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Classification of Environmental Toxicants Using HazChem Human Array V2 원문보기

Molecular & cellular toxicology, v.5 no.3, 2009년, pp.250 - 256  

An, Yu-Ri (Department of Biochemistry, Hanyang University) ,  Kim, Seung-Jun (Department of Biochemistry, Hanyang University) ,  Park, Hye-Won (GenoCheck Co. Ltd.) ,  Kim, Jun-Sub (GenoCheck Co. Ltd.) ,  Oh, Moon-Ju (GenoCheck Co. Ltd.) ,  Kim, Youn-Jung (Cellular and Molecular Toxicology Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science & Technology) ,  Ryu, Jae-Chun (Cellular and Molecular Toxicology Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science & Technology) ,  Hwang, Seung-Yong (Department of Biochemistry, Hanyang University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Toxicogenomics using microarray technology offers the ability to conduct large-scale detections and quantifications of mRNA transcripts, particularly those associated with alterations in mRNA stability or gene regulation. In this study, we developed the HazChem Human Array V2 using the Agilent Sure-...


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문제 정의

  • The principal objective of this study was the biomarker identification of environmental toxicant groups and common expression gene discovery in environmental chemical-treated cells using a manufactured HazChem Human array V2. In this study, we assessed 6 of VOCs, 3 PAHs, 2 POPs and 2 EDCs lemi- cals.
  • The principal objective of this study was to validate the HazChem Human Array V2 on environmental toxicants. The HazChem Human Array V2 design was based on VOCs and PAHs groups of environmental toxicants.
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