이 연구는 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자를 대상으로 섬망 예방 간호중재가 섬망 발생률과 중환자실 입원일 수를 감소시키고 간호중재의 효과를 보기위한 비 동등성 대조군 전후 시차 설계이다.
연구대상자는 일개 대학병원 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자 중 대조군 29명, 중재군 27명을 대상으로 시행하였다. 자료 수집은 대조군은 2014년 5월부터 6월까지 하였고, 중재군은 2014년 7월부터 8월까지 나누어 수집하였다. 측정도구는 진정흥분상태(RASS)와 CAM-ICU를 사용하였다. 진정상태에서 깨어나 RASS –3점 이상인자를 대상으로 중재군은 1일 1번, 2∼3일 2번, 4일은 1번 총 6번 간호중재를 시행하였다. 간호중재는 신체적 지지, 의사소통, 환경적 중재, 행동과 인지중재로 나누어 제공하였다. 일반적 특성, 질병 특성, 치료 특성으로 나누어 간호중재의 효과성을 분석하였다.
내과계 중환자실 입실한 환자의 섬망 발생률은 대조군은 8명(27.6%), 중재군 5명(18.5%)로 간호중재 후 섬망 발생은 수적 감소는 보였으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 질병 특성에 따른 중재군과 대조군을 비교한 결과, 질병의 중증도에서는 유의한 차이를 보였고, 치료적 특성에서는 ...
이 연구는 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자를 대상으로 섬망 예방 간호중재가 섬망 발생률과 중환자실 입원일 수를 감소시키고 간호중재의 효과를 보기위한 비 동등성 대조군 전후 시차 설계이다.
연구대상자는 일개 대학병원 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자 중 대조군 29명, 중재군 27명을 대상으로 시행하였다. 자료 수집은 대조군은 2014년 5월부터 6월까지 하였고, 중재군은 2014년 7월부터 8월까지 나누어 수집하였다. 측정도구는 진정흥분상태(RASS)와 CAM-ICU를 사용하였다. 진정상태에서 깨어나 RASS –3점 이상인자를 대상으로 중재군은 1일 1번, 2∼3일 2번, 4일은 1번 총 6번 간호중재를 시행하였다. 간호중재는 신체적 지지, 의사소통, 환경적 중재, 행동과 인지중재로 나누어 제공하였다. 일반적 특성, 질병 특성, 치료 특성으로 나누어 간호중재의 효과성을 분석하였다.
내과계 중환자실 입실한 환자의 섬망 발생률은 대조군은 8명(27.6%), 중재군 5명(18.5%)로 간호중재 후 섬망 발생은 수적 감소는 보였으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 질병 특성에 따른 중재군과 대조군을 비교한 결과, 질병의 중증도에서는 유의한 차이를 보였고, 치료적 특성에서는 인공호흡기 사용에서 유의한 차이를 보였다.
중환자실 입원일 수는 대조군은 평균 17.3±16.4일이고 중재군은 12.1±10.6일이었다. 입원일 수는 줄어들었지만 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다.
간호사들의 섬망 사정의 정확성과 간호중재의 적용이 활성화 되도록 섬망 관리를 위한 체계적 교육이 이루어져야 한다. 또한 다양한 중재와 다학제적인 협진, 섬망 예방적 중재에 대한 근거중심 실무 프로토콜 개발과 보급이 필요하다.
이 연구는 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자를 대상으로 섬망 예방 간호중재가 섬망 발생률과 중환자실 입원일 수를 감소시키고 간호중재의 효과를 보기위한 비 동등성 대조군 전후 시차 설계이다.
연구대상자는 일개 대학병원 내과계 중환자실에 입실한 환자 중 대조군 29명, 중재군 27명을 대상으로 시행하였다. 자료 수집은 대조군은 2014년 5월부터 6월까지 하였고, 중재군은 2014년 7월부터 8월까지 나누어 수집하였다. 측정도구는 진정흥분상태(RASS)와 CAM-ICU를 사용하였다. 진정상태에서 깨어나 RASS –3점 이상인자를 대상으로 중재군은 1일 1번, 2∼3일 2번, 4일은 1번 총 6번 간호중재를 시행하였다. 간호중재는 신체적 지지, 의사소통, 환경적 중재, 행동과 인지중재로 나누어 제공하였다. 일반적 특성, 질병 특성, 치료 특성으로 나누어 간호중재의 효과성을 분석하였다.
