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[미국특허] Beverage container closure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-043/26
  • B65D-081/38
  • B65D-047/06
  • B65D-043/02
  • B65D-047/24
  • A47G-019/22
  • A47J-041/00
  • B65D-047/32
  • B65D-050/06
  • B65D-051/16
  • B65D-051/18
  • B65D-043/18
  • B65D-053/02
출원번호 US-0162346 (2016-05-23)
등록번호 US-10232987 (2019-03-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gilbert, Tyler Sean
  • Sims, Randy
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 212


A beverage container closure or lid that is adapted for closing an open end of a beverage container. The lid is selectively couplable to the beverage container and includes a selectively openable stopper that when closed, creates a fluid-tight seal between the beverage container and the environment.


1. A lid for use with a drinking vessel containing a liquid, comprising: a main body selectively couplable to the drinking vessel, the main body including an upper portion having an opening configured to permit fluid passage therethrough when the lid is coupled to the drinking vessel and a main body

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (212) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kirk ; Jr. Donald C. (Naugatuck CT), Actuator cap having a button rotatably between dispensing and non-dispensing positions.
  2. Schreitmueller,Carol; Alviar,Christopher; Kornfeld,Josh, Air pot.
  3. Sanders, Robert T.; Anderson, Craig R., Anti-spill device for cup and lid.
  4. Belcastro Domenic, Automatically sealing cup.
  5. Belcastro Domenic (32011 Distefano Fraser MI 48026), Automatically sealing cup.
  6. Belcastro, Domenic, Automatically sealing lid assembly.
  7. Lane, Marvin, Beverage bottle and lid with back button release and button lock.
  8. Asberg Frederique,NLX, Beverage container.
  9. Chen, Andrew; Tu, Po-Hsien, Beverage container.
  10. George, Sarah Danger, Beverage container.
  11. George, Sarah Danger; Randall, Jared, Beverage container.
  12. Gilbert, Tyler Sean, Beverage container.
  13. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Alviar, Christopher G., Beverage container.
  14. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Alviar, Christopher G., Beverage container.
  15. Miller, Blair; Joseph, David, Beverage container.
  16. Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Beverage container.
  17. Seum,Michael Thomas; Arand,Dale Steven; Girardot,Richard Michael; Smith,Tammy Jo, Beverage container.
  18. Trombly,Edgar F., Beverage container.
  19. Westphal,Scott Keith, Beverage container.
  20. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  21. Minarsch, Stephen J., Beverage container closure.
  22. Wahl, Andrew; Minarsch, Stephen; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  23. George, Sarah Danger, Beverage container closure with venting.
  24. Shepard, Seth; Tomascheski, Joseph Daniel, Beverage container closure with venting.
  25. Morgan,Michael V.; Bergold,Ronald K., Beverage container having a squeeze-actuated self-sealing valve.
  26. Turchi, Mario A.; Poindexter, Michael; Katz, Paul, Beverage container lid.
  27. Mengeu,Gary; Gagnon,Michelle; Gruver,John, Beverage container protective end cap assembly.
  28. Wahl, Andrew C. F.; Alviar, Christopher G., Beverage container with infuser.
  29. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container with one-handed operation.
  30. Thornell Ernest L. (Booneville AR), Beverage dispenser.
  31. Valenzona Joseph F. (Harbor City CA), Beverage drinking container.
  32. Meehan,Brian G., Beverage mug.
  33. Bunce,Martin Christopher; Davis,William John; Fordham,Carl Edward; Lamb,John David; Peacop,Alexander James; Trevett,Zoe Iris Margaret, Bottle.
  34. Carreno, Alfredo, Bottle.
  35. Yu, Ji Hyung, Bottle stopper having pushbutton and movable plug.
  36. Isono,Makoto; Kitamura,Nobuyuki; Nomura,Shinsuke, Bottle transition piece.
  37. Mangin,Raphael Louis; Culeron,Guy Hubert Stephane Sylvain, Bottle transition piece.
  38. Mangin,Raphael Louis; Culeron,Guy Hubert Stephane Sylvain, Bottle transition piece.
  39. Mangin,Raphael Louis; Culeron,Guy Hubert Stephane Sylvain, Bottle transition piece.
  40. Wang Paul S. (22428 Steeplechase La. Diamond Bar CA 91765), Canteen with a spring biased valve actuated by a push button.
