보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
제주대학교 Cheju National University |
연구책임자 |
참여연구자 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2007-04 |
과제시작연도 |
2006 |
주관부처 |
농림부 |
연구관리전문기관 |
농림기술관리센터 Agricultural Research & development Promotion Center |
등록번호 |
TRKO200700008460 |
과제고유번호 |
1380003131 |
사업명 |
농림기술개발 |
DB 구축일자 |
${\bullet}$ 제주도 돌담문화자원 보전을 위한 실태조사 및 관리방안
- 제주도 돌담의 실태 및 현황조사
- 국내외 돌담관련 자원화 사례 분석
- 향후 돌담자원의 효율적 관리를 위한 운영 방안 모색
${\bullet}$ 제주도 돌담의 경관 보전 직불제 도입 방안
- 선진국의 농촌경관 보전을 위한 직불제 정책 분석
- 국내의 농촌경관 보전을 위한 직불제 정책 사례 분석
- 제주도 돌담의 경관 보전 직불제 도입 방안 및 추진방안
${\bullet}$ 제주도 돌담문화자원 보전을 위한 실태조사 및 관리방안
- 제주도 돌담의 실태 및 현황조사
- 국내외 돌담관련 자원화 사례 분석
- 향후 돌담자원의 효율적 관리를 위한 운영 방안 모색
${\bullet}$ 제주도 돌담의 경관 보전 직불제 도입 방안
- 선진국의 농촌경관 보전을 위한 직불제 정책 분석
- 국내의 농촌경관 보전을 위한 직불제 정책 사례 분석
- 제주도 돌담의 경관 보전 직불제 도입 방안 및 추진방안
${\bullet}$ 자연자원평가시스템 및 제주도 돌담가치측정
- 문화자원 가운데 자연자원의 객관적 가치를 평가할 수 있는 자원평가 시스템(Natural Resource Assessment System, NRAS) 개발
- 제주도 돌담 경관의 구체적 가치 분석
This research project largely includes four goals. First, this project is both to prevent the destruction of Jeju Island's stonewall as a representative product among cultural resources unique to Jeju Island and to preserve Jeju's rural landscape through systematic supports. To do so, it is necessar
This research project largely includes four goals. First, this project is both to prevent the destruction of Jeju Island's stonewall as a representative product among cultural resources unique to Jeju Island and to preserve Jeju's rural landscape through systematic supports. To do so, it is necessary to know the status quo of Jeju's stonewall, make a database of it and manage the scenic beauty of stonewall efficiently. Second, this project is to establish the cultural value of Jeju's stonewall and propose direct payment system for the landscape preservation of stonewall as a reasonable incentive to preserve stonewall. Jeju's stonewall is a representative resource of rural landscape, but no estimation has ever been made on its cultural value. Third, Natural Resource Assessment System(NRAS) needs to be developed to help evaluate the value of Natural Resources objectively. This project is not only to extract the objective value of Jeju's stonewall with the aid of NRAS but also to propose a drastic and reasonable program of direct payment system applicable to other areas.
According to the estimation result of Willingness To Pay(WTP) Per 1 m of Jeju's stonewall on the basis of Turnbull's Distribution-Free Model, WTP is 3,001 won/m on average. Its standard deviation is 511.0 won/m and its 95 percent confidence interval ranges from 2000.3 won to 4,003.3 won/m.
DELPHI Survey on Jeju's stonewall experts shows that the order of priority among value evaluation elements on Jeju's stonewall is itsharmony with surroundings(34%), the preservation of its original state(34%) and its density and scale(32%).
Evaluation system development of Natural Resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing farming land) and field observation survey utilizing it consists of the following five steps. Step 1 includes the first DELPHI Survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to decide its value evaluation elements and their priority.
Step 2 is the second DELPHI Survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to show them pictures of natural resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing farming land) and grade them(for example, three grades of A, B, C) on the basis of expert-proposed value evaluation standards.
Step 3 consists of analysis work using the result of DELPHI Survey on experts. This step also includes the reduction of value evaluation elements and the readjustment work of weight in consideration of the applicability of actual policies because expert-proposed value evaluation elements(such as density, harmony with surroundings, construction date, preservation of original state, height, formation) are too complicated to evaluate the value of stonewall properly.
