보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
한국항공대학교 Hankuk Aviation University |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2014-03 |
과제시작연도 |
2012 |
주관부처 |
건설교통부 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
연구관리전문기관 |
한국건설기술평가원 |
등록번호 |
TRKO201400019587 |
과제고유번호 |
1615005743 |
사업명 |
교통체계효율화사업 |
DB 구축일자 |
키워드 |
충전인프라.배터리 자동교환 전기버스.시스템 운영관리.안전성평가.배터리 표준.Charging Infrastructure.Automatic Battery Swapping Electric Bus.Charging System Operation and management.Safety Evaluation.Battery Standardization.
○ 국내 에너지 배출량의 20%를 차지하는 교통부문 탄소배출량 저감 필요
○ 전기자동차의 확대보급을 위한 배터리 공용화 추진을 통해 전기자동차 이용 편의성 증진(배터리 충전시간 감소 등) 및 차량가격 하락유도
○ 배터리 자동교환 전기버스 시스템은 차량의 운행을 정지한 상태로 장시간 충전하는 기존의 전기버스와는 달리, 전기버스 상부에 배터리를 탑재하여 운행하다가 기존 배터리가 방전되기 전에 버스 정류장에서 잠시 정차할 동안 미리 충전된 다른 배터리로 신속하게(1분 내외) 자동교환해 주는 시스템
○ 배터리 자동교환 전기
○ 국내 에너지 배출량의 20%를 차지하는 교통부문 탄소배출량 저감 필요
○ 전기자동차의 확대보급을 위한 배터리 공용화 추진을 통해 전기자동차 이용 편의성 증진(배터리 충전시간 감소 등) 및 차량가격 하락유도
○ 배터리 자동교환 전기버스 시스템은 차량의 운행을 정지한 상태로 장시간 충전하는 기존의 전기버스와는 달리, 전기버스 상부에 배터리를 탑재하여 운행하다가 기존 배터리가 방전되기 전에 버스 정류장에서 잠시 정차할 동안 미리 충전된 다른 배터리로 신속하게(1분 내외) 자동교환해 주는 시스템
○ 배터리 자동교환 전기버스는 정류장 등에서 신속하게 배터리 교환이 가능하므로 긴 충전 시간(현재의 기술로는 최소 20∼30분이상 소요) 버스를 세워둘 필요가 없고, 운행가능 노선거리에 제한이 없는 이점이 있음
○ 배터리를 전력부하가 낮은 시간대에 미리 충전하여 사용할 수 있으므로 전력피크수요 관리에 유리하고 배터리 셀의 수명을 증진시킬 수 있는 장점이 있음
○ 따라서 기존 배터리 고정 방식의 전기차가 가지고 있는 한계를 극복하는 대안이 될 수 있으며 전기자동차 대중화 시대를 앞당길 경제적이고 현실적인 상용화 모델로 기대가 됨
○ 배터리 자동교환 전기버스가 상용화된다면 기존 고정형 배터리 충전방식 전기차의 한계를 극복하고 온실가스 배출량 감소 및 성공적인 친환경 전기차 모델 확립에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대함
○ 주요 연구성과
- 배터리 자동 교환형 전기버스 개조차량(Smart e-Bus) 개발
- 배터리 자동 충전 및 교환시설(QCM, Quick Battery Changing Machine) 개발
- 전기버스의 구동을 위한 교환형 배터리 팩 개발
- 비상충전 시스템 MCS 개발
- 배터리 자동교환 운영을 위한 법제도 제/개정 및 표준화
- 테스트베드(총 42억/ 정부 29억원, 지자체 13억원) 지점으로 포항시 선정
- 배터리 자동 충전 및 교환시설 등 기술고도화 및 시스템 안정화
- 포항시 배터리 교환 시스템 구축 및 Smart e-Bus 인증
- 포항시 테스트베드 시범 운영
The purpose of technology development for electric vehicle transportation safety system convergence is to develop electric bus system based on common battery and transportation convergence infrastructure for quick battery change and charge to overcome the limitations such as long charging time, irre
The purpose of technology development for electric vehicle transportation safety system convergence is to develop electric bus system based on common battery and transportation convergence infrastructure for quick battery change and charge to overcome the limitations such as long charging time, irregular mileage, high battery price, and etc. that prevent current electric vehicles from being largely supplied and to lay ground for demand diffusion of the electric vehicles and establish future clean transportation system. To drive the technology development, transportation convergence charging infrastructure was planned and the strategy was developed in the 1st detail section, the technology of transportation convergence charging infrastructure was developed in the 2nd detail section, and the safety evaluation technology was developed in the 3rd detail section. The fundamental technology research was performed in the 1st year, the technology was developed and prototype product was manufactured in the 2nd year, and the possibility of commercialization was evaluated through technology advancement and the test bed was established in the 3rd year.
