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[국내논문] 딱지꽃 부위별 추출물의 피부세포에서의 효능 연구
The effects of Potentilla chinensis extract on skin anti-aging 원문보기

한국화장품미용학회지 v.5 no.3 2015년, pp.263 - 270  

모상현 (주바이오에프디엔씨) ,  이정훈 (주바이오에프디엔씨) ,  김형식 (주 바이오에프디엔씨) ,  여진희 (정선군 농업기술센터)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As natural plant-based industry has been expanded, the use of oriental medicinal plants as cosmeceutical material was received a lot of attentions in the cosmetic industry. Among various medicinal plants, Potentilla chinensis have been interested in its biological effects. Although several attempts were tried to study its biological effect as medicinal plant, only limited studies tried to evaluate its biological effect as cosmeceutical material. In this study, we examined the possibility of Potentilla chinensis extract as a cosmeceutical material. After extraction of Potentilla chinensis, biological evaluation including anti-inflammation, anti-wrinkle, whitening effect and moisturizing effect was performed as cosmeceutical material. As a result, the Potentilla chinensis extract showed remarkable biological activities through stimulating elastin and aquaporin-3, and inhibiting melanin synthesis, cyclooxygenase-2 expression and expression of metallopeptidase-1, respectively. These results show the potential use of Potentilla chinensis as a functional cosmetic material for anti-inflammatory, wrinkle improvement, skin hydration and whitening effects.

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