  41. Braaten, Lia Marie; Campbell, Jason Craig; Thomas, Stacy Alycia; Thorne, Lisa Schuler, Cap.
  42. Ablo, Famia E., Cap for a bottle.
  43. Tardif, Pierre, Cap for a container.
  44. Hatsumoto Kunio,JPX ; Kowa Yasuhiro,JPX ; Kuwana Takeshi,JPX, Cap for beverage container.
  45. Goto Toru (Tokyo JPX) Ito Seiichi (Tokyo JPX) Hatsumoto Kunio (Tokyo JPX) Murakami Yasuhiro (Tokyo JPX), Cap for drink container.
  46. Tonelli,Stefano, Carafe.
  47. Sledge Larry C. (Midlothian VA) Filipczak Gordon J. (Edina MN), Child-resistant dispensing closure.
  48. Vere ; Mary A., Childproof device for containing and dispensing fluids.
  49. Jost, Scott; Barkaway, Richard; Considine, Guy; Siegler, Emily, Closure.
  50. Bixler Cynthia C. (Chillicothe OH), Closure for a beverage can.
  51. Parve,Terrence M., Closure for a container.
  52. Vogel,William C., Closure for a container.
  53. Kitterman Lawrence R. (Antioch IL) Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL), Closure with open lid retainer.
  54. Mobley, Chestina J.; Mobley, Chandronette P., Combination lid/straw for beverage cans.
  55. Sherburne ; Jr. Glenn M. (Albert Lea MN), Combined beverage can top and straw.
  56. Bakic Dieter,GB3, Combined container and cap.
  57. Andrew Richard,GBX, Container.
  58. Glynn,Nigel Joseph; Morton,Jennifer Claire; Pirie,Craig Elliot, Container.
  59. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Container.
  60. Warner Jim F. ; Croft Robert J. ; Short Martin, Container.
  61. Braaten, Lia Marie; Campbell, Jason Craig; Huang, Chow-chi; LaSala, William Kater; Thomas, Stacy Alycia, Container application surface.
  62. Ward, Evan T.; Nole, Donald J., Container cap.
  63. Ward,Evan T.; Nole,Donald J., Container cap with finger-openable, reclosable closure.
  64. Crawford John C. (Lake Mahopac NY) Weissman Neal V. (New York NY), Container closure.
  65. Miner Odin F. (Lenexa KS), Container closure.
  66. Li Hongbiao (401 S. Sherman #305 Richardson TX 75083-1389), Container for liquids.
  67. Stymiest Charles A. (St. Louis MO), Container lid assembly.
  68. Wang Jung-Liang,TWX, Container lid assembly.
  69. Smith, Stephen Alan; Huston, Dawn Ellen; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Sullivan, Stephen William; Chin, Rich Matthiew; Ahmed, Mohammed Maqsood; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Langelan, David Raymond; Chauhan, R, Container lid with closure member.
  70. Gilbert,Tyler Sean, Container with beverage infuser.
  71. Tong Chi Chung,Franco, Container with lid.
  72. Schlattl Werner,DEX, Container, in particular a drinks can, and lid for such a container.
  73. Howard James S. (Corona CA) Ortiz Joseph F. (San Diego CA), Covered drinking cup.
  74. Eger Douglas R. (3412 Yoakum Houston TX 77006) Smith Douglas W. (Ridgefield CT) Dawson Robert E. (Ridgefield CT), Covered drinking vessel.
  75. Carlson, Emily; Chiu, Jeffrey; Chapple, Traci; Umholtz, Mason; Starr, David; Swinford, Karen; Chow, Yvonne Hau Yee, Cup.
  76. Chiu, Jeffrey; Umholtz, Mason; Chapple, Traci; Starr, David; Swinford, Karen; Chow, Yvonne Hau Yee; Carlson, Emily, Cup.
  77. Chiu, Jeffrey; Umholtz, Mason; Chapple, Traci; Starr, David; Swinford, Karen; Chow, Yvonne Hau Yee; Carlson, Emily, Cup.
