최근, 건축물이 고층화, 심층화, 대형화 및 용도의 복합화, 다양화 되어감에 따라 화재 시 재산피해 뿐만 아니라 거주자의 인명안전 문제가 중대한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 특히, 생활수준의 향상으로 직통계단식 공동주택의 경우 고층화, 심층화되어 가고 있으며, 이러한 건축물들이 급격히 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 인구밀도가 세계 3위인 우리나라 건축물의 대형화, 심층화는 필연적이며 더욱 가속화 될 수밖에 없는 현실에 직면해 있다는 것을 말해주고 있다. 이 중, 고층화, 밀집화, 대형화되고 있는 추세를 보이고 있는 직통계단식 공동주택 및 아파트의 경우 다른 건물과 달리 유아, 노인 등 다양한 거주자들로 구성되어 있어 화재발생건수에 비해 인명피해가 높게 나타나므로 화재발생 시 신속한 경보 및 안전한 피난동선의 확보를 통해 거주자의 안전을 보장하는 것이 가장 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 사항이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 직통계단식 공동주택을 대상으로 화재 시 화염 및 연기의 확산으로부터 안전한 피난 및 소화활동을 할 수 있도록 부속실급기가압제연설비의 성능을 검토하여 다음과 같은 ...
최근, 건축물이 고층화, 심층화, 대형화 및 용도의 복합화, 다양화 되어감에 따라 화재 시 재산피해 뿐만 아니라 거주자의 인명안전 문제가 중대한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 특히, 생활수준의 향상으로 직통계단식 공동주택의 경우 고층화, 심층화되어 가고 있으며, 이러한 건축물들이 급격히 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 인구밀도가 세계 3위인 우리나라 건축물의 대형화, 심층화는 필연적이며 더욱 가속화 될 수밖에 없는 현실에 직면해 있다는 것을 말해주고 있다. 이 중, 고층화, 밀집화, 대형화되고 있는 추세를 보이고 있는 직통계단식 공동주택 및 아파트의 경우 다른 건물과 달리 유아, 노인 등 다양한 거주자들로 구성되어 있어 화재발생건수에 비해 인명피해가 높게 나타나므로 화재발생 시 신속한 경보 및 안전한 피난동선의 확보를 통해 거주자의 안전을 보장하는 것이 가장 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 사항이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 직통계단식 공동주택을 대상으로 화재 시 화염 및 연기의 확산으로부터 안전한 피난 및 소화활동을 할 수 있도록 부속실급기가압제연설비의 성능을 검토하여 다음과 같은 기대효과를 얻고자 하였다. 첫째, 화재로 인한 인명과 재산피해를 경감시킬 뿐만 아니라, 안전한 소화활동을 위한 개선방안을 제시 할 수 있다. 둘째, 직통계단식 공동주택 화재에 대한 위험성을 재고하고 화재로 인한 피해를 최소화함으로서 공공의 안녕에 이바지할 것이다. 셋째, 부속실급기가압제연설비의 성능을 실험적으로 평가함으로서 연기의 생성, 전파, 이동에 관한 공학적인 지식을 확립하고 이를 토대로 화재 및 피난안전설계 시 성능위주설계방안을 확립할 수 있을 것이다.
최근, 건축물이 고층화, 심층화, 대형화 및 용도의 복합화, 다양화 되어감에 따라 화재 시 재산피해 뿐만 아니라 거주자의 인명안전 문제가 중대한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 특히, 생활수준의 향상으로 직통계단식 공동주택의 경우 고층화, 심층화되어 가고 있으며, 이러한 건축물들이 급격히 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 인구밀도가 세계 3위인 우리나라 건축물의 대형화, 심층화는 필연적이며 더욱 가속화 될 수밖에 없는 현실에 직면해 있다는 것을 말해주고 있다. 이 중, 고층화, 밀집화, 대형화되고 있는 추세를 보이고 있는 직통계단식 공동주택 및 아파트의 경우 다른 건물과 달리 유아, 노인 등 다양한 거주자들로 구성되어 있어 화재발생건수에 비해 인명피해가 높게 나타나므로 화재발생 시 신속한 경보 및 안전한 피난동선의 확보를 통해 거주자의 안전을 보장하는 것이 가장 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 사항이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 직통계단식 공동주택을 대상으로 화재 시 화염 및 연기의 확산으로부터 안전한 피난 및 소화활동을 할 수 있도록 부속실급기가압제연설비의 성능을 검토하여 다음과 같은 기대효과를 얻고자 하였다. 첫째, 화재로 인한 인명과 재산피해를 경감시킬 뿐만 아니라, 안전한 소화활동을 위한 개선방안을 제시 할 수 있다. 둘째, 직통계단식 공동주택 화재에 대한 위험성을 재고하고 화재로 인한 피해를 최소화함으로서 공공의 안녕에 이바지할 것이다. 셋째, 부속실급기가압제연설비의 성능을 실험적으로 평가함으로서 연기의 생성, 전파, 이동에 관한 공학적인 지식을 확립하고 이를 토대로 화재 및 피난안전설계 시 성능위주설계방안을 확립할 수 있을 것이다.
