이 논문은 정조대 궁중기록화에서 수원화성을 배경으로 한 산수표현을 살펴본 것이다. 산수표현은 사실성에 중점을 두고 조선후기에 유행한 진경산수화풍을 따랐다. 정조대 수원화성을 배경으로 한 대표적인 궁중기록화는 《화성행행도》,『원행을묘정리의궤』·『화성성역의궤』·『뎡니의궤』도설,《화성춘추팔경도》,《화성전도》가 있다. 《화성행행도》는 1795년(정조 19) 정조의 수원행행을 행사주제에 따라 8폭으로 제작되었다. 이 중 <화성성묘전배도(華城聖廟展拜圖)>와 <서장대성조도(西將臺城操圖)>, <환어행렬도(還御行列圖)>, <한강주교환어도(漢江舟橋還御圖)>에서 배경인 수원향교와 서장대가 위치한 팔달산, 수원화성 성곽, 원행로의 주변 ...
이 논문은 정조대 궁중기록화에서 수원화성을 배경으로 한 산수표현을 살펴본 것이다. 산수표현은 사실성에 중점을 두고 조선후기에 유행한 진경산수화풍을 따랐다. 정조대 수원화성을 배경으로 한 대표적인 궁중기록화는 《화성행행도》,『원행을묘정리의궤』·『화성성역의궤』·『뎡니의궤』도설,《화성춘추팔경도》,《화성전도》가 있다. 《화성행행도》는 1795년(정조 19) 정조의 수원행행을 행사주제에 따라 8폭으로 제작되었다. 이 중 <화성성묘전배도(華城聖廟展拜圖)>와 <서장대성조도(西將臺城操圖)>, <환어행렬도(還御行列圖)>, <한강주교환어도(漢江舟橋還御圖)>에서 배경인 수원향교와 서장대가 위치한 팔달산, 수원화성 성곽, 원행로의 주변 산과 들, 바위, 나무 표현이 차비대령화원인 김홍도와 그 일파라고 할 이인문, 김득신의 진경산수화풍이다. 『원행을묘정리의궤』와 『화성성역의궤』,『뎡니의궤』는 을묘년 정조의 수원화성 행행과 수원화성 축성현장 배경 산수가 도설에 표현되어있다. 『원행을묘정리의궤』의 산수는 <알성도>, <서장대성조도>, <한강주교환어도>를 판화로 새겨 《화성행행도》와 밑그림이 같지만, 간략한 산수표현에 목각 선이 굵으며 강하다. 『화성성역의궤』와 『뎡니의궤』는 <화성전도>, <영화정도>, <행궁전도>, <성신사도>, <방화수류정도>, <남지도>, <영화역도> 등에서 수원화성 산수가 배경으로 등장하고 산과 바위, 나무 표현에 김홍도식 산수화풍이 뚜렷이 나타난다. 하지만 『뎡니의궤』는 채색본으로 판화보다 다양한 색채를 사용해 담채와 진채로 처리한 밝고 화려한 산수화풍으로 그려졌다. 수원화성 전경도류의 산수화 병풍으로는 김홍도의 《화성춘추팔경도》, 《화성전도》등이 전한다. 김홍도의《화성춘추팔경도》가운데 현존하는 그림은 <한정품국>, <서성우렵> 두 점이다. 김홍도가 단일시점과 절대준, 수지법으로 수원화성의 봄과 가을의 8경 산수인 서장대와 팔달산, 성 밖 넓은 들판을 표현하였음을 알려준다. 두 그림은 김홍도의 묘사력이 훌륭한 걸작들이다. 《화성전도》는 정조대 수원화성 완공 후 다수 제작되었으나 현재는 18세기말-19세기 초에 제작된 6폭 병풍과 19세기 말에 제작된 12폭 병풍이 남아있다. 6폭 병풍과 12폭 병풍은 모사본이지만 채색과 필선의 표현기법이 다르다. 하지만 두 병풍의 세밀한 준법은 김홍도 화법이 상당히 퇴락한 이후의 계승으로 보인다. 정조대 수원화성 관련 궁중기록화의 진경산수화는 을묘년 화성행행의 장소였던 수원향교와 서장대가 위치한 팔달산, 수원화성 성곽, 원행로 주변의 산수와 화성 축성으로 완공된 성 밖 축만제, 만석거, 수원천을 비롯하여 광교산, 칠보산 등 수원화성 실경이 바탕이다. 산수표현은 병풍과 판화에 따라 실경을 표현하는 화법이 달랐다. 차비대령화원들은 실경산수를 기록화에 표현할 때 실경을 그대로 사생(寫生)하거나 화보를 모사(模寫)하는 방법들을 통해 실경을 표현하였다. 실경의 표현은 과장, 생략, 변형 등의 조형적 변형을 시도했고, 실경과 무관하기도 했다. 그렇지만 정조대 수원화성 관련 궁중기록화는 차비대령화원들이 사실성에 중점을 두어 수원화성 실경을 자신만의 화법으로 그림에 표현함으로써 기록화에 진경(眞景)산수를 재현하였다. 수원화성 실경이 차비대령화원들의 회화관을 통해 재해석되어 진경산수화로 거듭나면서 궁중기록화의 산수표현은 정조대 절정을 맞았다. 아름다운 수원화성 실경과 정조의 수원화성 축성에 대한 이상은 차비대령화원들이 진경산수화로 궁중기록화에 실현하면서 수원화성이 조선후기 이상 도시로 그림에 남을 수 있었다.
이 논문은 정조대 궁중기록화에서 수원화성을 배경으로 한 산수표현을 살펴본 것이다. 산수표현은 사실성에 중점을 두고 조선후기에 유행한 진경산수화풍을 따랐다. 정조대 수원화성을 배경으로 한 대표적인 궁중기록화는 《화성행행도》,『원행을묘정리의궤』·『화성성역의궤』·『뎡니의궤』도설,《화성춘추팔경도》,《화성전도》가 있다. 《화성행행도》는 1795년(정조 19) 정조의 수원행행을 행사주제에 따라 8폭으로 제작되었다. 이 중 <화성성묘전배도(華城聖廟展拜圖)>와 <서장대성조도(西將臺城操圖)>, <환어행렬도(還御行列圖)>, <한강주교환어도(漢江舟橋還御圖)>에서 배경인 수원향교와 서장대가 위치한 팔달산, 수원화성 성곽, 원행로의 주변 산과 들, 바위, 나무 표현이 차비대령화원인 김홍도와 그 일파라고 할 이인문, 김득신의 진경산수화풍이다. 『원행을묘정리의궤』와 『화성성역의궤』,『뎡니의궤』는 을묘년 정조의 수원화성 행행과 수원화성 축성현장 배경 산수가 도설에 표현되어있다. 