Step 4 consists of 3 processes. The first process is to reanalyze 100 pictures on the basis of density, harmony and original state preservation which related experts already assessed. The second process is to decide order on those pictures according to each of the three standards and the last process is to select five grade standard pictures according to each of three grading elements of A, B, C belonging to each of the three standards.
Step 5 consists of field observation survey. Above all, it is necessary to make panels including five A-grade pictures, five B-grade pictures and five C-grade pictures according to each of the three elements of density, harmony, and original state preservation. Therefore, a picture panel to make a observation survey evaluation on the basis of density, a picture panel to make a observation survey evaluation on the basis of harmony and a picture panel to make a observation survey evaluation on the basis of original state preservation are made. They will be used for four experts to make an observation survey on the eight survey areas of Jeju and reach an evaluation consensus. The value of stonewall fencing farming land of the survey areas will be decided in this step and the survey will be conducted on the size and length of the survey areas and GPS coordinates.
According to the result of four experts' value evaluation of stonewall fencing farming land with the aid of NRAS developed in this research, the area of Pyeongdae-ri is ranked first, and then the area of Bukcheon-ri, Chocheon-up, the area of Gwakgi-ri, Ewol-up, the area of Shinum-ri, Ewol-up and the area of Yongsu-ri, hankyung-Myun are ranked in the order named. When those areas are graded, A Grade Areas includes the areas of Pyeongdae-ri, the area of Bukcheon-ri, the area of Gwakgi-ri, B Grade Areas consist of the area of Shinum-ri and the area of Yongsu-ri, and the areas of Onpyeong, wimi and youngrak belong to C Grade Area.
According to the survey, the order on the basis of harmony with surroundings is almost the same as the overall order, the area of Gwakgi-ri is the most excellent in terms of original state preservation and the consideration of density and scale gives the top position to Pyeongdae-ri.
In order to estimate the length of stonewall for direct payment, road section with stonewall(the total length is 1,387.4km) is supposed out of the total length of national and local roads. Then when it is multiplied by 4.99906m, the average length of neighboring stonewall, we can get the result of 1,529km.
We would like to propose the three measures as follows. First, it is essential to set up the efficient management system of stonewall through the utilization of GIS. Second, the introduction of direct payment system to preserve the landscape of stonewall is needed as a kind of direct support of the government to preserve Jeju's stonewall. Third, it is desirable to search for ways of utilizing Jeju's stonewall as cultural resources and tourism resources, It is suggested as a way of making use of stonewall as tourism resources that villages with beautiful landscape of stonewall should be designated as Jeju Stonewall Village and those villages should be equipped with Stonewall Experience Arena, which will surely be a brand-new tourism product for tourists.
목차 Contents
- 표지...1
- 제출문...3
- 요약문...5
- 목차...13
- 제1장 연구개발과제의 개요...15
- 제1절 연구의 배경...15
- 제2절 연구의 목적...16
- 제3절 연구의 범위와 방법...16
- 제2장 국내외 기술개발 현황...18
- 제1절 국내 연구...18
- 제2절 국외 연구...19
- 제3절 사례 연구...39
- 제3장 제주도 돌담의 현황과 보전실태...55
- 제1절 제주도 밭담의 현황과 보전실태...55
- 제2절 제주도 환해장성의 현황...90
- 제3절 제주도 성담의 현황...110
- 제4장 자연자원(제주도 밭담)평가시스템 개발...157
- 제1절 자연자원(제주도 밭담)의 가치평가 요소 추출...157
- 제2절 가치평가 요소에 의한 사진 3등급 분류와 종합평가...167
- 제5장 자연자원평가시스템의 현장 적용사례...185
- 제1절 현장 관측조사 평가 기준 사진 선정 및 판넬 작성...185
- 제2절 밭담 현장 관측조사 방법 및 등급 판정 실시 결과...198
- 제6장 제주돌담(밭담)의 경관보전직불제 도입방안...242
- 제1절 제주도 돌담 경관가치 설문 설계 및 설문조사 결과...242
- 제2절 제주도 돌담 경관가치 분석모형 및 가치추정결과...252
- 제3절 경관보전 직불제 도입을 위한 돌담길이 추정...260
- 제4절 제주밭담의 경관보전 직불제 도입방안...264
- 제7장 제주돌담(밭담)의 문화자원 관리방안...294
- 제1절 제주돌담(밭담)의 훼손율 추정...294
- 제2절 제주돌담(밭담)의 문화자원 관리 방안...299
- 참고문헌...308
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