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The Future of Green ICT
The Future of Green ICT 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 한국과학기술기획평가원
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning
연구책임자 한종민
참여연구자 Jouko Myllyoja , Ville Valovirta , Hyun Yim
언어 대한민국
주관부처 미래창조과학부
과제관리전문기관 한국과학기술기획평가원
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning
등록번호 TRKO201300031290
DB 구축일자 2014-01-13



1 Introduction
Information and communication technologies (ICT) hold significant potential in improving environmental sustainability and mitigating the effects of climate change. ICT may contribute to more optimised production, more sustainable patterns of consumption and more energy efficient us

목차 Contents

  • 표 지 ... 1
  • Table of contents ... 3
  • 1 Introduction ... 5
  • 2 The emerging agenda for green ICT ... 6
  • 2.1 Development trends in the ICT sector ... 6
  • 2.2 Global drivers for green ICT ... 7
  • 2.3 Policies for green ICT ... 9
  • 2.3.1 Korea ... 9
  • 2.3.2 Finland ... 10
  • 3 The future of green ICT ... 12
  • 3.1 Consumption ... 12
  • 3.2 Production ... 13
  • 3.3 Infrastructure ... 14
  • 3.4 Findings ... 15
  • 4 Analysis of the technology categories ... 16
  • 4.1 E-commerce ... 19
  • 4.2 Digital contents ... 24
  • 4.3 Smart Home ... 29
  • 4.4 Low power & highly efficient devices ... 34
  • 4.5 FEMS ... 40
  • 4.6 Smart manufacturing ... 44
  • 4.7 Smart Work ... 49
  • 4.8 BIM ... 54
  • 4.9 Zero Waste / Ecologically neutral production ... 58
  • 4.10 Green IDC ... 61
  • 4.11 Cloud Computing ... 66
  • 4.12 Broadband network ... 71
  • 4.13 Smart grid ... 75
  • 4.14 Smart transportation ... 80
  • 4.15 Smart water grid ... 84
  • 4.16 Environmental monitoring systems ... 88
  • 4.17 Smart district heating ... 92
  • 4.18 BEMS ... 96
  • 5 Descriptive statistics from questionnaires ... 102
  • 5.1 Factors influencing the development of green ICT ... 102
  • 5.2 Public policies for promoting green ICT ... 102
  • 5.3 Bottlenecks restraining the adaptation of green ICT ... 103
  • 5.4 Leading countries in development of green ICT technologies ... 105
  • 6 Conclusions ... 107
  • 6.1 Key findings ... 107
  • 6.2 Guidelines for research, policy and the industry ... 108
  • 6.3 Green ICT Roadmap and technological categories in timeline ... 110
  • References ... 113
  • Annex 1: Number of respondents, Delphi II ... 116

표/그림 (138)

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