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Kafe 바로가기주관연구기관 | 한국철도기술연구원 Korea Railroad Research Institute |
보고서유형 | 7단계보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 | 한국어 |
발행년월 | 2011-06 |
주관부처 | 국토교통부 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport |
연구관리전문기관 | 국토교통과학기술진흥원 Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement |
등록번호 | TRKO201600003698 |
DB 구축일자 | 2016-07-23 |
키워드 | 위험분석.위험도평가.안전요건.안전성검증.안전성인증.Hazard Analysis.Risk Assessment.Safety Requirements.Safety Verification.Safety Approval. |
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- 철도시스템 위험도 평가기술
- 철도시스템 핵심위험요인-안전요건 관리기술(RVM)
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■ 철도사고 위험 표준분류 모델 개발 및 시스템 위험도 평가기술 개발
- 철도 기본위험분석(PHA)
- 철도 사고진전 시나리오 개발 및 위험추적기술
- 철도 사고유형별 위험발생확률 평가기술
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- 철도시스템 위험도 평가기술
- 철도시스템 핵심위험요인-안전요건 관리기술(RVM)
- 철도 사고/장애 표준분류코드 및 위험분류체계 구축
- 철도 위험도 평가도구(전산모듈) 개발
- 철도시스템 안전투자 비용/편익 분석기술
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- 철도시스템 안전성 검증 및 인증 통합모델 개발
Ⅲ. R&D Results
a. Year 1
▪ Case collection of railway accidents and analysis of accident causes
- Collection of data of accidents/incidents of domestic train operating companies and analysis of accident causes
- Collection of data of accidents/incidents of foreign train operating compani
Ⅲ. R&D Results
a. Year 1
▪ Case collection of railway accidents and analysis of accident causes
- Collection of data of accidents/incidents of domestic train operating companies and analysis of accident causes
- Collection of data of accidents/incidents of foreign train operating companies and analysis of accident causes
1. Analysis of cases and causes of domestic railway accidents/incidents
- Analysis of the current state of railway accidents/incidents (`96-`04, KROIS)
- Analysis of the current state of subway accidents/incidents (`95-`04)
2. Analysis of cases and causes of critical accidents of foreign railways
- Train Collision accident, derailment accident, fire accident, Level Crossing accident
- Natural disaster, terror, train operating obstruction, casualty accident
- Integrated analysis
▪ Providing a standard model for classifying causes by type of railway accident
- Analysis of railway accident types in various countries and classification of the causes
- Providing a standard model for classifying causes by type of railway accident
1. Analysis of domestic classification and report system of railway accidents
- Classification and definition of railway operation related accidents
- Disaster accidents (Railway Disaster Handling Regulations)
2. Analysis of foreign classification and report system of railway accidents
- US FRA guidelines for making incident/accident reports
- Sweden's classification and report system of railway accidents
- Australia's classification and report system of railway accidents
- British Railway Group's classification and report system of railway accidents
- Japan's classification and report system of railway accidents
- Comparison of each country's classification and report system of railway accidents
3. Review of hazard analysis cases of domestic and foreign railway accidents
- Domestic analysis of hazard factors by railway accident type
- US FRA's analysis of hazard factors by railway accident type
- Britain's analysis of hazard factors by railway accident type
- Australia's analysis of hazard factors by railway accident type
- SNCF's analysis of hazard factors by railway accident type
4. Providing a system for classifying domestic railway accidents-results
5. Providing a standard model for classifying causes by type of railway accident
▪ Railway System PHA
- Hazard analysis and making a hazard log
- Making system-level PHA
1. Development of risk based safety management
- Procedure for PHA
- Confirmation of hazard conditions and hazard events
2. Analysis of hazard management strategy of railway system
- Hazard management by SNCF's risk quantification
- Canada's hazard management responding to hazard factors of railway accidents
- Britain's hazard management strategy by railway safety performance assessment
3. Making hazard logs of railway critical accidents and PHA
- Train Collision accident, derailment accident, fire accident
- Level Crossing accident, casualty accident
b. Year 2
▪ Development of accident occurrence scenario by the progress stage of railway accidents
-Development of step-by-step progress mechanism from early hazardous events to consequential accident occurrence
ㅇDevelopment of accident occurrence scenario by railway critical accident
1. Development of step-by-step accident progress mechanism of Train Collision/derailment accidents
2. Development of step-by-step accident progress mechanism of fire accidents
3. Development of step-by-step accident progress mechanism of Level Crossing accidents
▪ Development of technology tracing hazard by the progress stage of railway accidents and calculating the occurrence frequency
- Tracing hazard factors by critical accident and calculating the occurrence frequency (Analysis of ‘05 KORAIL accident data)
1. Tracing hazard and calculating the occurrence frequency at Train Collision accidents
