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한국행정의 특징과 성과 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 한국행정연구원
Korea Institute of Public Administration
언어 한국어
주관부처 국무조정실
사업 관리 기관 한국행정연구원
Korea Institute of Public Administration
등록번호 TRKO201300015226
DB 구축일자 2013-12-21


1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
□ 한국발전에 기여한 한국행정을 재조명해보고 궁극적으로 이를 해외에 소개함으로써 한국의 국격 제고
○ 우리나라는 2010년 G20의 장국으로서 G20회의를 성공적으로 개최하였고, 단기간에 경제성장을 이룩한 발전국가(developmental state)로 한국에 대한 세계 각 국의 관심이 급증
- 특히, 한국발전의 원동력 중 정부의 역할 즉, 한국행정이 주목을 받고 있음
- 그동안 한국의 발전에서 '정부의 역할'이나 '행정의 역할'은 크게 부각되지 못


This study examines the role of public administration, which has been overlooked as a contributor to the remarkable national development of Korea. It extensively explores the Korean developmental stage of fast economic development and democtatization that were achieved in a short period of time.

목차 Contents

  • 표 지 ... 1
  • 발간사 ... 5
  • Preface ... 6
  • CONTENTS ... 10
  • 표목차 ... 17
  • 그림목차 ... 20
  • 사진목차 ... 22
  • 그래프목차 ... 23
  • 국문요약 ... 24
  • 영문요약 ... 33
  • 한국행정의 특징과 성과 ... 49
  • 제1장 서론 ... 50
  • 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 ... 50
  • 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 ... 53
  • 제3절 연구의 진행절차 ... 56
  • 제2장 기획에서 출판까지 ... 58
  • 제1절 기획의도 및 기획방향 ... 58
  • 제2절 제목 및 목차 선정 ... 59
  • 제3절 집필진 선정 ... 66
  • 제4절 예상독자 및 저서편집 ... 68
  • 제5절 원고청탁 양식 ... 69
  • 제6정 진행일정 및 세부사항 ... 71
  • 제3장 원고교정 및 감수 ... 72
  • 제1절 원고감수 및 교정의 중요성 ... 72
  • 제4장 기대효과 및 연구결과의 활용 ... 73
  • 제1절 기대효과 및 활용방안 ... 73
  • 제2절 Discover Korea in Public Administration ... 76
  • 제5장 Discover Korea in Public Administration ... 77
  • Part 1. Dynamism of Public Administration in Korea ... 79
  • Chapter 1. Public Administration: A Kingpin in Nation Building ... 80
  • 1. Agrarianism to Industrialism ... 80
  • 2. Industrialism to Democratism ... 109
  • 3. Democratism to Advanced Administration ... 124
  • 4. Conclusion and The Way Forward ... 132
  • Chapter 2. The Interaction between Politics and Administration ... 137
  • 1. Introduction ... 137
  • 2. Three Modes of Interaction between Politics and Administration ... 141
  • 3. Desurable Political and Administrative Interactions in Korea ... 159
  • Chapter 3. Partnership between Administration and the Legislature ... 173
  • 1. Introduction ... 173
  • 2. The Legal Status of Legislature and the Executive ... 175
  • 3. Changing Legislature-Administration Relations ... 177
  • 4. Prospect and Closing Comment ... 205
  • Chapter 4. Korena Administrative Culture:21st Century Possibilities ... 209
  • 1. Introduction ... 209
  • 2. Paik's Understanding of Korean Culture ... 212
  • 3. Technology and Elitism ... 230
  • 4. New Public Management ... 235
  • 5. Conclusion and Recommendations ... 237
  • Chapter 5. Development of Public Administration ... 241
  • 1. Introduction ... 241
  • 2. Building a Modern Bureaucracy ... 242
  • 3. Development and Efficiency ... 248
  • 4. Democratization and Public Participation ... 258
  • 5. The Present and Beyond ... 269
  • Part 2. A Glimpse Into Korean Policies ... 273
  • Chapter 6. The Korean Developmental State and Economic Develoment Policies ... 274
  • 1. Introduction ... 274
  • 2. Developmental State ... 276
  • 3. Economic Development Policies ... 281
  • 4. Financial Crisis and Evolution of Korean Developmental State ... 301
  • 5. Summary ... 308
  • Chapter 7. Science and Technology Policy ... 311
  • 1. Introduction ... 311
  • 2. History of Resraech and Development Policy ... 314
  • 3. History of Public Administration in Science and Technology ... 328
  • 4. The Achievement of Korean Science and Technology and New Challenges ... 345
  • 5. Concluding Remarks ... 350
  • Chapter 8. Regulatory Reform ... 352
  • 1. Concopt and Importance of Regulatory Reform ... 352
  • 2. Evolutionary Development of Regulatory Reform in Korea ... 364
  • 3. Korea's Regulatory Reform System ... 377
  • 4. Assessment and Lessons of Regulatory Reform in Korea ... 385
  • Chapter 9. Welfare State and Social Policies ... 394
  • 1. Development of the Korean Welfare State ... 394
  • 2. Major Features of the Korean Welfare System ... 401
