보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
조선대학교 산학협력단 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2014-08 |
과제시작연도 |
2013 |
주관부처 |
보건복지부 [Ministry of Health & Welfare(MW)(MW) |
연구관리전문기관 |
한국보건산업진흥원 Korea Health Industry Development Institute |
등록번호 |
TRKO201600004398 |
과제고유번호 |
1465013484 |
사업명 |
첨단의료기술개발 |
DB 구축일자 |
키워드 |
근위축성 척삭 경화증.루게릭병.중간엽 줄기세포.세포치료.amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Lou Gehrig's disease.mesenchymal stem cells.cell therapy.
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201600004398 |
- 본 연구의 궁극적인 목적은 줄기세포의 등급화 및 활성유도를 통한 세포치료의 실효성 극대화임.
- 루게릭병 줄기세포 등급화 기준 확립: 본 연구에서 설정된 Trophic/growth factor 유전자 및 노화 관련 유전자들의 발현분석, Would healing 법, Senescence associate b-gal assay법을 이용하여 등급화 함.
- 루게릭병 줄기세포의 활성유도법 제시: 유전자 발현조절 물질 및 항-노화물질을 이용하여 줄기세포를 활성유도하고, 신경세포로 분화 촉진을 개선함.
- SCI 논문 성과
- 본 연구의 궁극적인 목적은 줄기세포의 등급화 및 활성유도를 통한 세포치료의 실효성 극대화임.
- 루게릭병 줄기세포 등급화 기준 확립: 본 연구에서 설정된 Trophic/growth factor 유전자 및 노화 관련 유전자들의 발현분석, Would healing 법, Senescence associate b-gal assay법을 이용하여 등급화 함.
- 루게릭병 줄기세포의 활성유도법 제시: 유전자 발현조절 물질 및 항-노화물질을 이용하여 줄기세포를 활성유도하고, 신경세포로 분화 촉진을 개선함.
- SCI 논문 성과: 현재 총 5편의 SCI 논문이 게재 및 투고함(국제 SCI논문 2편 게재, SCI 3편 투고).
- 국내외 학술회의 발표: 국제 학술회의 4회, 국내 학술회의 8회 발표함.
- 특허 출원 성과: 국내 특허 출원 1건함.
- 학위생 배출: 본 연구와 관련하여 총 5명의 학위생이 수혜를 받음. 석사 1명, 학사 2명이 학위를 수여함.
Ⅰ. The purpose
- Recently, stem cell therapy has been highlighted. However, the different therapeutic efficacies have been obtained according to the state of the donor stem cells. It suggests that the estimate of stem cell capacities need to be analyzed prior to treatment in stem cell therapy.
Ⅰ. The purpose
- Recently, stem cell therapy has been highlighted. However, the different therapeutic efficacies have been obtained according to the state of the donor stem cells. It suggests that the estimate of stem cell capacities need to be analyzed prior to treatment in stem cell therapy.
- In this study, we have established the grading criteria of ALS stem cells and provided the strategy how to reactivate the decline stem cells.
Ⅱ. Research contents and Scope
- Characterization of ALS-MSCs. To classify the ALS-MSCs we have done the Flow cytometry analysis, real-time PCR with various Trophic/growth factor ANG, BDNF, CXCR4, ECGF, FGF, GDNF, HGF, HIF, IGF, Nestin, PIGF, Pix, SDF, TGF, VEGF, and the aging factors, TERT, ATM, p21, p53, p16, Oct-4. We also analysized the ALS-MSCs using wound healing assay, neruonal differentiation assay.
- The reactivation of declined stem cells were induced by the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, RG108 and evaluate the improvement of cell protective effect, migration ability, anti-aging effects. Histone deacetylase inhibitor, valproic acid also (VPA) promotes neuronal differentiation.
- We have confirmed the re-active effects (anti-aging gene modulation, improved migration ability, b-gal assay, and protective effects) in RG108 treated ALS-MSCs.
Ⅲ. R & D results
- Establishment of grading criteria in ALS stem cells using by trophic/growth factors, ANG, FGF-2, HGF, IGF, PIGF, SDF, TGF-b, VEGF and aging related factors, TERT, ATM, p53, p16, would healing method, senescence associate b-gal assay method.
- Present strategy for the reactivation of declined stem cells. Improvement of stem cell capacities (reactivation and differentiation) using the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor RG108, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor VPA, and anti-aging material resveratrol (RSV).
Ⅳ. Utilization of research results
- Can be expected the therapeutic effect of the donor stem cells prior to treatment in stem cell therapy.
- Since the materials investigated in this study have been widely used for pharmacological drug for several decades, further study may bring it to apply to preclinical study.
- Technology presents in this study may applicable to other type degenerative diseases.
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