Changes of land use pattern by human and increases of the developed area and human population led to change of meteorological factors such as urban heat island. Temperature rise due to climate change influences of phenology of organism and phenological characteristics and meteorological factors are ...
Changes of land use pattern by human and increases of the developed area and human population led to change of meteorological factors such as urban heat island. Temperature rise due to climate change influences of phenology of organism and phenological characteristics and meteorological factors are closely related with each other. Therefore the interests in phenology as a critical indicator of climate change increase in these days. To diagnose climate change due to urbanization and ecosystem change due to climate change and further, to predict the trend of such changes, relationships between land use intensity and climatic factor, climatic factors and phenological events that organisms express have to be claritied. This study investigated phenology of Quercus mongolica appearing in Mt. Nam, Mt. Mido and Mt. Umyeon, Mt. Cheonggye and Mt. Buram, Gwangneung, and Mt. Jeombong, which are located in urban center, urban boundary, rural area, and natural forest, respectively. Negative correlations were shown between land use intensity and AGDD (accumulated growing degree day), and leaf unfolding date of Quercus mongolica extracted from analysises of digital camera and MODIS satellite images. Leaf unfolding dates observed in urban center, urban boundary and rural area were earlier than the expected date, it was deduced that this result would come from temperature rise due to intensive land use in these sites. As the result of analysis on relationship between phenological event date and physiological response date, start date of sap flow showed differences within one day and two days from leaf unfolding dates extracted from digital camera and MODIS satellite images respectively. On the other hand, trajectory of curvature K extracted from sap flow showed similar pattern to them from digital camera and MODIS satellite images. This result reflects that sap flow is closely related to phenology. I found availability as a tool to reinfore monitoring of phenology from this result.
Changes of land use pattern by human and increases of the developed area and human population led to change of meteorological factors such as urban heat island. Temperature rise due to climate change influences of phenology of organism and phenological characteristics and meteorological factors are closely related with each other. Therefore the interests in phenology as a critical indicator of climate change increase in these days. To diagnose climate change due to urbanization and ecosystem change due to climate change and further, to predict the trend of such changes, relationships between land use intensity and climatic factor, climatic factors and phenological events that organisms express have to be claritied. This study investigated phenology of Quercus mongolica appearing in Mt. Nam, Mt. Mido and Mt. Umyeon, Mt. Cheonggye and Mt. Buram, Gwangneung, and Mt. Jeombong, which are located in urban center, urban boundary, rural area, and natural forest, respectively. Negative correlations were shown between land use intensity and AGDD (accumulated growing degree day), and leaf unfolding date of Quercus mongolica extracted from analysises of digital camera and MODIS satellite images. Leaf unfolding dates observed in urban center, urban boundary and rural area were earlier than the expected date, it was deduced that this result would come from temperature rise due to intensive land use in these sites. As the result of analysis on relationship between phenological event date and physiological response date, start date of sap flow showed differences within one day and two days from leaf unfolding dates extracted from digital camera and MODIS satellite images respectively. On the other hand, trajectory of curvature K extracted from sap flow showed similar pattern to them from digital camera and MODIS satellite images. This result reflects that sap flow is closely related to phenology. I found availability as a tool to reinfore monitoring of phenology from this result.
#Phenology, Urbanization, Climate change, Digital camera, MODIS, Sap flow
학위논문 정보
서울여자대학교 대학원
Phenology, Urbanization, Climate change, Digital camera, MODIS, Sap flow
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