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2010년 국제과학기술협력사업
International S&T Cooperation of STEPI in 2010 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 과학기술정책연구원
Science & Technology Policy Institute
연구책임자 이명진
참여연구자 김은주 , 김학본
언어 한국어
과제시작연도 2010
주관부처 국무조정실
사업 관리 기관 과학기술정책연구원
Science & Technology Policy Institute
등록번호 TRKO201400003581
과제고유번호 1105002583
DB 구축일자 2014-05-10


□ 추진배경 및 필요성
○ 과학기술의 세계화 및 경쟁의 심화
- 연구개발 활동의 융합화, 거대화에 따라 비용과 위험을 분산시키고 글로벌 표준을 장악하기 위하여 주요 선진국 및 다국적기업은 과학기술 분야의 국제협력을 강화시켜 나가고 있음.
- 21세기 글로벌 시대 속에서 국가 및 기업 간의 경쟁이 치열해지면서 동시에 기술 분업 및 협력을 함께 추구하는, 이른바 「경쟁협력」의 방식이 보편화되고 있음.
○ 국제 협력의 필요성 증대
- 우리의 국가 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해서는 과학기술 능력 향상이 필수적인 과제로


□ Background
○ Globalization of science & technology, and intensifying competition
- As the R&D activities integrate and get bigger in volume, major advanced countries and multinational companies are strengthening international cooperation in the science and technology field in order to dispe

