무학산에서 야생하고 있는 초피 생엽에서 수증기 증류법으로 얻은 정유가 함유하고 있는 주요 성분은 β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinenyl acetate, 2,6-octadien-1-ol 등 이었다. 초피 정유는 병원성, 감염성 세균인 초피 생엽에서 수증기 증류법으로 얻은 정유가 함유하고 있는 주요 성분은 β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinenyl acetate, 2,6-octadien-1-ol 등 이었다. 초피 정유는 병원성, 감염성 세균인 E. coli, P. aeruginosa와 부패균인 B. cereus에 대하여 현저한 생장저해를 나타냈으며, 정유의 양이 많을수록 뚜렷한 항균 작용을 나타냈다. E. coli와 P. aeruginosa의 경우에는 12시간 배양 후, B. cereus의 경우에는 24시간 배양 후 항균 효과가 각각 나타났다. 따라서 초피 잎의 정유는 항균 효과가 있으므로 천연 항균제로서의 개발 가능성이 높다고 생각된다.
무학산에서 야생하고 있는 초피 생엽에서 수증기 증류법으로 얻은 정유가 함유하고 있는 주요 성분은 β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinenyl acetate, 2,6-octadien-1-ol 등 이었다. 초피 정유는 병원성, 감염성 세균인 E. coli, P. aeruginosa와 부패균인 B. cereus에 대하여 현저한 생장저해를 나타냈으며, 정유의 양이 많을수록 뚜렷한 항균 작용을 나타냈다. E. coli와 P. aeruginosa의 경우에는 12시간 배양 후, B. cereus의 경우에는 24시간 배양 후 항균 효과가 각각 나타났다. 따라서 초피 잎의 정유는 항균 효과가 있으므로 천연 항균제로서의 개발 가능성이 높다고 생각된다.
In this study, the leaves of Zanthoxylum piperitum were sampled in the edge of Muhak mountain in Masan city, Gyungsangnam-do, South Korea, and distilled into essential oil. In the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil, the major compounds of Z. piperitum were β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-my...
In this study, the leaves of Zanthoxylum piperitum were sampled in the edge of Muhak mountain in Masan city, Gyungsangnam-do, South Korea, and distilled into essential oil. In the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil, the major compounds of Z. piperitum were β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinenyl acetate, 2,6-octadien-1-ol. The essential oil revealed a remarkable growth inhibition to E. coil and P. aeruginosa, pathogenic and infectious bacteria, and B. cereus, a septic bacteria, which was obvious with larger quantity of oil and longer cultivation time. After 12 hours' cultivation, essential oil revealed the first growth inhibition to E. coil and P. aeruginosa. After 24 hours' cultivation, the growth inhibition was also observed in B. cereus. Thus, the essential oil from the leaves of Zanthoxylum piperitum can be a very good candidate for a natural antimicrobial and the possibility of development is high.
In this study, the leaves of Zanthoxylum piperitum were sampled in the edge of Muhak mountain in Masan city, Gyungsangnam-do, South Korea, and distilled into essential oil. In the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil, the major compounds of Z. piperitum were β-phellandrene, citronella, α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinenyl acetate, 2,6-octadien-1-ol. The essential oil revealed a remarkable growth inhibition to E. coil and P. aeruginosa, pathogenic and infectious bacteria, and B. cereus, a septic bacteria, which was obvious with larger quantity of oil and longer cultivation time. After 12 hours' cultivation, essential oil revealed the first growth inhibition to E. coil and P. aeruginosa. After 24 hours' cultivation, the growth inhibition was also observed in B. cereus. Thus, the essential oil from the leaves of Zanthoxylum piperitum can be a very good candidate for a natural antimicrobial and the possibility of development is high.
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