내과계 중환자실 입실한 환자의 섬망 발생률은 대조군은 8명(27.6%), 중재군 5명(18.5%)로 간호중재 후 섬망 발생은 수적 감소는 보였으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 질병 특성에 따른 중재군과 대조군을 비교한 결과, 질병의 중증도에서는 유의한 차이를 보였고, 치료적 특성에서는 인공호흡기 사용에서 유의한 차이를 보였다.
중환자실 입원일 수는 대조군은 평균 17.3±16.4일이고 중재군은 12.1±10.6일이었다. 입원일 수는 줄어들었지만 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다.
간호사들의 섬망 사정의 정확성과 간호중재의 적용이 활성화 되도록 섬망 관리를 위한 체계적 교육이 이루어져야 한다. 또한 다양한 중재와 다학제적인 협진, 섬망 예방적 중재에 대한 근거중심 실무 프로토콜 개발과 보급이 필요하다.
This study is a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design that is intended to see if nursing intervention for delirium prevention may reduce the incidence of delirium and the days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit and if there are any effects of nursing intervention in patients...
This study is a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design that is intended to see if nursing intervention for delirium prevention may reduce the incidence of delirium and the days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit and if there are any effects of nursing intervention in patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category.
As subjects of research, 29 patients are assigned to control group and 27 to intervention group, among the patients who are hospitalized to intensive care units of internal disease category in a university hospital. Data for control group were collected from May, 2014 to June, 2014 and data for intervention group were collected from July, 2014 to August, 2014. As measuring instrument, RASS(sedation and irritability) and CAM-ICU are used. In intervention group who woke up from the state of sedation and whose score is RASS–3 point or higher, nursing intervention is carried out once on the first day, twice on the 2nd and 3rd day, and once on the 4th day: 6 times in total. Nursing intervention is specifically sub-categorized into physical support, communication, environmental intervention, behavior, and cognitive intervention. It is divided into general characteristics, disease characteristics, and treatment characteristics to analyze the effects of nursing intervention.
Among patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category, the incidence of delirium is 27.6% (8 patients) in control group and 18.5%(5) in intervention group. After nursing intervention, the incidence of delirium showed a reduction in number, but it was not statistically significant.
As a result of comparing the intervention group with the control group depending on disease characteristics, they showed a significant difference in disease severity and also showed a significant difference in the use of artificial respirator.
The days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit is 17.38±16.39 days on average in control group and 12.07±10.63 in intervention group. The days of hospital treatment was reduced, but it did not show a statistically significant difference.
In conclusion, it seems to be necessary to conduct a systematic training of delirium management so that nurses can assess delirium as exactly as possible and nursing intervention can be activated. It is also necessary to develop and provide evidence-based practical protocols for various interventions, multidisciplinary collaboration, and delirium-preventive intervention.This study is a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design that is intended to see if nursing intervention for delirium prevention may reduce the incidence of delirium and the days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit and if there are any effects of nursing intervention in patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category.
As subjects of research, 29 patients are assigned to control group and 27 to intervention group, among the patients who are hospitalized to intensive care units of internal disease category in a university hospital. Data for control group were collected from May, 2014 to June, 2014 and data for intervention group were collected from July, 2014 to August, 2014. As measuring instrument, RASS(sedation and irritability) and CAM-ICU are used. In intervention group who woke up from the state of sedation and whose score is RASS–3 point or higher, nursing intervention is carried out once on the first day, twice on the 2nd and 3rd day, and once on the 4th day: 6 times in total. Nursing intervention is specifically sub-categorized into physical support, communication, environmental intervention, behavior, and cognitive intervention. It is divided into general characteristics, disease characteristics, and treatment characteristics to analyze the effects of nursing intervention.
Among patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category, the incidence of delirium is 27.6% (8 patients) in control group and 18.5%(5) in intervention group. After nursing intervention, the incidence of delirium showed a reduction in number, but it was not statistically significant.
