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[국내논문] Value Addition Span of Silkworm Cocoon - Time for Utility Optimization 원문보기

International journal of industrial entomology, v.17 no.1, 2008년, pp.109 - 113  

Reddy, R. Manohar (Central Tasar Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Realizing the scope of utilizing by-products of silk cocoons by applying appropriate methods is the immediate crave to optimize returns. The nutritive value of pupae suits for human diet, feed for poultry, carps, fish, rabbits, piggery and dogs. The pupal skin, fat, oil, cocoon palade have applicati...


참고문헌 (22)

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  4. Datta, R. N., A. Sarkar and S. K. Das (2007) Glucosamine from Eri silkworms. Indian Silk. 46(2), 22 

  5. Ghosh, M. K. (2005) Utilization of silkworm pupae in pisciculture. Indian Silk. 44(6), 11 

  6. Han, S. M., Y. S. Suk, H. J. Baek, H. R. Park and M. S. Han (2002) Effects of silkworm extract on streptozotocin - induced diabetic rats. Int. J. Indust. Entomol. 5, 201-204 

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  9. Koundinya, P. R. and K. Thangavelu (2005) Silk proteins in biomedical research. Indian Silk. 43(11), 5-8 

  10. Kumaresan, P., R. K. Sinha and S. R. Urs (2007) Sericin -. A versatile by-product. Indian Silk. 45(12), 11-13 

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  13. Ramakanth and K. V. A. Raman (1997) Cocoon Pelade for better health. Indian Silk. 35(8&9), 35 

  14. Ramesh, S., C. S. Kumar, S. V. Seshagiri, K. I. Basha, H. Lakshmi, C. G. P. Rao and Chandrashekaraiah (2005) Silk filament its pharmaceutical applications. Indian Silk. 44(2), 15&19 

  15. Sahay, A., B. K. Singh, S. Deori and P. K. Mukherjee (1997) Ericulture : Nature's gift. Indian Silk. 36(5), 25-28 

  16. Singh, K. C. and K. V. Benchamin (2001) Eri : Product diversification pays. Indian silk. 40(1), 11-15 

  17. Singh, K. C. and N. Suryanarayana (2003) Eri pupae A popular cuisine too. Indian Silk. 41(12), 57-58 

  18. Singh, R., G. V. Kalpana and T. Yamamoto (2002) Modern trends in Japanese sericulture research. Indian Silk. 40(12), 17-20 

  19. Raju, Ch. S. (1996) Utilization of sericultural By-products - A Chinese example. Indian Silk. 35(6&7), 19-20 

  20. Roychoudhury and K. C. Joshi (1995) Silkworm pupae as human food. Indian Silk. 34(3), 10 

  21. Vathsala, T.V. (1997) Creativity in cocoon crafts. Indian Silk. 36(2), 17-22 

  22. Velayudhan, K., N. Balachandran, R. K. Sinha and C. K. Kamble (2008) Utility of silkworm pupae : A new dimension as food and medicine. Indian Silk. 47(1), 11&18 

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