자귀나무는 콩과에 속하는 낙엽교목이다. 한국, 중국, 동남아시아에 널리 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 합환피는 자귀나무의 수피를 건조한 것으로서 한방에서는 불면증, 이뇨, 강장, 회충증, 타박상의 치료에 사용되어 왔으며, 항암, 백혈병, 종양, 항바이러스 효과에도 좋은것으로 보고되어져 있다. 합환피 추출물이 ...
자귀나무는 콩과에 속하는 낙엽교목이다. 한국, 중국, 동남아시아에 널리 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 합환피는 자귀나무의 수피를 건조한 것으로서 한방에서는 불면증, 이뇨, 강장, 회충증, 타박상의 치료에 사용되어 왔으며, 항암, 백혈병, 종양, 항바이러스 효과에도 좋은것으로 보고되어져 있다. 합환피 추출물이 아토피 피부염의 악화를 유발하는 세균에 대한 방어력이 나타나 본 실험에서는 합환피로부터 아토피 증상 개선 물질을 찾기 위해 실험을 진행하였다. 합환피 70 % EtOH로 추출하여 EtOAc, n-BuOH, H2O로 분획하였으며, EtOAc 분획을 이용하여 3개의 triterpenoid, 1개의 sterol, 2개의 lignan를 SiO2, ODS, Sephadex LH-20 column을 이용하여 분리하였다. lupeol (1), spinasterol (2), betulinic acid (3), oleanolic acid (4), (-)-syrigaresinol (5), and (+)-lyoniresinol (6)로 고성능 분석 기기인 NMR, IR, MS를 이용하여 구조동정 하였다. 화합물 1-4, 6은 합환피에서 처음 분리되었다. 화합물 5-6은 DPPH radical 소거 활성 100μg/mL 농도에서 각각 55.5±9.65%, 81.4±0.93%를 나타내며, ABTS 소거 활성에서는 82.1±1.26%, 99.4±0.35%를 나타낸다. 또한 화합물 1, 3, 4는 ACAT억제활성을 나타내는데, ACAT-1은 50μg/mL 농도에서 각각 89.3±3.7%, 61.2±3.4%, 52.5±0.7%로 나타나고, ACAT-2은 50μg/mL 농도에서 각각44.3±2.1%, 55.5±0.3%, 22.0±2.6%로 나타낸다.
자귀나무는 콩과에 속하는 낙엽교목이다. 한국, 중국, 동남아시아에 널리 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 합환피는 자귀나무의 수피를 건조한 것으로서 한방에서는 불면증, 이뇨, 강장, 회충증, 타박상의 치료에 사용되어 왔으며, 항암, 백혈병, 종양, 항바이러스 효과에도 좋은것으로 보고되어져 있다. 합환피 추출물이 아토피 피부염의 악화를 유발하는 세균에 대한 방어력이 나타나 본 실험에서는 합환피로부터 아토피 증상 개선 물질을 찾기 위해 실험을 진행하였다. 합환피 70 % EtOH로 추출하여 EtOAc, n-BuOH, H2O로 분획하였으며, EtOAc 분획을 이용하여 3개의 triterpenoid, 1개의 sterol, 2개의 lignan를 SiO2, ODS, Sephadex LH-20 column을 이용하여 분리하였다. lupeol (1), spinasterol (2), betulinic acid (3), oleanolic acid (4), (-)-syrigaresinol (5), and (+)-lyoniresinol (6)로 고성능 분석 기기인 NMR, IR, MS를 이용하여 구조동정 하였다. 화합물 1-4, 6은 합환피에서 처음 분리되었다. 화합물 5-6은 DPPH radical 소거 활성 100μg/mL 농도에서 각각 55.5±9.65%, 81.4±0.93%를 나타내며, ABTS 소거 활성에서는 82.1±1.26%, 99.4±0.35%를 나타낸다. 또한 화합물 1, 3, 4는 ACAT억제활성을 나타내는데, ACAT-1은 50μg/mL 농도에서 각각 89.3±3.7%, 61.2±3.4%, 52.5±0.7%로 나타나고, ACAT-2은 50μg/mL 농도에서 각각44.3±2.1%, 55.5±0.3%, 22.0±2.6%로 나타낸다.
