In this study, we want to find out the impact of tourism attraction and tourism acceptance posture on regional development in small and medium-sized cities. Through this, it will be possible to suggest ways to enhance satisfaction with domestic and foreign tourists visiting small and medium-sized ci...
In this study, we want to find out the impact of tourism attraction and tourism acceptance posture on regional development in small and medium-sized cities. Through this, it will be possible to suggest ways to enhance satisfaction with domestic and foreign tourists visiting small and medium-sized cities in the region. It will also move on to find ways to improve the local image through regional development and promote the attachment of local residents. Based on this study, it is expected that the government will be able to draw policy implications that can be pursued as tourism policies suitable for the actual conditions of small and medium-sized cities in the region, and present theoretical and practical implications that can be used as data for local development policies.
This study combined theoretical and empirical studies to achieve the purpose of research. Through the theoretical study, concepts and components related to tourism attractiveness, tourism acceptance posture, regional development, local affection and local image were discussed, and the influence relationship between each variable was reviewed. For empirical research, research models and hypotheses were set, and data collected through surveys were analyzed and tested. Data collection was conducted mainly in Iksan, a medium and small city, and basic data for hypothesis testing were calculated through reliability analysis and feasibility analysis, and hypotheses were tested through mid-return analysis. As a result of the test, each component of tourism attractiveness and tourism acceptance attitude was partially influenced by each component of regional development, so the lower theory was partially adopted. And each component of regional development appears to have an effect on each component of local attachment, so the sub-substantial theory is adopted separately. In addition, the components of regional development were adopted and partially adopted, showing that they fully and partially affect each component of the local image.
However, it is thought that this study implies limitations in the following aspects. First, this study will need to be careful about generalization in that the components of each variable identified by its research on the premise of medium and small cities and the relationship between the variables can produce somewhat different results depending on the region and the target of the survey. Therefore, it is expected that follow-up research on medium and small cities will continue to be carried out and theoretical accumulation will be realized. Second, this study was conducted on the residents of Iksan, a small and medium-sized city, taking into account the characteristics of the selected variables and the overall understanding and awareness of the area. When surveying local residents, it may be helpful to improve the quality of research by identifying the period of residence and investigating and analyzing it only for residents over a certain period of time. Most may be long-term residents in the region, but it is not conclusive, and even a small portion of the sample could be included in the sample, which is insufficient in that it could not be reflected. Therefore, in subsequent studies, it will be necessary to improve the quality of the study by adding a residence period to a demographic variable and taking measures to remove residents below a certain period from the sample. Third, it is possible to raise the issue of representativeness in that it investigated only one city, Iksan, among many medium and small cities. Of course, small and medium-sized cities have their own characteristics, so there is no standard for which characteristics of medium and small cities and how many of them should be selected as samples. Therefore, even if multiple middle and small cities with somewhat different personalities are selected as samples, this problem still exists, but it may help dilute the representativeness problem. Therefore, it will take a lot of time and effort, but it is expected that research will be conducted to select multiple middle and small cities with different personalities. Fourth, it is expected that the same studies as this study will accumulate and be compared to each other. However, it is hoped that the follow-up study will be able to find out whether the same results are produced or different by comparing the results of the study with tourists, except for the variables related to local residents.
In this study, we want to find out the impact of tourism attraction and tourism acceptance posture on regional development in small and medium-sized cities. Through this, it will be possible to suggest ways to enhance satisfaction with domestic and foreign tourists visiting small and medium-sized cities in the region. It will also move on to find ways to improve the local image through regional development and promote the attachment of local residents. Based on this study, it is expected that the government will be able to draw policy implications that can be pursued as tourism policies suitable for the actual conditions of small and medium-sized cities in the region, and present theoretical and practical implications that can be used as data for local development policies.
This study combined theoretical and empirical studies to achieve the purpose of research. Through the theoretical study, concepts and components related to tourism attractiveness, tourism acceptance posture, regional development, local affection and local image were discussed, and the influence relationship between each variable was reviewed. For empirical research, research models and hypotheses were set, and data collected through surveys were analyzed and tested. Data collection was conducted mainly in Iksan, a medium and small city, and basic data for hypothesis testing were calculated through reliability analysis and feasibility analysis, and hypotheses were tested through mid-return analysis. As a result of the test, each component of tourism attractiveness and tourism acceptance attitude was partially influenced by each component of regional development, so the lower theory was partially adopted. And each component of regional development appears to have an effect on each component of local attachment, so the sub-substantial theory is adopted separately. In addition, the components of regional development were adopted and partially adopted, showing that they fully and partially affect each component of the local image.
However, it is thought that this study implies limitations in the following aspects. First, this study will need to be careful about generalization in that the components of each variable identified by its research on the premise of medium and small cities and the relationship between the variables can produce somewhat different results depending on the region and the target of the survey. Therefore, it is expected that follow-up research on medium and small cities will continue to be carried out and theoretical accumulation will be realized. Second, this study was conducted on the residents of Iksan, a small and medium-sized city, taking into account the characteristics of the selected variables and the overall understanding and awareness of the area. When surveying local residents, it may be helpful to improve the quality of research by identifying the period of residence and investigating and analyzing it only for residents over a certain period of time. Most may be long-term residents in the region, but it is not conclusive, and even a small portion of the sample could be included in the sample, which is insufficient in that it could not be reflected. Therefore, in subsequent studies, it will be necessary to improve the quality of the study by adding a residence period to a demographic variable and taking measures to remove residents below a certain period from the sample. Third, it is possible to raise the issue of representativeness in that it investigated only one city, Iksan, among many medium and small cities. Of course, small and medium-sized cities have their own characteristics, so there is no standard for which characteristics of medium and small cities and how many of them should be selected as samples. Therefore, even if multiple middle and small cities with somewhat different personalities are selected as samples, this problem still exists, but it may help dilute the representativeness problem. Therefore, it will take a lot of time and effort, but it is expected that research will be conducted to select multiple middle and small cities with different personalities. Fourth, it is expected that the same studies as this study will accumulate and be compared to each other. However, it is hoped that the follow-up study will be able to find out whether the same results are produced or different by comparing the results of the study with tourists, except for the variables related to local residents.
#tourism regional development tourism attraction tourism acceptance posture local images local attachment
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