This study attempted to analyze and confirm the correlation between self-concept and the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice. The subjects of the survey were 194 junior and senior students selected from S universities by questionaire from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1983 in Seoul. The collected data ...
This study attempted to analyze and confirm the correlation between self-concept and the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice. The subjects of the survey were 194 junior and senior students selected from S universities by questionaire from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1983 in Seoul. The collected data was analyzed by t-test, AN-OVA, Pearson correlation according to purpose of study. The results were as follows: 1. Self-concept by religion was significant (F = 4.51, df=4/185, p= .002). 2. In the motives of selecting the nursing, most of students chose the nursing depending on their altruism(62.9%), ability and aptitude(57.7%) and better opportunity of studying abroad and Setting a job(49.5%) respectively. 3. The degree of clinical practice satisfaction was low as 2.80 of a total score 4.0. The degree of satisfaction of contents(3.33) revealed to be high. Compared with the degree of satisfaction on instruction(2.77), practice hours(2.83), practice environment (3.65), and clinical evaluation(2.60) revealed to be low. Religion and choice order of the admission were not significant in satisfaction of clinical practice(t=.37, p=.715). The main hypothesis that“The more positive self concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be”was not supported (r= .0509, p=.240). The first sub-hypothesis that“The more positive the cognitive self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction will be”was partially supported. Because favorite-isolated self-concept was significantly correlated with the satisfaction (r=.1189, P=.005). The second sub·hypothesis that“The more positive the evaluational self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be”was not supported. As a above results, self-concept was not influenced to the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice, therefore it is required that environment, instruction method and evaluation for clinical practice should be refined and improved by clinical administrators and nursing faculties for nor-sing student's satisfaction on clinical practice.
This study attempted to analyze and confirm the correlation between self-concept and the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice. The subjects of the survey were 194 junior and senior students selected from S universities by questionaire from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1983 in Seoul. The collected data was analyzed by t-test, AN-OVA, Pearson correlation according to purpose of study. The results were as follows: 1. Self-concept by religion was significant (F = 4.51, df=4/185, p= .002). 2. In the motives of selecting the nursing, most of students chose the nursing depending on their altruism(62.9%), ability and aptitude(57.7%) and better opportunity of studying abroad and Setting a job(49.5%) respectively. 3. The degree of clinical practice satisfaction was low as 2.80 of a total score 4.0. The degree of satisfaction of contents(3.33) revealed to be high. Compared with the degree of satisfaction on instruction(2.77), practice hours(2.83), practice environment (3.65), and clinical evaluation(2.60) revealed to be low. Religion and choice order of the admission were not significant in satisfaction of clinical practice(t=.37, p=.715). The main hypothesis that“The more positive self concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be”was not supported (r= .0509, p=.240). The first sub-hypothesis that“The more positive the cognitive self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction will be”was partially supported. Because favorite-isolated self-concept was significantly correlated with the satisfaction (r=.1189, P=.005). The second sub·hypothesis that“The more positive the evaluational self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be”was not supported. As a above results, self-concept was not influenced to the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice, therefore it is required that environment, instruction method and evaluation for clinical practice should be refined and improved by clinical administrators and nursing faculties for nor-sing student's satisfaction on clinical practice.
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