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회피가능한 사망에 미치는 지역 영향요인 분석: 2010~2019
Regional Factors Affecting the Avoidable Mortality: 2010~2019 원문보기

병원경영학회지 = Korea journal of hospital management, v.27 no.1, 2022년, pp.43 - 57  

이현지 (연세대학교 일반대학원 보건행정학과) ,  이광수 (연세대학교 일반대학원 보건행정학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Avoidable mortality rate has been widely used as an indicator of the quality of health care and the degree of inequality in health levels. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the avoidable mortality rate in the region. Methods: The data was MDIS(Microdata Inte...


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