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로봇을 이용한 이종(異種) 알루미늄 합금의 용접 기술 개발
Development of welding technology of dissimilar Al alloy by ROBOT 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 목포해양대학교
Mokpo National Maritime University
연구책임자 김성종
참여연구자 장석기 , 김종신 , 한민수 , 우용빈 , 박재철
언어 한국어
주관부처 국토해양부
과제관리전문기관 한국과학재단
Korea Science and Engineering Foundtion
등록번호 TRKO200900073844
사업명 해양과학기술연구개발사업
DB 구축일자 2013-04-18


$\circ$ 경도 측정 ; 모재 및 용접 시편의 경도 상호 비교
$\circ$ 조직 분석 ; 광학현미경에 기한 용접부 측면의 조직 분석
$\circ$ 인장 실험 ; 모재와 용접 시편의 인장실험으로 최대인장강도, 항복강도, 연신율, 파단 시간 등을 상초 비교
$\circ$ 파단면 형상 분석 ; SEM에 의한 파단면 분석
$\circ$ 자연전위 측정 실험 ; 천연 해수용액에서 24시간 동안 실시하여 전기화학적 거동


The MIG weldings for dissimilar aluminum alloy by ROBOT were carried out on Al-Mg alloy(5083-O, 5456-H116) and Al-Mg-Si alloy(6061-T6). The mechanical and electrochemical characteristics evaluated for specimens welded with welding material of ER5183 and ER5556.
At the results of mechanical and el