2. Tracing hazard and calculating the occurrence frequency at derailment accidents
3. Tracing hazard and calculating the occurrence frequency at fire accidents
4. Tracing hazard and calculating the occurrence frequency at Level Crossing accidents
▪ Analysis of accident severity and risk assessment system through analysis of domestic and foreign cases
1. Collection/analysis of domestic and foreign accident statistics and consequential damage data
2. Analysis of the current state of technology development of domestic and foreign risk assessment system
▪ Conducting FTA and ETA for railway accidents
1. Conducting FTA and ETA for Train Collision accidents
2. Conducting FTA and ETA for derailment accidents
3. Conducting FTA and ETA for fire accidents
4. Conducting FTA and ETA for Level Crossing accidents
▪ Providing accident/incident standard classification (report) codes and hazard classification guidelines (proposal)
1. Providing a standard system (proposal) for reporting results of railway accidents
- Providing guidelines (proposal) for reporting and investigating railway accidents
2. Providing a standard system (proposal) for classifying the causes of railway accidents
- Train Collision, derailment, fire and Level Crossing accidents
▪ Support of scenario development and development of basic module of railway risk workstaion (Manufacture of prototype)
1. Development of railway accident history DB and search program for assessing risk
2. Support of development of scenarios of railway critical accidents
- Preliminary quantitative assessment of Train Collision/derailment accidents scenario and development of R-ETA S/W architecture
- Preliminary quantitative assessment of fire accidents scenario and development of R-ETA S/W architecture
- Preliminary quantitative assessment of Level Crossing accidents scenario and development of R-ETA S/W architecture
3. Development of R-ETA module by the scenario of railway critical accident
4. Analysis of human error shaping factors and selection of R-HRA assessment methods
c. Year 3
▪ Development of progress mechanism of railway accident hazard factors into critical accidents
1. Development of the scenario of Train Collision accident occurrence
2. Development of the scenario of derailment accident occurrence
3. Development of the scenario of fire accident occurrence
4. Development of the scenario of Level Crossing accident occurrence
5. Development of the scenario of casualty accident
(passengers/public/employees) occurrence
▪ Development of technology of quantitative assessment of hazard tracing/hazard probability by railway accident type
1. Development and assessment of the model assessing the occurrence frequency of Train Collision accidents
2. Development and assessment of the model assessing the occurrence frequency of derailment accidents
3. Development and assessment of the model assessing the occurrence frequency of fire accidents
4. Development and assessment of the model assessing the occurrence frequency of Level Crossing accidents
5. Development and assessment of the model assessing the occurrence frequency of casualty accidents
▪ Development of the model of assessing consequence severity by railway accident type and cause
1. Development of severity assessment model according to the progress of hazard factors
- Development of severity assessment model of Train Collision/derailment accidents
- Development of severity assessment model of fire/Level Crossing accidents
- Development of severity assessment model of casualty accidents
2. Development of risk assessment model according to the change of safety requirements
- Development of risk assessment model of Train Collision/derailment accidents
- Development of risk assessment model of fire/Level Crossing accidents
- Development of risk assessment model of casualty accidents
▪ Development of technology of railway system core hazard factors - safety requirements management system
1. Providing connectivity between allocation of hazard factors and safety requirements
- Allocation of hazard event - hazard factor
- Review of safety measures by hazard factor
- Analysis of object of regulation of safety requirements
- Research on the way of constructing an independent review system of railway risk assessment and safety approval (Commissioned)
▪ Development of a tool for assessing railway risk
-Railway Risk Information Management System-Rev.0 Development of risk assessment software
(Collaborated by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI))
- Support of ET/FTA based railway risk assessment
- Development of Windows based S/W for assessing risk according to ET/FTA based railway risk assessment procedures
- Development of S/W for managing web-based railway risk information for analyzing railway accident/incident data
d. Year 4
▪ Development of technology of quantitative assessment of hazard probability by the progress stage of cause-consequence of railway accident
1. Supplementation of railway accident scenarios and renewal of hazard logs
2. Making and distributing the railway accident risk assessment procedures