Albizia julibrissin Durazz (Leguminosae, silk flower) is a deciduous tree, growing abundantly in Korea. The dried stem bark of this plant has been used in China, Japan and Korea for the treatment of insomnia, diuresis, sthenia, ascariasis and contusion. It was also reported that A. julibrissin had t...
Albizia julibrissin Durazz (Leguminosae, silk flower) is a deciduous tree, growing abundantly in Korea. The dried stem bark of this plant has been used in China, Japan and Korea for the treatment of insomnia, diuresis, sthenia, ascariasis and contusion. It was also reported that A. julibrissin had the biological effect of anti-cancer, leukemia, tumor, antibacterial. The alcohol extracts improved some skin troubles caused by atopy. So this study was carried out to isolate effective compound from the stem bark of A. julibrissin. The dried stem bark of Albizia julibrissin was extracted in 70% aqueous EtOH, and concentrated extracts were partitioned with EtOAc, n-BuOH, and H2O, successively. From the EtOAc fraction, three triterpenoids were isolated through repeated silica gel and octadecyl silica gel column chromatography. Based on NMR, MS, and IR spectroscopic data, the chemical structures of the compounds were determined to be lupeol (1), spinasterol (2), betulinic acid (3), oleanolic acid (4), (-)-syrigaresinol (5), and (+)-lyoniresinol (6). This was the first report in which compounds 1-4 and 6 were isolated from the stem bark of Albizia julibrissin. Compounds 5 and 6 showed DPPH radical scavenging activity with 55.5±9.65% and 81.4±0.93%, respectively, at a concentration of 100 μg/mL and ABTS scavenging activity with 82.1±1.26% and 99.4±0.35%, respectively, at a concentration 100 μg/mL. Compounds 1, 3, and 4 showed inhibition activity on ACAT-1 with values of 89.3±3.7%, 61.2±3.4%, and 52.5±0.7%, respectively, at a concentration of 50 μg/mL and on ACAT-2 with values of 44.3±2.1%, 55.5±0.3%, and 22.0±2.6%, respectively, at a concentration of 50 μg/mL.
Albizia julibrissin Durazz (Leguminosae, silk flower) is a deciduous tree, growing abundantly in Korea. The dried stem bark of this plant has been used in China, Japan and Korea for the treatment of insomnia, diuresis, sthenia, ascariasis and contusion. It was also reported that A. julibrissin had the biological effect of anti-cancer, leukemia, tumor, antibacterial. The alcohol extracts improved some skin troubles caused by atopy. So this study was carried out to isolate effective compound from the stem bark of A. julibrissin. The dried stem bark of Albizia julibrissin was extracted in 70% aqueous EtOH, and concentrated extracts were partitioned with EtOAc, n-BuOH, and H2O, successively. From the EtOAc fraction, three triterpenoids were isolated through repeated silica gel and octadecyl silica gel column chromatography. Based on NMR, MS, and IR spectroscopic data, the chemical structures of the compounds were determined to be lupeol (1), spinasterol (2), betulinic acid (3), oleanolic acid (4), (-)-syrigaresinol (5), and (+)-lyoniresinol (6). This was the first report in which compounds 1-4 and 6 were isolated from the stem bark of Albizia julibrissin. Compounds 5 and 6 showed DPPH radical scavenging activity with 55.5±9.65% and 81.4±0.93%, respectively, at a concentration of 100 μg/mL and ABTS scavenging activity with 82.1±1.26% and 99.4±0.35%, respectively, at a concentration 100 μg/mL. Compounds 1, 3, and 4 showed inhibition activity on ACAT-1 with values of 89.3±3.7%, 61.2±3.4%, and 52.5±0.7%, respectively, at a concentration of 50 μg/mL and on ACAT-2 with values of 44.3±2.1%, 55.5±0.3%, and 22.0±2.6%, respectively, at a concentration of 50 μg/mL.
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