보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
전북대학교 Chonbuk National University |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2014-02 |
과제시작연도 |
2013 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201400011110 |
과제고유번호 |
1395033170 |
사업명 |
신품종지역적응연구 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201400011110 |
Ⅳ. 연구개발 주요결과
○ 벼 대체작물로서의 논 적응 사료용 피 우수계통 선발
- 유전자원 IT183327, IT228841, IT153566, IT153611, 제주피-1, 제주피-4
- 선발종의 건물수량: 1,800~2,500kg/10a
○ 사료피 기계이앙재배기술 개발
- 육묘시 파종량은 30g/상자, 육묘기간은 20일, 피복재료는 부직포가 적당
- 이앙적기는 6월 30일경이며, 이앙한계기는 7월 중순
- 재식밀도는 60주/평, 시비량은 N-P-K : 20-7-8kg/10a
- 잡초방제
Ⅳ. 연구개발 주요결과
○ 벼 대체작물로서의 논 적응 사료용 피 우수계통 선발
- 유전자원 IT183327, IT228841, IT153566, IT153611, 제주피-1, 제주피-4
- 선발종의 건물수량: 1,800~2,500kg/10a
○ 사료피 기계이앙재배기술 개발
- 육묘시 파종량은 30g/상자, 육묘기간은 20일, 피복재료는 부직포가 적당
- 이앙적기는 6월 30일경이며, 이앙한계기는 7월 중순
- 재식밀도는 60주/평, 시비량은 N-P-K : 20-7-8kg/10a
- 잡초방제는 이앙전 10-15일에 Butachlor(또는 Oxadiargyl, Oxadiazon)를 토양처리하고 이앙 후 30일에 bentazone + MCPA를 경엽처리
○ 사료피 직파재배 기술개발
- 파종량은 1∼2Kg/10a, 파종방법은 건답의 경우 0-3cm 깊이로 세조파하고, 담수파종시 써레질 후 배수하여 표면산파하고, 파종 후 7~10일에 담수
- 파종적기는 5월 21일이며, 파종한계기는 6월 중순경임
○ 사료피 잡초화 방제기술 개발
- 벼 재배논에서 이앙 후 12일에 페녹슐럄 또는 메타미호프 혼합제 처리
- 이앙 후 30일에 경엽처리제인 싸이할로호프, 페녹슐럄, 메타미호프 처리
As a policy response against the rice overage phenomenon, financial supports and recommendations were given to cultivate alternative crops, in order to reduce the production of rice. However, the productivity of alternative upland crops were significantly low on paddy land as they were exposed to we
As a policy response against the rice overage phenomenon, financial supports and recommendations were given to cultivate alternative crops, in order to reduce the production of rice. However, the productivity of alternative upland crops were significantly low on paddy land as they were exposed to wet injuries, and moreover, the paddy land would become useless in its flood control abilities as to replace upland crops, excess water had to be removed. Thus, forage crops which would imitate the environmental favor of rice were required. Therefore, not only as a re-evaluation on the value of barnyard millet, but also establishment cultivation techniques of domestically adapted and selection of selection of germplasm adapted to double-cropping system were needed. In order to select barnyard millet for forage that may substitute rice, a total of 95 germplasm were collected, including germplasm in retained by the Rural Development Administration’s Agricultural Genetic Resources Center, and USDA GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network), as well as domestic and foreign germplasm which other researchers were retaining in Korea. Out of the 95 germplasm, 15 germplasm including IT 153561, were initially selected which are late-heading, long plant height, wide leaves, seed shatter-resistant, and with high dry forage yield, adapted double-cropping system through evaluated through field test in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, in 2012. And in 2013, through precision evaluation of the feed value and yield ability of the initially selected germplasm in field test in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do and Iksan, Jeollabuk-do; in Suwon, Jejupisujib-1, IT 228841, and IT 183327, slightly low in feed value but very high in yield ability were selected; in Iksan, Jejupisujib-4, IT 153611, and IT 153566 were selected.