□ Transportation Convergence Charging Infrastructure Plan and Strategy Development In the transportation convergence charging infrastructure plan and strategy development, it intended to establish effective infrastructure for QTPE-BUS (Quick Top Pick-up Electric Bus) system through developing optimal plan technique and establishing implementation strategy of QTPE-BUS, revising the related legislations, and standardization. The goals of this study were to analyze the economic effect of QTP E-BUS system, develop the prototype system for plan evaluation and simulator for route operation and evaluation in using of driving characteristics, amend system-related legal system and set up guidelines, and standardize the system through the followings:
As the technology development for establishment of the transportation convergence charging infrastructure for domestic and overseas electric vehicles was insufficient, facility construction plan and strategy for establishment of the transportation convergence charging infrastructure were established in predicting the occupancy of electric vehicle in accordance with supply diffusion of the electric vehicles and conversion speed from internal-combustion vehicles to the electric vehicles.
It prepared the fundamental date to supply the infrastructure through affinity analysis for the electric vehicles by road sections and regions and provided the baseline data regarding strategic support and etc. through legal system amendment, suggesting design guidelines for infrastructure establishment and activating QTPE-BUS system supply to increase the technology competitiveness and lay ground of the future clean transportation system.
The initial draft for standardization of QTPE-BUS, developed according to forums, was systematically improved, Korean Standard (KS) for essential standards of national infrastructure was developed, and international standardization environment for the battery change electric vehicle was organized and the international standard was developed.
□ Transportation Convergence Charging Infrastructure Technology Development
The transportation convergence charging infrastructure was largely categorized as MCS (Mobile Charging System), QTP E-BUS(Quick Top Pick-up Electric Bus), QCM (Quick Change Machine) of electric vehicle, and changeable battery development, and the purpose was to develop the essential technology for quick battery change.
QCM of electric vehicle was robot-based battery change equipment system, collecting the discharged battery from the electric vehicle and changing it with the full-charged battery, and the purpose was to quickly change the battery, an essential part of electric vehicle, in using of Quick Top Change Mechanism technology.
The contents of major related development included QCM system design and structural analysis, image processing technology realization for QCM applied location correction, QCM application status check and control communication module development, quick charger and charging distribution module development, convergence operation system development for automated unmanned operation of E-BUS/QCM/MCS, and etc.
As QTPE-BUS was battery swapping type E-BUS in support of QTP mechanism changing the battery on the top part of the bus to share the standardized battery, smooth battery change mechanism with QCM was designed and applied, communication technology stably performing communication between communication and management server of QCMs was applied, and E-BUS safety operation control system, motion control system, roof door safety operation control system, suspension system preventing rollover, quick charging technology between MCS and QTPE-BUS for mobile charging were developed and applied.
As MCS was electric vehicle supporting system based on commercial vehicle performing emergency charging function in incidents, vehicles equipped with battery change and quick charging module, MCS vehicles equipped with DC-DC charger, and MCS wire harness and self-charging technology were developed.
Functions of driving of QTPE-BUS, developed common battery optimized for MCS charging, and heating according to driving and charging of vehicle were verified to secure the performance and safety. System logics for each facility management and operation of QTPE-BUS, QCM, MCS, and etc. were designed/verified and finally convergence operation management technology for QTPE-BUS, QCM, MCS, and etc. was developed in realization of communication module and software platform technology.
Moreover, effective battery life cycle management technology was proposed to increase the reuse rate of expensive battery and lay the ground for stable logistics operation in the supply chain.
□ Safety Evaluation Technology Development for Electric vehicle Transportation Safety System Convergence
The goal of the safety evaluation technology development for the electric vehicle transportation safety system convergence was to obtain the safety for various use environments such as electrical, mechanical, environmental, and structural useenvironments required for supply diffusion of the electric vehicle transportation convergence charge infrastructure, performing the study in pursuit of obtaining the safety with charging system, battery, and the electric bus as the center.
The main researches included the fundamental technology researches for the safety evaluation of transportation convergence charge system, for safety test of battery for QTPE-BUS and safety management certificate system and the safety evaluation, and for the safety evaluation of QTPE-BUS and development of the evaluation method, the establishment for safety management items of QTPE-BUS and the system, and the development of evaluation technology for battery performance/ life cycle/ and environmental resistance, and the electrical safety of QTP charge infrastructure was secured through standard development of electrical facility and the ground for technology export was set up through manual development for overseas certificate.
□ Establishment of Test Bed
In the final 3rdyear, the technology developed in the 2ndyear was improved and applied to manufacture the prototype and the result of study was practically applied to the operation of site to find out potential problems in the initial period to improve it and prove the possibility of commercialization for QTPE-BUS system and the test bed was established accordingly. The target region of test bed is Pohang-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea; as the shuttle bus of senior welfare center with 22km route was operated for 4 times daily, there were improvements in operation of the bus and the system through trial operation and monitoring in the test bed and the possibility of commercialization was proved through smooth operation of the route.
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