  78. Bickert Robert Ellsworth ; Copeland Bruce, Cup lid.
  79. Boersma Drew H. (2100 Woodley Creek Comstock Park MI 49321), Cup lid assembly.
  80. Hatsumoto Kunio,JPX ; Kato Rikiya,JPX ; Kowa Yasuhiro,JPX ; Kuwana Takeshi,JPX, Cup with lid.
  81. Williams,Michael, Cup with lid.
  82. Albert Kenneth J. (Beverly Hills CA), Decanter.
  83. Richards, James L.; Brelje, Loren L., Dispenser assembly.
  84. Walsh,Daniel J.; Geib,Jesse C.; Geib,Jeffrey T., Dispenser cap with integrated handle.
  85. Wagner ; III George J. (2436 Eagles Eyrie Ct. #6 Louisville KY 40206) Cox Gerald (Louisville KY), Dispensing cap.
  86. Kinsley John P. (Crystal Lake IL), Dispensing closure for a container.
  87. Walker ; III Clifford M. (4505 Revillo Way San Diego CA 92115), Dispensing closure for fluid containers.
  88. von R?nn, Thomas; Clemens, Birgit, Dispensing device.
  89. von R?nn,Thomas; Clemens,Birgit, Dispensing device.
  90. Moretti,Matteo, Dispensing stopper.
  91. Wong, Joseph Cheuk Mau, Disposable lid for drinking cup having a retractable drinking opening.
  92. Kitamura, Nobuyuki; Kanai, Shigetaka; Fukuda, Keiko, Drink container.
  93. Blain, Christopher C.; Caneer, Greg; Davies, Jeff, Drink containers and cap assemblies.
  94. Bilewitz Leon, Drink through cap for drinking cup or mug.
  95. Clemens,Brian; Gilmore,Glen; Lucaci,Iulius; Lehman,Don, Drinking container.
  96. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin, Drinking container.
  97. Chiou, Joe; El-Saden, Sami M., Drinking container having locking drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  98. Pinelli,Steven N; El Saden,Sami M.; Lai,Xijin, Drinking container lid.
  99. Wong, Joseph Cheuk Mau, Drinking cup lid with a reclosable drink opening using a sliding member.
  100. Susich Roland J. (3518 Bayberry La. Malibu CA 90265), Drinking cup with laterally actuated valve.
  101. Yeh Frank (1019 N. Mayflower St. Anaheim CA 92801), Drinking mug with lid and mug body formed from one piece.
  102. Albert Kenneth J. (7212 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood CA 90046), Drinking receptacle.
  103. Albert Kenneth J. (Hollywood CA), Drinking receptacle.
  104. Nergard ; Orv, Drinking receptacle cover and valve assembly.
  105. Albert Kenneth J. (7212 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood CA 90046), Drinking receptacle valve means.
  106. Numbers ; Jody L., Drinking receptacle valve means.
  107. Albert Kenneth J. (Beverly Hills CA), Drinking vessel cover with valve controlled openings.
  108. DeCoster Pieter K. J.,BEX ; Daenen Robert H. C. M.,BEX, Dual lid seal.
  109. Liu, Chih Hsiang; Li, Shu Fen, Electric travel mug.
  110. Banks, III,Gale C., Exhaust pipe tip for a vehicle.
  111. Meyer, Michael H.; Kolar, Michael A.; Labinski, Jeffery J., Faucet with locking safety handle.
  112. Peter J. Walters ; David Moore, Finger-operable pump actuator with finger pad.
  113. Feltman ; III Charles H. (2569 Marian Way San Luis Obispo CA 93401) Laner Dirk G. (519 High St. San Luis Obispo CA 93401) Strong Bernard (4964 Calvin Ave. Tarzana CA 91356), Flow control cover for a cup.
  114. Morano Emanuel P., Flow control element and covered drinking cup.
  115. Won Jea-Don (19-902 Shindong-a Apartment ; Hak-ik 5-Dong Nam-gu ; Inch\on KRX), Fluid container plug.
  116. Landecker David J. (Santa Barbara CA), Fluid dispenser cap having fluid collecting dish and lockable pump actuator.
  117. Milian, Alex; Pointel, Yannick, Fluid dispenser device.
  118. Messner Marvin M. (P.O. Box 137 Gentry MO 64453), Gasoline container.
  119. Todd S. Ziegenfus ; Vincent M. Massotta ; Mark Colbert, Glass.
  120. Eric R. Meyer ; Greg W. Branson ; Richard J. Schuman ; David J. Ulrich, Heel pressure management apparatus and method.