『원행을묘정리의궤』의 산수는 <알성도>, <서장대성조도>, <한강주교환어도>를 판화로 새겨 《화성행행도》와 밑그림이 같지만, 간략한 산수표현에 목각 선이 굵으며 강하다. 『화성성역의궤』와 『뎡니의궤』는 <화성전도>, <영화정도>, <행궁전도>, <성신사도>, <방화수류정도>, <남지도>, <영화역도> 등에서 수원화성 산수가 배경으로 등장하고 산과 바위, 나무 표현에 김홍도식 산수화풍이 뚜렷이 나타난다. 하지만 『뎡니의궤』는 채색본으로 판화보다 다양한 색채를 사용해 담채와 진채로 처리한 밝고 화려한 산수화풍으로 그려졌다. 수원화성 전경도류의 산수화 병풍으로는 김홍도의 《화성춘추팔경도》, 《화성전도》등이 전한다. 김홍도의《화성춘추팔경도》가운데 현존하는 그림은 <한정품국>, <서성우렵> 두 점이다. 김홍도가 단일시점과 절대준, 수지법으로 수원화성의 봄과 가을의 8경 산수인 서장대와 팔달산, 성 밖 넓은 들판을 표현하였음을 알려준다. 두 그림은 김홍도의 묘사력이 훌륭한 걸작들이다. 《화성전도》는 정조대 수원화성 완공 후 다수 제작되었으나 현재는 18세기말-19세기 초에 제작된 6폭 병풍과 19세기 말에 제작된 12폭 병풍이 남아있다. 6폭 병풍과 12폭 병풍은 모사본이지만 채색과 필선의 표현기법이 다르다. 하지만 두 병풍의 세밀한 준법은 김홍도 화법이 상당히 퇴락한 이후의 계승으로 보인다. 정조대 수원화성 관련 궁중기록화의 진경산수화는 을묘년 화성행행의 장소였던 수원향교와 서장대가 위치한 팔달산, 수원화성 성곽, 원행로 주변의 산수와 화성 축성으로 완공된 성 밖 축만제, 만석거, 수원천을 비롯하여 광교산, 칠보산 등 수원화성 실경이 바탕이다. 산수표현은 병풍과 판화에 따라 실경을 표현하는 화법이 달랐다. 차비대령화원들은 실경산수를 기록화에 표현할 때 실경을 그대로 사생(寫生)하거나 화보를 모사(模寫)하는 방법들을 통해 실경을 표현하였다. 실경의 표현은 과장, 생략, 변형 등의 조형적 변형을 시도했고, 실경과 무관하기도 했다. 그렇지만 정조대 수원화성 관련 궁중기록화는 차비대령화원들이 사실성에 중점을 두어 수원화성 실경을 자신만의 화법으로 그림에 표현함으로써 기록화에 진경(眞景)산수를 재현하였다. 수원화성 실경이 차비대령화원들의 회화관을 통해 재해석되어 진경산수화로 거듭나면서 궁중기록화의 산수표현은 정조대 절정을 맞았다. 아름다운 수원화성 실경과 정조의 수원화성 축성에 대한 이상은 차비대령화원들이 진경산수화로 궁중기록화에 실현하면서 수원화성이 조선후기 이상 도시로 그림에 남을 수 있었다.
This paper examines representation of landscape with Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in the background among court documentary paintings produced during the era of King Jeongjo. The representation of landscape stressed verisimilitude, and followed the painting style of true-view landscape painting that was ...
This paper examines representation of landscape with Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in the background among court documentary paintings produced during the era of King Jeongjo. The representation of landscape stressed verisimilitude, and followed the painting style of true-view landscape painting that was popular in the late Joseon Dynasty era. Representative court documentary paintings with a Suwon Hwaseong backdrop produced during the era of King Jeongjo include waseong haenghaeng-do, the diagrams and explanations of Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe, Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe(Jeongni-uigwe), Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do, and Hwaseong jeondo. The Hwaseong haenghaeng-do consisting of eight frames was produced according to the event themes of King Jeongjo's visit to Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in 1795 (19th year of King Jeongjo's reign). Among them, mountains, fields, and trees surrounding