I. Purpose and Necessity A fire should be accompanied by the heat and smoke. However, smoke is considered main cause of heavy casualties. Smoke easily spreads away from the fire area to remote space and cause mortal wound for the resident. A technical way effectively protecting the life and property...
I. Purpose and Necessity A fire should be accompanied by the heat and smoke. However, smoke is considered main cause of heavy casualties. Smoke easily spreads away from the fire area to remote space and cause mortal wound for the resident. A technical way effectively protecting the life and property from the smoke is smoke control system of the building. Pressurized air supply system can be considered to prevent the refuge area from the smoke infiltration that evacuate residents via evacuation route for life safety. * A thesis submitted to committee of the Graduate School of hoseo University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master Engineering in December, 2008 This paper is related with performance estimation and the effectiveness of the pressurized air supply system through experiments and FDS simulation considering the pressure differential of the indoor and elevator lobby with or without pressurized air supply, operating position of smoke control damper, status of the window openness, pull-push force, existing leakage area. II. Contents and Scopes 1. Analysis of smoke generation and propagation and movement ○ To investigate specific characteristic of the generated smoke according to the surrounding conditions of the combustibility in the apartment ○ To analyze the smoke spread, smoke layer thickness and evacuation time in the apartment ○ To interpretate and verify smoke movement through the fire simulation using FDS 2. Performance evaluation and improvement plan of pressurized air supply system for existing apartment ○ Experimental measurement of pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room ○ Smoke control velocity ○ Experiment for measuring pushing and pulling-force of the doors ○ Verification and counter plan for improving the efficiency of smoke control system Ⅲ. Conclusions and considerations 1. A results of experiment 1) Specific characteristics of pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room according to evacuation scenarios ○ Opened front door: designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. Upon closing the front door, pressure differential greatly increased above the design value. ○ Opened stairway door: designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. Upon closing stairway door, pressure differential is maintained. ○ Simultaneous opening of stairway door and front door: because pressure differential was released throughout stairway door, designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. 2) Results of measurement for smoke resistant velocity : smoke resistant velocity was maintained more than 0.7m/s with the air hole in the indoor(fire room). On the other hand, without air hole in the indoor(fire room), smoke resistant velocity cannot be obtained to more than 0.7m/s due to the back pressure from the fire room. 3) Results of the measurement of the door push-pull force : appears to vary according to the installation location of dampers, force range of the door releaser, the age and position of the refugee. 4) Result of indoor(fire room) de-pressurization : the pressure differential of de-pressurization was much lower than that of the pure pressurized air supply. 5) Result of flap valve installation : over_pressure differential wasn't occurred upon door opening and closure of the front door. 2. Results of fire simulation 1) Pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room by installing natural exhauster : In case of installing natural exhauster in the fire room, pressure differential range between elevator lobby and fire room was much lower than that of non-installing natural exhauster due to the discharge of smoke and heat. 2) Smoke resistant velocity with the installation of the natural exhauster : In case of installing natural exhauster in the fire room, smoke resistant velocity to the front door was larger than that of non-installing natural exhauster due to the discharge of smoke 3) Smoke movement of fire room and elevator lobby according to the evacuation scenarios with fire ○ Closure of front door : Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area. ○ Opening of front door: Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area because of smoke resistant velocity. ○ Opening of stairway door: Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area due to dynamic pressure of the air through the leakage area . ○ Simultaneous opening of front door and stairway door : In case of non-installing natural exhauster smoke penetration occurred more easily than installing natural exhauster through leakage area . Ⅴ. Improvement plan Through the study on the experiment and simulation of pressurized air supply system for performance estimation improvement plan can be drawn as follows. First, installation of air hole in the fire room can decrease pressure rising upon closure of the front door. Second, installing position damper should be considered with the system design of pressurized air supply to maintain appropriate pressurization and smoke resistant velocity. Third, the slight rise in the pressure differential of the elevator lobby and fire room can be controlled with the installation of flap damper. Fourth, for safe evacuation of the refuge during the opening and closing the doors the installation of the automatic door closure is strongly recommended and the appropriate education for pre-evacuation safety is required to the residents.