2010 STEPI International Symposium
□ Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) organized the 2010 STEPI International Symposium with "International S&T Collaboration" as a theme. International experts are invited to discuss international science and technology collaboration to effectively face global challenges. 2010 STEPI International Symposium will provide a chance to develop practical policies through your active participation and dynamic discussions.
□ At the symposium, Pitchet Durongkaveroj, Secretary General of National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI) addressed "Energy & Environment: International S&T Collaboration", Hyungjoo Kim, Associate Research Fellow of Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) addressed "Brain Circulation in Korea: The Role of Korean Scientists Abroad in Building Global Knowledge Networks", Nicholas S. Vonortas, Director of The Center for International Science and Technology Policy (CISTP) addressed "Knowledge Network Analysis".
Science & Technology Leaders Forum
□ Science and technology, as an engine for economic grows, drives the changes and developments in all the spheres of our society - political, economic, social and cultural, suggesting that the roles of science and technology have become crucially important in national developments.
□ This forum will double its efforts to foster and support scientific and technological societies, who are the key actors in knowledge creation and diffusion, and also to expand the participation of scientists and engineers in social developments.
APEC Research and Technology(ART) Program
□ The APEC Research and Technology(ART) Program is a week-long annual event hosted by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of Korea. The ART 2010 is entitled to "Human Capacity Building for Science, Technology and Innovation" to focus on building an effective and capable S&T workforce in both applied and research settings. It will be held on February 22 - 26, 2010, at the Paradise Hotel in Busan, Korea. The Program addresses the full "pipeline" of issues, from k-12 education in science, to effective esearch collaboration, to improving the participation of underrepresented roups and nations in the research community.
□ A goal of this year's program is to encourage discussion and debate in order to develop creative solutions to issues and challenges specific to human capacity development in APEC economies. The program is purposefully interactive, with several sessions for small and large group discussion and presentation. We hope to create a lively discussion environment where all participants from APEC economies to exchange their experiences and build networks among them.
Korea-Tunisia Science and Technology Policy Training Course
□ Together with KOICA, STEPI held the "2010 Science, Technology, Innovation & Policy Training Program for the Republic of Tunisia" at the KOICA ICT center located in Sujeong-gu, Seongnam City, for 21 days from March 28, 2010 to April 17, 2010.
□ The purpose of this training program was to contribute to the development of science and technology of Tunisia, and to derive a mid-to-long-term cooperation sectors between Korean and Tunisia, by passing down the development process and the current status of Korea's science and technology, and the related policy measures to 10 public officials who are decision makers of Tunisia's science and technology policy and officials in related institutions.
□ The program was held for 21 days, which included 17 lectures related to science and technology policies such as "Korea's IT Technology Innovation Policy", "The Current Status of Korea's Biotechnology and Relevant Policies", and also a Q&A session and group discussion where attendants could ask questions and discuss about the theme of 2010 Science and Technology Policy Training Course
□ Together with KOICA, Science and Technology Policy Research Center held the "Technology and Policy(TAP) Training Program 2010" at the KOICA training center from June 13, 2010 to July 2, 2010(20days), for science & technology policy experts from developing countries.
□ TAP training program passes down the development process and experience of Korea's science and technology to related science and technology officials of developing countries, thereby contributing to the enhancement of science and technology capacity of participant countries and promoting sustainable cooperation relationship among countries. 20 science & technology policy-related public officials and experts from 8 countries including Uzbekistan, Palestine, Columbia, Iran, and Egypt participated in the program.
□ The program which is to be held for 20 days consisting of 16 lectures, field study, and seminars about science and technology cooperation of developing countries, will pass down the experiences and technologies that Korea accumulated in the process of accomplishing economic development, thereby supporting talent nurturing which is necessary for development of a developing country, and expanding the bases of people who are familiar with Korea based on the establishment of cooperation relationship in science and technology field with countries participating in the training program.
Green Korea 2010
□ Confronted with unprecedented increases in manmade greenhouse gases coupled with the depletion of the world’s conventional energy resources, governments, institutes, and industries around the world have called for renewed political commitment to sustainable development and begun exploring and pursuing new growth strategies that will simultaneously mitigate the effects of global warming while also increasing each nation’s energy abundance and security.
□ The United Nations will be organizing a global Conference on Sustainable Development, with a strong focus on a green economy, in 2012. In 2008, Korean leaders offered their strategy to mitigate climate change and energy supply insecurity in the form of "low carbon green growth," a vision made possible through the Korean government's official "Green Growth National Strategy and Five Year Plan. "These steps to green Korea's future, however, are only the beginning of more ambitious plans to come as governments and citizens around the world consolidate themselves around systematic and well-planned initiatives to accelerate responses to global warming and energy insecurity.
□ The program was on September 9~10, Green Korea 2010, an international conference co-organized by the United Nations (UN), the Presidential Committee on Green Growth (PCGG), and the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRCS).
Korea-China-Japan Science and Technology Policy Research Seminar
□ North east Asian region includes Japan, which is the world’s second biggest economy, Korea, which is about to become an advanced country, and China, which is the world’s biggest producing base and market, and this north east Asian region is emerging as the core axis for the world's economy and science and technology.
- In order to establish a Northeast Asian science and technology community through shared research and integration of resources, great amount of time and effort are needed, and most of all, it is necessary to establish a cooperation system of a certain level which promotes continuous dialogue, research and cooperation.
□ It has been agreed to hold seminars on a regular basis for science and technology policy experts of Korea, China and Japan, in order to come up with measures to strengthen the science and technology sector cooperation system through discussions on the policy issues that had been agreed upon at the 1st Korea-China-Japan Science and Technology Ministers" Conference held on January 12, 2007.
□ STEPI attended the '5th Korea-China-Japan Science and Technology Policy Research Seminar' held in Jeju, Korea from October 7th (Thursday) ~ 8th(Friday), and presented the 'S&T for Building Bridges between Past and Future', and was addressed the session related to 'S&T Policy for Green Growth'
□ At the same seminary, experts from each country made speeches and had discussions about national innovation system and economic growth, technology prediction, science and technology for green society, and science and technology human resources.
2010 Seoul S&T Forum
□ We, as global citizens, face a number of challenges including climate change, energy, clean water, food security, infectious diseases, etc.
These challenges call for intense international collaborations and cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge more than ever before. It is our goal to pursue 'global green growth', which is to make the globe greener without undermining socio-economic growth or hurting power sources of world growth.
□ Since PRIs play the critical, entrepreneurial role in scientific research and technological development for green growth, we invite you, leaders of world-renowned PRIs, to face these challenges head on as we unite together to form a better global network for scientific and technological cooperation in exploring the solutions of global challenges and promoting sustainable growth.
□ Following the theme "International Cooperation of Public Research Institutes for Green Growth," the forum seeks to advance cooperation among PRIs around the world. We wish to build trustworthy partnerships among developed and developing countries, and provide a platform to explore new ideas and solutions concerning global challenges and green growth.
Korea-Colombia Science and Technology Policy Training Course
□ Together with KOICA, STEPI held the "2010 Science, Technology, Innovation & Policy Training Program for Colombia" at the KOICA ICT center located in Sujeong-gu, Seongnam City, for 14 days from November 28, 2010 to December 11, 2010.
□ The purpose of this training program was to contribute to the development of science and technology of Colombia, and to derive a mid-to-long-term cooperation sectors between Korea and Colombia, by passing down the development process and the current status of Korea’s science and technology, and the related policy measures to 13 public officials who are decision makers of Tunisia's science and technology policy and officials in related institutions.
□ The program was held for 14 days, which included 16 lectures related to science and technology policies such as "Korea's IT Technology Innovation Policy", "The Current Status of Korea's Biotechnology and Relevant Policies", and also a Q&A session and group discussion where attendants could ask questions and discuss about the theme of that day.
STEPI Visit to Foreign Organizations and Visits by Foreign Delegations
□ In 2010, STEPI made active exchanges with foreign science and technology policy institutes as well as government organizations and received many foreign delegations. The members of foreign delegations included those from private companies as well as public institutions. On their visit to STEPI, these foreign delegations shared information on Korea's science and technology policy trends and know-how with STEPI and exchanged their opinions on science and technology policy trends in Asia, Europe and America through active discussions, which surely contributed to the expansion of the international science and technology policy network.