  121. Oates,Benjamin Phalan, Jar.
  122. Brinckerhoff, Amy Tinnell; Stavrinou, Andrea; Provolo, Dann, Jar lid.
  123. Arns Stefan,SEX ; Askeroth Ulf,SEX, Kitchen utensil for hot and cold liquids.
  124. Clarke, Brian Norman, Lid.
  125. Kramer Jeffrey A. (1241 NE 83rd St. Miami FL 33138) Rosenfeld William W. (8501 S.W. 30 St. St. Davie FL 33328), Lid.
  126. Hatsumoto Kunio,JPX ; Kowa Yasuhiro,JPX ; Kuwana Takeshi,JPX, Lid for a container.
  127. Schunk, Werner; Bruder, Michael; Krause, Karl-Heinz; Merkmann, Gerhard; Vortkort, J?rg, Medicinal cushion, in particular anti-decubitus cushion.
  128. Munn,Bruce, Metal can.
  129. Hinz ; Jr. Gunter (23 Spring Street ; Apartment 1202 Hamilton ; Ontario CAX L8N 2P1), Method and apparatus for selectively sealing and pouring liquid from a container.
  130. Toida Shouji (Tokyo JPX) Tsuchiya Shigeru (Tokyo JPX) Ariga Keiki (Tokyo JPX) Itoh Seiichi (Tokyo JPX) Ohta Hidetoshi (Tokyo JPX), Method for making double-walled insulating metal container.
  131. Spann Donald C. (Greenville SC) Schaefer Daniel J. (Greenville SC) Krouskop Thomas A. (Stafford TX), Method of making a mattress overlay.
  132. Spann Donald C. (Greenville SC) Schaefer Daniel J. (Greenville SC) Krouskop Thomas A. (Stafford TX), Method of making a mattress overlay.
  133. Carlson, Emily; Chiu, Jeffrey; Starr, David; McFadden, Kevin, Mug.
  134. Carlson, Emily; Chiu, Jeffrey; Starr, David; McFadden, Kevin, Mug.
  135. Homma,Ken R., Mug.
  136. Homma,Ken R., Mug.
  137. Lin,Yvonne, Mug.
  138. Wong, Honggeng, Mug.
  139. Yeh Frank (1019 N. Mayflower St. Anaheim CA 92801), Mug and multipurpose lid combination.
  140. Trombly,Edgar F., Mug lid.
  141. Trombly Edgar F., Mug lid design with pivotal closure.
  142. Nergard Orv B. (Fridley MN), Mug type drinking receptacle with cover and valve.
  143. Kuwano Toshiaki ; Murakami Yasuhiro, Mug with multiple sip holes and lid gasket.
  144. Keck, David, Non-spill beverage container.
  145. Joyce, Jared L., Normally-closed dispensing closure with operative handle.
  146. Hurlbut, Gary A.; Fujii, Tami L.; Hill, Sara E.; Smith, B. Cameron; Thielman, Scott C., One hand openable lid for beverage container.
  147. Schaper Eric B. ; Parker Jeffrey E. ; Tomalia ; Jr. Donald A. ; Trombley Joseph S., Plastic beverage cup with integral handle and method of forming plastic beverage cup with integral handle.
  148. Eric B. Schaper ; Donald A. Tomalia, Jr. ; Joseph S. Trombley, Plastic cup with integral handle and method of forming plastic cup with integral handle.
  149. Kowa, Yasuhiro; Ohno, Takashi; Miura, Ikuo, Plug structure for liquid container.
  150. Won Jea-Don,KRX, Plugging system for liquid container.
  151. Barrash Marshall J. ; O'Brien Gerard M.,GBX, Pop-up valve closure for a container.
  152. Ness Richard B., Portable food container and method for storing and dispensing dry and liquid food.
  153. Wilkinson John W. (Bennington VT), Pressure relief support system for a mattress.
  154. Walters, Peter J.; Hinson, John P., Pump dispenser.
  155. Huang Frank Teh-Hsiung,TWX, Push-button type bottle head.
  156. Chaffin Jeffrey D. (3255 S. Parker Rd. ; Bldg. #2 ; Apt. #302 Aurora CO 80014), Receptacle cover with valve controlled openings.
  157. Smith, Stephen Alan; Huston, Dawn Ellen; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Sullivan, Stephen William; Chin, Rich Matthew; Ahmed, Mohammed Maqsood; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Langelan, David Raymond; Chauhan, Ra, Reclosable container lid.
  158. Tedford, Jr.,Richard A., Reclosable container lid.
  159. McHenry, Robert J.; Tung, Thomas, Resealable closure for beverage container.
  160. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  161. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  162. Canedo, Robert, Self closing container.
