This study aims to analyze the aspects of case marker alternation according to the types of Korean predicate from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. In Korean, case postposition is considered to function as a case marker in general; however, case postposition differs in types of case marker a...
This study aims to analyze the aspects of case marker alternation according to the types of Korean predicate from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. In Korean, case postposition is considered to function as a case marker in general; however, case postposition differs in types of case marker alternation, possibility of the alternation and meaning construal according to the types of predicate. Thus, this study categorized types of predicate according to event schema and analyzed case marker alternation construction according to the types of predicate through the attribute of participants who take part in the event schema, the relationship and perspective of a speaker who interprets the event.
This article is divided into six chapters. The aims and the scopes of this study is demonstrated in chapter 1.
In chapter 2, the concepts of ‘event schema’ and ‘case marker alternation’ were discussed. ‘Event schema’ refers to cognitive frame that retains and structurizes a wide range of knowledge human beings acquire empirically. The structure of a sentence is determined by numbers of participants who participate in the structure of event which certain predicate indicates and attributes of the participants. In this study, a world that human beings experience was categorized into force-dynamic world, material world and psychological world; also, predicates were categorized according to the types of event schema that belongs to each category of the world. Regarding case marker alternation, the possibility of case marker alternation can be different from types of events, attributes of participants and relationship, and whether prominence of a speaker who interprets the events is assigned or not. To be specific, objects that are assigned a large prominence of speaker are shown as subjects or objects in a sentence functioning figure or trajector. Objects that are relatively low prominence are shown as complement functioning background or landmark.
In chapter 3, event schema of force-dynamic world was divided into agent movement verbs, theme movement verbs and reciprocal action verbs, and the aspects of case marker alternation were analyzed. Agent movement verbs were categorized into verbs that profile source, goal, route and direction according to the types of event. Depending on the types of event, the aspects of alternation of case markers such as ‘e’, ‘eseo’, ‘reul’, and ‘ro’ are different from each other when they combine with place noun phrase. In the phrase of theme movement verbs, a moving object and destination are necessities in sentence. In the sentence pattern of theme movement verbs, ‘reul’ is combined with noun phrase of moving object, and ‘e’ is combined with place noun phrase. However, ‘reul’ in noun phrase of moving object can be altered to ‘e’, and ‘e’ in the place noun phrase can be altered to ‘ro’ according to the category of verbs. The possibility of the alternation depends whether the status of place or objects is changed due to the effect of moving objects or not. Also, two agents are necessary for the events in the phrase of reciprocal action verbs. In reciprocal action verbs, case markers ‘wa’ and ‘ga’ are altered each other or change positions in sentence according to the prominence of a speaker.
In chapter 4, event schema of material world was divided into static schema verbs, occurrence/possession schema verbs and process schema verbs, and the aspects of case marker alternation were analyzed. Static schema verbs are subcategorized into feature schema verbs, spatial schema verbs and comparison schema verbs. In verb phrase representing feature schema, adjunct that combines possessor or place noun phrase with ‘euy’ represents in front of subject. When the adjunct of noun represents a place, ‘ga’ can be altered to ‘e’; however, when the adjunct of noun represents a possessor, ‘ga’ cannot be altered to ‘e’. Sentences with spatial schema verbs represent as two forms: location-subject construction and theme-subject construction. In location-subject construction, ‘ro’ is combined with theme, which is a complement, and ‘e’ is combined with location, which is also a complement. Comparison schema refers to relative attributes of two objects. In case of the verbs that represent distance between two objects or places, the possibility of combination of place noun phrase ‘e’ and ‘eseo’ is different from the meanings of each verb.
In chapter 5, case marker alternation of ‘psychological world’ event schema verbs was discussed. Psychological world refers to abstract space where a human being’s mind works. The predicates that belong to psychological world event scheme can be divided into emotion schema verbs and cognition schema verbs. Emotion schema is divided into direct description of one’s own emotion and description of certain objects or situation. When a theme which evoking emotion is used in the sentence of direct description of one’s own emotion, the theme evoking emotion is altered and combined with ‘ga’, ‘ro’ and ‘e’. However, in the sentence that represents an experiencer’s emotion about a certain theme, the case marker ‘ga’ cannot be altered to different case markers. Cognition schema refers to an experiencer’s mental cognition on objects or situation, and cognition is thinking works that consist of explanation, understanding and judgement of perceived objects or situation. In the sentence of cognition schema, the possibilities of combination of ‘reul’ and ‘ro’ with perceived objects are different from each other.
The last chapter includes the results of the research.
Event schema refers to cognitive frame that interprets events and motivates consistent forms of expressions that represent as phrases. It means that the way of sentence constitution is motivated by event schema and categorized with consistent forms. The results of this study contribute to have a power of the explanation in human cognition and language use by considering the relationship between event schema and sentence patterns as motivational other than arbitrary.