목차 Contents

  • 제 1 장 연구개발과제의 개요 ...15
  • 제 1 절 연구개발의 목적 ...15
  • 제 2 절 필요성 ...15
  • 제 3 절 연구내용 및 범위 ...15
  • 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 및 과학기술정보 ...17
  • 제 1 절 국내기술동향 ...17
  • 제 2 절 국외 기술동향 ...17
  • 제 3 절 향후전망 ...18
  • 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ...19
  • 제 1 절 5083-O와5456-H116 이종 알루미늄합금의 용접 ...19
  • 제 2 절 5083-O와6061-76 이종 알루미늄합금의 용접 ...49
  • 제 3 절 5456-H116과6061-76 이종 알루미늄합금의 용접 ...79
  • 제 4 장 연구개발 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ...108
  • 제 1 절 연차별 연구개발의 목표 및 내용 ...108
  • 제 2 절 평가착안점에 입각한 연구개발목표에 달성도 및 관련분야의 기술발전에의 기여도 ...109
  • 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ...112
  • 제 1 절 추가연구의 필요성 및 타 연구에의 응용 ...112
  • 제 2 절 연구개발결과의 활용방안 및 기대 효과 ...112
  • 제 6 장 참고문헌 ...113
  • Fig. 3.1 Photographs of welded part in ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...20
  • Fig. 3.2 Comparisons of hardness for the cross-section of welding parts ...21
  • Fig. 3.3 Stress-elongation curves for 5083-O base metal ...23
  • Fig. 3.4 Stress-elongation curves for 54556-H116 base metal ...24
  • Fig. 3.5 Stress-Elongation curves in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...25
  • Fig. 3.6 Photographs of fractured specimen after tensile test ...26
  • Fig. 3.7 Comparison of the tensile strength after tensile test ...27
  • Fig. 3.8 Comparison of yield point after tensile test ...29
  • Fig. 3.9 Comparison of elongation after tensile test ...30
  • Fig. 3.10 Comparison of time-ta-fracture after tensile test ...30
  • Fig. 3.11 Fractography after tensile test for 5083-O base metal ...31
  • Fig. 3.12 Fractography after tensile test for 5456-H116 base metal ...32
  • Fig. 3.13 Fractography after tensile test in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 for dissimilar materials ...33
  • Fig. 3.14 Analysis of fractography after tensile test ...34
  • Fig. 3.15 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between same Al alloys ...36
  • Fig. 3.16 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between dissimilar meta ...36
  • Fig. 3.17 Potential in welded for dissimilar metal specimen with ER 5183, 5556 in natural sea water solution ...39
  • Fig. 3.18 Anodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...40
  • Fig. 3.19 Cathodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...42
  • Fig. 3.20 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 5083-O in sea water ...43
  • Fig. 3.21 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 5456-H116 in sea water ...44
  • Fig. 3.22 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5183 ...45
  • Fig. 3.23 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5556 ...46
  • Fig. 3.24 Comparison of Tafel analysis results ...47
  • Fig. 3.25 Photographs of welded part in ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...50
  • Fig. 3.26 Comparisons of hardness for the cross-section of welding parts ...51
  • Fig. 3.27 Photographs of the behaviors of macro-structure and micro-structure by microscope in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 ...52
  • Fig. 3.28 Stress-elongation curves for 5083-O base metal ...54
  • Fig. 3.29 Stress-elongation curves for 6061-T6 base metal ...55
  • Fig. 3.30 Stress-elongation curves in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...56
  • Fig. 3.31 Photographs of fractured specimen after tensile test ...57
  • Fig. 3.32 Comparison of the tensile strength after tensile test ...59
  • Fig. 3.33 Comparison of yield point after tensile test ...59
  • Fig. 3.34 Comparison of elongation after tensile test ...60
  • Fig. 3.35 Comparison of time-to-fracture after tensile test ...60
  • Fig. 3.36 Fractography after tensile test for 5083-O base metal ...61
  • Fig. 3.37 Fractography after tensile test for 6061-T6 base metal ...62
  • Fig. 3.38 Fractography after tensile test in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 for dissimilar materials ...64
  • Fig. 3.39 Analysis of fractography after tensile test ...65
  • Fig. 3.40 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between same Al alloys ...66
  • Fig. 3.41 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between dissimilar metal ...66
  • Fig. 3.42 Potential in welded for dissimilar metal specimen with ER 5183, 5556 in natural sea water solution ...69
  • Fig. 3.43 Anodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...70
  • Fig. 3.44 Cathodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...71
  • Fig. 3.45 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 5083-O in sea water ...72
  • Fig. 3.46 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 6061-T6 in sea water ...73
  • Fig. 3.47 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5183 ...74
  • Fig. 3.48 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5556 ...75
  • Fig. 3.49 Comparison of Tafel analysis results ...77
  • Fig. 3.50 Photographs of welded part in ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...80
  • Fig. 3.51 Comparisons of hardness for the cross-section of welding parts ...81
  • Fig. 3.52 Stress-elongation curves for 5456-H116 base metal ...83
  • Fig. 3.53 Stress-elongation curves for 6061-T6 base metal ...84
  • Fig. 3.54 Stress-elongation curves in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 welding materials ...85
  • Fig. 3.55 Photographs of fractured specimen after tensile test ...86
  • Fig. 3.56 Comparison of the tensile strength after tensile test ...88
  • Fig. 3.57 Comparison of yield point after tensile test ...88
  • Fig. 3.58 Comparison of elongation after tensile test ...89
  • Fig. 3.59 Comparison of time-to-fracture after tensile test ...89
  • Fig. 3.60 Fractography after tensile test for 5456-H116 base metal ...90
  • Fig. 3.61 Fractography after tensile test for 6061-T6 base metal ...91
  • Fig. 3.62 Fractography after tensile test in welded with ER5183 and ER5556 for dissimilar material ...93
  • Fig. 3.63 Analysis of fractography after tensile test ...94
  • Fig. 3.64 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between same Al alloys ...95
  • Fig. 3.65 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test in welding between dissimilar meta ...95
  • Fig. 3.66 Potential in welded for dissimilar metal specimen with ER 5183, 5556 in natural sea water solution ...98
  • Fig. 3.67 Anodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...99
  • Fig. 3.68 Cathodic polarization curves for various conditions in natural sea water solution ...100
  • Fig. 3.69 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 5456-H116 in sea water ...101
  • Fig. 3.70 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis of 6061-T6 in sea water ...102
  • Fig. 3.71 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5183 ...103
  • Fig. 3.72 Polarization curves for Tafel analysis in welded with ER5556 ...104
  • Fig. 3.73 Comparison of Tafel analysis results ...106
  • Table 3.1 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test of dissimilar metal ...37
  • Table 3.2 Tafel analysis results for 5083-O in natural sea water solution ...43
  • Table 3.3 Tafel analysis results for 5456-H116 in natural sea water solution ...44
  • Table 3.4 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5183 for 5083-O and 5456-H116 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...45
  • Table 3.5 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5556 for 5083-O and 5456-H116 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...46
  • Table 3.6 Comparison of average for Tafel analysis results ...47
  • Table 3.7 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test of dissimilar metal ...67
  • Table 3.8 Tafel analysis results for 5083-O in natural sea water solution ...72
  • Table 3.9 Tafel analysis results for 6061-T6 in natural sea water solution ...73
  • Table 3.10 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5183 for 5083-O and 6061-T6 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...74
  • Table 3.11 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5556 for 5083-O and 6061-T6 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...75
  • Table 3.12 Comparison of average for Tafel analysis results ...77
  • Table 3.13 Mechanical property ratios for base metal after tensile test of dissimilar metal ...96
  • Table 3.14 Tafel analysis results for 5456-H116 in natural sea water solution ...101
  • Table 3.15 Tafel analysis results for 6061-T6 in natural sea water solution ...102
  • Table 3.16 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5183 for 5456-H116 and 6061-T6 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...103
  • Table 3.17 Tafel analysis results in welding with ER5556 for 5456-H116 and 6061-T6 Al alloy in natural sea water solution ...104
  • Table 3.18 Comparison of average for Tafel analysis results ...106

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