For establishment of cultural methods of barnyard milletin paddy field, the experiment of seedling nursery was investigated effects of different seeding amounts, seeding date and covering materials on the nursery bed using rice nursery tray. The experiment of machine transplanting cultivation was investigated effects of transplanting date, planting density and fertilizer applications on growth and yield in paddy field. Another experiment of machine transplanting cultivation was investigated effects of herbicide on the injury of barnyard millet and weeding efficacy of annual and perennial weeds before and after transplanting. The seedling height of barnyard millet at 20 days after sowing was more than 20cm in 20~30 g/tray seeding without seeding date. The seedling growth of barnyard millet was inhibited in 40 g/tray seeding since May 11. Dry weight of roots per unit area was over 4 g. 100 cm-2 in 30 g/tray on May 11 and May 21. The adequate amount of seed and the duration of seedling raising were 30 g/tray and 20 days in the seedling nursery of barnyard millet in May. The proper mulching material for seedling nursery of barnyard millet was filter mat, and seedling height, number of leaves, and root development was more good in filter mat than in polyethylene film mulching. Plant height of barnyard millet among different transplanting times was more 190 cm on June 15 and June 30. Plant height was short by delayed transplanting times, and it was less than 100 cm on July 30. Growth period from transplanting to heading was 67-57 days in transplanting from May 30 to July 15, and 46-41 days in transplanting from July 30 to August 10. The highest fresh weight and dry weight of barnyard millet were 4,333 kg. 10a-1 and 1,346 kg. 10a-1 in transplanting on June 30, and fresh weight and dry weight was rapidly decreased since July 30. Accordingly, critical transplanting time of barnyard millet could be considered to July 15. Fresh weight among different planting density was highest in 50 plants/3.3 ㎡ in transplanting on June 15, and dry weight was highest in 60 plants/3.3㎡. The proper planting density for machine transplanting of barnyard millet was 50-60 plants/3.3㎡. Fresh and dry weights among different fertilizer levels were 3,234 kg. 10a-1 and 1,445 kg. 10a-1 in 20-7-8 (N-P-K) kg. 10a-1, and 3,154 kg. 10a-1 and 1,378 kg. 10a-1 in 11-7-8 (N-P-K) kg. 10a-1. Nitrogen fertilization was effective to increase fresh and dry weights. The applications of oxadiazon, butachlor, and oxadiargyl at 10-15 days before transplanting were mild or no injury to barnyard millet, and also high the control effect of annual weeds. The treatments of pyrazolate and benzobicyclon before transplanting showed a serious injury to barnyard millet. The application of bentazone + MCPA at 30 days after transplanting was not injured to barnyard millet, and the control of broadleaf weeds such as M onochoria vaginalis, Eleocharis kuroguwai was more than 90%. Accordingly, weed control for machine transplanting cultivation of barnyard millet was possible with the applications of oxadiazon, butachlor, and oxadiargyl before transplanting for annual weed control and the applications of bentazone+MCPA for perennial weed control. For direct seeding method of barnyard millet, the germination and emergence characteristics were investigated. The seeds of forage millet could germinate at more than 15℃ at the rate of 0, 90.5, 97.3 and 96.8% respectively 10 days after seeding at 10, 15, 20 and 25 ℃. The result showed that the temperature needs to be 15 ℃ or more for the seeds to germinate. The effects of seeding depth on the growth characteristics and emergence of millet seed were investigated in waters and direct seeding methods by thoroughly mixing the seed and soil. In water treatment, the emergence rates were 3.7% at 15 ℃, 7.6% at 20 ℃, 6.3% at 25 ℃, while direct seeding treatment showed the emergence rates of 65.6, 75 and 71% at 15, 20 and 25 ℃, respectively. At 15, 20, and 25 ℃, seeds in water seeding could germinate at 0.5, 1.8, 1.5 cm of soil depth, while in direct seeding, they could germinate at the depth of 9.5, 10.0, 9.9 cm. When the initial growth characteristics of the seeds were investigated, there was positive correlation between seeding depth and mesocotyl length in both water and direct seed methods. Growth and development in terms of leaf age, root length, coleoptiles and mesocotyl length, and plant height were found maximum at 0.5 cm soil depth for water seeding, and 3-5 cm soil depth for direct seeding. Results showed that there were close relationship among temperature, soil depth and moisture acquiring methods, and the combination of these factors greatly affected the initial growth characteristics and development of millet seeds. It can be concluded that, to get good seedling stand and germination of millet seed, millet should grown in field condition at the depth of 0.5 cm or less for water seeding, and 3-5 cm for direct seeding method.
In the herbicidal response for their weediness prevention in paddy rice, imazosulfuron+benzobicyclone+ penoxsulam SC showed control effect the extend of over 90% to IT170609, IT195422 and EV2012. Chyhalofop-butyl EC, penoxsulam SC and metamifop EC were very effective by 6~7 leaf stage of barnyard millets tested. In response several herbicidal to barnyard millet variety occurred in mechanically transplanted paddy field, penoxsulam and metamifop-included herbicides, benzobicyclon + mefenacet + penoxsulam SC and bromobutide + imazosulfuron + metamifop SC were very effective at 12 days after rice transplantation, and the control efficacy of foliar applied herbicides such as chyhalofop-butyl EC, penoxsulam SC and metamifop EC were observed the extend over 93% at 6~7 leaf stage of barnyard millets until 60 days after rice transplantation.
목차 Contents
- 표지 ... 1
- 제출문 ... 2
- 요약문 ... 4
- SUMMARY ... 6
- 목차 ... 9
- 제 1 장 서 론 ... 10
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 11
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 13
- <제1협동과제 : 국내외 피 유전자원의 수집 및 조사료 특성 평가> ... 13
- <제1세부과제 : 피 우량 선발 종의 조사료 생산기술 확립> ... 41
- <제2협동과제 : 답리작 적응 조사료용 피의 잡초화 방지기술개발> ... 69
- 제 4 장 연구개발목표 달성도 및 대외기여도 ... 79
- 제1절 목표대비 달성도 ... 79
- 제2절 정량적 성과 ... 80
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 82
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 83
- 제 7 장 기타 중요 변동사항 ... 83
- 제 8 장 국가과학기술종합정보시스템에 등록한 연구장비 현황 ... 83
- 제 9 장 참고문헌 ... 83
- 끝페이지 ... 87
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