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모바일 게임을 위한 카메라 및 가속도 센서 기반 증강현실
Using Camera and Acceleration Sensor in Augmented Reality for Mobile Game 원문보기

한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 no.23 2010년, pp.125 - 130  

최윤석 (중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원) ,  강성일 (중앙대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터공학과) ,  홍현기 (중앙대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Augmented Reality (AR) services on a smart phone have been developed actively in ubiquitous environment. This paper presents a novel mobile system using camera and accelerometer sensor built in iPhone. Using the camera sensing disables to deal with the case the marker for AR is occluded or the camera moves so fast. By using the output of the acceleration sensing in iPhone, the proposed method provides continuous AR application even though when the marker is undetected. The experimental results showed that we achieve a precise estimation of the device movement in AR application such as mobile game.

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선택된 텍스트