목차 Contents

  • 표지 ... 1
  • 2010년 국제과학기술협력사업 ... 3
  • 발간사 ... 5
  • 요약 ... 7
  • 목차 ... 15
  • 그림목차 ... 18
  • 제1장 서 론 ... 19
  • 제1절 사업의 필요성 및 목적 ... 19
  • 제2절 사업의 내용 및 방법 ... 20
  • 제2장 2010년 STEPI 국제심포지엄 ... 22
  • 제1절 심포지엄의 배경 및 목적 ... 22
  • 제2절 심포지엄의 개요 및 일정 ... 22
  • 제3절 심포지엄 주요발표 내용 ... 25
  • 제3장 과학기술 리더스 포럼 ... 28
  • 제1절 포럼의 배경 및 목적 ... 28
  • 제2절 포럼의 개요 및 일정 ... 28
  • 제3절 포럼 주요 내용 ... 30
  • 제4장 APEC 과학기술연구 프로그램 ... 32
  • 제1절 프로그램의 배경 및 목적 ... 32
  • 제2절 프로그램의 개요 및 일정 ... 33
  • 제3절 프로그램 주요발표 내용 ... 36
  • 제5장 튀니지 과학기술정책연수과정 ... 39
  • 제1절 프로그램의 배경 및 목적 ... 39
  • 제2절 프로그램의 개요 및 일정 ... 40
  • 제3절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 42
  • 제6장 2010년 과학기술정책연수과정 ... 44
  • 제1절 프로그램의 배경과 목적 ... 44
  • 제2절 프로그램의 개요 및 일정 ... 45
  • 제3절 프로그램 주요 내용 ... 48
  • 제4절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 49
  • 제7장 그린코리아 2010 ... 50
  • 제1절 배경 및 목적 ... 50
  • 제2절 개요 및 일정 ... 51
  • 제3절 주요 발표 내용 ... 53
  • 제4절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 54
  • 제8장 한중일 과학기술정책 연구세미나 ... 55
  • 제1절 세미나의 배경 및 목적 ... 55
  • 제2절 세미나의 개요 ... 56
  • 제3절 세미나 주요 일정 및 발표내용 ... 58
  • 제4절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 60
  • 제9장 2010년 서울과학기술포럼 ... 61
  • 제1절 포럼 배경 및 목적 ... 61
  • 제2절 포럼 개요 및 일정 ... 62
  • 제3절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 64
  • 제10장 콜롬비아 과학기술혁신정책 연수과정 ... 65
  • 제1절 프로그램의 배경과 목적 ... 65
  • 제2절 프로그램의 개요 및 일정 ... 66
  • 제3절 프로그램 주요 내용 ... 69
  • 제4절 주요 결과 및 성과 ... 71
  • 제11장 해외기관 방문 및 외국 대표단 방문 ... 72
  • 제1절 해외기관 방문 ... 72
  • 제2절 외국 대표단 방문 ... 80
  • 제12장 맺음말 ... 87
  • 부록 1 2010 STEPI 국제 심포지엄 발표자료 ... 89
  • 부록 2 과학기술 리더스 포럼 발표자료 ... 145
  • 부록 3 그린코리아 2010 발표자료 (세션 A-1) ... 233
  • SUMMARY ... 283
  • CONTENTS ... 293
  • 끝페이지 ... 296

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