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[국가R&D연구보고서] Pathways to a Peaceful Korean Peninsula: Denuclearization, Reconciliation and Cooperation
Pathways to a Peaceful Korean Peninsula: Denuclearization, Reconciliation and Cooperation 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 민족통일연구원
연구책임자 도경옥
참여연구자 노정호 , Henri Féron
언어 대한민국
과제시작연도 2016
주관부처 국무조정실
The Office for Government Policy Coordination
과제관리전문기관 통일연구원
Korea Institute for National Unification
등록번호 TRKO201800023055
과제고유번호 1105011632
사업명 통일연구원
DB 구축일자 2018-06-23
DOI https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201800023055



In the present volume, we analyze the dramatic escalation of tensions that accompanied the North Korean nuclear tests of January and September 2016 and that now threatens to trigger a new war on the Korean peninsula. We discuss the driving forces of the Korean nuclear crisis, review the soundness of

목차 Contents

  • COVER ... 1
  • EDITORS ... 8
  • PREFACE ... 16
  • PART I. Reflecting on Seventy Years of Diplomacy ... 32
  • CHAPTER 1. The Legal Framework of DiplomacyUnder the San Francisco System: Korea and the Formation of a New Legal Order/Jeong-Ho Roh ... 34
  • CHAPTER 2. What Have Twenty-Five Yearsof Nuclear Diplomacy Achieved?/Leon V. Sigal ... 60
  • CHAPTER 3. The Future of US Policy toward North Koreaand the Role of South Korea/Joel S. Wit and Sun Young Ahn ... 88
  • PART II. Assessing the Current Spiral of Escalation ... 106
  • CHAPTER 4. The Endgame Question: Where Is Escalation Leading Us, and Is It Worth It?/Alexandre Y. Mansourov ... 108
  • CHAPTER 5. Sanctions and North Korea: The Absence of a Humanitarian Emergency and the Crisis of Development/Hazel Smith ... 150
  • CHAPTER 6. Sanctions against North Korea: An Analysis from an International Human Rights Law Perspective/Kyung-ok Do ... 174
  • PART III. Proposing a De-Escalation ... 204
  • CHAPTER 7. Internal Conditions for Rapprochement: What Kind of Economic Opening Is Feasible?/Rüdiger Frank ... 206
  • CHAPTER 8. External Conditions for Rapprochement: What Avenues and Opportunities Would a North Korean Opening Up Present for the United States and Korea?/Chang-Seok Yang ... 234
  • CHAPTER 9. State Succession in the Context ofKorean Unification/Ye Joon Rim ... 266
  • CHAPTER 10. Proposing a Model of Reunification to Solvethe Korean Nuclear Crisis/Henri Féron ... 294
  • INDEX ... 346
  • End of Page ... 353

표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (25)

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