I. Purpose and Necessity A fire should be accompanied by the heat and smoke. However, smoke is considered main cause of heavy casualties. Smoke easily spreads away from the fire area to remote space and cause mortal wound for the resident. A technical way effectively protecting the life and property from the smoke is smoke control system of the building. Pressurized air supply system can be considered to prevent the refuge area from the smoke infiltration that evacuate residents via evacuation route for life safety. * A thesis submitted to committee of the Graduate School of hoseo University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master Engineering in December, 2008 This paper is related with performance estimation and the effectiveness of the pressurized air supply system through experiments and FDS simulation considering the pressure differential of the indoor and elevator lobby with or without pressurized air supply, operating position of smoke control damper, status of the window openness, pull-push force, existing leakage area. II. Contents and Scopes 1. Analysis of smoke generation and propagation and movement ○ To investigate specific characteristic of the generated smoke according to the surrounding conditions of the combustibility in the apartment ○ To analyze the smoke spread, smoke layer thickness and evacuation time in the apartment ○ To interpretate and verify smoke movement through the fire simulation using FDS 2. Performance evaluation and improvement plan of pressurized air supply system for existing apartment ○ Experimental measurement of pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room ○ Smoke control velocity ○ Experiment for measuring pushing and pulling-force of the doors ○ Verification and counter plan for improving the efficiency of smoke control system Ⅲ. Conclusions and considerations 1. A results of experiment 1) Specific characteristics of pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room according to evacuation scenarios ○ Opened front door: designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. Upon closing the front door, pressure differential greatly increased above the design value. ○ Opened stairway door: designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. Upon closing stairway door, pressure differential is maintained. ○ Simultaneous opening of stairway door and front door: because pressure differential was released throughout stairway door, designed pressure differential cannot be maintained. 2) Results of measurement for smoke resistant velocity : smoke resistant velocity was maintained more than 0.7m/s with the air hole in the indoor(fire room). On the other hand, without air hole in the indoor(fire room), smoke resistant velocity cannot be obtained to more than 0.7m/s due to the back pressure from the fire room. 3) Results of the measurement of the door push-pull force : appears to vary according to the installation location of dampers, force range of the door releaser, the age and position of the refugee. 4) Result of indoor(fire room) de-pressurization : the pressure differential of de-pressurization was much lower than that of the pure pressurized air supply. 5) Result of flap valve installation : over_pressure differential wasn't occurred upon door opening and closure of the front door. 2. Results of fire simulation 1) Pressure differential between elevator lobby and fire room by installing natural exhauster : In case of installing natural exhauster in the fire room, pressure differential range between elevator lobby and fire room was much lower than that of non-installing natural exhauster due to the discharge of smoke and heat. 2) Smoke resistant velocity with the installation of the natural exhauster : In case of installing natural exhauster in the fire room, smoke resistant velocity to the front door was larger than that of non-installing natural exhauster due to the discharge of smoke 3) Smoke movement of fire room and elevator lobby according to the evacuation scenarios with fire ○ Closure of front door : Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area. ○ Opening of front door: Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area because of smoke resistant velocity. ○ Opening of stairway door: Regardless of installing natural exhauster smoke penetration didn't occur through door leakage area due to dynamic pressure of the air through the leakage area . ○ Simultaneous opening of front door and stairway door : In case of non-installing natural exhauster smoke penetration occurred more easily than installing natural exhauster through leakage area . Ⅴ. Improvement plan Through the study on the experiment and simulation of pressurized air supply system for performance estimation improvement plan can be drawn as follows. First, installation of air hole in the fire room can decrease pressure rising upon closure of the front door. Second, installing position damper should be considered with the system design of pressurized air supply to maintain appropriate pressurization and smoke resistant velocity. Third, the slight rise in the pressure differential of the elevator lobby and fire room can be controlled with the installation of flap damper. Fourth, for safe evacuation of the refuge during the opening and closing the doors the installation of the automatic door closure is strongly recommended and the appropriate education for pre-evacuation safety is required to the residents.
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