This study aims to analyze the aspects of case marker alternation according to the types of Korean predicate from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. In Korean, case postposition is considered to function as a case marker in general; however, case postposition differs in types of case marker alternation, possibility of the alternation and meaning construal according to the types of predicate. Thus, this study categorized types of predicate according to event schema and analyzed case marker alternation construction according to the types of predicate through the attribute of participants who take part in the event schema, the relationship and perspective of a speaker who interprets the event.
This article is divided into six chapters. The aims and the scopes of this study is demonstrated in chapter 1.
In chapter 2, the concepts of ‘event schema’ and ‘case marker alternation’ were discussed. ‘Event schema’ refers to cognitive frame that retains and structurizes a wide range of knowledge human beings acquire empirically. The structure of a sentence is determined by numbers of participants who participate in the structure of event which certain predicate indicates and attributes of the participants. In this study, a world that human beings experience was categorized into force-dynamic world, material world and psychological world; also, predicates were categorized according to the types of event schema that belongs to each category of the world. Regarding case marker alternation, the possibility of case marker alternation can be different from types of events, attributes of participants and relationship, and whether prominence of a speaker who interprets the events is assigned or not. To be specific, objects that are assigned a large prominence of speaker are shown as subjects or objects in a sentence functioning figure or trajector. Objects that are relatively low prominence are shown as complement functioning background or landmark.
In chapter 3, event schema of force-dynamic world was divided into agent movement verbs, theme movement verbs and reciprocal action verbs, and the aspects of case marker alternation were analyzed. Agent movement verbs were categorized into verbs that profile source, goal, route and direction according to the types of event. Depending on the types of event, the aspects of alternation of case markers such as ‘e’, ‘eseo’, ‘reul’, and ‘ro’ are different from each other when they combine with place noun phrase. In the phrase of theme movement verbs, a moving object and destination are necessities in sentence. In the sentence pattern of theme movement verbs, ‘reul’ is combined with noun phrase of moving object, and ‘e’ is combined with place noun phrase. However, ‘reul’ in noun phrase of moving object can be altered to ‘e’, and ‘e’ in the place noun phrase can be altered to ‘ro’ according to the category of verbs. The possibility of the alternation depends whether the status of place or objects is changed due to the effect of moving objects or not. Also, two agents are necessary for the events in the phrase of reciprocal action verbs. In reciprocal action verbs, case markers ‘wa’ and ‘ga’ are altered each other or change positions in sentence according to the prominence of a speaker.
In chapter 4, event schema of material world was divided into static schema verbs, occurrence/possession schema verbs and process schema verbs, and the aspects of case marker alternation were analyzed. Static schema verbs are subcategorized into feature schema verbs, spatial schema verbs and comparison schema verbs. In verb phrase representing feature schema, adjunct that combines possessor or place noun phrase with ‘euy’ represents in front of subject. When the adjunct of noun represents a place, ‘ga’ can be altered to ‘e’; however, when the adjunct of noun represents a possessor, ‘ga’ cannot be altered to ‘e’. Sentences with spatial schema verbs represent as two forms: location-subject construction and theme-subject construction. In location-subject construction, ‘ro’ is combined with theme, which is a complement, and ‘e’ is combined with location, which is also a complement. Comparison schema refers to relative attributes of two objects. In case of the verbs that represent distance between two objects or places, the possibility of combination of place noun phrase ‘e’ and ‘eseo’ is different from the meanings of each verb.
In chapter 5, case marker alternation of ‘psychological world’ event schema verbs was discussed. Psychological world refers to abstract space where a human being’s mind works. The predicates that belong to psychological world event scheme can be divided into emotion schema verbs and cognition schema verbs. Emotion schema is divided into direct description of one’s own emotion and description of certain objects or situation. When a theme which evoking emotion is used in the sentence of direct description of one’s own emotion, the theme evoking emotion is altered and combined with ‘ga’, ‘ro’ and ‘e’. However, in the sentence that represents an experiencer’s emotion about a certain theme, the case marker ‘ga’ cannot be altered to different case markers. Cognition schema refers to an experiencer’s mental cognition on objects or situation, and cognition is thinking works that consist of explanation, understanding and judgement of perceived objects or situation. In the sentence of cognition schema, the possibilities of combination of ‘reul’ and ‘ro’ with perceived objects are different from each other.
The last chapter includes the results of the research.
Event schema refers to cognitive frame that interprets events and motivates consistent forms of expressions that represent as phrases. It means that the way of sentence constitution is motivated by event schema and categorized with consistent forms. The results of this study contribute to have a power of the explanation in human cognition and language use by considering the relationship between event schema and sentence patterns as motivational other than arbitrary.
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