Paldal Mountain, in which Hwaseong Hyanggyo and Seojangdae are located, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, and the road of visit to the royal tomb, which are the backgrounds of Hwaseong seongmyo jeonbae-do (華城聖廟展拜圖), Seojangdae seongjo-do (西將臺城操圖), Hwaneo haengnyeol-do (還御行列圖) and Hangang jugyo hwaneo-do (漢江舟橋還御圖), were expressed by using the true-view landscape painting style of Kim Hong-do, who was a chabidaeryeong painter (artist of Dohwaseo [Korean Royal Academy of Painting]), and Yi In-mun and Kim Deuk-sin who may be said to belong to his school. As for Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe, Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe, the background landscape of King Jeongjo's royal trip in the eulmyo year and of the construction site of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress is expressed in their diagrams and explanations. The representation of landscape in Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe has the same rough sketch as that of Hwaseong haenghaeng-do as it was engraved into Alseong-do, Seojangdae seongjo-do and Hangang jugyo hwaneo-do, but it's representating of landscape are condensed with thick and strong wood engraving lines. As for Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe, in Hwaseong jeondo, Yeonghwajeong-do, Haenggung jeondo, Seongsinsa-do, Banghwasuryujeong-do, Namji-do and Yeonghwayeok-do, the landscape of Suwon Hwaseong appears as their backgrounds, and Kim Hong-do's landscape painting style is clearly visible in the expressions of mountains, rocks, and trees. Dyeongni uigwe, however, is a colored painting, and was painted in a bright and ornate landscape painting style treated with thin colors and deep colors using more diverse colors than engraving. As folding screens of landscape paintings of the same kind as Suwon Hwaseong landscape paintings, Kim Hong-do's Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do and Hwaseong jeondo have been handed down. The extant paintings out of Kim Hong-do's Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do are the two works of Hanjeong pumguk and Seoseong uryeop. They show that Kim Hong-do expressed Seojangdae, Paldal Mountain, and wide fields outside the fortress, which belong to eight best scenes in spring and autumn at Suwon Hwaseong, by using the single viewpoint, folded-strap texture strokes (折帶皴), and the tree drawing technique (樹枝法). The two paintings are Kim Hong-do's masterpieces of excellent power of description. A number of Hwaseong jeondos were produced