[학위논문]건강기능성 식품 및 화장품 소재 개발을 위한 땅콩나물 추출물의 기능성 탐색 Functional search of peanut sprout extract for the Development of nutraceutical and cosmeceutical ingredients원문보기
Peanut sprout is a food made by germinating peanut, and various studies are underway because of its excellent functionality and sensuality. However, there are many differences in accordance with peanut’s cultivar and growth cycles, and related researchs are insufficient. Therefore, in this study, to...
Peanut sprout is a food made by germinating peanut, and various studies are underway because of its excellent functionality and sensuality. However, there are many differences in accordance with peanut’s cultivar and growth cycles, and related researchs are insufficient. Therefore, in this study, to be present a plan to utilize peanut sprouts through verification of functionality by cultivar and period. In the anti-inflammatory efficacy test, which measured NO production, SP4DE, HC4DE, SH4DE generally showed good NO production reduction, especially the SP4DE showed the best efficacy.Melanin synthesis inhibitory ability was measured for whitening effect, and SPS4DE, TSS4DE, HOS4DE were showed excellent whitening efficacy, among which SPS4DE showed the best inhibitory ability.In the anti-obesity efficacy evaluation, SPS4DE and HCS4DE had excellent fat cell differentiation inhibition ability, especially SPS4DE showed the best anti-obesity efficacy. Therefore, 70% ethanol extract on Sinpalkwang germination day 4 which had the best effect on skin whitening anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity excluding was selected as an excellent breed and germination period.This showed that optimized peanut sprout by cultivar and germination period could be used as functional components in the beauty food and cosmetics industry based on inner beauty.
Peanut sprout is a food made by germinating peanut, and various studies are underway because of its excellent functionality and sensuality. However, there are many differences in accordance with peanut’s cultivar and growth cycles, and related researchs are insufficient. Therefore, in this study, to be present a plan to utilize peanut sprouts through verification of functionality by cultivar and period. In the anti-inflammatory efficacy test, which measured NO production, SP4DE, HC4DE, SH4DE generally showed good NO production reduction, especially the SP4DE showed the best efficacy.Melanin synthesis inhibitory ability was measured for whitening effect, and SPS4DE, TSS4DE, HOS4DE were showed excellent whitening efficacy, among which SPS4DE showed the best inhibitory ability.In the anti-obesity efficacy evaluation, SPS4DE and HCS4DE had excellent fat cell differentiation inhibition ability, especially SPS4DE showed the best anti-obesity efficacy. Therefore, 70% ethanol extract on Sinpalkwang germination day 4 which had the best effect on skin whitening anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity excluding was selected as an excellent breed and germination period.This showed that optimized peanut sprout by cultivar and germination period could be used as functional components in the beauty food and cosmetics industry based on inner beauty.
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