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Kafe 바로가기주관연구기관 | 도화엔지니어링 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 | 한국어 |
발행년월 | 2011-05 |
주관부처 | 국토교통부 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport |
연구관리전문기관 | 국토교통과학기술진흥원 Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement |
등록번호 | TRKO201600003708 |
DB 구축일자 | 2016-07-09 |
키워드 | 개략공사비.공사비관리.도로공사.하천공사.공사비 실무 매뉴얼.approximate construction cost.cost management.road construction.river construction.practical cost management manual. |
• 도로ㆍ하천공사 실시설계 공사비 자료 수집 및 DB 구축
• 도로공사 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
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- 도로 공사 개략공사비 산정모델 Pilot test 실시 및 보완
• 하천공사 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
- 이치수형 하천 및 자연형 하천, 하도준설공 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
- 하천 공사 개략공사비 산정모델 Pilot test 실시 및 보완
• 도로ㆍ하천 공사 작업조 기반 생산성 정보 Prototype 개발
• 도로ㆍ하천분야 공
• 도로ㆍ하천공사 실시설계 공사비 자료 수집 및 DB 구축
• 도로공사 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
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- 도로 공사 개략공사비 산정모델 Pilot test 실시 및 보완
• 하천공사 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
- 이치수형 하천 및 자연형 하천, 하도준설공 개략공사비 산정 모델 개발
- 하천 공사 개략공사비 산정모델 Pilot test 실시 및 보완
• 도로ㆍ하천 공사 작업조 기반 생산성 정보 Prototype 개발
• 도로ㆍ하천분야 공사비 산정 실무매뉴얼 작성
IV. Results of Research Development
1. Cost Estimation Model for Road Construction
□ In this study, cost estimation model for planning·feasibility studyㆍdesign stage was developed for the purpose of wide application during the execution of construction projects
□ Total construction cost CBR
IV. Results of Research Development
1. Cost Estimation Model for Road Construction
□ In this study, cost estimation model for planning·feasibility studyㆍdesign stage was developed for the purpose of wide application during the execution of construction projects
□ Total construction cost CBR model developed for planning phase, estimates the total construction cost including road and structures(bridge&tunnel) whereas road construction cost CBR model and design phase model developed for feasibility study and only estimates the road construction excluding structure facilities.
□ Information availability of each phase was taken into account during model development, and each model requires similar input variables as the existing models.
□ Cost estimation model for planning and feasibility study phases retrieves the most similar project cases in the past and uses their weighted average to calculate the construction cost.
□ During this approach, five project cases with the highest similarity score are retrieved, followed by three-step adjustments, namely, similarity score correction, road-length corrention, and construction cost index correction.
□ Validation results for CRB models are as follows : Total construction cost CBR model(27.54% average error rate), road construction cost CBR model(19.87% average error rate). The models outperformed the existing models which have 80% and 50% error rate, respectively.
□ Design phase cost estimation model used representative-quantity based cost calculation method, considering the available information of the phase.
□ The major cost components of road construction, namely, earthwork, slope stabilization work, drainage work, pavement work, traffic safety facility, and appurtenant work were thoroughly investigated with respect to their cost items and their cost proportions in the detailed statement. The target major cost components were selected, considering their predictability.
□ The target sub-items of the selected major cost components were selected for quantity estimation. The selected sub-items are referred to as representative items or major items, and their quantities were calculated using multivariate regression analysis. The cost of rest of the sub-times, namely, minor items, were calculated by applying certain ratio values to the cost of the major items.
□ As a result, earthwork, drainage work, and pavement work components were selected as target for quantity estimation and they consists of 14, 16, and 28(14 for asphalt / 13 for concrete) major sub-items respectively. The total of 57 major representative quantities were chosen for quantity estimation. The developed model shows 25.6% average error rate, which is acceptable to AACE standards.
2. Cost Estimation Model for River Construction
□ Surveying the characteristic of river-structure construction and project ordering status after 2000 for basic survey. And understanding main construction work type and analyzing detail process as collecting bill of performance.
□ Develop and suggest the performance collecting type and performance information system with 4-step hierarchical structure for construction cost information collection and accumulation and construction characteristic variable of river-structure construction ordered with various type. Then accumulate the collected performance data in 1st year.
□ Suggest approximated construction cost estimation system with embankment as standard unit, detecting variable which effect on construction cost with main construction work types. Then analyze the correlation between the detected variable and construction cost.
□ According to characteristic of river-structure construction type and various surveyedㆍanalyzed result, developㆍsuggest approximated construction cost estimating methodology and framework with standard cost(won/m) or rate(%) applying to main construction work type.
□ Cost estimation model for river-structure construction at planning phase was developed as follows.
□ Select the 4 type representative section through analyzed various river bank, and the amount is estimated with each representative section.
□ Perform analysis of importance by each detailed design specification for promoting accuracy of cost estimation, and select representative work type following analysis of importance, and it can revise cost of main work type by percentage following analysis of data except on representative work type.
□ Structure construction is estimated following standard and unit number of each structure, and manger board construction is estimated same way as structure construction, appurtenant work and the other work is estimated following percentage of fine cost of construction.
□ As a result of comparing with detailed design cost to model presented by the study, we can get accuracy of -14%~10%, which is more improved model than the model provided by AACE.
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