3. Development of software for assessing the railway risk
- Supplementation of the railway accident risk assessment (Rev.1 release) module
- Supplementation of hazard analysis-risk assesment information support module (web-based)
▪ Development of technology of assessing risk of railway system
1. Development of risk assessment indicators by accident type
2. Review of conformity of risk assessment results by accident type
3. Review of connectivity between risk assessment results by accident type and accident D/B
▪ Development of technology for constructing RVM management system for railway system core hazard factors
1. Allocation of safety requirements by railway accident hazard factor
- Establishment of ways of allocation of hazard factor - safety requirement and management plans
2. Development of the system assessing the conformity of safety requirements (Independent review)
3. Development of safety requirement verification and management (RVM) module
- Development of safety principles, safety guidelines, safety measures management module
▪ Research on the concept of the operating system and review of core technology
1. Analysis of the procedure for human resources information management for assessing system safety
2. Review of the procedure for hazard analysis, assessment, measures, implementation and review for assessing system safety
▪ Deriving of the safety assessment system
1. Analysis of data system required for safety assessment test/interpretation
2. Providing the procedure managing test, diagnosis and approval data for assessing system safety
- Definition of verification requirements of railway safety assessment program
- Research of railway safety assessment procedure and TEP development
▪ Development and research of safety assessment program
1. Research on the strategies of interfacing the safety assessment model with the risk assessment model
2. Research on the measures against operating failure of distributed DB structure and ways of maintaining reliability
3. Development and research of the system classifying the authority of access to the safety assessment information
4. Development of railway system safety assesment operating program
▪ Development and research of decision support program
1. Research on establishment of the split criteria and stopping rules for decision data
2. Design of risk based decision support program
- Design of the algorithm implementing decision support framework
▪ Other achievements
○ Support of (complete) revision of railway accident reporting guidelines (Nov. 2007)
○ Railway risk assessment technology seminar (Mar. 2008)/technical support
○ Development of railway safety management E-learning education materials for Korea Transportation Safety Authority
e. Year 5
▪ Development of railway system risk assessment technology: Construction of the program for assessing railway system risk
1. Providing risk assessment indicators by railway accident type
- Providing integrated risk assessment indicators of railway accident
- Providing common safety indicators (CSI) by railway accident type
2. Providing risk assessment procedures according to the occurrence of railway system modifying factors
- Making risk assessment guidelines/manuals
- Developing a risk assessment education program and distributing it to the actual field
3. Providing risk management procedures according to the occurrence of railway system modifying factors
- Providing the methods of managing the acceptable risk
- Providing the methods of allocating safety goals (overall risk)
- Providing qualitative risk management indicators (Risk-Matrix) and methods of managing risk
4. Development of railway system risk assessment technology : Development of software integrating risk assessment programs
- Development of software linked with Rail-PRISM
- Development of the system analyzing cost-benefit of risk information based safety measures
▪ Development of railway system core risk factors - safety requirements management technology (RVM)
: Verification of application of railway system risk factors/safety requirements management system
1. Assessment of linkage between railway system risk factors and safety criteria
- Providing the ways of managing railway system risk factors - safety requirements (RVM)
- Assessment of linkage between railway system risk factors and safety requirements/traceability
2. Verification of conformity between railway system risk factors and accident D/B
- Supplementation of accident hazard analysis D/B
- Linkage with ET/FT dedicated inquiry program
- Conducting function tests for verifying conformity of RVM management software
▪ Development of the techniques of cost-benefit analysis on investment in the railway system safety: Prioritization of hazard and establishment of analysis standard of safety investment
1. Prioritization of railway system hazards and development of VPF technology
- Providing railway accidents risk profile
- Providing the ways of managing acceptable risk of railway accidents
- Criteria of assessment of railway accident VPF
2. Suggesting safety improvement goals by cost-benefit analysis of risk prevention measures
- Providing CBA methodology for cost-benefit analysis of safety investment