after the completion of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress during the era of King Jeongjo; however, a 6-frame folding screen produced in the early 19th century and a 12-frame folding screen produced in the late 19th century are left at present. The 6-frame folding screen and the 12-frame folding screen are copies, but show their different coloring and brush line expression techniques. Yet, the detailed techniques of the two folding screens seems to be succession after Kim Hong-do's painting style considerably declined. The backgrounds of true-view landscape paintings in the court documentary paintings relating to Suwon Hwaseong during the era of King Jeongjo are actual view landscape of Suwon Hwaseong including Paldal Mountain where Hwaseong hyanggyo and Seojangdae, places of Hwaseong haenghaeng in the Eulmyo year, are located; Suwon Hwaseong Fortress; landscape around the royal visit route; Chukmanje reservoir, Manseokgeo reservoir, and Suwonriver stream outside the completed Hwaseong fortress; Gwanggyo Mountain and Chilbo Mountain. As for the representation of landscape painting styles of expressing actual views differed according to folding screens and engravings. When expressing the actual views landscape in documentary paintings, chabidaeryeong painters expressed actual views with the methods of sketching the actual views as they were or copying art books. In the expression of actual views, formative transformation such as exaggeration, omission and transformation was attempted, and sometimes the expression was irrelevant to actual views. As for the court documentary paintings relating to Suwon Hwaseong during the era of King Jeongjo, however, chabidaeryeong painters put emphasis on verisimilitude and expressed the actual views of Suwon Hwaseong in their paintings by using their own painting style, thereby representing true view landscape in the documentary paintings. According as the actual views of Suwon Hwaseong were reinterpreted and born again into true-view landscape paintings through the painting view of chabidaeryeong painters, the representation of landscape in court documentary paintings reached its peak during the era of King Jeongjo. As the beautiful actual views of Suwon Hwaseong and King Jeongjo's ideal about the construction of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress were embodied in court documentary paintings in the form of true-view landscape paintings by chabidaeryeong painters, Suwon Hwaseong was left in the paintings as an ideal city of the late Joseon Dynasty era.