  • 3. Comparative Perspectives ... 410
  • 4. Selctivism versus Univeralism ... 417
  • 5. Road to the Korean Welfare State ... 422
  • Chapter 10. Policy Evaluation and Performance Management ... 425
  • 1. Introduction ... 425
  • 2. Public Policy and Policy Evaluation ... 427
  • 3. Performance Management and New Public Management ... 442
  • 4. Policy Evauation and Performance Management in Korean Government ... 450
  • Part 3. Prime Movers ... 459
  • Chapter 11. Interrelation between Central and Local Government ... 460
  • 1. Introduction ... 460
  • 2. Administrative Layers in Korea ... 463
  • 3. Theories of Intergovernmental Relations ... 466
  • 4. History of Intergovernmental Relations in South Korea ... 471
  • 5. Toward a Real Network ... 477
  • 6. Concluding Remarks ... 486
  • Chapter 12. Bureaucratic Elites Steering the Nation ... 488
  • 1. Introduction ... 488
  • 2. Historical Viewpoint of the Bureaucrates' Roles and Personnel System ... 490
  • 3. Reasons for Inseparability between Politics and Public Persinnel Administration ... 495
  • 4. Efforts to Combine Political and Managerial Approaches ... 499
  • 5. Conclusion ... 511
  • Chapter 13. Administrative Organization ... 512
  • 1. Introduction ... 512
  • 2. An Overview of Administrative Organization ... 513
  • 3. National Administrative Agencies ... 523
  • 4. Korean Government Organization Management ... 533
  • 5. Korean Government Organization Reform ... 540
  • Chapter 14. Public Personnel Management ... 545
  • 1. Introduction ... 545
  • 2. History of Public Personnel Administration in Korea ... 547
  • 3. Conclusion ... 570
  • Chapter 15. Public Budgeting and Finance ... 573
  • 1. Introduction ... 573
  • 2. The Scope and Size of Government Finance ... 576
  • 3. Budgetary Process ... 590
  • 4. Summary and Concluding Remarks ... 609
  • Part 4. New Demands and Challenges in Public Administration ... 613
  • Chapter 16. Pioneering e-Government ... 614
  • 1. An Introduction to Korean e-Government ... 614
  • 2. A Best Practice of Korean e-Government, Minwon 24 ... 632
  • Chapter 17. Toward Unification ... 650
  • 1. Introduction ... 650
  • 2. South Korea's Unification Policy ... 652
  • 3. Conclusion ... 674
  • Chapter 18. Conflict Management in Korea:Why anad FOr What? ... 675
  • 1. Introduction:Emergence of social conflict as public problem ... 675
  • 2. Transition to a post-modern society ... 678
  • 3. Concept of conflict management and policy tools ... 685
  • 4. Social conflicts in Korea and their implications ... 688
  • 5. Conclusion: Korea's conflict management system and policy orientation ... 698
  • Chapter 19. Green Growth, the New Development Paradigm ... 703
  • 1. Introduction ... 703
  • 2. What is Green Growth? ... 706
  • 3. Why Green Growth? ... 710
  • 4. Green Growth Initiatives in Korea ... 725
  • 5. Green Growth Agenda in Korea ... 728
  • 6. Interim Review and Limitations ... 737
  • 7. A Way Forward ... 742
  • Part 5. Looking into the Future of Public Administration ... 745
  • Chapter 20. Building Public Trust and Good Democratic Gobernance ... 746
  • 1. Abstract ... 746
  • 2. Introduction ... 748
  • 3. How to Build Public Trust in Government ... 752
  • 4. Government Indicators ... 756
  • 5. Government Debate ... 766
  • 6. Challenges and New Directions:from a General Bike to Octopus Bike ... 775
  • 7. Implications and Conclusions ... 780
  • Chapter 21. National Leadership:The Way Ahead ... 785
  • 1. Korean presidential Leadership Matters ... 785
  • 2. A Close-up of Presidential Accomplishments ... 791
  • 3. Authoritarianism to Democratism ... 832
  • 4. Democratism to Globalism ... 843
  • 5. Leadership Crisis ... 851
  • 6. Lessons and Presidential Legacies ... 864
  • Chapter 22. Public Administration in an Era of Depopulation ... 886
  • 1. Introduction ... 886
  • 2. The Challenges Ahead ... 889
  • 3. Korean society entering population decline ... 896
  • 4. Threat or Opportunity? ... 904
  • 5. The administrative system in an era of depopulation ... 917
  • 6. Conclusion ... 928
  • EPILOGUE ... 929
  • CONTRIBUTORS ... 939
  • 끝페이지 ... 944

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