3. Development of railway risk assessment optimization software
- Development of software for railway CBA
- Development of software for railway accident VPF
▪ Research and development of safety verification and approval model (2)
1. Requirements analysis for linkage with year 4 railway safety SE
2. Suggesting the ways of supporting hazard prediction based on safety verification and approval
- Research on the ways of securing the reliability of cost-benefit data
- Establishing the methods of development of activity model based simulation model predicting operation hazard after being input risk management level, safety measures, scenarios for accident/hazard/deviation
▪ Research and development of decision support model (3)
1. Research into rolling stock power supply technology as a field survey on domestic and foreign technology development
2. Analysis of power activity model
3. Power activity function analysis and review
4. Definition of rolling stock power activity based decision support factors
5. Development of decision making procedures reflecting British SMS system and risk analysis procedures
6. Design of function analysis-oriented decision making framework
7. Review of British asset management plans and correlations
8. Reflection of IEC 61508 hazard identification procedures (Functional Hazard Analysis)
9. Analysis of correlation between safety management and quality control
▪ Research and development of model for safety approval (1)
1. Research and development of model for deciding the conformity of hazard
2. Research and development of model for deciding the conformity of hazard analysis
3. Research and development of model for deciding the conformity of accident scenario
4. Design of the prototype for safety assessment
- Construction of safety assessment process based on SMS (Safety Management System) of railway advanced countries including Europe, Britain and Australia
- Assessment of similarity between SMS and ESM through the morphological analysis based potential meaning analysis technique
- Construction and development of SMS and ESM assessment methodologies based on semi-ontology technique utilizing the concept structure
f. Year 6
▪ Prioritization of railway system hazards and development of VPF technology
1. Providing railway accident risk profile
- Making risk profile by kind of railway accident: based on the recent 6 years' accidents analysis
- Prioritization of railway system hazards based on the risk profile and review of safety measures
2. Providing the assessment criteria of railway accident VPF
- Analysis of railway accident VPF methodology
- Suggestion of railway accident VPF
- Review of application of railway accident VPF assessment methods
3. Setting up railway safety goals and suggesting safety indicator management plans
- Analysis of railway accident acceptable risk level
- Comparison of railway accident risk levels by F-N Curve
- Setting up railway safety goals and suggesting safety indicator management plans
- Support of putting the railway system risk assessment to practical use and distribution of manuals
▪ Suggesting safety improvement goals by cost-benefit analysis of risk prevention measures
1. Setting up railway safety goals by cost-benefit analysis of safety investment and suggesting safety indicator management plans
- Analysis of accident costs and safety gain components
- Suggesting cost-benefit analysis (CBA) procedures
- Review and presentation of risk assessment based CBA cases
▪ Development of railway risk assessment tool (4): Rail-PRISM (Rev.2) Verification and distribution of integrated analysis module
1. Development and verification of CBA tool for railway risk information based safety measures
- Development and verification of Rail-PRISM integrated software
- Revision of software for front-end integrated analysis (R-RiskAnalyzer)
2. Maintaining linkage with safety requirements management system and accident D/B system and verification of conformity
- Development and verification of software for verification of railway safety requirements and tracing management
▪ Development of safety approval and verification model
1. Development of safety approval and verification model
- Analysis of procedures managing technical data of measures for improvement of safety
- Development of education manual for operating models
2. Development of safety approval model
- Development of the model for deciding conformity of safety requirements
- Development of the model for deciding conformity of integrated safety measures
3. Verification/test for the prototype of safety verification and approval model
g. Year 7
▪ Research on the operation plans of railway system safety model
1. Providing procedures for data analysis by life cycle
- Data analysis of SMS and providing the procedures
- Data analysis of ESM (Engineering Safety Management) and providing the procedures
2. Research on the operation plans of safety verification and approval model
- Improvement of system user environment for a pilot operation
- Making user education manuals for a pilot operation
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