lisa Lynn, Multi-functional shoe storage box.
  78. Ingalls,Samuel L., Multi-ply corrugated containers, such as bulk bins, and fitment retainers, such as drain fitment retainers usable with bulk bins.
  79. Miller Denada Y., Multi-sided box for candle.
  80. Miller Denada Y., Multi-sided tapered box for candle.
  81. Newcombe ; Jr. Elliott H. (Charlotte NC), Multiple component film package.
  82. Cromwell Arthur H. (Columbus OH) Kacksetter Max K. (Alexandria OH), Octagonal box structure and setting up apparatus.
  83. Pierson Paul R. (Rochester NY), Octagonal box with integral liner.
  84. Cherry James H. (Marion IA), Octagonal bulk bin.
  85. Quaintance, Benjamin William, Octagonal bulk bin.
  86. Burrell David E. (Chicago IL), Octagonal container and blank therefor.
  87. Conrad George A., Octagonal container with pinch grip.
  88. Franchi Thomas A. (Cobham NJ GB2) Rogers Leslie B. (Red Bank NJ), Oil container.
  89. Magister Francis Michael (Murraysville PA), Ornamental octagonal box.
  90. Seki Akihiko (New York NY), Package assembly having inner positioning means cooperating with a window.
  91. Stark Sven O. S. (Rydsgard SEX), Packaging container.
  92. Jones, Laurie; Soper, Doris; Bankerd, John; Spyksma, Glenn; Ijams, Sharon, Packaging for a beverage container.
  93. Swart, Peter W.; Pagel, Michael J.; Duwell, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Chad, Packaging for plumbing fixtures.
  94. Coalier Guy (Noce FRX) Bacques Jean-Yves (Paris FRX), Packaging of polygonal section made of a sheet-type material and blank for producing such a packaging.
  95. Benner Christopher T. ; Harambasic Nicholas, Paperboard container for fluids having an improved lower fitment restraint structure.
  96. Baker Harold L. (Longview WA), Paperboard container for fluids having top opening fitment and exposed lip for engagement by handling implements.
  97. Ruggiere ; Sr. Thomas S. ; Douda Marvin A. ; Ruggiere ; Jr. Thomas S. ; Weck John B., Paperboard container reinforcing method.
  98. Ruggiere, Sr., Thomas S.; Douda, Marvin A.; Ruggiere, Jr., Thomas S.; Weck, John B., Paperboard container reinforcing method.
  99. Lovelace, Jr., Richard A.; Miller, James, Plastic container.
  100. Miller,James J.; Ferguson,Gary, Plastic container.
  101. Voss,Gary I.; Miller,James J., Plastic container.
  102. Yourist,Sheldon, Plastic container having chamfered corners for improved top-loading strength.
  103. Roubal, Ed; Yourist, Sheldon; Taylor, Larry, Plastic container with a handle.
  104. Fielding Allan,GBX ; Burnham Douglas Peter,GBX, Portable liquid container showing improved pouring capabilities.
  105. Moreno,Tony E, Rectangular beverage container.
  106. Kelly, Jason Morgan, Regulated fluid dispensing system packaging.
  107. Leslie,Stuart; Waldinger,Justin Philip; Cavero,Dio Climaco, Sculptured container with integral handle.
  108. Martinez David J. (Chicago IL) Schillinger Joseph F. (Palos Hills IL), Self locking octagonal box.
  109. Bamburg Robert A. (West Monroe LA) Duncan Farris N. (West Monroe LA) Floyd Roger M. (Monroe LA), Shipping container.
  110. Martushev Nikolai K. (P.O. Box 2661 Homer AK 99603), Small engine fluid dispensing containers.
  111. Mark R. Greever, System and method for flexible control and adjustment of a box forming machine.
  112. Boutin Raymond,CAX ITX J4B 5W9, Two-plane stacking container for liquids.
  113. Ring Carl D. (Oakland TN), Vented plastic bottle.
  114. Bartle Andrew D. (2 East Cottage ; High Street Clearwell ; Coleford ; Gloucestershire GB2), Waste or storage bin.

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