This paper examines representation of landscape with Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in the background among court documentary paintings produced during the era of King Jeongjo. The representation of landscape stressed verisimilitude, and followed the painting style of true-view landscape painting that was popular in the late Joseon Dynasty era. Representative court documentary paintings with a Suwon Hwaseong backdrop produced during the era of King Jeongjo include waseong haenghaeng-do, the diagrams and explanations of Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe, Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe(Jeongni-uigwe), Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do, and Hwaseong jeondo. The Hwaseong haenghaeng-do consisting of eight frames was produced according to the event themes of King Jeongjo's visit to Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in 1795 (19th year of King Jeongjo's reign). Among them, mountains, fields, and trees surrounding Paldal Mountain, in which Hwaseong Hyanggyo and Seojangdae are located, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, and the road of visit to the royal tomb, which are the backgrounds of Hwaseong seongmyo jeonbae-do (華城聖廟展拜圖), Seojangdae seongjo-do (西將臺城操圖), Hwaneo haengnyeol-do (還御行列圖) and Hangang jugyo hwaneo-do (漢江舟橋還御圖), were expressed by using the true-view landscape painting style of Kim Hong-do, who was a chabidaeryeong painter (artist of Dohwaseo [Korean Royal Academy of Painting]), and Yi In-mun and Kim Deuk-sin who may be said to belong to his school. As for Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe, Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe, the background landscape of King Jeongjo's royal trip in the eulmyo year and of the construction site of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress is expressed in their diagrams and explanations. The representation of landscape in Wonhaeng eulmyo jeongri uigwe has the same rough sketch as that of Hwaseong haenghaeng-do as it was engraved into Alseong-do, Seojangdae seongjo-do and Hangang jugyo hwaneo-do, but it's representating of landscape are condensed with thick and strong wood engraving lines. As for Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe and Dyeongni uigwe, in Hwaseong jeondo, Yeonghwajeong-do, Haenggung jeondo, Seongsinsa-do, Banghwasuryujeong-do, Namji-do and Yeonghwayeok-do, the landscape of Suwon Hwaseong appears as their backgrounds, and Kim Hong-do's landscape painting style is clearly visible in the expressions of mountains, rocks, and trees. Dyeongni uigwe, however, is a colored painting, and was painted in a bright and ornate landscape painting style treated with thin colors and deep colors using more diverse colors than engraving. As folding screens of landscape paintings of the same kind as Suwon Hwaseong landscape paintings, Kim Hong-do's Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do and Hwaseong jeondo have been handed down. The extant paintings out of Kim Hong-do's Hwaseong chunchu palgyeong-do are the two works of Hanjeong pumguk and Seoseong uryeop. They show that Kim Hong-do expressed Seojangdae, Paldal Mountain, and wide fields outside the fortress, which belong to eight best scenes in spring and autumn at Suwon Hwaseong, by using the single viewpoint, folded-strap texture strokes (折帶皴), and the tree drawing technique (樹枝法). The two paintings are Kim Hong-do's masterpieces of excellent power of description. A number of Hwaseong jeondos were produced after the completion of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress during the era of King Jeongjo; however, a 6-frame folding screen produced in the early 19th century and a 12-frame folding screen produced in the late 19th century are left at present. The 6-frame folding screen and the 12-frame folding screen are copies, but show their different coloring and brush line expression techniques. Yet, the detailed techniques of the two folding screens seems to be succession after Kim Hong-do's painting style considerably declined. The backgrounds of true-view landscape paintings in the court documentary paintings relating to Suwon Hwaseong during the era of King Jeongjo are actual view landscape of Suwon Hwaseong including Paldal Mountain where Hwaseong hyanggyo and Seojangdae, places of Hwaseong haenghaeng in the Eulmyo year, are located; Suwon Hwaseong Fortress; landscape around the royal visit route; Chukmanje reservoir, Manseokgeo reservoir, and Suwonriver stream outside the completed Hwaseong fortress; Gwanggyo Mountain and Chilbo Mountain. As for the representation of landscape painting styles of expressing actual views differed according to folding screens and engravings. When expressing the actual views landscape in documentary paintings, chabidaeryeong painters expressed actual views with the methods of sketching the actual views as they were or copying art books. In the expression of actual views, formative transformation such as exaggeration, omission and transformation was attempted, and sometimes the expression was irrelevant to actual views. As for the court documentary paintings relating to Suwon Hwaseong during the era of King Jeongjo, however, chabidaeryeong painters put emphasis on verisimilitude and expressed the actual views of Suwon Hwaseong in their paintings by using their own painting style, thereby representing true view landscape in the documentary paintings. According as the actual views of Suwon Hwaseong were reinterpreted and born again into true-view landscape paintings through the painting view of chabidaeryeong painters, the representation of landscape in court documentary paintings reached its peak during the era of King Jeongjo. As the beautiful actual views of Suwon Hwaseong and King Jeongjo's ideal about the construction of Suwon Hwaseong Fortress were embodied in court documentary paintings in the form of true-view landscape paintings by chabidaeryeong painters, Suwon Hwaseong was left in the paintings as an ideal city of the late Joseon Dynasty era.
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