  163. Belcastro,Domenic, Self return teeter tauter lid.
  164. Wilkinson John W. ; Raburn Richard W., Self-adjusting pressure relief seating system and methodology.
  165. Wilkinson John W. (Bennington VT) Raburn Richard W. (Simpsonville SC) Hargest Thomas S. (Charleston SC), Self-adjusting pressure relief support system and methodology.
  166. Gladish William C. (6501 Harding Rd. Apt. A24 Nashville TN 37205), Self-closing container lid.
  167. Bruce W. Copeland, Self-closing lid apparatus.
  168. Ramsey Douglas P. (154 Fiesta Rd. Rochester NY 14626) O\Brien Michael J. (106 Meadow Farm N. North Chili NY 14514), Self-sealing closure.
  169. Ramsey Douglas P. (20 Ellington Cir. Rochester NY 14612), Self-sealing closure.
  170. Ramsey Douglas P. (20 Ellington Cir. Rochester NY 14612), Self-sealing closure.
  171. Kershaw, Kasey; Moore, Gary; Winn, Travis, Shakable container with agitator.
  172. Henderson,William C., Soda can top with straw.
  173. Hestehave Borge (Alta Loma CA) Holmes Kenneth E. (Huntington Beach CA), Spill-proof mug.
  174. de Castro Couto, Gilberto, Spout for beverage can.
  175. Wadsworth Ronald ; Chen Li ; Li Tanny, Sprayer head for manually actuated pump sprayer.
  176. Watanabe,Masahiro, Stainless steel vacuum flask.
  177. Simasaki Masuo (Osaka JPX), Stopper of liquid container.
  178. Gach Peter P. (Evansville IN), Tamper indicating closure.
  179. Huang Frank T.-H. (Suite 804 ; 8 Fl. ; No. 128 ; Sec. 3 ; Ming-Sheng E. Rd. Taipei TWX), Teapot.
  180. Anthony J. Gallo, Temperature cup.
  181. Hsu Chia-Chang,TWX, Thermos bottle-cup for use in motor vehicles.
  182. Chiou, Joe Y.; Joseph, David; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  183. Chiou, Joe Y.; Joseph, David; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  184. Dibdin,Steven; Burns,Clay; Escobar,Juan, Travel beverage container.
  185. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  186. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture seals.
  187. Gluck,J. Robert, Travel mug.
  188. Gluck,J. Robert, Travel mug.
  189. Karp Morry (2189 Summitridge Dr. Beverly Hills CA 90210), Travel mug.
  190. Rohe, Jeff, Travel mug.
  191. Romandy,Mark K.; Truong,Cuong, Travel mug.
  192. Wissinger John W. (Freeport IL), Travel mug.
  193. George,Sarah Danger, Tumbler.
  194. Tien,Kuang Hsia, Tumbler.
  195. Wahl,Andrew, Tumbler.
  196. Laib, Douglas M., Tumbler with inclined cap.
  197. Imai,Katsuya, Vacuum bottle.
  198. Watanabe,Yoshiya, Vacuum bottle.
  199. Sandberg,Emma, Vacuum container.
  200. Chaffin Jeffrey D., Valve controlled receptacle cover.
  201. Kaster Eugene J. (R.R. 2 Mahnomen MN 56557), Valved dispensing spout.
  202. Lee Jin Ku (8108 Gorman Ave. ; No. 229 Laurel MD 20810), Valved receptacle closure.
  203. Stucke ; Jr. Donald W. ; Golay Pascal ; Kearney ; III William Thomas, Vent valve.
  204. Chen, Rui Yuan, Water bottle.
  205. Gullickson, Mark; Chin, Erik R.; Higashi, Jeffrey A.; Chin, Tola I., Water bottle.
  206. Keys, James R.; McIntire, Brett D.; Fu, Julia Yi-Fong; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Harnack, Michael A.; Rathgeber, Martin, Water bottle.
  207. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle.
  208. Gauss, Kurt F., Water bottle lid.
  209. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle lid.
  210. Ghiassi, Mohssen, Water bottle with hygienic filtration.
  211. Yang, Shih-Sheng, Water jar lid structure which opens a water passage to allow easy consumption of water when subjected to depression.
  212. Graebe Robert H. (St. Clair County IL) Matsler Winfield R. (St. Clair County IL), Zoned cellular cushion with flexible flaps containing inflating manifold.

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