As a result of comparing the intervention group with the control group depending on disease characteristics, they showed a significant difference in disease severity and also showed a significant difference in the use of artificial respirator.
The days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit is 17.38±16.39 days on average in control group and 12.07±10.63 in intervention group. The days of hospital treatment was reduced, but it did not show a statistically significant difference.
In conclusion, it seems to be necessary to conduct a systematic training of delirium management so that nurses can assess delirium as exactly as possible and nursing intervention can be activated. It is also necessary to develop and provide evidence-based practical protocols for various interventions, multidisciplinary collaboration, and delirium-preventive intervention.
This study is a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design that is intended to see if nursing intervention for delirium prevention may reduce the incidence of delirium and the days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit and if there are any effects of nursing intervention in patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category.
As subjects of research, 29 patients are assigned to control group and 27 to intervention group, among the patients who are hospitalized to intensive care units of internal disease category in a university hospital. Data for control group were collected from May, 2014 to June, 2014 and data for intervention group were collected from July, 2014 to August, 2014. As measuring instrument, RASS(sedation and irritability) and CAM-ICU are used. In intervention group who woke up from the state of sedation and whose score is RASS–3 point or higher, nursing intervention is carried out once on the first day, twice on the 2nd and 3rd day, and once on the 4th day: 6 times in total. Nursing intervention is specifically sub-categorized into physical support, communication, environmental intervention, behavior, and cognitive intervention. It is divided into general characteristics, disease characteristics, and treatment characteristics to analyze the effects of nursing intervention.
Among patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category, the incidence of delirium is 27.6% (8 patients) in control group and 18.5%(5) in intervention group. After nursing intervention, the incidence of delirium showed a reduction in number, but it was not statistically significant.
As a result of comparing the intervention group with the control group depending on disease characteristics, they showed a significant difference in disease severity and also showed a significant difference in the use of artificial respirator.
The days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit is 17.38±16.39 days on average in control group and 12.07±10.63 in intervention group. The days of hospital treatment was reduced, but it did not show a statistically significant difference.
In conclusion, it seems to be necessary to conduct a systematic training of delirium management so that nurses can assess delirium as exactly as possible and nursing intervention can be activated. It is also necessary to develop and provide evidence-based practical protocols for various interventions, multidisciplinary collaboration, and delirium-preventive intervention.This study is a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design that is intended to see if nursing intervention for delirium prevention may reduce the incidence of delirium and the days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit and if there are any effects of nursing intervention in patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category.
As subjects of research, 29 patients are assigned to control group and 27 to intervention group, among the patients who are hospitalized to intensive care units of internal disease category in a university hospital. Data for control group were collected from May, 2014 to June, 2014 and data for intervention group were collected from July, 2014 to August, 2014. As measuring instrument, RASS(sedation and irritability) and CAM-ICU are used. In intervention group who woke up from the state of sedation and whose score is RASS–3 point or higher, nursing intervention is carried out once on the first day, twice on the 2nd and 3rd day, and once on the 4th day: 6 times in total. Nursing intervention is specifically sub-categorized into physical support, communication, environmental intervention, behavior, and cognitive intervention. It is divided into general characteristics, disease characteristics, and treatment characteristics to analyze the effects of nursing intervention.
Among patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units of internal disease category, the incidence of delirium is 27.6% (8 patients) in control group and 18.5%(5) in intervention group. After nursing intervention, the incidence of delirium showed a reduction in number, but it was not statistically significant.
As a result of comparing the intervention group with the control group depending on disease characteristics, they showed a significant difference in disease severity and also showed a significant difference in the use of artificial respirator.
The days of hospital treatment in intensive care unit is 17.38±16.39 days on average in control group and 12.07±10.63 in intervention group. The days of hospital treatment was reduced, but it did not show a statistically significant difference.
In conclusion, it seems to be necessary to conduct a systematic training of delirium management so that nurses can assess delirium as exactly as possible and nursing intervention can be activated. It is also necessary to develop and provide evidence-based practical protocols for various interventions, multidisciplinary collaboration, and delirium-preventive intervention.
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